Chereads / Literotica Lover / Chapter 170 - Chapter 47

Chapter 170 - Chapter 47

When I woke up, it was dark outside. The blinds had been pulled open and I saw the retreating rays of the sun's final bout for the day. I searched the room to get a grip on my bearings and was momentarily confused as to where I was. The naked forms on either side of me quickly jogged my memory.

Vicky lay on my right. Her head rested on my chest with an arm around my stomach and her right leg hooked through mine. Her twin sister, Liz, lay on my left in an identical pose. Both women were still as naked as I was, and their hair looked to be tangled masses of blonde and coppery-red mops. But they looked just as beautiful as always. Liz slept soundly as she snuggled into me, while Vicky mumbled in her sleep and snored softly. It was incredibly cute.

As much as I wanted to lay there with my lovers and enjoy the warmth of their bodies, I really needed to get back home. Tori was probably wondering where I was, and I needed to give her an update on the Madison situation.

I gently disentangled myself from my women and climbed off the bed. Neither woke as I got to my feet, but they did shuffle closer to one another to fill the warm spot I'd vacated. Vicky shifted onto her side and pressed her back against her sister, and Liz wrapped an arm around the blonde. I'd never grow tired of seeing those two together.

I dressed as quietly as possible, then knelt beside the bed and gave each of my women a kiss on the forehead. Vicky's eyes popped open slightly as my lips touched her skin, and she gave me a groggy smile.

"Sneaking off without saying goodbye?" she mumbled, pulling her sister's arm tighter around her.

"I didn't want to disturb you," I replied with a smile.

"You can disturb me any time," Vicky grinned. "Thanks for coming over."

"It was my pleasure. I gotta run, but we'll catch up real soon," I said.

Vicky nodded, and we shared a sensual kiss before she snuggled up with Liz and drifted off to sleep almost instantly.

I let myself out of the house--making sure to lock the front door as I left--and headed to my car. I'd missed a couple of calls from Tori and my mother while I had been preoccupied. I hoped they weren't too worried about me. I climbed into my car, set my phone in the holder, and pressed Tori's contact name to call her back. She answered just as I pulled away from the curb.

"Hey babe," Tori answered.

"Hey. Sorry I missed your call. I was spending time with Vicky and Liz," I replied.

"That's fine. I'm glad you went to see them," Tori said, sounding genuine. "What are you up to?"

"Just heading home now. I should be back in about twenty minutes or so depending on traffic," I said.

"Great. I can't wait to see you," she said, sounding giddy. "How'd it go with Madison?"

"It went really well. I won't go into details now, but just know she isn't here to rekindle anything. She just wants to fix our friendship," I replied.

"I'm so happy to hear that," Tori said. "I'll admit. I was a little worried."

"You never have to worry about me leaving you," I assured her. "I love you too much to ever give up what we have."

"Awww," Tori cooed. "I love you too, Jace. Drive safe and hurry home."

"I will. See you soon, babe."

Tori giggled at my pet name, then blew a kiss through the phone before she ended the call.

She was incredibly cute sometimes, and I couldn't wait to hold her in my arms again. Hopefully we'd get some real alone time tonight.

On the drive home I gave Hayley a call to give her an update on Madison. She seemed to be the most worried about her return. I kept it brief but assured her that I wasn't going anywhere. And that I loved her. She seemed satisfied by the time our call finished, and we made plans to catch up in the next couple of days to go shopping for baby stuff.

I didn't see my father's Porsche when I pulled into the parking garage, and assumed he was out with his sidepiece again. I was actually hoping to have a talk to him about everything that was going on. But that could wait.

As soon as I entered the apartment, I could hear a slightly familiar female voice. It wasn't coming from someone who was in the apartment, but as if it was a recording or being played through speakers. I headed to the living area, where the sound was coming from.

Tori was seated on one of the recliners with my laptop on the thighs. She gave me a smile as I came down the three steps into the living room.

"Hey gorgeous," I greeted her.

"Hey handsome," she smiled.

"What are you up to?" I asked, pointing to the laptop. She wasn't playing anything on it, but there was a game on-screen.

"Watching some streamers," she said.

"You don't want to play games yourself?" I asked, never understanding the whole streamer thing. I'd rather play the game than watch someone play it.

"I was sucking reeeeaally badly, so I thought I'd watch someone who was good and see if I could learn something," she replied. "Then I found this girl by accident."

Tori shifted the laptop to the side to give me a better view of the screen. The game took up most of the monitor view, and it was one I was familiar with but hadn't played too much. I preferred first person shooters mostly. My focus shifted to the small streamer window in the bottom right. The rest of the screen suddenly became bland and uninteresting when I laid my eyes upon the smiling blonde. Her green eyes sparkled, and her golden blonde hair was a brush stroke away from perfection. I'd fallen in love with many outstandingly beautiful women since returning home, and I was thankful for the love of each and every one of them. But the smile I saw on screen had my heart racing.

