Chereads / Literotica Lover / Chapter 176 - Chapter 53

Chapter 176 - Chapter 53

A forty-minute drive led Vicky and myself out of Sydney's main hustle and bustle and into the outer, quieter suburbs. The houses were all similar, the lawns were freshly mowed, and the trees were planted at even intervals down the centre traffic island that divided the main street. We passed by a small outdoor shopping centre with the bare necessities; supermarket, post office, butcher, take away shops, and a few small businesses. It looked like a nice place to live, only it would be a bummer to have to drive forty minutes to get to the beaches my women loved to visit so often. At least the new house would have a pool, that's if it was still on the table.

I didn't really know what to expect from my father after everything. The short discussion I'd had with my mother the night before hadn't really gained me any answers. She had just assured me that everything would work out and to leave it to her. She was a fierce woman--that much I knew from my childhood--and it was heart-warming to see her mother-grizzly side fighting for me and my unborn child...well, now unborn children. Tori was pregnant, and I had a feeling I was going to have more on the way soon.

The prospect of one child had once sent my anxiety levels skyrocketing, but now I just felt joy at the opportunity. My women wanted to have children with me, and I wanted to give them that. It would be difficult, but I was sure we could--as a family--meet any challenge head-on.

At least these kids were going to have plenty of love and care around them at all times.

"This is the place," Vicky said once I stopped the car.

"What's so special about this place?" I asked, looking around. We were at a park with a children's playground with some picnic tables dotted around. Kids played on the multi-coloured playground and in the sandpit while parents looked on. Couples lounged on blankets on the soft grass, and even a few joggers and cyclists passed by. The whole scene had a quiet calm about it that contrasted heavily to the packed beaches and city streets I was accustomed to.

"We used to live around here," Vicky said. "My father would bring Liz and me down to this park each weekend."

"You've never mentioned your father before," I said.

"He died when we were little," Vicky said sadly.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. It was a long time ago now," Vicky replied. "I just like coming back here from time to time."

"How did he die?" I asked. "If you don't mind me asking."

"Heart condition," Vicky said. "I don't know all the details, just that he had several surgeries to try and fix his heart, but in the end, it wasn't enough. My grandfather went the same way."

"Hereditary condition then?" I asked.

"Yes," Vicky nodded. "Thankfully, it wasn't passed on to either Liz or me."

"I'm glad to hear that at least," I said. "How come you don't live out here anymore?"

"Couldn't afford it," Vicky replied.

I felt a pang of sadness for my blonde-haired girlfriend and her sister. The area they currently lived in was far from a slum or a terrible part of town, but it was definitely in a cheaper neighbourhood. I also knew that Liz had taken up dancing at a strip club to help pay the bills and that Vicky took the odd modelling job whenever she could to chip in. I suddenly felt terrible for always taking everything I had, had when growing up for granted. I'd been out on my own for some time now, but I never had to worry about paying for University or keeping a roof over my head. My father was an asshole, but he still provided everything I needed for me to set myself up. These wonderful women had lost their father--who they obviously loved--and had been forced out of their home and to grow up quickly to help pay the bills.

My determination to succeed in my plans had just increased ten-fold. I would do everything in my power to help provide for my women.

"Don't worry," I said, taking Vicky's hand. "I'm going to make sure you and Liz don't have to just get by anymore."

"You don't have to," Vicky smiled. "We are fine, really, we are."

"I'm not taking no for an answer," I said. "I want to help."

Vicky smiled and kissed me softly. It was different from our regular kisses, which were usually filled with lust and urgency. This one was tender and soft but brimming with passion.

I was going to have a chat with my mother about what we could do for Vicky, Liz, and their mother. I was actually a little put off that my family hadn't done anything for the girls already, considering how close Tori and Vicky were. Then I remembered that my father controlled pretty much everything in the family.

Still...he could have at least given one of them a job.

"Let's run," Vicky smiled.

We started off on the path that circled around the park, then split off into the trees at the far end. We jogged at a leisurely pace for a couple of laps around the park before splitting off and delving into the forest. We ran side-by-side when we could, but the path wasn't very wide, and other runners, walkers, and cyclists were travelling in the opposite direction to us. I didn't mind moving in behind Vicky because I got to admire her glorious rump as it bounces enticingly ahead of me. The tightness of her leggings left almost nothing to the imagination, and I soon remembered how difficult it was to run with an erection.

