Chereads / Literotica Lover / Chapter 144 - Chapter 21

Chapter 144 - Chapter 21

I punched Lucy's home address into my cars on-board GPS and headed off to pick her up for our first date. As I was driving, I realized that this was the first proper date I'd been on with any of the girls. I decided I should probably fix that and treat each of them to a night out.

Even though it wasn't peak hour, the Sydney traffic was horrendous as always, so the trip to Lucy's home took longer than estimated. I was just lucky I left early.

As I pulled into the suburb Lucy was living in, I noticed a massive decrease in traffic, which I was thankful for. This suburb was one of the wealthier neighbourhoods and had an extremely low population compared to the rest of the city.

Every house I drove passed looked like it was worth as much as the entire luxury apartment building my parents lived in, and then some. As I drove, I wondered what Lucy's parents did for a living; if they were living out here, they must be absolutely loaded.

A few minutes later I pulled up to a large, modern three-story house with a gated driveway. I saw no intercom, but there were cameras watching the driveway, and more around the exterior of the house.

I pulled my car into the driveway and pulled my phone out to text Lucy, to let her know I was here.

While I waited, I studied the house. It wasn't a mansion, but it was still large and impressive. Four sets of double garage doors lined the bottom floor of the house and I wondered how many cars they owned.

The top two floors were all angles and glass windows, it looked like something an artistic architect would design just to say "Hey, this is what I can do". The right back corner of the house looked to be a little higher than the rest and made completely of glass from the second floor upwards. I poked my head out the driver's side window to get a better look and from where I was, it looked like that whole corner of the building was one large cylindrical room. Like a really fancy sunroom.

The driveway gate started to open suddenly, parting in the middle as it vanished into the adjacent walls that surrounded the property. I put my car into gear and slowly crept through the gap as it widened enough for my BMW to pass through.

I spied a sign that read "Visitors" and pulled into the spot allocated and shut the engine off. Just as I stepped out of the car, I heard a mechanical hum, signalling me that one of the garage doors was opening.

Inside the garage sat a Hayley Davidson motorcycle. It was matte black with chrome trim that was polished to a mirror shine. Lucy's brother was standing by the bike as the door opened and he offered me casual nod before coming to greet me.

"Hey bro," Lucy's brother said in greeting.

"Hey, I'm Jason," I replied. I held my hand out for him and Lucy's muscular sibling clasped my wrist with a firm grip.

"I know," he said simply. "I'm Kim."

"That your bike?" I asked, mostly to avoid an awkward silence. Kim seemed to have mastered the resting bitch face and I started to wonder if he taught Hayley a thing or two.

"Yeah bro, you ride?" he asked with slightly more emotion on his stony face.

"Only trail bikes when I was younger," I admitted. "But I've always admired Hayley's."

Kim looked thoughtful for a moment, then nodded and clapped a hand on my shoulder.

"Treat my sister right and maybe we can go for a ride sometime," he said as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders and guided me towards the garage. "Otherwise I'll kick your ass."

He looked at me with a super serious expression for a few seconds, then burst out laughing. I started laughing with him, although it was a little forced.

"Should've seen the look on your face bro," Kim exclaimed. "Don't worry dude, Lucy and Hayley talk highly of you, and I trust them. Besides, I heard what you did to Leon, so you have my respect."

We stopped under the garage door, right in front of Kim's Harley. Kim turned to face me and held his fist out to me. I may have spent a lot of time working out and going to the gym over the last few years, but I had never really been one of the "boys". I still knew a fist bump when it was offered.

I bumped my closed fist against Kim's just as the front door to the house opened and Lucy sauntered out. She walked like she had an audience and I guessed she probably knew I was here and had waited for the perfect time to make her entrance...or exit, whatever.

She wore a dark red—almost crimson—cocktail dress that tied around the back of her neck with a neckline that plunged down to her sternum but still covered her large breasts, she looked to not be wearing a bra by the way those puppies bounced with each step.

The dress was loose around her waist but hugged her slim hips like a second skin and only just covered her tight little butt.

My date's outfit was completed with matching high heel stilettos and handbag with a gold chain strap.

She looked stunning.

I was worried that my stare would upset her brother, so I kept my eyes firmly on her face as she strode across the distance between us. Her face was as striking as her body and the outfit covering it. Her dark eyes had a touch of eyeshadow and mascara that gave them a subtle smoky look and made her eyes look much larger. Her hair had been curled and she'd pulled it over one shoulder, letting the long black waves of silk like strands hang down her right arm. To top it off she wore the exact shade of lipstick to match her outfit.

She smiled when we made eye contact, her pearly whites showing brightly as her eyes sparkled.

How did I ever get so lucky.

"Have fun you two," Kim said as he clapped me on the shoulder again and headed into the garage. The door closed a moment later, leaving Lucy and I alone.

" look amazing," I said, my brain struggling to find words.

"Thank you Jace," Lucy replied with a smile. "You look very handsome too, did Hayley dress you?" she asked as her eyes took in my outfit.

