Chereads / Literotica Lover / Chapter 115 - Chapter 14

Chapter 115 - Chapter 14

Twenty minutes later, I dressed in a fresh pair of shorts and one of my many band t-shirts. Erica had taken off a few minutes before me to change to avoid suspicion from Emily and Mel's friends. There were already too many people who knew about us.

After I guessed enough time had past, I grabbed my keys before heading down to the house. I was more than a little worried about Jen and Dan knowing about my sisters and me. Things could get incredibly messy if what went on in this house became public knowledge. I could even go to jail.

I suddenly wanted to get as far away from the house as possible. What if more people knew? Surely someone would put two-and-two together before long. A house full of beautiful women with one lone male that just showed up out of the blue. If only I'd known, we would end up in this situation before introducing myself as their brother.

Everyone was outside by the pool when I came down to the house. Erica was nowhere in sight, and I wondered how she snuck by everyone. Mel sat by the pool with Paige—the dark-haired girl with the glasses, and both girls were talking while splashing in the water with their bare feet. Emily sat at the glass outdoor table with the other two.

Paige looked my way when I approached and gave me a small wave. Mel smiled at me but made no move to engage, so I continued around the pool and left the twins with their friends. It was good for them to do normal teenage girl things instead of lusting after their brother.

I made my way past the girls and to the back door of the house. I heard heavy metal blasting from the kitchen through the closed door. Amanda was inside, gliding around the kitchen as she served up plates and moved pots around. Amanda was in her own little world as she bobbed her head, rolled her shoulders, and swayed her hips with the music. I stopped momentarily to admire her and realised this was one of those rare moments where I saw Amanda happy. She was happy the first time I met her, and that entire first day, she was all smiles. But each day, I noticed her mood fluctuate like crazy.

"Not much longer," I whispered to myself.

I stepped into the kitchen and was momentarily assaulted by the pleasurable sounds that reached my ears. It was one of my favourite bands, and I knew it was one Amanda loved too. The music was too loud to hear the door or footsteps, so I didn't expect Amanda to hear me. The raven-haired beauty spun around; her mouth parted as she lip-synced the song. Her eyes fell on me, and she smiled.

Amanda was beautiful beyond words. Her body was sculpted from flawless curves, and her ass could rise the Titanic from the depths. But it was her smile and her eyes that got me every time. Wars would have been fought for this woman. I know I damn-well would fight one for her.

I let my eyes wander for a moment as I took in her outfit. She wore the same band t-shirt I wore, only in a different design and style that left her stomach bare, with black sports shorts with a white strip down the side. The shorts barely covered her ass. Her long, black hair hung loose in thick waves that cascaded down her back, brushing the top of her perfect ass.

Amanda picked up her phone, and the music volume lessened enough for us to talk without yelling; then, she placed her phone down again.

"Hey, you," I said, stepping around the kitchen counter.

"Hey," Amanda smiled. "Dinners ready."

"I know," I said, not taking my eyes off hers. "We should probably take it out there."

"Yeah. We should," Amanda grinned.

That short exchange was enough to get my engine running, and I was ready to nail one of my sisters to the wall right then and there. Unfortunately, we had company, and I had to get my erection under control before seating myself among my sister's friends.

A knock sounded at the front door, so I headed down the hall to see who it was. I opened the door to see Jen. She wore an oversized black hoodie and yoga pants that left nothing to the imagination. Her make-up was done perfectly, and her raven hair was pulled up into a high ponytail. She had a gym bag slung over her shoulder, and I wondered if one of the girls was supposed to go work out with her.

"Hey, Jen," I greeted the short, goth girl.

"Hey, Nick," Jen smiled and pulled me into a hug that I hoped none of the other girls saw, especially Mel.

"Want me to grab Em for you?" I asked.

"No, it's okay," Jen said. "I know they're out back."

My brain finally put two-and-two together, and I realised that Jen was here for the exact same reason the other girls were here.

"Oh yeah," I chuckled. "Come on in. Amanda's just finished cooking."

"Awesome!" Jen said. "Manda is the best cook."

"That she is," I chuckled. "By the way, thanks for earlier."

"No problem," Jen placed a hand on my arm. "You're a sweet guy, and Em is happy. That's all that matters."

