Chereads / Literotica Lover / Chapter 180 - Chapter 57

Chapter 180 - Chapter 57

I let Natalie go, knowing I could easily skip dinner and take her to my bed. Even after the morning with Liz and Lucy, and my afternoon romp with Tori, I still had plenty of juice left in the tank, and I was betting I'd need it tonight.

After drying and dressing, I headed down to the dining room, but I stopped at the door and took in the sight of my women.

Seated around the large dining table sat the women of my—not so little anymore—harem. Vicky, the voluptuous blonde, sat beside her redheaded twin sister. The two were as different as any of the other girls, sharing only a few facial features. Vicky was short and curvy, with breasts that could drown a man, and her dazzling blue eyes only outshined her smile. In contrast, Liz was tall—a touch taller than me—with a hard, toned body. Her breasts were smaller than her sisters, but they fit her frame perfectly, and while Vicky's ass would bounce with each slap, you could bounce a dollar off Liz's taut cheeks.

Lucy sat on Liz's other side, her hand on the athletic redhead's arm as she laughed at something the other woman said. The Japanese beauty was something to be marvelled. She was nearly as tall as me, with long, slender legs, a slim body, and enormous breasts that made her look more like a fantasy character from a hentai movie.

Across the table sat my gorgeous sister, lover, and mother of my son. Our boy rested in her arms as she breastfed him, his eyes still closed as he sleepily fed. Tori flashed me a smile before returning her gaze to little Mal. I was glad to have had time with her earlier, if only to help boost her self-esteem. Tori had been the most negatively affected during her pregnancy; I wanted her to know how much I loved and desired her.

If that took a few more sessions together, well, I was happy to endure that procedure.

Natalie and Hayley were seated beside Tori, both women giving me a knowing smile. There was a good chance that Natalie's performance earlier was at Hayley's suggestion. They rarely went a day without conspiring.

More than once during Hayley's pregnancy, she had sent Natalie to please me in the middle of the night. It didn't matter if I were in bed alone or with someone else; Natalie would show up and complete whichever task Hayley had 'ordered' her to do. I knew Natalie had a submissive side, but it turned out that she didn't follow my orders if they conflicted with Hayley's. I still remember the look on Liz's face when she woke up to Natalie riding me one night. I thought the redhead might join in, but instead, she kissed me before slipping out of bed. Although she did linger by the door for a few moments, watching Natalie and me.

She didn't wake up the other two times. Not that I was aware of anyway.

"Good evening, ladies," I greeted the room, taking my chair at the head of the table. At first, I hadn't liked the idea of seating myself like a king among his subjects, but the women unanimously agreed that I should.

After a few months, I finally admitted to myself that it felt pretty damn awesome.

"And good evening to me," my mother said, sweeping into the room like a storm of smiles, kisses, and hugs. She never made it to me, stopping at her grandchildren as Natalie vacated her seat between Hayley and Tori for my mother.

"Good to see you again, Mum," I said.

"You too, Darling," she replied, flashing me a quick smile before turning to take in each of the women. "How are you, girls? Vicky, you look ready to pop."

"Any day now," Vicky grinned.

"We're taking bets on who's first," Lucy added.

"I have a feeling it'll happen at the same time," my mother said.

"At least give me an hour break between labours," I laughed nervously.

"Don't worry, dear. We're all here to support each other," Melissa smiled.

Liz and Natalie rose shortly after my mother arrived and began passing out empty plates before stacking the dinner table with takeaway containers from our universally favoured Chinese restaurant. It had become a bad habit of ours—getting takeaway—but with everyone being so busy and having so many mouths to feed, we ended up ordering out a few times a week to give the resident cooks—Natalie, Hayley, and I—a break. It wasn't that the others couldn't cook; it was just that the three of us enjoyed it as a group activity.

Although once was enough with Liz cooking. The beautiful redhead had a physique that would make a master artisan cry with envy, but she could burn a bowl of cereal if left unattended.

"Well...I'm stuffed," I said, leaning back in my chair once my plate was cleared.

