Chereads / Literotica Lover / Chapter 174 - Chapter 51

Chapter 174 - Chapter 51

The three of us lay panting on Lucy's large bed for probably a half an hour at least. The room had turned into a sauna during our session earlier, and I could smell the scent of arousal and sex that filled the room. The light from the candles danced across our naked bodies, showing the sheen of sweat that clung to each of our bodies. But none of us were as thoroughly messy and almost comatose as Lucy was.

My raven-haired girlfriend's arms were still bound, but she didn't seem to mind. Her hair was damp and matted. It clung to her pale skin and looked as if someone has dripped black ink across her flawless body. Hayley didn't look much better off. Her curls were heavy with sweat and looked nothing like their usual perfection. But both of my women were just as gorgeous as they were when they spent two hours getting ready.

"Fucking hell," I breathed heavily. "That was intense."

"It sure was," Hayley grinned, rolling onto her side to spoon Lucy.

"Again," Lucy managed to say. "I wanna go on that ride again."

Hayley and I laughed at the obviously exhausted and thoroughly fucked Lucy as she grinned like an idiot. Then I helped loosen the rope that bound her arms behind her back before pulling her gently into my arms. She melted against me with a satisfied sigh. And we shared a long kiss before Hayley joined in. First kissing Lucy, then myself.

Then I sat upright as I realised we'd lost track of time. I bounded off the bed and searched for my phone in the discard pile of clothes. I finally found it and groaned when I saw the time.

I had less than thirty minutes to get to the meeting with my father. I wasn't going to make it. No matter what I did right now, I'd be late.

"I need to shower quickly and go," I said to the girls. "I didn't realise what time it was."

"What's wrong?" Hayley asked, sitting up.

"A meeting with my father. One I cannot be late for."

"Through that door," Hayley pointed to a sliding door in the corner of the room.

I gave her a quick kiss—gathered up my clothes—and darted through the door and into the bathroom. I showered as quickly as possible. Not caring that I now smelled like cocoa buttermilk. I dried off hastily and dressed without even caring about making myself presentable. Surely my old man would frown upon me being in such a dishevelled state. But It was better than being even later. I really didn't care what his opinion of me was anymore.

"Do you want me to meet you there?" Lucy asked as I entered the bedroom.

"No, it's fine," I said. "Probably best for me to deal with this on my own."

"Okay," she said, not sounding very confident. "Good luck."

I gave both of my women another quick kiss goodbye, then all but jogged through the hallways of Lucy's house and out the front to my car. One of the girls must have gotten up after I left because the gate was sliding open just as I started the engine. With a slight squeal from my tires, I was soon punching it out of the driveway.

As usual, when you needed to be somewhere at a specific time, everything that could go wrong did go wrong. I got every red-light I came to. Roadworks, and even a car accident that closed the road down to one lane. I felt bad for being annoyed at the accident—since people could be hurt—but then I saw that some dumb-ass had just rear-ended another car which then sent that into the car in front. Then I noticed the same situation on the opposite side of the road. No doubt some nosey dickhead was watching what was happening with the fender-bender and not keeping their eyes on the car in front of them.

Typical Sydney drivers.

I ended up pulling up to the firm about twenty-minutes late. Not bad considering I'd left with hardly any time to spare, plus all of the obstacles in my way. I was sure I had at least one speeding ticking heading my way. But that was a problem for another day.

The building receptionist let me through without issue and I hit the button for the lift to take me to the top floor. Where my father's office was.

The elevator seemed to take forever to ascend the height of the building. It stopped a few times, and people I recognised got in from time to time. Each of them gave me an averted greeting. Keeping it short and simple. They must have heard about the rift between my father and me and even though I got along with them in the short time I was here. They valued their jobs first.

The lift was empty again once I reached the floor of my father's office. I would have bet the remaining money in my bank account that even if one of them needed to come to this floor. They would have chosen to get off earlier and avoid what was about to come. The mood was incredibly tense, and it started to make me wonder what exactly this meeting was about.

It couldn't just be about me.

As soon as the door dinged, I heard two people arguing. I couldn't hear what was being said, but it came from the closed door of my father's office.