"Let's take a break," I said, jogging up beside Vicky.

"Sure thing," Vicky said, slowing to a walk.

I spied a park bench about fifty metres up the track and motioned to it. Vicky and I slumped onto the bench, breathing heavily. The pathway through the forest felt secluded, but the existence of a bench--and the occasional cyclist or jogger--took away from the feeling of isolation. But it did give me an idea.

"We should go camping sometime," I said.

"Ooo, that would be great!" Vicky beamed. "Liz really loves camping, although she goes a bit nuts with it."

"How so?" I asked.

"One time, she did a three-day hike where she set up camp in a new location each night. Carrying everything on her back each day," Vicky said.

"She did this by herself?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No," Vicky shook her head. "Her first boyfriend."

I hadn't even heard of any of my women talk about past relationships--apart from Leon and Hayley--so the news took me off guard. Deep down, I knew that they would have dated guys in high school--they were all tens on their worst days--but I just hadn't been faced with it yet. Liz was beautiful, loyal, and passionate, but I still didn't expect to hear she had dated a guy before. She seemed too awkward around men. At least she was towards me in the beginning.

"What was he like?" I asked.

"A fucking dickhead," Vicky snorted with laughter. "He spent way too much time looking at himself in the mirror and always expected Liz to be on call whenever he needed her."

"Sounds like you girls dated some real winners," I laughed.

"Don't even get me started on Tori's first boyfriend," Vicky giggled.

The thought of any of my women with another man was enough to make me jealous, but the feeling was ten-fold when it came to my sister. Tori wasn't just my girlfriend--and mother to my future child--she was also my sister. Sure, we hadn't gotten along for much of our youth, but I still loved her. Knowing and falling in love with her now just confirmed my belief that no one--potentially even myself--would ever be good enough for her.

"Don't worry," Vick assured me. "You're ten times the man any of those guys were."

"Thanks," I smiled.

"What about you and Lucy?" I asked.

"Lucy was a bit of a slut," Vicky said, without a hint of accusation.

"And you?" I asked.

"Let's just say Lucy, and I have some stuff in common," Vicky giggled and bumped her shoulder into me playfully.

"What am I going to do with you," I shook my head with playful disappointment.

"What. Ever. You. Want," Vicky said slowly.

Our eyes met, and I felt an intense burning lust from her eyes. Her body radiated heat, and the glint of arousal in her clear, blue eyes made my heart race and my cock pulse. I had been staring at her ass for the last fifteen minutes, but one look from my blonde lover had me harder than a granite boulder.

"You know how you girls joke about me having a magic dick?" I said.

"It's no joke," Vicky grinned. "That thing is fan-fucking-tastic."

I laughed at her bold statement and cupped her face gently. "You are all magical to me. There's something about you and the others that I cannot explain. Just being in your presence makes me forget everything else and throw reason to the wind."

"Then do it," Vicky said in a low, husky voice.

Just then, a couple with a stroller came around the bend, and Vicky and I toned it down. I took her hand in mine and smiled at the couple as they passed by. Vicky looked longingly at the stroller and the obvious newborn sleeping soundly.

"You want one, don't you?" I asked.

"Yes," she nodded. "I never thought I wanted kids, but after meeting you, I can't wait to have one."

"It's not just because of Hayley and Tori?" I asked.

"Tori's pregnant!" Vicky exclaimed. "WHY WASN'T I TOLD?!"

Vicky shot to her feet and squealed with delight, then threw herself on me, kissing me deeply before covering my face in quick kisses.

"Woah, calm down," I laughed. "We only found out last night. I'm actually quite surprised Tori didn't tell you this morning."

"I wasn't there long before you interrupted everything," Vicky giggled. "But that does explain why she rushed to the bathroom suddenly when I got there."

"Why were you there so early? And getting changed?" I asked. "I seem to remember both you and Tori not being morning people."

"I had a photoshoot at the ass-crack of dawn," Vicky replied. "It was closer to our place than mine, so I decided to drop by and take Tori out for a run."

"I'm surprised Liz didn't come with you," I said.

"She was working later," Vicky shrugged. "Otherwise, she would have."

