Chereads / Literotica Lover / Chapter 125 - Chapter 2.

Chapter 125 - Chapter 2.

I woke up to the clicking sound of the front door and a gaggle of voices intruded my sleep. I sat up and was momentarily disoriented, the unfamiliar room confusing me while my brain hit the snooze button. The voices got louder—more excitable—and generally just irritating. So that even the thought of them being pretty girls couldn't make up for the sheer annoyance.

I stood up and rubbed my eyes. I guessed my sister was home, and she brought some of her friends with her. I wasn't looking forward to seeing the little brat again, and I was equally anxious about meeting anyone she called a friend. But I would be civil, for now. Then my eyes fell on the group of girls. There were five of them in total, and each one of them was a solid ten while still being unique from each other.

The girls hadn't noticed me, so I took a moment to study them, trying to pick my sister out.

The girl on the far right was short and petite, she wore a skimpy black two-piece bikini that contrasted her milky white skin. Her hair was long and framed her face in a mass of curls, and she had a natural resting bitch face, but her pouty lips looked to be made for kissing.

Next to her was a busty Asian girl with breasts that looked far too large for her thin frame—not that I was complaining since her skimpy top was struggling to keep her assets contained. Her hair was straight and black, and hung down to her cute little butt. She was chatting to a blonde beach beauty who wore a modest-looking Australian flag bikini that supported her impressive bust. Her hips and thighs were impossibly wide and thick while keeping her stomach flat and toned—she obviously spent as much time on her squats as she did maintaining her perfect tan, because her ass was the thing of dreams. She was smiling as she spoke, and her pearly whites shone as bright as her deep blue eyes.

Beside her was a tall red head. She had an athletic build, but with curves in all the right places. Her suit was a green one piece with an oval cut out to expose her insanely toned stomach along with her small but round and perky breasts. Her legs went on for days, and freckles dotted her shoulders and crossed the bridge of her nose, drawing attention to her gorgeous green eyes.

Last one in the gaggle of hot girls—probably because she was much shorter than the others—was a sexy little tanned hottie, whose dark chestnut hair was pulled back into a neat ponytail that hung down to her ass. Her impressively perky breasts strained against the bikini top which, while still being skimpy, seemed far more modest than some of the other girls' chosen swimwear. She had a dazzling smile and gorgeous brown eyes. She seemed to almost vanish amongst the taller girls, but there was something about that face, those lips and that perfect smile. Wide lensed glasses sat on her nose and only added to her cute, sexy look. She probably thought they made her look nerdy and didn't even need them.

That's when I remembered I wasn't just looking at a group of sexy girls, I was looking at my sister and a group of sexy girls. I tried to recall the last time I'd seen my sister and what she looked like: most importantly I remembered her being short, with that same dark chestnut hair I had. Inwardly I groaned for checking out my baby sister; I blamed it on still being half asleep and shoved the thoughts aside. They still hadn't noticed me as they milled about in the kitchen, chatting so fast they may as well have been speaking another language.

I cleared my throat and did the only thing I could think of.

"Hey Tori," I said and waved to the girls.

I suddenly felt very small as the group of hotties turned their gaze on me. I was unsure of how to feel as I was stared down by this group of tens. The petite girl studied me with interest, but the redhead looked annoyed and a little disgusted at seeing a man here, like I was intruding. The blonde eyed me like a hungry animal did some fresh meat, and the Asian girl looked disinterested. Out of all I think the blonde scared me the most.

My sister though, she let out a squeal and ran for me, a smile plastered to her face as she launched herself off the top of the step down. She threw her arms around my neck and hugged me, nearly driving me backwards with the force of the collision.

"JACE!! YOU'RE BACK!!" She squealed in my ear. I wrapped my arms around her waist instinctively and felt her warm, silky flesh. She must have been sunbathing because her skin was slick, and she smelled of coconut oil.

"Hey Tori," I replied as I set her on her feet. She really hadn't grown too much since I'd seen her last; she still only came up to my nose, but she'd definitely grown out. She had a perfect flat stomach, an impressive bust for her size that fit her proportion perfectly, and her slim waist tapered out to meet defined hips and an ass which, while it wasn't thick, was firm and round.