I was kind of hoping to see Natalie here, but her large desk was vacant. I doubt my father would have fired her—since his old partner was her grandfather—but he knew we were close. Sending her away for our meeting was a move he would pull to make sure I had no support handy.

Maybe I should have let Hayley come along.

I heard a third voice talk as I approached the door to the office. It seemed to be a man who was trying to calm the other two down. Then I heard my father's voice, but this time I was close enough to hear what was being said.

"Why do you even care what happens to him!?" my father all but screamed. "Not once in the life of our marriage have you ever cared about that boy."

"That's as much your fault as it is mine."

I stopped just short of opening the door as I heard her voice. The voice of my mother. I knew I shouldn't eavesdrop. But I couldn't help myself.

"Don't try to pull that shit on me now," my father retorted. "You always try to take the high road even when you were nothing but a shitty mother and a terrible wife."

"If you could let go of her then maybe we could have been happy."

At first, I thought the 'her' my mother had mentioned was Emily. My father's side piece. But then I remembered the story of my father's first love.

"How could I let her go?" my father growled. "He's an everyday reminder of her! Of what I lost!"

"He lost her too!" my mother shouted.

A long silence deafened my ears. Or maybe it was my brain trying to comprehend what I'd heard. I pulled over a chair to take a seat when I felt my legs growing a little tired. I zoned out and wasn't sure if my parents were still screaming insults at each other. All I could think about was what they'd said. Then one sentence broke through the silence.

"He isn't your son. So, he isn't your problem."

My father's words were soft, but they cut deeper than the worst insult shouted my way. My mother was the woman who died. My father's first love. Not the woman who had raised Tori and me.

The next thing I knew, I was riding the lift back down to the ground floor. I walked in a daze, not really thinking. Then I was in my car and driving back to the apartment I shared with my mother and sister. I'd missed my meeting altogether. But I didn't care. My parents had lied to me my whole life and there was only one person I needed to be with right now.

"Tori!" I shouted as soon as the apartment doors were open.

I closed and locked the front door before jogging through the kitchen and down the hall to Tori's bedroom. She must have heard me because she met me halfway with a frightened look on her face.

"Jace! What's wrong?"

I wrapped my arms around my only sibling and hugged her tight against me. I couldn't form any words as I held her close. Her arms tightened around my waist in return, and she pressed the side of her face into my chest.

We stood like that for what must have been fifteen minutes before I finally loosened my grip. Not once did Tori try to extract herself from my embrace, nor did she try to talk. She just let me hold her for as long as I needed.

"I love you," I said, cupping her face in my hands as I stared into her gorgeous eyes.

"I love you too," she smiled.

We kissed softly, and I felt her body melt into mine once again. As before, we stayed like that for quite some time before we parted. Our foreheads pressed together as we locked eyes. Tori was smiling, but it was a sad smile. Like something was on her mind.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I'm pregnant," she whispered.

The words were spoken softly, but they might as well have been shouted from the roof-tops with a megaphone yelling into a PA system. Tori looked worried, and I couldn't blame her. We'd only just agreed to stop trying for fear of what would happen to our child.

I guess some good news can come from the secret I learned today.

"Tori," I started, but the front door interrupted what I was about to say.

I took Tori by the hand and led her into the living room. Holding hands as we were would be bad if it were my father coming over. But I really didn't give a shit if he knew now. It might actually be worth it to see the look on the bastard's face.

Unfortunately—and fortunately—it was our mother standing in the kitchen. She must have left the firm shortly after I had to be home so soon. She looked a little surprised to see me here but covered it quick enough.

"Who told you about the meeting?" I asked.

My mother looked shaken by my abrupt question but covered it quickly. "Hayley called me. She said you left in a hurry to meet your father. I went along for moral support, but you never showed up."

"I decided it wasn't worth my time," I shrugged.

"Then how did you know I was there?" she asked curiously.

"Tori," I said turning to my sister. "Do you mind if I have some private time with Mum?"

"What's going on?" Tori asked, looking back and forward between us.

"I need you to trust me," I said, taking her hands. "We just have a few things we have to sort out."

