Chereads / Literotica Lover / Chapter 89 - Chapter 8

Chapter 89 - Chapter 8

I considered chickening out and hiding in my flat for the rest of the day—or year—about a dozen times in the few seconds I stood in the kitchen waiting for my sisters. The anxiety I felt was churning my stomach and caused my heart to race as I ran through a hundred different outcomes to this confrontation. Most of them ended with me being kicked out, and my sisters never wanting to see me again. I knew I was probably overexaggerating the outcome to some degree, but it didn't stop me from worrying.

I tried to look as casual as possible by grabbing a chilled bottle of water from the fridge just as Amanda rounded the corner into the kitchen. The sight of her nearly floored me.

My eldest sister was wearing a pair of grey yoga pants that showcased her amazing legs, and a black tank-top that clung to her sweat-slicked skin. Her long black hair was tied up in a ponytail, leaving her long, slender neck invitingly exposed. Our eyes met for a brief moment, then she offered me a smile before dumping her gym bag on the kitchen counter.

"Good morning, Nick," she said. "Did you sleep well?"

Her response was not what I was expecting. Then I remembered we'd all drank a fair bit last night. Did she even remember the kiss? I sure as hell would never forget it, but maybe it wasn't as memorable for her as it was for me. That line of thought was more than a little depressing.

"Yeah I did, sorry I slept so late," I said, taking a swig from my water.

"Don't worry about it," Amanda gave me another smile, then began scooting around the kitchen, pulling out pans and lighting the stove. "Take a seat, I'll make you some breakfast."

She slipped by me a few times, and the closeness of her body was intoxicating. I felt my penis begin to jump to life and decided a seat was probably the best option right now.

"You don't have to make me anything to eat," I protested, taking a seat. "You've already done more than enough today."

"Nonsense," she said. "I've always got so much energy after a workout."

I decided to let it drop and glanced around the kitchen area. I had no idea how this wonderful woman had so much energy, especially after the party last night. None of the party guests had been overly messy or caused any issues, but parties always left a lot to clean up the day after. The kitchen and what I could see of the adjoining rooms looked to be as spotless and tidy as they were the first day I arrived. It felt strange to think I'd only been in this house for a couple of days and it was already so familiar. My sisters were so welcoming, and it really felt like I'd known them for far longer. It already felt like home.

Just then, Emily sauntered into the kitchen with her own workout bag, and I had to make sure my mouth wasn't gaping open with how stunning she looked. The cute brunette was dressed far more revealing than her older sister—which was strange by itself, since Emily usually dressed quite modestly. Her tight-as-skin workout shorts rode low on her hips, and her matching black sports bra pushed her breasts together nicely. Since Emily wore a lot of loose band shirts, I hadn't ever gauged how busty she was. She took after Erica a little more in that department. I found it strange that even though Mel and Emily were twins—and had identical facial features—their bodies were quite different. They were of similar height, but Emily had more soft curves compared to her twin's slender, petite figure. Mel still had amazingly perky breasts—I'd caught more than a passing glance earlier—but she shared a similar body type to Amanda.

I tried hard not to stare at Emily's exposed mid-section that still seemed to be slick with sweat, but I failed miserably. Especially when her hips swayed the way they did.

"Hey big brother," Emily smiled, then threw her arms around my neck and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"Good morning," I replied, hugging her back.

Her body was warm, and her exposed skin was slick. Her lips against my cheek felt red hot and were gone far quicker than I wanted them to be. I fought against the urge to breathe deeply and relish in the scent of her body. That would have been more than a little creepy.

"It's not morning anymore," she chuckled, releasing her hug.

"I guess it isn't. Sorry I slept in so late," I replied.

I wanted to pull her against me again and feel her soft curves more intimately, but I resisted my primal urge. I'd just fucked the shit out of her best friend last night and I really should be able to show some control now. But I didn't.

"It's no big deal. I'm sure Jen kept you up quite late," Emily shrugged.

"Yeah...about that," I started to form an apology.

"Don't try to apologize. I'm not mad, just be careful with her," Emily assured me.

"Are you sure you're not mad?" I asked.

"Why would I be?" she replied, and I caught a slightly curious undertone to her question.

"'s just," I sighed. "It's silly. But I know if one of my friends tried sleeping with any of you, I'd get pretty mad at them."

"But not mad at me?" she arched an eyebrow.