"I haven't felt this full since I was pregnant with Mal," Tori yawned. "I'm going to sleep well tonight."

"Especially with grandma here to babysit," Hayley grinned.

"Don't get too used to it," my mother smiled, rocking Mal in her arms. "But yes, you girls get a good night's sleep."

"You're the best," Hayley said, kissing my mother on the cheek.

"Double best," Tori kissed her opposite cheek.

"Alright, you've buttered me up enough for one night, now off to bed with the lot of you. Grandma has everything under control."

"Thanks, Mum. Don't hesitate to get one of us if you need anything at all," I said, getting to my feet to help clear the table.

Hayley, Liz, Tori, and I cleared the table in record time, filling into roles to get the dishes cleaned, dried, and stacked with professional proficiency. No one had a particular job around the house, but we all knew what needed doing and did it without question.

When I finished cleaning up the kitchen sink, I noticed I was alone with Hayley. My sister and Liz had completed their jobs and went their separate ways. Liz to the living room with my mother, Vicky, and Lucy, while Tori yawned loudly and muttered something about a bed before slipping away.

I never believed in coincidences in this house.

Hayley had her back to me as she wiped down a kitchen bench. The tight leggings she wore hugged her firm ass and rode low on her hips, leaving a thin strip of creamy flesh exposed where her top didn't cover. Hayley was the slimmest of all my women, with a body that bordered on petite. But her ass was the thing of dreams.

I wiped my hands dry on a dish towel before crossing the smooth kitchen tiles. Memories of our time down the coast flashed. The time I had fucked her like an animal on the kitchen table. I had fucked each of my women before breakfast that day.

Hayley spun around just before I reached her, a devious look on her face. "Took you long enough. I've been scrubbing that same spot for about ten minutes."

"What can I say. I was enjoying the view," I grinned.

"Speaking of view. Your shirt is wet. Take it off," Hayley crossed her arms over her small breasts and raised an eyebrow.

"Someone's bossy tonight," I chuckled, pulling my shirt over my head.

"You're the one who can't do the dishes without getting water on himself," Hayley smirked. "Maybe you should just do it shirtless from now on."

"I'm genuinely surprised this house hasn't turned into a naked commune," I laughed.

"Give it time," Hayley smiled. "Now, get over here and kiss me."

I wasted no time crossing the remaining distance and pulled Hayley against me. Our lips met with a hungry intensity, our tongues danced, and our moans united as Hayley's body melted into mine. I felt Hayley's slender arms wrap around the back of my neck and shivered when her nails ran through my thick hair.

"We should probably take this upstairs," I said, a little out of breath once our lips parted.

"Yes. We don't want to keep Nat waiting," Hayley winked.

I chuckled at the confirmation that Natalie was waiting for us in my bedroom upstairs. I should have guessed from Natalie's attention earlier that the platinum-haired minx was getting me worked up for tonight.

"Maybe we do keep her waiting," I said, cupping Hayley's small, firm ass.

"Oh," Hayley grinned. "That might be a little too mean, even for me."

"She deserves it, just a little bit," I replied, kissing the smooth, milky skin of Hayley's neck.

"Whatever you want, my love," Hayley purred.

I glanced around the kitchen quickly and knew we could probably fool around without anyone walking in on us, but I decided against it. It would be a bad precedent to set around my women, and I wanted some modicum of decency around the house.

I took one of Hayley's hands in mine and led her out of the kitchen and upstairs. I immediately noticed all bedroom doors were closed, except for Hayley's. Tori would be in her room getting a good night's sleep while our mother looked after Mal, and Lucy would most likely be downstairs in the twin's room. She rarely slept in her own bed of late, preferring the company of her friends during her pregnancy.

"Your rooms that way, dummy," Hayley giggled, nodding to my closed door.

"Natalie was mean to me before," I smirked. "So I'm going to make her wait just a little longer."

"That's mean," Hayley giggled. "I love it."