"No," she said, shaking her head. "I'm not going to be left in the dark about anything else. This family has way too many secrets."

"She's right Jason," my mother cut in. "She deserves to know, just as you did."

"Fine," I nodded. "Spill it."

I wasn't mad with my mother for keeping such a secret from me. Okay...maybe I was a little annoyed. But the blame was to be my fathers mostly. I had no doubt in my mind that he would have wanted to keep it covered up. Maybe if he pretended long enough that I wasn't the son from his first love, then maybe it would be true. Or maybe I just wasn't good enough in his eyes to come from her.

"Tori," my mother said, taking a deep breath. "I am not Jason's biological mother."

I knew. The conversation between my mother and father at the office was enough for me to believe it. But hearing her say it was still shattering. made so much sense. I had my father's looks—but not his temperament—and definitely nothing like my mother. Tori and I looked nothing alike, mostly because she took after our mother...her mother so much. But maybe I took after my mother. That would explain why I was such a painful reminder to my father for my entire life. And why my mother hadn't really bonded well with me.

"Oh Jason," Tori said, tears in her eyes as she hugged me. Then turned to her mother. "How could you keep this from him?"

"Tori—" she started, but Tori cut her off.

"You were always mean to Jason when we were growing up, and this is why," Tori took a step closer to her mother. "But since he came back home, you've been getting along so well. Why hadn't you told him? Or me!?"

Tori was growing increasingly angry as her voice rose. She wasn't shouting, but it wouldn't be long until she was. Especially with the only response being silence.

"She didn't want to influence anything," I said, stepping forward to place a hand on Tori's shoulder. "And she didn't want to ruin anything that we'd built since I came home."

"What do you mean?" Tori asked.

"She came to me awhile back," I said. "Like you did. But I turned her down because I didn't love her that way at the time."

I kept it a secret that she was willing to blackmail me to get me into bed with her. It was a dog-move on her part, but I liked to believe that was the old version of herself. And I truly believed she regretted her choice of actions that night.

"I was terrified of this conversation. Terrified of losing both of you to the truth, and every day I put it off it became harder and harder do," she said, taking a step closer to me. " were a wonderful boy and a pleasant young man. You have grown into more of a man than your father ever could be. And neither your father nor I can claim credit for the amazing man you are today. I was horrible to you because you represented the culmination of love between your father and a woman I could never live up to in his eyes. It was wrong, and I am sorry for being a horrible mother to you."

She kept her eyes averted, looking down at her hands. I had never seen my mother in such a nervous state before. She was always so calm, assured, and confident in everything she did. That's how I knew she was being honest.

Plus...we had become very close since I returned home.

I looked at Tori and gave her a smile. Then I stepped away from my sister and embraced my mother. She may not have given birth to me, and she might have been a horrible parent when I was growing up. But I couldn't blame her completely. She also brought my wonderful sister and lover into the world and somehow did a bang-up job raising her.

"I love you, Mum," I said, giving her a smile.

"I love you too, Jason."

Then we shared a kiss. Our lips met and our tongues explored each-others. It wasn't the first kiss we'd shared, but it was definitely the most memorable one. I had been given the green-light from my women to pursue a relationship with my mother, even though I wasn't sure I wanted to. At first, the idea wasn't appealing. She was incredibly attractive and had an amazing body for a woman her age, but it was more her personality that soured my interest in her. But that had changed dramatically and now I found myself growing increasingly fonder of the woman.

"Come here sweetheart," my mother held her hand out to Tori.

I looked back to see tears running down Tori's cheeks as she grinned at us. Her outburst had obviously been one of shock, and now she ran over to join in a family hug. I gave both of my women a long kiss before Tori finally pushed away from the group hug.

"Be right back," she said, then darted off to the bathroom.

"Poor thing," my mother sighed. "I had morning sickness when I was pregnant too."

"So, you knew?" I asked.

"Of course I did," she replied. "It's almost identical as to when I was pregnant with Tori."

"And you're okay with that?"

"Yes, my dear," she smiled. "There are risks, but we knew that."

"And the risks are halved now," I said, nodding.