"Well, no. I could never be mad with you," I answered truthfully.

"Good," she smiled, then planted another kiss on my cheek. "I'm gonna go shower."

With a quick wave to her sister, Emily bounded out of the kitchen, her juicy behind bouncing with each step that threatened to have me drooling from the corner of my mouth like a drummer concentrating on his beats per minute.

"Breakfast's up," Amanda said cheerily.

I turned back to my eldest sister just in time to see her gorgeous smile as she placed a steaming plate of fluffy scrambled eggs, crispy bacon and two fat pork sausages in-front of me, along with two thick slices of buttered toast. Yeah, I was drooling for real this time.

I dug in after thanking Amanda, and she gave me a pleasant smile. I focused on shoving as much food into my mouth as possible—without choking—as I ran through what I wanted to say to my sister. She seemed to be in good spirits, so either she didn't remember the kiss, or it didn't bother her. I wasn't sure which I would have preferred. Amanda wasn't mad with me, and that was all I really cared about.

"So, where's Craig?" I asked when I finally had my fill.

"He left last night with his brother," she replied. "Something about writing a new song. They were quite drunk, so it wouldn't surprise me if they ended up at a pub or a strip club."

"That doesn't bother you?" I asked her.

"No, I understand guys enjoy that stuff," she shrugged. "I'll even admit to having gone a few times.

I filed away the knowledge that my gorgeous sister could very well be into girls and dropped the subject. I could see the appeal of a strip club—especially now I had a bit of money to burn—but I didn't see why anyone would go out to a place like that when they had an amazing girlfriend waiting for then. Especially one as gorgeous as Amanda.

I finished my breakfast and quickly washed my plate when Amanda left the kitchen, then headed into the living room to chill out and watch some T.V.

I passed the day binge watching some post-apocalyptic sci-fi show on Netflix and eating junk food. The show wasn't bad, but the amount of cringy teen-angst moments had me close to turning it off. That was until Emily came in. Her hair hung loose and messy as usual, and she was wearing another one of her baggy t-shirts and knee length denim shorts. She plonked down next to me with a bowl of popcorn in her hands.

"Hey, this show is great!" she said, offering me the bowl of popcorn she had.

"It's okay. Not sure how you can put up with the teen-drama side of it," I answered, grabbing a handful of popcorn.

"Well I am a teenager after all," Emily laughed.

"Oh yeah," I chuckled. "Sorry, I kind of keep forgetting."

"You saying I look old?" she asked, clutching her chest in mock offence.

"Shut up," I laughed, and gave her a shove.

Emily giggled as she struggled to keep the bowl of popcorn from tipping, then threw a handful at me, hitting me in the face. She was smiling wide and giggling as I turned and fixed her with a stern look. Then I pounced.

Emily's giggles turned into full-blown squeals and screams as I started tickling her. The bowl of popcorn tumbled to the ground—all but forgotten—as we wrestled on the couch. I found her ticklish spots quickly, and she thrashed and squealed as my fingers danced across her belly, up her ribs and reaching a crescendo of shrieks under her armpits. I was just about to relent on my assault when the heel of Emily's foot—through her frantic struggling—connected with my groin.

I groaned in pain and rolled away from Emily as I collapsed into the couch. She mustn't have realized for a few seconds what had happened, because she pounced on me, giggling.

"Time out," I grunted as she pressed her weight down on-top of me.

"Oh shit!" she gasped as realisation became clear in her features. "Nick! I'm so, so sorry!"

"It's okay," I groaned again as another wave of pain spread through my groin and stomach. "It's already feeling better."

I wasn't lying to her either. She hadn't kicked me all that hard, but it was still a sensitive spot. At least I didn't have to worry about the involuntary boner I'd been getting by being so close to her.

Emily draped herself over my body and rested her chin on my shoulder as I lay there. "Can I get you anything?"

"Nah, I'll be fine," I replied, not wanting her to move.

"What the hell was going on down here."

Emily's weight lifted off me quickly, and I gingerly sat up to see Erica standing in the entryway to the living room. She was wearing her black silk robe from the night before, but this time it was tied tightly around her thin waist. Erica looked like she'd just climbed out of bed. Her hair was frizzy and uncombed, and she wore no make-up that I could tell. Without her hair straightened to perfection, and her masterfully applied make-up, she looked gorgeous. Her eyes were large, her lips full and soft and her skin looked flawless. I really enjoyed her aesthetic, but I would be happy to wake up to that face every morning.