I pulled my curly-haired lover into her room, leaving the door wide open. I wanted to make sure Natalie heard what was going on, and since Tori slept like a corpse, I wasn't too worried about waking her. Our lips mashed together with the hungry intensity of a wild animal as our hands flew to each other's clothing. Our garments flung across the room as if a tornado suddenly erupted in the centre of the bedroom, creating a collage of our clothes that painted the floor and furniture of Hayley's room.

I felt Hayley's hand around my cock at the same time as her lips kissed across my chest. I gasped in pleasure as her soft, delicate hands worked along the length of my shaft. Hayley echoed my gasp as I wrapped an arm around her slender body and reached between her legs from behind, running my digits along her smooth, slick entrance.

"You know I made her do that," Hayley grinned as she stroked my cock.

"I assumed as much," I chuckled, rocking my hips in time with her hand.

" I going to get punished too?" Hayley asked, a dark, devious look flashing across her eyes.

I replied by giving Hayley's perfect ass a firm smack, drawing a low moan from her full lips. Early in our relationship, I had assumed Hayley was a textbook sub when it came to sex, but it was only much later that I learned she was usually the dominant role in the bedroom. At least that's what she told me. When I questioned her about the role reversal with me, she would shrug and just say it felt right. She was far from Lucy and Vicky's level, but Hayley definitely enjoyed me taking control.

A stark contrast to how she dominated Natalie.

"I plan on taking out my frustration on you," I whispered into Hayley's ear. "Then I'll make Natalie clean my cock with her mouth."

Hayley's body shuddered at my words, and I felt her almost melt into my body. Her mouth closed around the skin of my shoulder, and I felt her teeth bite down gently as she let out a low growl of pleasure. My fingers were still toying with her wet entrance as I spoke, and I inserted two digits deep inside her pussy at the crescendo of my short speech. Hayley's already heightened arousal, mixed with our proximity, my hands on her body, and my words were enough to cause her first orgasm of the night.

Hayley possessed an incredibly visual mind and often worked herself up by spoken words and reading as she let her mind fill with graphic images and thoughts. I knew this and often exploited it with a few choice words here and there.

I held onto Hayley as she rode out her first orgasm of the night. Her breath was hot against my skin as her lips kissed along my clavicle and up my neck.

"You know exactly how to press my buttons," Hayley purred. "About as well as I know yours."

I replied by pressing my fingers into her warm entrance, but it was I who moaned loudly when Hayley's thumb rubbed across my glans while her other hand began to massage my balls expertly. I pulled her tight against my body, trapping her arms between us as she continued working my shaft and testicles. My hips bucked against her body as my tip began dripping pre-cum, spreading it across the silky smooth skin of Hayley's stomach.

"Holy shit," I gasped as a ripple of pleasure shot through my loins.

"That's right, baby," Hayley cooed. "You're so sexy when you're about to cum."

I opened my eyes—not realising I had closed them—and saw Hayley staring intently at me. Our eyes locked, and I watched her smile broaden as my fingers slid into her again. Then we began the game of who would cum first.

I was at a considerable disadvantage in this game since Hayley had already reached a climax, and Natalie had done a great job working me up before dinner. It didn't matter that I'd already filled Tori's mouth and pussy only a few hours ago. I was hornier than a teenager watching his first porno. There was no way I could win this one.

"Wait," Hayley said, stopping her stroking of my cock. "Follow me."

I didn't get a chance to object as my climax was abruptly halted. Hayley was rarely this dominant with me, and I knew I'd be in for a good time, so I played along and let her lead me—quite literally by the dick—out of her bedroom and towards the master bedroom where I knew Natalie was waiting.

Hayley flung the doors open and led me inside. I stopped just inside the entrance and took in Natalie's naked body. The white stockings that hugged her thighs tightly were the only clothing she wore, except for a black sleeping mask over her eyes and a red ball gag stuffed between her luscious lips. Her hands were behind her back, and I could see from where I stood that her wrists were bound to the large pill at the bottom corner of the enormous bed.

"You didn't tell me she was tied up," I said to Hayley. "Now I feel a little bad for making her wait."