The toilet flushing and water running signalled Tori returning. She gave us a weak smile before hugging our mother and me at once.

"I'm so tired," she said, leaning against me.

"Let's get you to bed," I said, scooping her up in my arms.

"I'll put on some coffee while you do that," my mother said. "Would you like one?"

"Sure," I said, carrying and already dozing Tori to her bedroom.

I gently stripped her down to her underwear and tucked her into bed before leaving her room. It was only early afternoon, but she was snoring as soon as I laid her down.

"She's out like a light," I said, stepping up to the kitchen counter.

"I was the same," my mother replied. "She'll sleep ten plus hours a day for the first few months."

My mother had her back to me as she started pouring the first cup of coffee, and I found my eyes glued to her shapely ass. I knew the timing wasn't the best, but I went for it anyway.

I rounded the kitchen counter and approached my mother from behind. I waited until she didn't have anything in her hands, then I grabbed her hips, and pressed her against the refrigerator. My groin pressed against her firm ass as my hands ran up her sides and my lips found the tender skin of her neck.

"Oh Jason," she moaned.

"I'll stop if you want me to," I growled in her ear.

"Don't you fucking dare," she mewled. "Take me upstairs."

I scooped my mother up in my arms and carried her up the stairs easily to her bedroom. The large, four-poster bed had been one of the first places Tori and I had fucked once we started having sex. But I was looking forward to fucking my mother on it too.

Like I had done with my sister, I tossed my mother onto the soft mattress. She giggled like a girl half her age as she bounced on the comfortable mattress. But I was already pulling my shirt off and dropping my jeans. We'd danced around our sexual attraction for long enough, and I wasn't here to play games.

I joined my mother on the bed. She still wore her dress, but it had hiked up her long legs and exposed her pantie-clad vagina. I held myself over her prone body with one hand as I cupped her sex and began messaging her with my other. She moaned immediately and I felt her body react as her pussy moistened and her hips rocked.

My lips attacked her throat and worked down her chest. I tugged at her dress to free her large breasts. She hadn't been wearing a bra, so I took the opportunity to take one of her nipples between my lips before moving back and forth, making sure I paid attention to each of her magnificent breasts in turn.

"Please fuck me, Jason," she moaned. "I'm yours to fuck and breed if you wish."

Her words elicited a growl in my throat at the thought of taking this woman and filling her with my seed. I wanted to, needed to. The next thing I knew, the dress she was wearing had been ripped down the middle and my hands were on her body. The panties she wore were now soaked, and I easily tore them from her hips also. My mother didn't seem to be at all angry about me destroying her clothes. If anything, it seemed to turn her on even more.

I wasted no time as I angled my cock towards her waiting entrance. She was as wet as Tori usually was, so I easily slid into her with one smooth motion. My mother must have been incredibly turned on. All it took were three quick pumps to have her legs trembling, her stomach tensing, and her pussy trembling around my cock as she screamed out in pleasure and soaked my cock, waist, legs, and the bed beneath us with her impressively powerful orgasm.

Like mother, like daughter.

I fucked her into the mattress hard for about twenty minutes. Not letting up once while she climaxed another 5 times, spraying me with each orgasm. After her sixth climax, I pulled out and easily flipped her over. Once on her stomach, I pressed her thighs together and slid the length of my cock between her firm ass-cheeks. She looked over her shoulder at me with such an intense look of lust as she eyed my cock. Her hips wiggled, and I took that as an invitation.

Like her daughter, she was a squirter. Maybe even more impressive than Tori. As a result, there was no lack of lubrication available. I pressed the tip of my cock against her tight ass and slipped inside with only a little effort. My mother took me much easier than Lucy had as she relaxed and even reached back to spread her firm cheeks for me.

I ploughed the woman who had helped raise me into the mattress for another half an hour. She climaxed multiple times and I knew the sheets, mattress, and maybe the entire bed might need to be changed in the morning. Only right before I was about to cum did I stop. And that was only to slip back inside her incredibly wet pussy. With a very animalistic growl into her ear, I filled her to the brim with my Brobdingnagian load.

And for the second time that day, I flopped onto a very messy bed. With a woman I loved.