"Yeah, she did. How did you know?" I asked.

" offence Jace," she took a step closer and straightened my already straight collar. "You're cute and sexy as hell, but you have no fashion sense."

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" I exclaimed with mock outrage.

We both chuckled, and I put my arm around her waist, guiding her to my car.

"Let's get going," I said as I opened the passenger door. Lucy offered me a smile before gracefully seating herself on the deluxe leather seat. I closed the door gently and jogged around to the driver's side and climbed in.

Twenty minutes later I was parking the car in a private carpark near the restaurant I'd made reservations at. The parking spot belonged to Lucy's family so my fears of finding a park were quelled.

I opened her door and took her hand as she stepped out. I knew in this day and age a guy could get yelled at for showing any signs of what people referred to as chivalry—even though the art of chivalry was mostly about warfare—but I didn't care, I knew the girls enjoyed being treated this way and from what Hayley had told me, Lucy did the most.

It was still warm so both of us had forgone wearing a jacket, so I walked with my arm around Lucy's back, resting my hand on her slim hip.

"This place is my favourite," Lucy said excitedly when she realised where we were going. "You've done your homework."

"You have no idea," I replied cryptically.

Lucy bit her lip at my words as I opened the door to the restaurant and ushered her in. The interior of the establishment wasn't large—it could probably only seat thirty people comfortably—but it was extremely rich in colour and décor. The tables were spaced out in a uniform fashion, the white and red checker pattern tablecloths contrasting well against the rich mahogany of the wooden chairs. The walls were the same rich colour that matched all the furniture in the restaurant, beautiful paintings of sprawling landscapes hung from hooks around the room and the wall lamps emitted a dull glow, giving the establishment a very romantic vibe.

We were met by a short Italian woman who looked to be about my age. She was olive skinned with jet black hair of thick ringlets that framed her beautiful features. Her eyes were a startling blue and her lips looked full and pouty; she was quite stunning in her black business suit.

The woman greeted us with a warm smile as we entered.

"Good to see you again Lucy," the greeter eyed me up with a smile.

"You too Tia," Lucy replied.

The women studied one another for a few seconds before Tia turned her attention to me.

"I have a reservation under the name Jason," I said quickly.

Lucy knew this woman but I had a feeling they weren't exactly friends. Unlike guys, if two women didn't like each other they would act nice and friendly and then get catty when they weren't around. If I didn't like someone, I just ignored them.

"Oh of course, Tori's brother," Tia said with surprise. "Right this way."

Tia grabbed two menus and beckoned us to follow. I walked beside Lucy with my hand on the small of her back as Tia took us to a table for two in the back corner. The restaurant was mostly empty at this hour. A couple sat together on the opposite side of the room from us, and two men that looked to be talking business sat together.

"I'll give you two a moment with your menus," Tia said before dashing off, but not before giving me the once over.

I pulled Lucy's chair out and gentle pushed it under her as she lowered herself into the cushioned seat, then took my own opposite my date.

"So you know her?" I asked casually as I looked over my menu.

"Planning your next date already?" Lucy asked as she raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow.

"Not exactly," I chuckled.

"I'm only teasing," Lucy admitted with a smile. "Tia used to date my brother. She's also Leon's cousin."

That last bit of news put me on edge, if she was family of that douchebag then she probably knew what happened to him and who did it.

"Don't worry, Tia hates Leon almost as much as I do," Lucy added. "She's also still jaded about my brother dumping her, but that's not my issue."

I felt relieved I wasn't going to have to deal with some pissed off family members of the dickhead Leon, I didn't want anything to ruin this date with Lucy. It was strange being here with her, most dates a guy goes on he is completely unsure whether he is going to get lucky after, so they do their best and pull out all the stops to impress the girl.

Lucy was a sure thing. Her actions and body language confirmed it, Hayley—her best friend—confirmed it and even Tori said there was no chance I was waking up tomorrow without a new lover.

Even with all these guarantees, I still wanted to make sure Lucy had a great time and that she felt pampered. It could be that it was my inherent respect for women or that I just wanted to please her, but deep down I knew It was because of what Hayley told me.

Lucy loved to be treated like a queen, but she loved to be fucked like a whore. The contrast between the personalities was an incredible turn on and I felt myself wanting to shower the gorgeous woman with affection and attention, just so I could use her like a cheap whore later tonight.

My name being called pulled me out of my thoughts and I had to force myself not to re-adjust my erection I'd gotten as I thought about what I wanted to do to my date later tonight.

"Jace, are you ready to order?" Lucy asked.

"Uhm...yeah...pick something good for me," I replied with a slight stutter.

I hadn't even looked at the menu and I didn't want to waste time picking out something.

Lucy ordered two dishes of the award winning spaghetti Bolognese with a side of garlic bread and some wine which I couldn't pronounce.

We chatted casually while we waited for our meals, sipping on our glasses of wine. I wasn't much of a wine drinker, but I must say, the stuff Lucy picked out was quite pleasant.