"What the fuck are you doing here," Tori said. Grabbing my face, turning it this way and that. "You look good with stubble. You should grow a beard," she added. I hadn't shaved in a couple of day. I hadn't needed to without my job, and since my ex hated facial hair—I thought it might be nice to try it out.

"Don't you think girls?" Tori said, turning to her friends. The blonde nodded and smiled, the rest added noncommittal agreement and went back to chatting like I wasn't there.

Tori was looking up at me and smiling, her hands fidgeting by her sides. I didn't know what I was expecting when I came home, but this definitely wasn't it. My sister seemed genuinely happy to see me, which would have been fine if we'd grown up with any sort of sibling bond or love, but we were so different and always at odds end with each other that her current demeanour completely threw me off guard.

"Good to see you too," I said. "Didn't mum and dad tell you I was coming home?" I yawned and rubbed my eyes again in an attempt to keep them off the banquet of flesh before me; the last thing I wanted was to pop a boner while talking to my sister and her all-star friends.

"No, they didn't say anything," she replied. She was twirling the end of her long ponytail between her fingers as she spoke.

"That's strange... Oh well, they must have forgotten," I said, chancing a quick glance to Tori's friends. The blonde had her arm around the redhead's waist as they posed for a photo. I pulled my eyes back to my sister to stop any stray thoughts.

"How long are you visiting for?" Tori asked, a knowing smile creeping across her face as she realised what I was glancing at.

"I'm actually moving back to Sydney. Melbourne isn't right for me. I'll just be staying here until I find an apartment of my own," I replied.

"Oh, that's awesome!" Tori said, clapping her hands together. "You've got to meet my friends," she grabbed me by the hand and pulled me into the kitchen.

"This is Hayley." She pointed to the petite brunette, who offered a smile and a small wave. She really kept up that resting bitch face.

"That's Lucy," she introduced the Asian girl.

"Nice to meet you," she said with a smile. Her English was great, but she still held a strong accent that I suspected was Japanese.

"Then there's—" Before Tori could finish introducing her, the curvaceous blonde sauntered across to me, wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into a hug. She was only a little taller than my sister once I saw them closer together. I put my arms around her waist to return the hug and I could feel her entire body pressing against mine. The hug only lasted a few seconds, but it left me with an awkward half boner. She smelled of coconut oil, sand, and saltwater.

"I'm Vicky," she said with a perfect smile, her eyes flicking down to my crotch before returning to my face.

"It's..uh..a pleasure to meet you Vicky," I replied, a little overwhelmed by her friendly nature, especially when confronted with the other girls. Vicky looped her arm through mine and turned to the face last girl. "That's my sister Liz," Vicky said, pointing to the tall redhead. She offered me a smile and a wave but didn't come any closer. Liz was easily taller than the rest—probably as tall as I was—but she had an amazingly toned body and the pale skin only a redhead could have. I'd bet she used a lot of sunscreen to stop from burning.

"Nice to meet you, Liz." I said, trying to sound as friendly as possible. She looked a little nervous with me here and I guessed she might not have had much experience with guys, or maybe she liked girls. I wasn't going to judge.

Tori came up to my free side and looped her arm through mine, mimicking Vicky's action. I suddenly had a gorgeous half naked girl on either arm, something I never thought would happen in a hundred years.

"So why didn't you tell me your brother was such a babe, Tori?" Vicky asked. Looking past me to my sister.

"I haven't seen him in years," She replied. "He was a bit of a dork back then," She added with a cheeky smile. I still wasn't sure what to make of my sister's behaviour, but the open compliment from Vicky disarmed me enough to forget about it.

"No excuse Tor-tor," Vicky said, waggling her finger at my sister. Both the girls giggled and then I was being dragged back to the living room and seated in one of the recliners. The other girls took spots on the couch and kept to themselves. My sister took the recliner next to me and Vicky perched her perfect ass on the arm of the recliner, draping her arm across my shoulders.

"So, what brings you back home Jace?" Tori asked, as she gave her friend a disapproving look but didn't comment on her choice of seating—Vicky ignored said look.

"I got offered a redundancy," I replied. "Decided I was done with Melbourne, and got on a plane home," I added. Glossing over the exact details again.

"What about your girlfriend?" My sister replied. I hadn't realised she even knew I had a girlfriend.