"Nick was tickling me, and I accidentally kicked him in the nuts," Emily said with a grin.

" don't want to do that dear sister," Erica said with a half-smile. "I get the feeling Nick's going to need them with all the attention he's bound to get."

"Attention?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. Surely Erica wouldn't be so blatant about what she wanted in-front of our sister.

"You banged Jen," Emily said.

"So?" I replied, a little confused.

"Jen talks, and if she talks about last night, then a lot of girls in the scene are gonna try to nail you down," Erica replied flatly.

"You're essentially fresh meat," Emily added.

The prospect of having a horde of attractive women throwing themselves at me was a great ego boost, and it would be a lot of fun. But it could get ugly. In my experience, women could be catty and ruthless when it came to laying claim to a man. Especially when that man was new to the area. I'd seen it happen a few times back in London and didn't look forward to being at the centre of one.

"Maybe she won't talk," I said.

Erica and Emily both burst out laughing.

Erica joined Emily and myself on the couch watching Netflix, and I simply enjoyed the company of my sisters. Emily snuggled up on one side of my, while Erica lounged on the opposite with, draping her legs over me. Her robe rode up quite high, giving me marvellous view of her long, smooth legs. I even noticed a distinct lack of panties when she 'accidentally' parted her legs slightly.

"You three look comfortable," Amanda said, walking in from the kitchen.

"Join us!" Emily said happily, stretching her arms out to her big sister.

Amanda gave me a curious look before climbing onto the couch and wrapping her arms around Emily. A few minutes later, Mel slipped into the room quietly and Erica lifted herself up so the blonde twin could join the group, then rested her head on Mel's lap. Mel gave me a few knowing looks as her twin rested her head on my shoulder, but she didn't say anything about our conversation earlier. Hopefully I could get some alone time with Mel, and she could help me deal with this whole messy situation.

"Well that's enough T.V for me today," I said as I untangled myself from my sisters and stretched.

"Yeah, it's been a bit of a lazy day," Emily added with a yawn.

"Lazy for some. You and Manda were at the gym for about two hours," Mel chimed in.

"Speaking of gym," Erica said. "I'm gonna go and work off the party last night. Want to come, Nick?"

I quickly debated with myself about going, and quickly concluded that I did indeed want to see Erica sweating in workout gear. "Sure, I'll go."

"I'll come with," Mel said, getting to her feet. "Just give me a minute to get changed.

"I'll start on dinner," Amanda said, then turned to Emily. "Want to help?"

"Sure," Emily smiled.

All my sisters went their separate ways, except for Erica. She eyed me from where she was still laying on the couch, and held her arms out to me, as if she needed my help to get up. I smiled at my sister and obliged her. I took her hands on my and pulled her off the couch, and straight into my arms.

Erica fell into my chest, and I wrapped my arms around her thin waist to support her. Her arms wrapped around my neck and suddenly her face was barely an inch from mine. I looked into her blue eyes—which sparkled with a mischievous glint—and enjoyed the curve of her hips under my fingertips.

"Hey," she said softly.

"Hey," I replied. "Come here often?"

I chuckled as she rolled her eyes and could tell she was only barely suppressing a smile. Her body was flush against mine, and I could feel the swell of her generous breasts as they were crushed against my chest, and her smooth thigh rested ever-so gently between my legs. It would be impossible for her to not notice my erection.

"Why did you come to my room last night?" I asked without thinking.

"Why do you think?" she raised a perfectly arched eyebrow.

"I think you thought I was alone," I replied with confidence.

"Look at that," she half smiled. "Smart and good looking. You've got it all...big brother."

The sultry tone she used for the last two words sent a shiver down my spine and caused my hands to slide down to grope her amazing cheeks. I hadn't consciously made the move, but I was glad I had. Her ass felt amazing in my hands—ten times better than Jen's had—and I had to fight every fibre in my body to not lift her thin robe and take a hold of her glorious bare cheeks.

"Mmmm," she moaned. "Your hands feel good."

"You feel good," I growled into her ear.

The pressure from Erica's thigh between my legs increased, and I felt her smooth skin run along the length of my stiff rod. My head swam with an intoxicating feeling of lust and wanton pleasure that I'd never felt before. I wasn't sure if it was purely my attraction to this goddess, or because it was so taboo.

