Chereads / Literotica Lover / Chapter 80 - Chapter 8: Table

Chapter 80 - Chapter 8: Table

As my sister pulled me into the hallway, I was filled with a mix of emotions. On one hand, re-enacting the dream would be crazy hot, but it was one thing to be messing around in our bedrooms, and an entirely different matter to be doing it in the dining room. The only saving grace was that, by this point, it was well past midnight and the chance of one of our parents waking up and going downstairs was extremely low. My worries vanished into thin air as Elayne glanced over her shoulder and gave me a wide smile--her eyes dripping with lust.

"I wish you'd mentioned this sooner. God, I can't believe one little peek at me naked and you were already dreaming of eating me out. That's such a fucking turn-on."

Not entirely sure how to respond to that, I pulled my hand free as we reached my door. "One sec, I need to grab something," I said in response to her puzzled look. "I'll meet you downstairs in just a bit."

Elayne frowned slightly. "Fine, but you better be quick. I'm going to be upset if your tongue isn't inside me in the next five minutes."

She was already gone, her cute little ass vanishing down the stairs before I could tell her that I'd be disappointed in that case as well. Darting into my room, I grabbed both the vibe and the remote from where they'd been left in the top drawer of my desk. I didn't have any specific plans for them yet, but they seemed like a good thing to get if I was going to be focused on pleasuring my sister's needy pussy.

With both of them in hand, I rushed down the stairs, nearly slipping on the carpet halfway down and barely catching myself in my haste. Taking a deep breath to compose myself at the bottom, I hurried into the dining room before coming to an abrupt halt, my mouth dropping wide open.

Elayne was sitting on the end of the table, her feet planted on each corner as she leaned back, her spread legs completely exposing her neatly shaved little pussy. One of her hands was massaging a nipple, while the other was busy rubbing away frantically at her clit.

"Hey bro, how about you have my pussy for dinner tonight?" she gasped, her fingers not stopping. "Sorry, I was too turned on to just wait for you."

It was so uncannily similar that I could have sworn I was experiencing deja vu. Except this time I didn't have to wake up. So instead, I lunged forward, dropping the vibe and remote onto the table before all but face-planting into her pussy. Her hand immediately moved out of the way, allowing me to run my tongue upward across her slit--filling my mouth once again with her intoxicating taste. Reaching her clit, I swirled my tongue around it several times before giving it the light-sucking motion I knew would drive her absolutely crazy.

I was immediately rewarded for my actions with a loud moan, although it was cut off at the end as she used her now free hand to muffle the noise. While I would have loved to hear her go wild, if we didn't want to be caught then I knew this was the only way with our parents still in the house.

Not slowing down, I pulled my head back slightly and began to truly eat her out, my tongue flicking over her folds in rapid succession. At the same time, I brought one of my hands up and pushed two fingers deep inside her, curling them around to stimulate her G-spot while my tongue attacked her clit. I was determined to make her cum like crazy, to drive her completely insane in a fog of pure pleasure.

So when Elayne had her first orgasm, I took it as only the initial step and didn't let up in the slightest, rather, I doubled down, my tongue and my fingers going into overdrive. Her reaction was immediate, her body shaking hard enough that the table was slightly creaking. My sister did nothing to indicate she needed a break, though, so I pressed on. If anything, her thighs had tightened around my head, holding me in place and letting me know that she wanted more, more, more. I lost track of how many times Elayne's body convulsed in the throes of an orgasm, but as it continued, she gradually began to get louder and louder as she started to lose control.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." She went on and on and on, the words blending and blurring together.

"Should I stop?" I asked, getting a little worried. I'd lost track of how many orgasms she must have had by now. I knew girls could chain them together, but there still had to be some limit, didn't there?

Her eyes snapped to mine, and I swear she nearly growled at me. "Don't. You. Fucking. Dare."

So I kept going, my fingers thrusting into her again and again as my tongue continued to lap, swirl, and lick. The words coming from her lips died off, turning instead to a constant, vibrating moan as her body shook from orgasm after orgasm. The noise actually gave me an idea, and it was only reinforced by the fact my arm was getting incredibly tired from thrusting my fingers into her for so long.