The thought of Liz taking her clothes off for a bunch of random men made my blood boil, but it was something she had been doing since before I met her, and I didn't want to be one of those guys that forced his girlfriend--or girlfriends--to do or stop doing things simply because he didn't like it. They were all free to do as they pleased without seeking my permission.

"Don't worry. She hates it as much as you do," Vicky said as if reading my mind. "The club she works at has strict no-touching rules, and they look after their girls. I hope that settles your fears a little."

"A little bit," I chuckled.

"Anyway," Vicky said, wiggling herself against me. "Enough about everyone else. I want you to put a baby in me, now."

I laughed at Vicky's forwardness, especially since she had been so adamant--not that it mattered after long--that I not cum inside her the first time we hooked up.

"We kind of don't really have any privacy," I said.

"Then follow me."

Vicky grabbed my hand with both of hers and tugged me to my feet before we set off again. We followed the path for another ten minutes before Vicky led me down a narrow, grown-over path further into the forest, where we walked for another fifteen minutes before I started hearing the tell-tale signs of water ahead. Another few minutes brought us to a small, knee-deep river with a large thicket of bamboo growing on the opposite bank.

"Across the river," Vicky said.

The water wasn't deep, but I still preferred to not get my shoes and socks wet. Thankfully, some stepping-stones made crossing the four-metre river easy. Once on the other side, I could see a small clearing amongst the bamboo stalks with lush-looking grass.

"Been here before?" I asked.

"Liz and I found this place a while back. Don't worry, you're the first guy I've brought here." Vicky winked.

"I feel very privileged," I chuckled.

"You should," Vicky grinned.

The clearing inside the thicket of bamboo stalks was quite small--maybe big enough for a two-person tent--and extremely private, with little of the surrounding trees and bushland visible to us from inside our quaint sanctuary. Sunbeams shone through the overhead canopy, landing on the beautiful blonde goddess before me. Vicky's hair shone like golden silk, and her bronzed skin glowed with a mixture of sweat from our run and the light of the mid-morning sun. Vicky smiled at me as I took her in. flashing me her brilliant pearly whites, framed by her full, soft lips that begged to be kissed.

"You're so beautiful," I said with awe.

"Thank you," Vicky blushed in a very un-Vicky-like way. She was always the most forward--tied closely with Lucy--out of all of my women, so seeing her acting so bashful was incredibly cute.

I took two steps closer to my blonde-haired lover and pulled her against me. Her body melted into mine, and our lips met for a gentle kiss. Our tongues explored one another's mouths like it was our first time. Vicky made a sound like she was purring, and I felt her body tremble in my arms as we languidly made out amongst the trees and bamboo stalks.

Our kiss ended as slowly and softly as it began, and Vicky pushed herself back to arms-length before pulling her tank-top over her head, followed by her sports bra. I was momentarily stunned when her bountiful breasts spilled forth. Vicky's mountainous melons were absolutely perfect. From their shape and size that seemed to defy gravity, down to her perfect--perpetually hard--nipples that stood to attention, begging for me to play with them.

"I want you to give me a baby, right here," Vicky said, hooking her thumbs into the waistband of her leggings, tugging them down just enough to expose her gloriously wide hips and the top of her silky smooth mons veneris. "Earth to Jason, you there, babe?"

I looked up to see Vicky smiling coyly at me, her hands stopping just before revealing everything to me. A beam of sun shone across Vicky's naked torso, creating a shiny shimmer across her sweat-slicked skin, but it was her eyes and dazzling smile that took my breath away.

"I'm here," I nodded. "I was just stunned for a moment at how amazing you are."

Vicky giggled and bit her bottom lip, then spun around to face away from me before bending at the waist to slide her leggings off. This girl knew exactly what she was doing, and if I wasn't already hard enough to hammer nails, I would be now. I was actually quite surprised my basketball shorts were holding together.

I stripped my shirt over my head and dropped my shorts and underwear in record time. I didn't care to put on a show all that much--if my women wanted one, they could always ask--I just needed to claim this beauty as my own once more. But this time, I would put a baby in her. I wasn't sure the difference trying for one would have over what we'd already been doing. Vicky had mentioned early on she wasn't on birth control, and I just assumed that since she hadn't said anything since that she had started. All I knew was the idea of breeding this magnificent creature was incredibly arousing.

"Come here," I said, motioning for Vicky to come to me.