"Are you sure you're the same Jen?" I asked with mock suspicion.

"I've asked myself that a few times lately," Jen laughed. "I won't go into details, but I was going through something when we met, and I wasn't really myself."

"I get that," I nodded.

"I don't regret it, though," Jen winked. "That was one hell of a night. Left me sore for a couple of days."

"I do my best," I chuckled.

"That you do," Jen smiled. "I better get in there. Talk later, okay?"

I nodded and stepped aside to let Jen in and was about to close the door when I noticed someone else walking up the pathway. Someone I really did not want to see right now.

"Hey man," Craig called out.

"Hey. I didn't know you were coming over," I said, keeping my tone friendly enough.

"Yeah, I tried calling, but Amanda is kinda mad at me," Craig shrugged. "Figured I'd try one of those impulsive gestures that chicks love so much."

I wanted to tell him to fuck off, but instead, I just shrugged nonchalantly. "Well, you'll have quite the audience in there."

"Yeah, I saw a few cars here. Was that Jen I just saw? Are you tappin' that still?" Craig asked with a grin. "Don't worry; I won't tell Dan."

Now I really wanted to knock his teeth out. He must have known the two were serious after seeing them together earlier, but he didn't care. Craig immediately suspected I was sleeping with his friend's girl—a friend we were in a band with—and he didn't care. Dan was his friend long before I came around, but there was absolutely no loyalty.

Craig moved to step past me, and I had to control the urge I had to slam his head into the doorframe. Instead, I let him by and closed the front door. I needed to be careful about my actions around Craig. After my short conversation with Jen, I was confident she and Dan wouldn't say anything, but Craig was another story. I was positive he'd run his mouth.

I followed Craig into the kitchen and spotted Erica talking with Amanda. They seemed to be arguing about something, but I couldn't tell what either was saying over the music. Amanda looked irritated as Erica rolled her eyes at her older sister. Things seemed bad between the two, but they were about to get worse.

Amanda and Erica turned to face me as I followed in beside Craig, and their faces changed. Erica's face shifted to her 'bitch don't talk to me' face that she wore the first day I met her, only she didn't have any coy, flirty smile for Craig as she had for me. Amanda displayed her emotions much more openly. Her smile was there for just a second as she saw me, but it dropped when she saw Craig, then shifted into a stern frown.

"What do you want?" Amanda asked Craig.

Erica actually stepped up beside Amanda and folded her arms under her breasts, pushing them together and generating a lovely amount of cleavage. It looked like even when the sisters were fighting; they would have each-others backs.

"I want to talk," Craig said.

"We're about to have dinner," Amanda said, her tone making it evident he wasn't invited.

"Look, I know I messed up," Craig said in a convincingly remorseful tone. "Can we just talk?"

Amanda glanced at me for a spit-seconded, then sighed heavily before turning to Erica.

"Can you get dinner set out?" Amanda asked.

"Are you fucking kidding?!" Erica said, her voice rising in volume.

"Please?" Amanda placed a hand on her sister's arm.

"I'll help," I said, slipping past Craig to grab up some of the plates.

"I won't be long," Amanda assured us, then she led Craig into the living room.

Erica and I began moving plates of served food to the backyard, where the girls were. It was warm but not overly humid like it had been. It would be a lovely evening, and I was beginning to think the weather might start to cool. I was still unfamiliar with the season cycles here.

Mel, Emily, and their friends took their seats, and everyone ate a casual dinner. Erica sat beside Emily's friend Paige, but I decided to make myself scarce and give them some girl time. I gave each of my sisters a subtle smile before slipping away to finish my dinner peacefully.

I stuck my head into the living room but didn't see Amanda or Craig. My mind wandered immediately to them being in her room, and if let a sudden surge of jealousy rise. Amanda wouldn't do that so casually, not after our day together. Would she?

I pushed that thought away and sat on the couch with my food. The creamy mushroom and chicken pasta dish tasted great—Amanda was a great cook, and I devoured my bowl in no time and returned for another helping.

I was about halfway through an episode of a series that caught my eye on Netflix when I spotted Amanda and Craig again. They exited the garage, and I let out a sigh of relief when I saw they weren't coming from her bedroom. They could have used the garage—it wouldn't have stopped me—but I chose to believe that Amanda had picked that room as a place to talk on principle. Craig had lost his upstairs privileges by the looks of it. However, he should have lost his entire access to Amanda by now. I needed to talk with her about what was going on.