It only took me a few seconds to pull my fingers out, grab the vibrator from where I'd set it down, and then shove it deep into her wet depths. I turned it on, and mashed the plus button, taking it all the way up to its highest setting. Surely that would be enough to finally sate her.

Elayne shrieked--the loudest noise I'd ever heard her make during our time together--before she collapsed backward onto the table, her body going completely limp. It was too loud, something that I was positive could have been heard from outside the damn house. Our only hope was that both of our parents had been asleep when it had happened, because if they were already awake then it would only be moments before they were down here.

I immediately mashed the stupid power button of the remote, already regretting using the highest setting, especially when she'd already been so sensitive after the amount of time I'd spent working her pussy to its limits. I'd taken things too damn far and now I wasn't sure if Elayne was even okay or not. From the rise and fall of her breasts, I knew she was still breathing, but otherwise, she was far more still than I could remember seeing her.

First things first, she needed water. A lot of it. The table, chairs, and floor were absolutely drenched in her pussy juices, and as I got up off my knees and rose to my feet, I realized that so was I, from head to foot. I couldn't help but imagine our mother stepping into the room at that moment. Seeing Elayne naked and splayed out on the table, almost as if she were dead. Me, standing there with my dick poking out, desperately craving some attention of its own. And the area around the table, all but painted in her cum.

Biting back a hysterical laugh, I hurried into the kitchen, grabbed a tall glass, and filled it to the brim with cold water. Then I got a second one, and I was worried I'd need to make another trip. I spilled some of the water in my rush to get back to her, but right now it was the least of my worries. Setting the glass down on the table, I gently raised her head with one hand, before bringing a glass to her lips with the other.

"Hey, Elayne. I'm sure you're wiped out, but I need you to drink some water for me, okay? Can you do that? For your brother?"

Her head vaguely nodded and I took it as confirmation. Carefully, so as not to overwhelm her, I slowly trickled some water into her mouth. To my relief, she drank it down and I slowly increased the flow until she was drinking normally.

"More," she whispered as the first glass emptied, and I was glad I'd thought to grab the second. By the time she'd finished it, Elayne was already looking better--even though it still seemed like a herd of rhinos had trampled her.

No longer quite as worried about her as I had been, the next order of business was coming up with a way to somehow deal with the huge mess we'd made. The dining room reeked of Elayne's pussy. Which wasn't a fair description, because it was a smell I'd come to absolutely love, but it was also the only word that came to mind.

First things first, I needed to get all of the cum cleaned up. A mop would have been ideal, but it was stored in an upstairs closet and that was the last place in the house I wanted to be making any noise in. So, instead, I hurried to the laundry room next to the garage to see what options there might be. Fortunately, I'd done a load of my clothes earlier in the day and hadn't brought them upstairs yet. Grabbing a handful of shirts, I hurried back and used them like rags to begin cleaning up. While I worked, Elayne remained on top of the table, sprawled out and making happy murmuring noises.

I had to make two more trips to get fresh shirts, tossing the now dirty ones back into the machine each time. With the main mess now mostly cleaned up, I returned to my sister's side and contemplated how on earth we were going to handle the rest. We clearly hadn't thought this through at all because the room was still full of the smell of sex and that was obviously going to be extremely challenging to explain to our parents.

"You're looking pretty fucking hard there, bro," Elayne all but purred, her head resting against the table as she stared over at my cock. "Want me to suck you off?"

She wasn't wrong. I was still so turned on from everything we'd just done that it was horribly tempting to take her up on the offer, even though it wasn't the time or the place.

"We really need to--"

I cut off at the exact same time Elayne's eyes snapped to mine, both of us immediately going into full-blown panic mode.

Because we'd heard a noise from upstairs.

A moment later, our mom's voice called down--a faint hint of fear laced through it. "Hello? Who's there? I'm going to call the police!"