"We split up," I said casually. I could almost feel Vicky's stare on me. She was pretty intense.

"Oh, that's a shame," Tori replied. She didn't sound to upset by the news, and maybe even a little relieved.

"Yeah, shit happens," I said. Trying my best to sound as care-free as possible. I usually didn't care what people think of me, but I really didn't want these girls to think I was some loser, even if I was—just a bit.

"Viiicckkkyyyy, Let's go already," Liz said. Getting to her feet. "We only came back because you left your wallet," the redhead added, tugging on her blonde sister's hand.

"Oh yeah, fuck I forgot about that," Vicky said. "Hey Jason, Wanna come for a swim?" Liz rolled her eyes and slumped back into her seat. I saw similar looks on the other girls faces too. I was getting the impression Vicky was like this a lot.

"Nah, I got a few things I have to do," I replied. In truth I had jack shit I needed to do, but I needed a moment away from the jungle of female flesh to get my thoughts together. I also wanted to set my laptop up on the wi-fi so I could get some gaming in; my buddies would be on and already started by now.

"Suit yourself," Vicky said with a smile, then planted a kiss on my cheek before standing up.

"Come on girls," Vicky announced. "We're wasting daylight," she added, as if it wasn't her holding everyone up.

"I'll catch up with you guys," Tori said as they all gathered to leave. "Buzz Mike to let you back in if I don't see you guys before you come back," she added as the four girls turned to leave. They were as spectacular leaving as they were coming. Vicky's ass cheeks bounced with each step, her hips swaying with exaggerated movement. The blonde gave me a smile over her shoulder before disappearing through the front door.

"I'm so sorry about her," Tori said as she stood up and held her hand out to me. "She's pretty crazy sometimes," She added.

"It's fine, it really is," I said. Standing up and taking her hand. It felt odd to hold my sister's hand; I never did that before, not even when we were little.

"Come on, I'll show you where you'll be staying." She started off, dragging me behind her. We went down the right-side hallway before the living room, the sliding door to the hallway opening and closing without a sound. The hallway was narrow, with three doors along the sides, two on one side and one on the other that was between the two.

"That's my room," Tori pointed to the first door. "That's yours," she indicated the second door. "This is the bathroom." She opened the single door and I was greeted by a monstrous room. The floor and walls were polished black tiles, a huge bathtub sat in the corner of the room that could easily fit six people—ten if you squeezed in tight. Next to the tub was a counter running the length of the room with two large mirrors fastened to the wall, hanging over two bowls, set into the wooden counter that acted as sinks. A toilet was in the opposite corner of the bathtub and it even had a privacy curtain that was pulled open. But what caught my attention was the glass wall that ran the entire length of the final wall. A door opened on one end and through the frosty glass I could make out three huge shower heads hanging from the ceiling and what looked to be jets along the tiled walls; it was easily the biggest shower I'd ever seen outside a group shower at a gym. I had no idea why anyone would need something so big, but I was pretty eager to try it out.

"Pretty impressive isn't it?" Tore said, her beautiful lips twitching up into a smile. She closed the bathroom door, walked to the end of the hall, and opened the door to what was going to be my room.

"Vicky was going to be staying here but I'll put her in my room," Tori said, and I wondered if the other girl would get mad at being shifted around for me.

"I can crash on the couch, it's really no problem," I said. Not wanting to rock the boat.

"Nonsense, you're my brother. Besides, Vicky will sleep anywhere," she said with a shrug. With the looks the blonde bombshell was giving me, I silently agreed with my little sister.

I poked my head through the bedroom door and had a look around. The room was spacious with a modern décor that matched the rest of the house; the bed was king sized with black sheets and sat relatively close to the ground. The far wall was glass with a sliding door set on the right-hand side, leading out to a balcony. A table and chair were the room's only other furnishings, but the free wall had floor-to-ceiling sliding doors that I assumed were the built-in wardrobe. It was more than enough for me.

"Look's good. I'll take it," I said with a grin.

"It's in a great neighbourhood," Tori replied. "The neighbours can be a bit much though," she added, keeping on with the joke.

"God damn we're fucking lame," I said as we both burst out laughing.