Maybe I could try one of those family meetings. That's what families did, right?

"Hey, Nick," Amanda stopped when she saw me sitting on the couch. "What are you doing in here by yourself?"

"Just needed a little me time," I smiled. "The girls are all out back. I put the food in the oven to keep it warm."

'Thanks," Amanda smiled.

Craig stepped up beside Amanda and placed a hand on the small of her back. Amanda tensed up at his touch, but she didn't pull away.

"I've just got to make a phone call, then I'll be back," Craig said in a soft, almost caring tone.

"Sure," Amanda said coldly.

Craig backed away, shrugged, shooting me a look, and rolled his eyes. He was trying to stay in Amanda's good books, but he really didn't care about her. The worst part was he thought I was like him—just one of the boys. I'd play my role to keep suspicion off what was happening, but I'd never be his friend. Even if Amanda didn't exist, I could never be friends with someone like him.

Amanda turned her head to watch Craig leave through the front door, his phone already to his ear. I rose to my feet as soon as the door clicked shut and crossed the room to my raven-haired sibling.

"You didn't break up with him?" I asked, knowing the answer.

"No," Amanda shook her head.

"Why?" I asked, stepping into her personal space.

Our bodies pressed together, and Amanda only retreated enough so that her back was pressed against the wall.

"For you," Amanda said softly, staring into my eyes.

"For me?" I asked, a little confused.

Our lips were close, mere centimetres from touching. Amanda's entire body pressed tightly against mine as I trapped her against the wall.

"Yes," Amanda nodded. "Your gig is coming up, and I don't want to risk Craig kicking you out because of me."

"Fuck it," I said quickly. "I'll quit."

"No," Amanda shook her head. "Don't...I really want to see you play."

I placed a hand on Amanda's hip, and I could almost feel her body vibrating. My fingers touched the soft, pale skin of her lower back as my hand encircled her waist. My cock throbbed painfully, pressing firmly between Amanda's legs. The heat from her pussy was evident, even through our layers of clothing.

"So...We wait?" I asked, breathing in her intoxicating aroma.

"No," Amanda said. "Fuck waiting."

Our lips met, and our tongues explored each-others mouths once again. Amanda's arms wrapped around my waist, and I felt her hands slide under my shirt. My hands pulled at her body and sought the exposed skin of her flesh just the same. My erection pulsed as my hips rocked against Amanda's. I doubt I could even slide my entire length into her without blowing my load. I was so worked up and so ready for this woman.

The handle to the front door jiggled suddenly, and I suddenly thought we were about to get caught.

"He can't get in," Amanda said.

"You locked the door?" I asked.

"Just to give us a few minutes," Amanda grinned.

"The house is full of people, and your boyfriend is on the other side of that door," I said, kissing along her jawline. "We could get caught at any second."

"I know," Amanda gasped, tilting her head back to give me access to her smooth neck. "You should feel how wet it makes me."

I growled at her words and pulled her body harder against me. My hands found her magnificent ass, and I groped her perfect cheeks unashamedly. Her moans and gasps fueled my libido as I ground my cock between her legs. I needed to be inside her but knew we only had a few seconds. Amanda's body convulsed suddenly, and she bit into my shoulder as she let out a muffled scream.

Amanda must have been as close to climax as I was.

"Holy shit," Amanda groaned, burying her face into my shoulder. "I am so sorry."

"It's fine," I assured her, hugging her trembling body tight.

Craig was banging at the door now, and I was worried it would draw the attention of one of the girls. I didn't mind if Emily, Mel, or Erica came out, but it could very well be one of their friends. And Amanda and I were in a very, very precarious position.

"I need to go clean up," Amanda said. "Can you let him in, in a minute?"

"Sure thing," I winked.

I watched Amanda walk to the base of the stairs and slowly ascend. It seemed she had been taking notes from Erica, because the added sway to her hips entranced me. I couldn't stop staring at her world-star ass, even when she stopped and looked over her shoulder at me. Her dazzling smile won out, though, and I fell in love with her all over again.

"Come to my room tonight," Amanda said, then vanished upstairs.