"You know better than that," Hayley giggled, closing the bedroom doors. "Natalie has been getting hornier by the second in here by herself. Haven't you, my love?"

Natalie nodded, moaned out a response, and her hips wiggled from side to side as she pressed her thighs together. Hayley grabbed me by the cock once more and gently led me over to our bound lover. A hand on Natalie's shoulder was enough to encourage her to kneel, then Hayley removed her ball gag.

"Fuck I'm so horny. Please let me join in," Natalie moaned immediately. "I'm sorry for earlier, Jason. Ple—"

Hayley silenced the white-haired girl by tugging me forward and aiming my cock at her lips. I took her lead and stepped forward to grasp a fistful of Natalie's long, platinum hair in one hand while the fingers on my other hand curled around the back of her neck. I placed the tip of my cock between Natalie's lips and thrust forward in one smooth motion. Natalie was an incredibly skilled lover and could have deepthroated my entire length with ease, but she hadn't expected the sudden oral invasion. I managed to fit half of my length into her mouth and down her throat before my lover gagged. I pulled out to give her a breath of fresh air, then took the second plunge. Natalie had prepared herself this time, and I felt her throat open easily as she took my entire length.

"That's a good girl," Hayley purred, stroking Natalie's hair as her eyes met mine. "Fill her up."

I withdrew from Natalie's throat, leaving the tip of my penis between her lips before thrusting deep once again. Each thrust of my cock down her throat drew a muffled moan of pleasure from Natalie and a loud primal growl from me. Hayley alternated between Natalie and me, stroking her hair and face, kissing along my chest and stomach, and letting her hands roam my body as she all but humped my thigh like a cat in heat. It was all far too much for me to handle, and I reached the crescendo of pleasure within minutes.

"I'm going to," my words broke off with a growl of pleasure as I hilted my cock down Natalie's throat. I felt her nose press into my pubis as the tip of my penis erupted, spewing a massive load straight down my lover's throat.

"That's it, baby. Let it all out," Hayley purred, wrapping her arms around my waist and resting her head on my shoulder.

I couldn't form words to respond as my head swam with pleasure. I felt Natalie's tongue on the underside of my shaft, lapping along my rigid tool and stimulating my balls enough to draw out the pulsating orgasm that flooded her inside already.

A rapid series of taps on my thigh drew my attention, and I immediately slid my cock from Natalie's throat. My lover gasped, coughed, then drew in a heavy breath before she began kissing along the length of my cock. I wasn't done with my orgasm, though; my tip continued to spurt my creamy seed onto Natalie's face and hands as my cock pulsed and throbbed. Hayley dropped to her knees immediately and joined her friend, taking my tip between her lips and slurping greedily at my remaining seed like a thirsty woman in the desert.

The ordeal lasted only a dozen seconds, but I was well and truly spent and satisfied. I gripped the corner beam of my bed for support as my head spun in pleasure. Neither of my women had let up, and I could feel two tongues on either side of my shaft as my women worked in tandem to clean my rod.

"That was worth the wait," Natalie said, wiping a glob of my seed from her chin before licking her finger clean.

"Let me help," Hayley said, licking along Natalie's cheek and kissing her girlfriend, sharing what treasures she'd cleaned.

"I told you I'd get you back," I winked, then noticed Natalie's free hands. "You weren't really tied up?"

"You both need to learn how to tie better knots," Natalie grinned.

"Next time, I'm using handcuffs," Hayley chuckled.

"Promise?" Natalie winked.

My women shared another kiss, only this time their whole bodies pressed together, and I felt my quickly softening cock spring back to life for another round. I stepped back to admire the beauties kneeling on the carpet by the bed and let my cock bounce back to life. It bobbed with the flow of blood, matching the pulse of my heart until he stood tall, proud, and ready to rumble.

"Look's like the main course is here," Natalie smiled.

"I wonder who it could be for," Hayley smirked.

I looked between my women and decided they had led this encounter long enough. It was time to remind Hayley who was boss.

"You, stand," I pointed to my curly-haired lover.