"Yeah, but it's okay to be lame sometimes," Tori said after she recovered. I was suddenly struck with how beautiful she was, and how pleasant she was to spend time with. She was nothing like I remembered, and I started to wonder if I even remembered my baby sister properly; had I been holding a grudge against her for nothing all these years? What had I missed by staying away? Regardless of who she was back then, she was wonderful now, and I would make up for my absent years now.

"Hey how about I order some pizza for tonight? We can have a few drinks now you're eighteen and we can catch up," I suggested. She smiled and hugged me around the waist.

"I'd love that Jace," She looked up at me and I was hit with the sudden urge to lean down and kiss those perfect lips—I didn't—she was my little sister after all. I guess I needed to get some alone time and jerk off; the buffet of female body's from earlier had really gotten my juices flowing.

"Awesome, you go catch up with your friends. I'll go for a walk and get some drinks and pick up some pizzas," I said, making the plans for tonight.

"Sure," Tori replied, looking very excited. "Oh, and don't walk, take dad's car. Keys are in a bowl by the front door. Your card will let you gain access to the garage." She was still hugging my waist, so I put an arm around her shoulders.

"Won't dad get pissed off it I drive his car?" I asked. Knowing there was nothing more sacred to my father than his cars.

"He'll never know," she replied. "If he does. I'll say I drove it," she added with a shrug. I knew this could be some plan to get me in shit with our dad: get me to drive the car, then snitch on me when they get home, but I wasn't getting that feeling from her right now.

"Daddy's little girl as always," I said in a mocking tone.

"Damn right," Tori replied, sticking her tongue out at me. "It has it perks." She smiled.

We headed back to the living room and separated. Tori picked up her towel from the kitchen bench and headed to the front door.

"We'll be back in a couple of hours," she said over her shoulder.

"Sure thing. I'll have everything ready, are the others staying?" I asked.

"No. Liz has to work tonight, Hayley will probably go stay at her boyfriends since her mum is out of town, and she's Lucy's ride." She listed off the other girls.

"Oh cool, well I'll grab enough for the three of us," I said.

"Remember, barbecue meat lovers," my sister reminded me. I wouldn't have forgotten her favourite pizza even if she was the worst sibling in the world when we were kids, because it was also my favourite.

"Done and done," I said, giving her a wave as she vanished out the front door, my eyes temporarily drifted down to check out her perfect little ass.

"Fucking hell man," I said to myself.

I packed away the meagre belongings I had brought with me and set my laptop to charge. I didn't have the wi-fi password so there was no gaming for me for now. I tried out the fancy shower my folks had installed in the bathroom. It took me a good five minutes to figure out how to even turn the thing on. There was a touch screen panel on the wall just outside the shower and looked to be one the same inside the massive cubicle. I touched the screen and it lit up with a display. It looked to have saved settings in the system, so I touched one and the shower started up. Before long the entire shower cubicle was filled with steam.

When I stepped into the shower it felt like I was walking into a sauna, but there was more water spraying everywhere. It turns out the jets on the walls of the shower were a mix of steam and water jets; it felt like walking through a car wash as every part of my body was being massaged with steaming hot water. It felt amazing but I decided next time I would pick a lower temperature. My sister loved showers so hot you could cook ramen noodles, not I.

I washed up and exited the shower, shutting the water and jets off. I'd contemplated jerking off, but I had too much to do. My erection was gone for now, so I didn't see the point. I could always do it later if shit got too intense. I dried myself off and got dressed in some clean clothes.

To fit the summer fashion, I pulled on a pair of swim shorts and a singlet before slipping my shoes and socks on. I was already feeling more relaxed here than I had in Melbourne the last couple of years. Once dressed, I grabbed my wallet, keys and sunglasses. My phone was dead, so I decided to leave it on charge in my room with my laptop. I grabbed up the keys next to the front door and jumped in the elevator. Tori was right, the key card allowed me to pick the lobby floor or the garage floor. I hit the button for the garage and waiting as the lift descended smoothly, the doors opening with a chime.

The garage wasn't huge—maybe enough spaces for a couple dozen cars—but it was secure and private. I looked at the car key I'd picked up for the first time and saw what I was looking for. It was a BMW key and it looked new; no visible key was showing but I assumed it had one of those emergency keys inside the remote somewhere, I pressed the unlock button and I saw lights flash on a vehicle by the exit gate. I approached the car and was thoroughly impressed with what I was going to be driving.