I waited another minute before opening the door.

"Sorry, Craig, must have locked behind you," I said.

"Where did Amanda go?" he asked, stepping inside.

"To clean up before dinner," I replied.

"Alright, well, I'm gonna take off," Craig said. "I'm not too keen on getting another grilling. Good luck with Jen tonight."

The fact that he took off without even saying goodbye to Amanda would have usually put me in a bad mood, but now I didn't care. Craig was done, and it looked like I'd finally get the night with Amanda that was teased on my first night here.

I made myself scarce for the remainder of the evening, choosing the solitude of my flat while the girls entertained their friends in the main house. I wasn't sure if they were actually having a sleepover or not, but when it rolled over to 9:00 pm without any sign of our guests leaving, I started to realise that visiting Amanda in her room may not be feasible.

I pulled my phone out and texted Amanda, asking if she wanted to come to my room since we'd have more privacy.

"Where's the fun in that?" Amanda replied with a selfie that showed nothing but also told me she was completely naked.

It would be a risk, but she would be worth it.

I left my phone behind after locking my flat before returning to the main house. The girls had all moved inside for the night, and I could see the light on in Amanda's room from her second-floor terrace that overlooked the pool. The door to her balcony was opened, the curtains fluttering with a soft breeze.

Amanda had issued a challenge with that selfie, and I was beginning to see how the risk of being caught turned her on. I would have bet my harem of sexy women on Amanda leaving that door open for me.

I glanced around quickly to ensure no one was around; then, I jumped to grab hold of the terrace. My fingers brushed the edge, but I couldn't get a firm enough hold to pull myself up. I spied one of the outdoor chairs and pulled it over. I pressed down on the chair a few times to test its durability—I didn't want it to break apart while standing on it. Once I was satisfied I wouldn't eat shit immediately, I climbed onto the chair and quickly found a solid grip on the terrace railing.

All my time at the gym paid off at this moment when I easily pulled myself up, hooked my right arm over the top railing, and pulled myself completely onto the terrace. I landed with a no-so-graceful thud, but I doubted anyone in the house would have heard.

I couldn't see into the room past the billowing curtain, so I stepped in, ready to announce myself so as not to frighten Amanda. I wanted to surprise her, but I didn't want something thrown at me or for her to scream. That would make our situation complicated to explain to the girls downstairs.

My eyes scanned the room after brushing the curtain aside. The room was dark, with only the flickering of candles to illuminate the room. Amanda knelt on her bed facing me, a sultry look in her eyes and a sexy smile creeping across her lips.

"Hey," Amanda smiled.

"Hey," I replied.

Amanda straightened, giving me a better view of her outfit choice. Thigh-high socks covered her long legs. Her panties looked like tiny shorts that seemed to be on strike when it came to covering anything except for the bare essentials. Her top of choice was odd, but the longer I looked, the more I liked it. Amanda wore a thick, long-sleeve sweater of white wool. The neck was wide and hung down one shoulder, giving me a view of her ample breasts beneath—which bounced in a way that told me she wasn't wearing a bra—and the bottom of the garment both hid and teased at her fantastic figure and hips beneath.

I ripped my shirt over my head and was on the bed in record time. Amanda's arms wrapped around me as I pulled her to me by her hips. Our bodies pressed together as we knelt on the bed, and our tongues danced as we kissed passionately.

Footsteps outside Amanda's room sounded, followed by a knock at her door. The door handle twisted a second later, but it was locked.

"What?" Amanda called out.

"Are you okay, Manda?" asked Mel.

Amanda looked me in the eyes, then pulled her sweater over her head and flung it across the room. My mouth was on her breasts immediately as I devoured her small, hard nipples. My hands grasped at her perfect orbs as I massaged her soft flesh. They were perfect.

"I'm wonderful," Amanda said with heavy breaths. "Just fine."

"Can I come in?" Mel asked, sounding a little concerned. "I want to talk about Craig."

"Not right now," Amanda replied, running her fingers through my hair as she guided my mouth to where she wanted it next. I sucked at her neck as my hands groped her fantastic ass.

"Alright," Mel replied through the door. "I'm just downstairs if you need anything."