"Excuse me?" Hayley replied, raising a perfect eyebrow. She was in her 'boss-bitch' mood with Natalie around, but I knew her more than well enough to know I should keep pushing.

"Natalie, will you help Hayley to her feet," I said firmly without breaking eye contact with Hayley.

I hid my surprise as Natalie actually followed my instructions and stood up, pulling Hayley with her. I spotted a barely suppressed smirk from Hayley as she complied and knew she loved every second of this. I spun Hayley around so her ass was facing me and placed her hands on the bedpost. Natalie took my lead and lashed her friend's wrists around the bedpost, deftly tying a knot that looked far superior to anything I knew, and I doubted Hayley would be able to wiggle her way free as Natalie had.

"Teaming up on me now, are we?" Hayley smirked.

I replied by slapping her firm ass, drawing a very un-Hayley squeal from the gorgeous brunette. The slap was just hard enough for Hayley, and the way she wiggled her ass at me, indicated she was expecting another.

I stepped close behind Hayley, close enough that my cock slipped between her legs, and I made sure to run the entire length of my shaft through Hayley's moist pussy lips. My hands found the comfortable and familiar holds on my lover's hips, and Hayley arched her back to perfection as I slowly pushed and pulled her against my thrusts, gliding my rod between her increasingly wet sex. The heat between her thighs was almost unbearable, and I wanted nothing more than to sink myself deep inside her pussy.

"Jason," Hayley moaned pleadingly.

I looked to Natalie and gave the white-haired minx a wink. Somehow, she knew what I wanted her to do without speaking a word, and she slipped the ball gag into Hayley's mouth before tightening the buckle to hold it in place. Hayley moaned loudly as it settled in place, and I swear I felt her pussy lips flutter against my erection.

"Good girl, Natalie," I said, drawing a pleased smile from my lover. "Now come here and give me a kiss."

I embraced Natalie with one arm as she slid up beside me. Our lips met as her hands caressed my back and stomach. Hayley wiggled her hips, grinding herself on my cock as best she could while Natalie and I pointedly ignoring her, knowing it would drive the curly-haired brunette nuts.

"Mmm, your body is spectacular," Natalie said, tracing a line around my pectoral muscle with one finger. "You've always been incredibly handsome and sexy, but now it's just not fair."

"It's only fair I look as good as I can when I have so many goddesses living with me," I replied, kissing a line along her jaw.

"I know what you mean," Natalie purred, glancing over at Hayley, squirming against her bonds.

Natalie and I made out for a few minutes as I slowly glided my shaft along Hayley's pussy. More than once, the pale-skinned brunette tried to angle her hips so I would slip into her, but I matched her movements, keeping myself just out of her reach. In truth, it was agony for me too, but I was enjoying the moment.

Natalie gave me a devious look, and I knew she wanted to assist. I gave my lover a nod in confirmation, and she dropped to her knees. I felt Natalie's hand around the base of my shaft and pulled back and away from Hayley's entrance. The brunette girl let out a muffled protest that lasted only a second or two while Natalie angled my cock for me, and I sank myself deep into Hayley's pussy.

Hayley's groans of protest were quickly replaced with muffled sounds of ecstasy as our bodies joined once more. She was incredibly hot and wet, and I felt a shiver of electricity rock my body as I rooted myself deep inside her pulsating tunnel. All my women felt terrific, and I would often sheath my cock inside them and stay like that, relishing in the warmth and wetness of their pussy.

I felt another warm sensation across my balls and looked down to see Natalie beneath Hayley and me on her knees. Our shared girlfriend ran her tongue across my balls, Hayley's clit, and out joined sex, adding to our pleasure. I pulled out slowly, letting Natalie lap at Hayley's juices and lick along the underside of my shaft before sinking deep again. I kept up an agonisingly slow pace for a few minutes as the room filled with muffled moans of pleasure and frustration as Hayley all but begged to be fucked harder.

Maybe she was begging, but neither of us could understand her.

"I think she is getting frustrated," Natalie all but giggled.

"I think you're right," I said with mock concern.