My dad had gotten himself one of the brand new 8-series, the garage lights reflecting off-of the glossy black finish as I moved around the vehicle, admiring it.

"Not bad dad," I whispered to myself before opening the door and climbing in. I placed my wallet and keys in the centre console and pushed the start button. The dash lights illuminated at the engine's start and I ran my hands over the steering wheel while I took in the moment.

"I could get used to this," I said to myself.

I found the door remote and pressed the singular button, the garage gate rolled to the side smoothly and off I went.

The drive was short, but I enjoyed it. I wasn't much for cars, but I did enjoy a nice luxury car, and I definitely liked the feeling of driving them. I headed to the nearest pizza place I could find, relying on the car's GPS since I left my phone at home. It was busy, which was a good sign. I ordered three pizzas: a meat lover's I'd share with Tori, a pepperoni, and a chicken pizza, hoping Vicky wasn't a vegan or gluten intolerant. I went for a walk while I waited for the pizzas to cook and picked up a couple of six packs of beer. I wasn't much of a drinker, but I did have a preference for wheat beers. I grabbed a bottle of vodka also—in case the girls didn't like beer. As I was leaving the bottle shop, I spotted a familiar blonde across the road, it was Abi, from the plane. I smiled at seeing the pretty blonde girl and thought it such a coincidence that I would see her again so soon, in a city this size. I considered going across to say hello, but then I saw that she was speaking to a man, they looked very friendly and she kept smiling and laughing at what he was saying. As much as I wanted to see her again, I wasn't going to butt in on a date.

Maybe it just wasn't meant to be.

I headed back to pick up the pizzas, then I loaded the car up and headed back to the apartment. Once home and parked, I loaded the drinks into the three pizza boxes and caught the elevator to the top floor. The front door was wide open, and I could hear the sounds of people talking and laughing. I placed the food and drinks on the kitchen counter and walked over to the living area, where the girls were sitting around. It looked like Lucy and Hayley had already left, but Liz sat with Tori on the couch while Vicky was standing up, flicking through the channels on the enormous television.

"Jace! you're back!" Tori said, bounding off the couch, past me and into the kitchen, tearing open the first pizza box she got to. "I'm sooo hungry," she said with a mouthful of pizza.

"So am I," Vicky said, leering at me as she passed, licking her lips. I'd been back for about thirteen seconds and already the blonde beach babe had my cock waking up from his nap.

"Yeah, let's eat," I said. Then turned to Liz. "You're welcome to some too," I added with a smile. I wanted to make her feel comfortable with me.

"Thanks, but I better get to work." The athletic redhead rose to her feet—graceful as a dancer—and gave her sister and mine a hug before leaving. She did give me a smile as she left, which was progress.

"I get the feeling she doesn't like me much," I said to the girls.

"She takes a bit to warm up to anyone," Tori said, handing me a plate with some pizza on it.

"Especially guys," Vicky added. Mostly ignoring her pizza and choosing to pour her a vodka and orange juice. "Want one Tor?" She asked my sister. Tori shook her head, a mouth full of pizza. "What about you stud?" Vicky asked me.

"No, thanks. I'll just have a beer," I said, pulling one of the bottles free and placing the rest in the fridge. I opened the bottle and took a swig of the thick wheat beer.

We passed the next few hours with some light drinking and telling of stories, it was mostly me listening to the two girls talk about their hijinks in school and who did what, who dated who. Rarely did they ask me about what I had gotten up to, but I was fine with that since most of it was pretty boring.

"So, who was this girl you were dating?" Vicky asked me, and it took me a second to realise she was asking me a question.

"Oh, her?" I said. "No one important now," I added, wanting to take the light off the topic of my previous relationship.

"Are you seeing anyone else?" Vicky asked. She looked quite interested in the answer, and for that matter so did my sister.

"No one else. There was a girl I met on the plane, but I didn't even get her number," I replied. I must have had more to drink than I thought because I said way more than I wanted to.

"Ooo what's her name?" Vicky asked. "What's she like?" added Tori. "Is she hot?" finished Vicky.