"You know her, don't you?" Tori asked. "I remember you talking to her that night we all went out."

"Yeah...I do," I said, fixated on the screen. "We only met briefly."

"She's really pretty," Tori said. "You should see her again."

Abi and I had crossed paths a few times already. The plane was understandable--plenty of people met on planes--but the night out in the city had been a chance encounter, and that time I saw her out with a guy. I thought about her on occasion--even with five beautiful women to keep me occupied--and always wished I'd had the confidence when I met her that I do now. Part of me felt greedy, but I always felt like she was the one that got away. Like we could have been great as a couple.

"She is," I said, still fixated on Abi's angelic face.

"Oh my god!" Tori gasped. "Jason! Are you crushing on her?"

"What!?" I asked in shock. "'s just, I wasn't expecting to see her. Besides, I'm with you and the others now."

"You're so cute when you're embarrassed," Tori grinned. "How many times do you have to be told? You can be with anyone that makes you happy."

"It's still kind of unfair," I replied.

"No. It really isn't. Stopping you from doing something that makes you happy is unfair," she added. "Besides. It's not like you have any trouble at all keeping us all satisfied."

I shook my head as Tori wiggled her eyebrows and stared at my crotch as blatantly as Vicky would have. I was a young male with an awakened sex drive, but these women could tire even me out. Although, it hadn't even crossed my mind that I'd go to bed without fucking my gorgeous sibling tonight.

So...maybe I was as bad as they were.

"Anyway. I think Abi has a boyfriend anyway," I said.

"Nah, she doesn't." Tori said, looking back to the stream.

" do you know?" I asked.

"I asked her, silly."

I felt my heart quicken as Tori pointed to the text chat that flowed by on screen. She had made an account and started chatting with Abi on her stream. I didn't see any messages from my sister, but the chat log scrolled by quite quickly. Abi had quite a lot of viewers by the looks of it.

"You just straight up asked her?" I asked.

"Yep," Tori nodded.

I looked from Tori back to the small image of Abi on my laptop. She let out a small giggle and smiled broadly as something happened in the game she was playing. I was feeling a whirlwind of emotions at the girl I'd met briefly on the plane home. The girl I'd met when my life seemed to be at its worst. The girl I could have seen myself with. But I was a different person now. The Jason from the flight home was almost a stranger to me now. But I still had those feelings. The same feelings I had when I saw one of my beautiful women.

Vicky and I had started out as a lustful attraction that grew into an adoring love. She was passionate, bubbly, and just genuinely a wonderful person who could never be mean to anyone.

Her twin sister had been quite cold to begin with. The tall, athletic redhead had deep feelings for her own sibling that caused her to feel jealous of me when we started messing around. But she also admitted to wanting me also and feeling like she was second-rate compared to her twin. I loved her too, and I could feel the affection and adoration returned in kind.

Lucy was much like Vicky when we first got together. Our attraction was very primal and sexual. Using one-another to obtain the ultimate release and relish in the animalistic nature of our carnal acts. But I couldn't deny my feelings for the wonderful woman who always had a smile on her face. We'd shared some truly special moments together and the love between us was real as the one I shared with the twins.

My soon-to-be baby momma had squirmed her way into my heart almost immediately. From her special half smile she gave me the first day we met, to the last sensual kiss we shared, I knew she was special. We'd already been through a lot together as a couple in the short time we'd been together. Her ex being an asshole, cheating on her and hitting her, to deciding to move in together and her falling pregnant. But...I'd go through it all again for her.

Then I had Tori.

She had been an annoyance in my youth and one of the few reasons I left Sydney to begin with. Sometimes I wished I had stayed so I could have had more time with her. But there was a chance we might not have ended up together. Each day with her by my side was bliss, and I

would fight tooth and nail to keep her.

I didn't love any of my women more than any other. They were all special to me and I cared deeply or each and every one of them.

But I also had that same feeling for Abi. A girl I barely knew. A girl that barely knew me. It was crazy to feel this way.

But...all of my women--apart from Tori--were strangers to me before that fateful day. They may have heard about me, but they never knew me.

"Earth to Jason."

"Sorry," I shook my head, dispelling my own trance of thoughts. "Got caught up in my own head."

"Thinking about the cute blonde?" Tori beamed.

"Quiet you," I chuckled.

"Maybe," she giggled, then turned back to the laptop.

"Are you learning anything?" I asked, taking the chance to change the topic.

"A little bit. She seems to be really good at this game and has a lot of followers," Tori replied. "She has made about a hundred dollars in donations in the last hour." "Really?" I asked.