Our mouths were still a fraction of an inch from touching, and the wetness of her full, pouty lips was so inviting that I knew if I kissed her now, I wouldn't be able to stop. Thankfully, we were saved by footsteps in the hallway outside, and quickly—albeit unwillingly—separated.

"I better go change," Erica said after looking longingly at the bulge in my pants.

"Same," I replied, but let her leave first so I could watch those hips sway from behind.

I was glad to see Erica looked about as flustered and bothered as I was. It confirmed my suspicions that she might actually have genuine feelings for me, as I did for her. I readjusted myself to make my boner a little less obvious, then headed out back and up to my flat to change.

Ten minutes later I met both sisters out by Erica's blue Holden Barina. The sisters looked equally amazing in their sports-gear, and I was looking forward to seeing them work up a sweat.

Erica had dressed in a pair of black and red leggings that looked to be painted on, with a matching sports bra. Leaving her hour-glass thin waist exposed for my eyes to feast upon. Her long black hair was pulled up into a neat ponytail that reached her ass. I let my eyes wander her body openly as she did mine.

Mel was dressed similarly, but her outfit was completely black, and her top covered her thin waist completely. It still hugged her form like a second skin, and I couldn't help but admire the slight curve of her ass when she turned away from me. She'd put her long platinum blonde hair into pigtails, which I found incredibly cute. I'm sure she didn't do it to get a rise out of me, but she did give me a knowing wink when Erica wasn't looking. Was the wink because she knew I was checking her out? Or was it because she saw me checking her sister out? Either outcome would be strange.

I climbed into the passenger seat of Erica's car when Mel had insisted, taking the back seat for herself. Like Amanda had, Erica offered to let me drive, but I wanted to get my license transferred over before taking to the streets here. The last thing I wanted was to get pulled over and fined for driving without a license.

Erica played music softly as we dove, but no one spoke. The music she'd picked wouldn't have been my first pick. The goth/industrial music was okay at clubs and parties, but it was never something I would ever go out of my way to listen to. I knew it was popular with alternate and goth women, so I said nothing.

About ten minutes later we pulled into a small parking lot and I followed the girls to the single door of the local gym. Erica stepped up and swiped a small key fob over the reader, and the door clicked before she opened it and stepped inside. Mel followed after her and motioned for me to follow her. Once inside Erica quickly deposited her belongings in one of the empty cubby-holes that lined the adjacent wall before heading further into the gym.

"I'll take you to see someone about a membership," Mel smiled.

I nodded and motioned for her to lead the way, trying my best to not stare at her taut ass openly.

Mel led me to a corner office with glass doors and walls. A young blonde woman sat behind the curved desk, chatting on the phone. Mel knocked quietly, and the woman flashed her a smile before holding up a finger, indicating she should be done soon. When the blonde finished her phone call she rose from her chair and rounded her desk to give Mel a friendly hug. She wore a black and white polo shirt with the gym's logo on her left breast, with tight leggings that showcased her toned legs. She was quite a bit shorter than Mel—meaning I towered over the small woman—and looked to have a flawless bronze tan that made her bright blue eyes shine.

"This is my brother, Nick," Mel introduced me. "Nick, this is Sarah. She manages the gym."

"Nice to meet you Nick," Sarah said with a friendly smile.

"You too," I replied, extending my hand in greeting.

Sarah took my offered hand and we shook for an appropriate length. Her hands were soft as buttermilk, but her grip was firm. Working in and managing a gym probably meant she had plenty of time to work out herself, and I was disappointed that her polo shirt covered so much of her figure.

"So, you're looking at a membership?" she asked once all greetings were given.

"Yeah. My sisters all come here, so I figured it's a good place to go," I replied.

"We love having them here, and I'm sure you'll fit right in," Sarah smiled. "Come into my office and I'll get your details. Then you can get right to it if you wish."

Mel bid us both a farewell as I followed Sarah into her office and took one of the two chairs in-front of her desk. Instead of taking her chair behind the desk, she took the one beside me and placed a few sheets of papers down before me.

"Here is our contract for membership," Sarah pointed out. "It just states the cost of membership per month, trial periods and joining fee, which we'll waive for you since you're a family member of a few of our members."