Vicky smiled and obeyed, sauntering over to me with a wildly exaggerated sway to her hips. Her breasts bounced gently with each step, but my eyes were glued to her. I reached out to pull her against me as soon as she was within arm's reach. We gasped together as our skin contacted once more. The heat from Vicky's body was almost too much to bear, but I would suffer the worst fires of hell for this woman. Our lips met in a somewhat mix of frantic, lust-filled making out and passionate loving kiss. My hands roamed over her hips and cupped her bountiful booty while Vicky's hands trailed up and down my back before resting on my hips.

"I want you so bad," I whispered when our lips parted.

"I always need you," Vicky replied.

Vicky was quite a bit shorter than me--only a touch taller than Tori--but she felt perfect. I didn't know how to describe it, but each of my women felt perfect in my arms. Even though they were far from the same in height and shapes. Our foreheads pressed together for a moment, then I felt Vicky's hand on my rock-hard shaft. She grasped my butt cheek with one hand while she began working my shaft with the other. I felt wetness around my cock, and for a moment, couldn't pick what it was.

"Just lubing you up," Vicky winked when I looked at her.

I looked down when her hand left my erection and saw it disappear between her legs for a moment, only to return, covered with her own juices before the blonde-bombshell massaged it into my flagpole of a dick.

"Then I think we're ready," I said in a tone heavy with lust.

"I've been ready since I saw you this morning," Vicky purred.

"You could have joined in," I said, kissing her neck softly.

"I know," Vicky moaned. "But I wanted you to myself. I hope that isn't selfish."

"Not at all," I smiled as I nibbled her ear. "I need to make more time for each of you."

"You're such a good man," Vicky said. "Now, please make love to me."

I didn't need any further invitation. I grabbed Vicky by the hips and lifted her easily. Vicky squealed in delight and wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. With my prize in hand, I gently lowered myself to my knees, and with one arm around her waist, I used the other to lower my lover to the soft grass beneath us.

"I can't believe how strong you are," Vicky purred. "It felt like I weighed nothing to you."

I felt my man-brain go into overdrive at her compliment. It hadn't felt like too much to lift, and it felt really good to be able to lift my women so easily. Like I was some Viking raider carrying his women off for a night of intense rutting. Well, in this case, it was a mid-morning rut in the forest.

Vicky's legs opened wide for me, and I felt her hand slip between our bodies and grab my shaft. Our lips met as I brought myself closer, and with my lover's hand guiding me, I slipped inside of her warm tunnel with little resistance. I moaned into Vicky's ear, and she moaned into mine as I filled her passage. Her walls gripped me tightly, and the warmth from her thighs sent a rush of pleasure through my entire body.

We didn't speak after that point--there were no words that needed to be said. Our bodies stayed joined as one as we made slow, sensual love in the grass, outdoors, with the breeze kissing our naked bodies and the shafts of sunlight warming our skin.

Vicky and I had had some amazing sex in the past. She was so passionate, lustful, and eager to please that it wasn't hard for us to get lost in the moment and fuck like animals. But this time was quite different. Usually, we would have changed up positions a couple of times, and Vicky would have taken me in her mouth more than once--she really loved sucking my dick--but not this time. We stayed in that same position for what I estimated to be about an hour. Our bodies moved together in perfect unison, only at a much slower pace. The build-up to my climax was so slow and gradual that I didn't feel it coming until it was too late. I barely had time to warm my lover before I let out a series of moans as I filled her womb to capacity, triggering another orgasm from my sandy-haired lover.

Once we had both come down from our euphoria, I slid out of Vicky's pussy, collapsing on the grass beside her. Vicky immediately cuddled up beside me, and I wrapped an arm around her as she rested her head on my chest.

"That was...incredible," I said, still catching my breath.

'Mmmm, I know," Vicky purred. "You're amazing, Jason."

I kissed Vicky on the forehead and wondered if she planned to fall asleep right here and now. I knew it was probably a good idea to get dressed and head back, but I didn't want to break the moment. Surely we'd be okay for another ten minutes or so.

"It's nice here," Vicky said sleepily after a few minutes.

"I know," I replied, kissing her forehead. "I forgot how quiet the outdoors is."

"You've spent most of your life in the cities, haven't you?" Vicky asked, shifting her position, so she was resting her chin on her hands across my chest.