"Her name's Abi, she's really nice and yeah...she's quite pretty," I responded to both the girls.

"Is she as pretty as me?" Asked Vicky, who looked more than a little tipsy.

"She's a different kind of pretty to you," I replied. "I couldn't say who was more attractive because you're both so different, it would be like choosing who was more attractive between you and—" I thought for a moment of one of the other girls names, but the only one who came to mind was right here. "Tori." I completed my line of thought, then heard how creepy it sounded. Vicky looked at me thoughtfully and Tori was even smiling.

"So, who's older out of you and Liz?" I asked Vicky, desperately looking for a conversation changer.

"We're twins. Technically she is older, but only by about ten minutes or so," She replied.

From first look you could easily tell the girls were sisters, even though they had a massive height difference, body shape, and even hair and eye colour. They had similar jaw lines and facial structure, but that's as far as the resemblance went. They were obviously close in age, but I never picked on them being twins. I just expected Liz was the older sibling hanging out with her younger sister and her friends; she seemed a little more mature.

"Wow, twins...I never would have picked it," I said.

"Not many do," Vicky replied, taking a long drink from her glass. "Hey, we should get in the hot tub!" The blonde added excitedly.

"Yeah let's go!" Tori responded. She sounded a little drunk herself; I'd have to keep an eye on her drinking to make sure she didn't overdo it.

"Let's do it," I said, deciding for once just to let shit go the way it goes and have some fun. Who knew, maybe if I pretended to have some fun, I would.

I found out the hot tub—which I hadn't known existed until a few minutes ago—was out on the main balcony of the apartment. So there I sat, in a steamy, bubbly hot tub, drinking with two gorgeous girls. The fact that one was my sister was irrelevant, this was still one of the greatest nights in my life.

"Ahhh yeah, this is better," I heard Vicky say. I had my eyes closed and was relaxing in the water, letting the jets massage my body, but when I opened my eyes I was greeted with a very lovely sight. Vicky had removed her bikini top, and her tits hung out in the open, displaying all their glory. And glorious they were.

"You're such a ho Vicky," My sister said with a laugh.

"You should try it, it's liberating," Vicky said. Giving me a wink.

"Maybe I will," Tori replied, and then she pulled her own top off and tossed it onto the deck.

I sat stunned and tried to avoid looking at my sisters naked chest, but if I wasn't looking at hers, I was looking at Vicky's, and I didn't want to ogle either girl's breasts. I felt my erection grow and tent my shorts. I would have closed my eyes, but I didn't want to make it obvious this was having such an effect on me, so I did the only thing I could think of.

I looked Vicky in the eyes.

"Yeah I know right, feels good to get the girls out," I replied, rubbing my hand across my chest. I got the desired effect and had both girls laughing. When I could, I stole a quick glance at my sister's bare chest. Her breasts were impossibly perky and full, much larger than I first thought they were. I looked back to Vicky's and marvelled at the giant orbs as they seemed to float on the surface of the water, as if Vicky was holding them up to show them off. From what I'd learned about the girl so far, that seemed like the most likely scenario. That's when I noticed both girl's nipples were erect, was it the cool air or something else. I mentally shrugged and pushed the thought aside.

After another hour or so in the tub I was feeling drunk, hot, and more than a little horny with the tits on display. I decided it was time I head to bed, jerk off, and fall asleep.

"Well, that's me done for the night," I said, standing in the water. I had been sitting with my erection for so long that I totally forgot about it, and now it was on display for the girls, threatening to burst through my swim trunks. Now there were few things in life I was confident about, but my cock was one of them. It was no freakshow porn star cock, but like most young me, I'd measured it. Eight inches on a full erection, thick as well. So thick my ex-girlfriend had always had trouble taking it and had not once taking it the whole way—no one had. Both girls stared at my noticeable bulge. Vicky had that same hungry look in her eyes, but Tori was also biting her bottom lip, just a bit, as she eyed my cock. I figured we were all drunk, plus I was eyeing her tits before, so it was just normal, nothing wrong with it.

"Night ladies," I said, as I quickly made my escape.

"Wow," I heard someone say, unsure of which girl as I closed the door and headed to my room. In desperate need to whack one out and get some sleep, I was way too fucking horny.

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