I glanced over the paperwork without really reading it. The contracts for gym memberships were usually quite universal, with only slight variations in costs, opening hours and minimum trial periods.

"This all looks satisfactory," I said.

Sarah gave me a warm smile, and I thought I saw her admiring me from the corner of my eye. It was probably my imagination from being around Erica so much lately. Sarah would see all sorts of hulked out body builders all day. I wasn't anything special in this crowd.

"Next is the payment form. We only accept payments in form of direct debit on the first of every month," she explained. "Mel mentioned you came from England. Do you have an Australian bank account set up yet?"

I hadn't bothered setting up an account since I wasn't sure if I was going to stay in country or not. Since both my mother and father were Australian citizens, I had a dual citizenship which would make things easier. But I just wasn't sure until I met my siblings if I was going to stay. Now I had no intention of leaving.

"I do not. But I can easily set one up tomorrow," I replied.

"That's fine. Since your sisters have been coming here for a couple of years now, I'd be happy to give you the first month for free. Just make sure you have that account set-up and get the details to me before the trial is over," Sarah said.

"You got it," I replied with a nod.

I signed and initialled the required papers. Then Sarah handed me a towel, water bottle and keyring fob. All items had the gym's logo on them.

"These are complimentary to all members. The fob will grant you access to the gym anytime you want to work out. Just make sure you use it every time you enter and don't let anyone in. Even if you know someone is a member," she explained.

Now it made sense why Erica and Mel entered separately. Each of them using their own key fobs. It was a little strange, but I understood the security issues of letting random people in at all hours of the night. They couldn't keep staff on call twenty-four-seven.

"Thank you. You've been extremely helpful," I gave the cute blonde a smile.

"It's my pleasure," she smiled back. "I probably don't have to ask this since you look to be in great shape, but if you need any help from personal trainers or anything, just ask. We have a bunch on site that are happy to help."

"Are you one of the trainers?" I asked, testing the waters.

"I could be," she winked.

I gave me one last smile before leaving her office. There was nothing quite like being flirted with by a gorgeous woman to make a man's day. I may have to take Sarah up on her offer for personal training. Hopefully, her plans for getting the heart racing were as interesting as my own.

Since I was done with my membership process, I decided to get a quick workout in. I dumped my phone and wallet in one of the cubbies beside the one Erica had picked, filled my water bottle, and headed over to the cardio section to warm up. The pleasant sight of Erica's ass flexing greeted me as I rounded the corner to where the treadmills were lined up in two rows against the wall. Erica was moving at a slow run, and the loping gait of her stride made her juicy ass bounce with each step she took. So naturally I took one of the treadmills in the row behind her.

It had been a few weeks since I'd done any exercising. I started my cardio off light, building up to a fast run after ten minutes, then only maintaining it for a few minutes before cooling off with a fast walk. My eyes were fixed to Erica's ass for most of it, making time fly.

The rest of my time at the gym was spent in close proximity to one of my sisters. Mel had caught me more than a few times checking Erica out, but said nothing. Nor did she indicate that it bothered her. She even caught me checking her out when she was stretching on a yoga mat. I was sure Erica loved every minute of it too.

I kept most of my workout light so as to not hurt myself by jumping back in too fast, but after an hour I had still worked up quite a sweat and desperately wanted a shower and change of clothes.

"Hey stranger," Erica nudged me playfully as she brushed by to fill her water bottle at the fountain.

"You all done?" I asked, letting my eyes roam her glistening body.

"Yeah. Just going to shower and change," she said, taking a sip from her bottle.

"You mind directing me to the showers?" I asked, not thrilled about showering in public, but I didn't want to smell on the car ride home.

"Sure. This way."

I followed Erica towards the back of the gym—passed the free-weights section—and down a narrow corridor. There were a series of doors lining the corridor, each with a unisex bathroom symbol on them. A few were locked, but most were open slightly, signalling they were unoccupied.

"Just pick an empty shower and clean up. Just be sure to turn the lights off when you're done and leave the door open, so others know it's free," Erica explained.

"Thanks," I replied. "Better than the communal showers I had to deal with in the gyms back home."

"Communal can be fun," Erica winked.

Then my lovely sister spun on her heels and sauntered back down the corridor, glancing over her shoulder to give me a wicked smile before rounding the corner.

"Might make that a cold shower," I chuckled to myself.

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