"Yeah. Someone posted saying they'd donate ten dollars for every kill she got in her last game," she replied.

"How many did she get?" I asked, knowing that kills in this game weren't easy to come by.

"Nine," Tori replied.

"Wow, that's impressive," I said.

"I bet you could make a lot of money doing this. You're really good," she added.

"Nah. It's harder for guys," I shook my head. "Majority of viewers are usually guys that like to watch pretty girls play games. Some don't even care how good you are."

"Does that mean I could do this?" Tori asked with a silly grin.

"Actually..." I started, then trailed off as my idea started to evolve.

"What?" Tori asked.

"Nothing. I just got an idea," I said, kissing her quickly. "I gotta go write some ideas down before I forget. It shouldn't take me more than an hour to sort this out."

"Sure. I'll be here," Tori said. "If you need any help, let me know."

"Thanks," I said. "I'll definitely be needing your help with this idea."

I spent the next hour going over my idea and finally had some real numbers and ideas down. I needed money from my father for a business so I could get out from under his thumb, but if I invested in something too lucrative, he might say no or alter the agreement to cut him in. I needed something that could make me self-sufficient that didn't draw his interest. And there was one thing that never gained his interest and was the source of a lot of our division when I was younger.

Video games.

My father was a practical man. He played golf because it was a sport that a lot of his clients played. He liked real things in the real world. Video games were for children in his mind, and something a young adult should give up when he wants to become a man. Our brief reconciliation had probably been aided by the fact I hadn't been pulling out my gaming

laptop every day and sitting on the couch for hours. It wasn't that I hadn't wanted to. I just had a lot of fucking to catch up on.

My idea revolved around two of my greatest loves in life. My women, and gaming.

Tori had already expressed an interest in playing video games--which surprised me at first--and although she wasn't too great, she never got bummed out about being bad. Her natural good looks and bubbly attitude could easily draw viewers in. There were a lot of guys out there that would donate money to a pretty girl playing games in the hopes she notices them. I could set her up with a top of the line gaming machine and help manage her streaming accounts. Plus, she'd have a lot of fun doing it too.

"You done?"

I looked up to see Tori at the doorway to my bedroom. I'd retreated into my room to work on my idea in quiet.

"Yeah...I think I have it," I said.

"Tell me about it," she replied, slipping onto the armrest of my chair and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"How would you like to be a streamer?" I asked.

"Like Abi?" she asked.

"Yep," I nodded.

"But I'm not as good as she is," Tori pouted.

"You'll get better," I assured her. "But the important part is you have fun."

"Okay," she nodded, smiling. "I trust you, Jace. If you think it's a good idea. I'll give it a go. It'll be fun."

We shared a quick kiss, then I started on the details of what we were going to do.

Tori had her doubts about her ability to become a paid streamer when she hardly knows anything about computers or video games. I assured her that I would handle a lot of her hardware and account management so she could focus on just being her amazing self. But most importantly I assured her that she just has to have fun. If this didn't work out, it wouldn't be a massive loss.

My ultimate plan would be to get all of my women into streaming or becoming content creators of some kind. I couldn't really imagine the others getting into gaming--since they hadn't expressed any interest in the past--but I could probably help Liz get on track with some fitness videos, and Hayley was quite the fashion and beauty expert. I could talk to each of them and see what they thought. It was ultimately up to them if they wanted to get on board.

"Hayley and Lucy already have some make-up instructional videos on YouTube, and Vicky posts like a million selfies a day on Instagram," Tori said, after I covered the part where I wanted my other women involved.

"Great. That's a start, I'll see what I can do to improve their followers and start getting bigger," I replied.

"People really make money off all this stuff?' Tori asked, her head cocked side-ways and her fringe obscuring her right eye.

"Yeah. Come on Tor, it's 2020 and you're 18. Surely you're more plugged in than I am," I laughed.

"Well...I'm not a nerd like you...nerd," Tori poked her tongue out playfully, then giggled.

"I'm a nerd, am I?" I asked. "You're the four-eyes here."

"Oi! Shut up!" Tori smacked my arm. "You know I can't see shit without them."

"Not my fault you're a four-eyes," I joked.

"That's it," Tori giggled and jumped on me.

Tori started trying to tickle me as soon as she landed on me, but she didn't find any weak spots. I, however, knew where all of hers were. She shrieked and giggled as I ran my fingers up the sides of her waist and along her ribs. She kicked and screamed as she laughed hysterically.

"You done?" I asked with a grin.

" more Jace," she breathed heavily. "Or I might pee myself."

"Noted," I grinned.