"Yeah," I nodded. "Sydney my whole life, then Melbourne. We would travel to the coast every year, but I rarely spent time away from the cities."

"Then camping would be a great idea," Vicky grinned. "There's a long weekend coming up in a few weeks. Maybe we could organise something."

"That's actually a great idea. I really enjoyed the beach holiday we had and would love to spend some more time with you girls," I said.

"Just beware, Hayley and Lucy don't camp well," Vicky giggled.

"Well, I guess I'm just going to have to make sure they're well catered for, won't I?" I smirked.

"You're the best boyfriend," Vicky smiled and kissed me. "But we better get going."

"Good idea."

We had a quick wash in the river--along with some playful groping and kissing--before we dressed, not caring about getting our clothes wet. The return trip took far longer since we were only walking instead of running or even jogging. The casual walk back was lovely and peaceful, and we chatted about our lives, and I learned how Vicky and Tori had become friends.

"Oh yeah, Tori got picked on a lot in our first year of high school," Vicky said. "The glasses made her a target."

"That's rough," I sighed. "I didn't know anything about that."

"Don't beat yourself up about it. That girl can take a lot and dish it out," Vicky grinned.

"What happened then?" I asked.

"Hayley happened," Vicky replied. "Liz and I knew her from primary school, but she was older than us. By the time we reached high school, she had a reputation for being a bit of a bitch. As soon as she stepped in for Tori, the bitches who were bullying her backed off."

"So, what you're saying is I shouldn't get on Hayley's bad side?" I laughed.

"Oh yeah, do not piss her off," Vicky giggled.

"Come to think of it, I do remember the quiet rage in her eyes when Madison came back," I said, mostly to myself.

Vicky let out a goofy laugh and hugged my arm, clutching my hand in both of hers. "Yeah, I wouldn't have wanted to be that girl if Hayley got to her first. Shed fierce."

"So, how did you and the others become friends?" I asked.

"Liz and I stuck together a lot. Twin thing," Vicky said as if that was the only explanation needed. "And Lucy and Hayley were best friends, even back then, Hayley spent most of her time at Lucy's house instead of her own. One day Liz was sick, and I had no one to talk to, so I sat with Tori. We became best friends immediately. From there, she properly introduced me to Hayley and Lucy, and the rest is history."

"Liz always found it hard fitting in, though, didn't she?" I asked.

"A little," Vicky shrugged. "She can be shy. Took her a few weeks to even talk to Hayley and Lucy without me there."

"I have a feeling it might have been her attraction to girls," I mused.

"What do you mean?" Vicky asked in confusion.

"Well, Liz likes girls and has loved you in that way for a very long time," I started explaining. "Now she is being introduced to a bunch of pretty girls that she could quite possibly start feeling for. Or maybe she was worried you'd like them more than her. It's hard to say since I didn't know any of you apart from Tori back then. But most of Liz's issues with me were attraction and jealousy, to begin with."

"You could be right," Vicky pursed her lips in thought. "Come to think of it, I do remember her being shy when we had sleepovers, and the other girls would change. It could be that she was dealing with her girl attraction back then."

"You didn't know she liked women?" I asked.

"Not at all," Vicky shook her head. "I guess I kind of figured she might since I had found women attractive too. But Liz only ever dated guys in high school."

"Could be she was trying to mask or deny it to herself," I said.

"Probably," Vicky nodded. "Anyway, this gives me an idea."

"What is it?" I asked.

"You should spend more time with Liz," Vicky grinned.

"How did you get that idea from the topic of our conversation?" I laughed.

"Because I love you, and I love my sister, and you make her happy," Vicky beamed brightly.

"That still doesn't make sense," I shook my head and chuckled.

"I don't care," Vicky giggled. "It's a great idea, isn't it?"

"I have to admit. It sounds like a fantastic idea," I smiled, pulling Vicky in for a quick kiss. "Now, let's get back home. We have been gone for a long time."

"Everyone knows you can't keep your hands off me," Vicky smirked. "It won't be a surprise that we are out for a while."

"I'm gonna let that slide until next time you attack me," I said with a raised eyebrow. "Now get your buns in the car."

Vicky giggled as she climbed into the passenger seat of the BMW. I stared at the car for a moment and finally decided I would sell the thing. I'd have to check to make sure I actually could first. Maybe my mother would be able to help me out.

Now the only question was...what car did I want?

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