I leaned down, hooked my left arm around Hayley's left, resting the crook of my elbow on the inside of her knee, and lifted her leg off the ground. This left Hayley resting all her weight on one leg, giving me greater access to her pussy. It also gave Natalie a better view of our joined sex. Then I started pumping my hips, creating the satisfying wet smacking sound that accompanied any coupling with my women.

Hayley really let loose with her moans, and I realised it was probably the gag in her mouth that made her feel more comfortable about how vocal she could become. We did share a house with the rest of my women, and now there were babies here. I'd have to ensure I organised plenty of truly private time with my women to make sure each was satisfied. Thankfully my mother had the perfect place if the house was packed.

The bed creaked, and the bedpost rocked as I started slamming into Hayley. She gripped the frame and pushed against it, meeting my thrusts as best as possible with the bit of leverage she possessed.

"I think she wants it inside her," Natalie purred.

I glanced down to see her kneeling beneath Hayley, her hands trailing up Hayley's legs and across her stomach as her lips kissed and sucked at the brunette's small nipples. This sent Hayley over the edge, and I felt her pussy constrict and tighten around my shaft as her body vibrated. I gritted my teeth and tensed my stomach, ass, and groin muscles as I struggled to push my climax down. But I was fighting a losing battle.

"Natalie," I groaned. "Untie her."

Natalie shot to her feet and deftly loosened the bindings around Hayley's wrists, followed by the gag. I hadn't asked her to remove the ballgag, but the two women embraced and shared a rather messy kiss that took my mind off my impending orgasm for just a few seconds.

"On the bed," I ordered Natalie, still pumping into Hayley's pulsating pussy. "On your back."

Natalie complied, all but throwing herself onto her back, opening and lifting her legs high and wide. We had done this before, and my women knew what I wanted.

"Your turn," I growled, grasping a fistful of Hayley's curly hair and pulling her head back, bringing my lips close to her ear. "You'll share this."

Hayley nodded, her lips parted and glassy eyes looking at me with open adoration and love as I manhandled her just the way she loved. Wish a firm but gentle shove, I pushed her on top of Natalie, and the white-haired nympho hooked her legs over Hayley's and drew her in. The action caused my cock to slip free, giving me a second to admire how their pussies pressed together like the most incredible sandwich in the world. Then I sank into Natalie and let go of my restraint.

I couldn't see Natalie's face, but the sound of her gasp told me that she hadn't been expecting me to fill her up so suddenly. She probably expected Hayley to be first, which is why I chose her. I growled with primal pleasure and groped hard at Hayley's ass and hips, leaving faint hand prints on her pale skin. I poured my seed into Natalie for a few seconds, then slipped from her soaking pussy to plunge into Hayley's well-fucked cunt. Natalie's whimper echoed Hayley's moan of pleasure as she was suddenly filled once more, and I grasped a fistful of her brown locks as my hips bucked into her hard enough to slide both women up the bed a few inches.

I switched between my women once more before I was utterly spent, shooting the final small spurts of my seed onto their bare, juicy pussies before collapsing onto the bed beside them. The sheets had been changed sometime after I had fucked Tori here, and I was glad we weren't going to have to change them again since most of the mess was contained.

I was utterly exhausted.

"Have I ever told you two how much I love you," Natalie said between heavy gasps and moans as her climax still rocked her body.

"Tell me tomorrow," Hayley said sleepily, already sounding half-asleep as she lay atop Natalie.

"I think I broke her," I chuckled, gently slipping Hayley off Natalie's body to lay between us.

"I don't think that's ever happened before," Natalie smiled, cuddling up beside Hayley.

"We should gang up on her more often," I grinned.

"Yeah, it was fun," Natalie returned my grin. "But can I ask a favour?"

"Anything," I nodded.

"Can we spend some time alone soon," Natalie asked shyly.

"Of course," I smiled and leaned across the comatose body of Hayley and kissed the platium-haired vixen.

"Thanks," Natalie kissed me back.

"Oh...Natalie," I added. "I love you too."

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