Amanda placed her hands on my face, guiding me to meet her eyes. Her dazzling blue orbs stared into my soul as our noses brushed. Then my raven-haired sister pushed me onto my back and yanked my shorts down. My cock sprang free, already hard enough to drill holes, and slapped against my stomach.

"I have everything I need right here," Amanda said quietly, her eyes fixed on my erection as she licked her lips.

Without another word, Amanda dropped onto her elbows and ran her tongue up the length of my shaft. A shiver shot through my body as her warm tongue bathed my cock. Amanda wasted no time. Once she reached the tip of my penis, she took me in her mouth, flicking her tongue across the tip of my penis while stroking my shaft.

"Your cock is so much bigger than Craig's," Amanda said as she slurped and licked at me like her favourite flavoured lollipop.

"Just one of the many things I am better at," I said with a groan.

"Oh, I know," Amanda cooed. "You're perfect."

I ran my hands through her thick, inky hair as she sucked and licked at my cock for the next few minutes. Amanda made a few attempts to deepthroat me, but she didn't get far before she gagged and pulled off my cock, leaving a trail of saliva.

"I can't get over how perfect you are," Amanda said, as her hands alternated between massaging my cock and running up and down my stomach.

"I feel the same about you," I moaned.

"We should have done this that first night," Amanda said. "Fuck, I wanted you so bad."

"That's okay," I assured her. "We have each other now."

Amanda nodded, then sat back and hooked her thumbs under the waistband of her panties. She moved to pull them down, then looked at me and stopped.

"You should do this," She grinned.

Amanda rolled forward onto her knees so that her pelvis was hovering above me. She swayed her hips from side to side above me, looking down with a sly smile. I wasted no time sitting up and wrapping my arms around her hips. My hands found her perfect ass again as my lips kissed along her stomach, just above her panties. Amanda reached behind herself and began massaging my cock with both hands. This position pushed her chest forward, drawing attention to her impossibly perky breasts.

This woman was driving me crazy.

I tugged at Amanda's panties wanting to get at the treat beneath, but she mounted my chest, making it impossible to slide them off. With a growl of frustration, I grabbed her unnecessary underwear with both hands and pulled with all my strength. The fabric ripped easily, tearing away from Amanda's lower body and exposing her completely to me.

I wasted no time pulling on her hips and brought my face to her pussy. Amanda let out a squeal of pleasure which was quickly followed by a moaning gasp as I lapped at her warm, dripping pussy. Her hands started fumbling at my cock as she was unable to concentrate. This allowed me to focus more on her pleasure as I sunk my tongue deep inside her hot tunnel. I licked and sucked at her pussy greedily, knowing my face would be smeared in her juices but not caring one bit.

Amanda's legs tensed a moment later, and I felt her soft thighs pressing hard against my head, threatening to crush my skull in the most blissful form of death a man could imagine. My eyes fixed on Amanda as she rode my face. Her stomach tensed, and her breasts swayed with her quick, jerking motions as her hips gyrated on my face. Amanda leaned forward, her full lips parted and eyes closed in excruciating ecstasy, and her raven hair flowing down one side of her body like an inky curtain meant to shield us from the world.

I was so enraptured by how she looked in her moment of climax that I hadn't noticed the near ear-shattering wail of pleasure that left her lips. Her moans and yelps spurred me on, and I doubled my efforts as I assaulted her pussy. Amanda grabbed my hands and pulled them to her chest. I grabbed her breasts eagerly as Amanda ran her fingers through my hair and ground her hips harder against me as if she was fucking my mouth.

"Oh my god!" Amanda moaned, visibly shaking. "Fuck! Nick...Fuck."

Amanda lifted her hips from my face, and I sucked in much-needed air. I could have kept going without issue, but I had started feeling a little light-headed. Now I knew how Erica must have felt after I used her mouth like fuck toy.

"That good, was it," I chuckled, still breathing heavily.

"Oh my god," Amanda repeated, then collapsed against my chest, breathing heavily from excitement rather than exertion. "The others..."

"Oh, they heard," I laughed. "I'm pretty sure my neighbors back in London heard that."

"Fuck. I'm so embarrassed," Amanda blushed and buried her face in my chest. "What if they say something."

"For all they know, you're in here with your boyfriend, who was by earlier," I assured her, running my hand down her back to cup her perfect ass. "Or you're all alone dealing with some stress."