I paced myself—since I had to drive still—and limited myself to only one glass with dinner. I had a hotel booked for our night, something I hadn't told any of the girls. The deluxe penthouse suite I'd picked was only a five-minute drive from the restaurant and I was eager to finished out meal and get some privacy with the black-haired beauty sitting before me.

Our conversation slowed once the food arrived, both Lucy and I were far to wrapped up in our meals. The spaghetti Bolognese dish my date had chosen for me was absolutely delicious. The pasta was thick and cooked to perfection and the sauce tasted like no canned mix-through sauce I'd ever had before.

Once our meal was done, I topped up Lucy's glass of wine for her, which she thanked me for with a dazzling smile, then ordered a coffee for myself.

While our food settled and I drank my coffee, we exchanged stories and talked about our lives. I found out that Lucy was studying to be a doctor while working part-time at David Jones. Her family were insanely wealthy, and she didn't need the money, but her father insisted on her working for the experience. She enjoyed the job and it broke up her days of study and University. I also found out she had never had a serious boyfriend, most guys seemed to be scared off by her father and older brother.

"So, are you..." I trailed off, unsure how to broach the topic.

"Am I wh—" her eyes widened when she realized what I was trying to ask. ", definitely not." Lucy's cheeked reddened.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make this awkward," I said quickly. "Was kind of a stupid thing to ask."

"No. Its fine," Lucy smiled. "I've never had a boyfriend, but I've been with guys before."

I'm not sure why I wanted to know if she was a virgin or not, she didn't dress or act like one. I guess I was finally realising the young age of my sister and her friends—not that I was much older—and that some of them may have never been with a guy before, now that I thought about it, had Tori? She was extremely tight when we first had sex, but I would have expected her to say something if she was.

Once we were done, I paid the bill and left a generous tip—I wasn't made of money, but tonight was a special occasion. Lucy and I walked back to my car and I held the door open for her to get in. I checked the address of the hotel again and climbed into the driver seat.

As soon as I was seated, Lucy placed her hand on my thigh, giving it a firm squeeze.

"I'm taking a guess that you don't want me to drop you home?" I asked with a smirk.

"Take me wherever you want Jason," Lucy bit her bottom lip seductively.

I started the car and put it into gear before leaving the parking lot.

Lucy kept her hand on my leg the entire trip and I had considered seeing if she would give me some road head, but before I could get the courage to ask, I was already pulling into the hotel parking spot in-front of the doors.

Lucy's eyes lit up when she saw the building, it was very well known and expensive.

"You know how to treat a girl," the black-haired beauty said.

"You have no idea," I replied.

Lucy bit her lip and her fingers dug into my thigh, the sexual tension in the car was astounding, it took every ounce of my willpower to not take her right here and now.

I climbed out of the car and helped Lucy to her feet from the passenger side, passed my keys to the waiting valet and walked with my arm around my dates waist into the hotel lobby.

I guided my date to the elevators and pulled out the swipe card I'd gotten for our room. I'd planned ahead and checked into the room before going to pick Lucy up for our date, the last thing I needed right now was talking to reception staff and ruin the mood.

"Someone was confident they weren't sleeping alone tonight," Lucy quipped with a raised eyebrow.

We were alone in the lift as it ascended slowly. I turned to Lucy, looked into her dark eyes, then pressed my body into hers and forcing her against the wall of the elevator. I wrapped the fingers of my left had around her throat and lifted her gaze to meet mine while my other hand, held her hip firmly.

"Your friends made sure I knew what to expect," I whispered into her ear.

I was rock hard already and I was sure Lucy could feel my erection pressing into her stomach. The Asian beauty was much taller than most of her friends—except for Liz—only an inch or two shorter than me, I looked her straight in the eyes as I gently applied pressure around her throat.

She kept her hands at her sides as I man-handled her, her eyes grew wide and her mouth opened as she let out a ragged moan as the pressure increased.

The "Ding" from the elevator forced me to quickly step back and I pulled Lucy against me. She was facing the door as it opened and an elderly couple stepped in, giving us a smile before facing the door of the lift. I pulled Lucy's hips and felt her tight ass press against my erection, then her hips began to subtly shift and gyrate as she ground my cock between her cheeks.

I could have easily lifted her short dress, freed my restricted erection and slipped into the sexy woman and taken her on the floor of the elevator, audience or no audience. But the tension was like a drug, the more I held off from taking this creature of lust, the more I wanted her and I knew that when I finally did, I wouldn't hold back.

I rocked my hips against Lucy's tight butt, dry humping my cock against the gorgeous Asian and I could only just barely hear her moan when my bulge pressed against her. I guessed the elderly couple must have been hard of hearing, because they didn't react.

The elevator stopped once, but this time it as on our floor. I stepped out and glanced at the couple, the man gave me a sly wink before the doors closed.

I walked with Lucy down the hallway, swiped my car at our room and held the door for her to enter first.

When I closed the door behind me, our night really took off.