I let my arms fall away from Tori so she could push herself up. She gave me a mocking stern look, then giggled before planting a kiss on my lips. That kiss turned into an impromptu make-out session on my bedroom chair and ended with my cock out and Tori's small hands pumping away as our tongues danced between our mouths. Having her in close proximity was already arousing, but actually having her squirm against me before had me rigid in seconds. Tori pulled my pants down, over my hips, and began massaging my erection with both hands.

"Just relax," she said in a breathy whisper.

I nodded, and tilted my head back, moaning in pleasure. When I looked back to admire my lover once more, I noticed her top was missing and her perfect breasts bobbed gently from her motions. My eyes were transfixed on her marvellous milk melons and the erection nipples standing to attention.

"You can touch me," Tori said with a bite of her lip.

I wasted no time as I leaned forward, taking her right nipple between my lips, then her left. I alternated between her breasts, showering kisses along her supple flesh and licking her rubbery nubs. I wanted to pull her body closer to me, but her hands were between us as she worked my tool. So, I settled for taking her face between my hands and kissing my beautiful sister once more. Tori's ministrations actually ceased from the passion of our kiss, and I almost forgot that I had my dick out. And that my drop-dead gorgeous sister was fondling me.

"Fucking hell I love you," I whispered once our kiss ended.

"I love you too, Jason. More than anything," Tori replied.

I pressed my forehead against hers and moaned audibly when her hands started milking me again. Tori upped the ante and started stroking me like a woman on a mission. Her breathing was as heavy and lust filled as my own, and her movements were quick and hurried.

"I'm close," I groaned.

Tori kissed me one last time--a quick kiss--before she slipped off my lap and onto the floor. She dropped to her knees between my spread legs and started licking my balls as her hands jerked my staff.

"Holy shit" I moaned.

Tori kept tonguing my balls and licking up the length of my shaft. I was so caught up in the pleasurable sensations that I couldn't form words to warn her. Tori traced a line with her tongue up the underside of my shaft and licked across my sensitive glans, just as my climax hit. The first spray hit her along the cheek, but she was a trooper. Tori giggled, then opened her mouth wide as I started pumping stream after stream of thick seed into her mouth. My aim was totally off, and more ended up along her lips, cheek and chin than it did in her mouth. After a few seconds, Tori wrapped her lips around my cock and started draining my cum. The sight of her gorgeous eyes looking up at me with my shaft between her lips caused my cock to twitch, sending another spurt of cum into her waiting mouth.

"I'll never get tired of feeling your mouth around me," I said, after several moments passed.

"You taste as good as you did the first time," Tori smiled, licking my dick like her favourite flavoured ice-cream.

After a few minutes, Tori climbed onto my lap again and we snuggled in my armchair. My dick was still hard, and I could easily go for another round, but I was content to hold her in my arms for now. I had a feeling that's all she wanted too.

"Jason," Tori said after about ten minutes.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Is it selfish of me to want a baby with you?" she asked.

"No. It's only natural," I replied.

"But...what if it doesn't come out right. What kind of life will our child have because we are related," Tori said, almost too soft to hear. "I justified wanting to be with you because I didn't want children. Now I do and I feel bad for wanting to put a child through that."

"Hey," I said, looking her in the eye. "There's no guarantee that there will be anything wrong with a child we have. The future isn't certain."

"I know," she sighed. "But there's a strong chance there could be something wrong. And what if someone finds out? I could deal with the social stigma of fucking my own brother, but I don't want to put any child of mine through that."

"I understand," I replied. "What do you want to do about it then?"

"Let's just hold off on having a baby," she said, sounding sad. "At least for now."

I nodded and kissed her forehead gently. Tori sounded quite upset about the notion of not having a baby with me, and I wanted to make her happy. I knew the risks of us procreating and I guess I was just telling myself that it would be fine. That kind of thing wouldn't happen to our child. We love each other too much. But science and biology don't give two shits about love. A birth defect wouldn't be the end of the world--I'd love anything that came from Tori--but I'd heard of instances where the children of related parents were born sterile. That would be a terrible thing to pass on to our children.

The door to my room was still open--since we were alone--and the sound of the elevator doors opening gave Tori and I plenty of warning. It could have been our mother--and things would be fine--but we scrambled to right ourselves in-case it was our father.

"Ahhh, Tori," I said, looking at my sisters face. "You better go clean that up."

Tori's eyes went wide, and she covered her mouth in embarrassment. "Holy shit, I forgot."

I chuckled as she darted out of my room, and I heard the bathroom door slam shut. With her gone, I ventured from my bedroom to see which of my parents were home. I let out a disappointed sigh when I saw my father at the kitchen counter going through some envelope's he'd brought in. I guess this was as good a time as any.

"Dad," I greeted my old man. "Can we talk about my business loan?"

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