"It's still embarrassing," Amanda said, but she couldn't keep the grin from her beautiful face. "Sorry if I got a bit carried away."

"That's perfectly alright," I winked. "I'm sure the roles will reverse sometime."

"Oh shit," Amanda gasped, glancing at my still rock-hard erection. "You haven't...I feel so bad. I just got distracted."

"It's okay," I laughed. "You can still make it up to me."

"I think I'll do that." Amanda grinned and kissed me.

I wrapped my arms around Amanda's thin waist and pulled her against me, mashing her breasts against my chest. Her legs parted, and I felt her thighs pressed against my hips. My cock nestled between her legs, and I could feel the wet warmth from her slick lips against me.

"Fuck you feel good," Amanda bit her bottom lip.

"You're so wet," I gasped.

"You should feel inside me," Amanda gasped.

Amanda rocked her hips back and forth with increasing speed. I could easily lift her hips and slide inside her warm tunnel, but I let her take control. I knew the tease would be well worth the wait, and I had to admit, this felt fucking amazing.

"On my god! I'm gonna cum again," Amanda let out a sharp squeal as she ground herself hard against me. Her stomach muscles fluttered, and her legs trembled as the warmth and wetness around my pelvis increased.

"Wasn't it supposed to be my turn?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Oh, shut up," Amanda scolded playfully. "It's been a while."

"Craig not up to the challenge?" I smirked.

"Not even close," Amanda leaned forward and kissed me passionately.

Our tongues danced briefly before I felt Amanda's hand between our bodies. Her fingers wrapped around the base of my shaft, and a moment later, I felt the unmistakable warmth of her pussy as it enveloped the head of my penis. Our lips stayed locked together as Amanda slowly impaled herself on my cock. Her moans into my mouth vibrated through my entire body, all the way down to my cock, as I bottomed out inside her.

"Holy shit!" Amanda gasped. "It's finally happening."

It was finally happening. The woman I fell in love with at first sight was currently sitting on my cock as we made out. Her naked body pressed against mine, and we were finally one.

"Sit up so I can see you," I growled softly, biting her neck.

Amanda sat back and settled onto my erection even deep. Her breasts jutted out perfectly from her body, and her small nipples looked hard enough to cut glass. Her skin was slick with sweat, and her long, raven mane hung around her shoulders in inky waves that contrasted heavily against her porcelain skin.

I took Amanda's hands in mine and stared into her beautiful blue orbs. "I love you."

"I love you too," Amanda said, squeezing my hands.

Amanda began to bounce up and down on my cock, letting out a sharp yelp of pleasure every time my cock slid into her. We were still holding hands as she rode me, and Amanda pushed my arms over my head, pinning me to the bed. I was usually the aggressor in bed, so I was happy to let her take charge for once.

I tilted my hips and met her each time she slid down my shaft. Amanda's breasts dangled in front of my face, so I leaned forward just enough to clasp one of her nipples between my lips. Amanda got the message and arched her back, pressing her perfect tits into my face as she rode my cock.

"Oh fuck. You're so big," Amanda gasped. "I'm so full."

"I'm going to fill you more," I growled.

My words must have set Amanda off because I felt her pussy quiver, and Amanda pressed down hard on my cock. I felt a familiar warmth around my cock as her walls clenched me hard. Amanda let out another wail of pleasure as she climaxed on my dick for the first time. She threw her head back and gyrated her hips hard as she rode out her orgasm.

I watched for a moment, in complete awe of my goddess lover. Her pleasure brought me joy, but I had been holding out for far too long.

My climax was close after so much teasing and foreplay, even after being drained with Erica earlier. It was like my body knew that I had added another woman to my harem and was amplifying my libido to match.

I grabbed Amanda's hips and began thrusting into her. I pulled her body against mine and angled my hips for maximum thrusting power. Amanda knew the assignment and tilted her hips as she buried her face into my neck.

The scent of her body, the feel of her flesh against mine, and the sensation of her hair across my skin was all it took. Her moans spurred me on as I pumped my erection into her slick, tight pussy. But it was her soft words that sent me over the edge. Her whisper stroked my mind, cock, and soul as I filled her body with my seed, finally claiming her as mine.

"I love you, Nick."

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