Elayne was up and off the table in the blink of an eye, surprising me with her sudden motion. Grabbing my hand, she pulled me after her into the kitchen, both of us trying to move as quietly as we possibly could. It seemed like our mother thought that someone had broken into the house, indicating that Elayne's earlier orgasmic scream had indeed woken her up. I wasn't sure what would be worse, our mom finding us, or having the cops called and being found by them instead.

We made it into the kitchen just as the sound of footsteps on the stairs reached us. Not hesitating, Elayne made a beeline directly for the walk-in pantry, pulling me inside before closing the door behind us. It was far from a good hiding place, but I couldn't think of anything better, short of leaving the house entirely. Considering it was winter and we were completely naked, that obviously wouldn't work out well.

It was pitch black inside the pantry. I carefully and quietly moved to the far wall, my heart racing as I leaned back against it. A moment later, Elayne's body pressed into mine, her back to my chest. As a result, my still-hard cock ended up slipping between her thighs, coming to rest directly against her pussy in a near-mirror replica of where it had been earlier that night.

"Elayne? What in the world is going on, young lady? I found a vibrator on the table and the mess you made. Come out here, right now."

I cursed softly. In our haste, I'd completely forgotten about the vibe and left it behind on the table. Of course, even if I'd remembered to grab it, given the state of the dining room, I was still fairly confident our mom would have been able to put the pieces together.

Before I could ask my sister what we should do, she shocked me by going up on her toes before I felt her hand briefly grab my dick and then a moment later my cock was completely surrounded by a tight warmth.

I was inside my sister's pussy.

And holy fuck did it feel amazing.

"How is this supposed to help?" I groaned, loving the feeling of having her flex against my shaft.

Elayne shrugged. "It's not, but we're fucked if she finds us anyways, so I figured I'd take the opportunity to finally get your dick inside me since this might be the last chance we have."

The only thing I knew for certain was that I couldn't handle this being the only time I got to fuck my sister.

I could tell Elayne was still tired by the fact she seemed to be content just to have me inside of her. For my part, I was dying to pin her against the wall and have my fucking way with her. My cock was finally buried inside my sister's pussy, the ultimate destination, but with the state Elayne was in as well as our mom right outside the pantry, I knew I had to control myself. As incredibly hard as that was.

Almost as suddenly as it had happened, Elayne shifted upward, pulling herself off my cock.

"What are you doing?" I hissed, panicked, but it was too late. She had already stepped forward and slipped out into the kitchen.

"Hey, Mom," I heard her say, sounding terrified. I was pretty sure she wasn't faking it.

"Elayne! What--what are you wearing, young lady?!"

"Um. Not much, I guess."

"Do you even have an explanation for this? What the fuck were you thinking?"

I winced. Our mom never swore.

"I uh... I guess I wasn't, really. I'm sorry, I got carried away and went too far."

"Can you even begin to imagine what would have happened if it hadn't been me or even your father who found you, but instead it was your brother? What would you do if Erik came downstairs and found you naked and fingering yourself on our dinner table?" she demanded.

"Well," I thought to myself, "first she'd pounce on me, then she'd prolly fuck me on the floor, or maybe we'd manage to make it to the sofa and I'd take her from behind as she leaned over it."

"I... oh god, you're so right," Elayne said, her acting as horrible as ever. "That would be mortifying, I hadn't thought of that at all."

"Clearly not," our mom shrieked. "You didn't think about anything except getting yourself off. You are grounded, young lady, do you hear me? Grounded! Thankfully you've at least been getting along with Erik better, so we'll trust that he'll be able to keep you in line."

"What? You mean I can't go anywhere without him? Come on, that's way too harsh of a punishment!"

"Maybe you should have thought about that first, now shouldn't you have?"

...Holy fuck. My sister was a goddamn genius.

"Now, I want you upstairs, cleaned up, dressed, and then back down here to clean up your mess, you understand? You're going to scrub that table clean all night if that's what it takes."

"Yes, Mom..."

I was absolutely crushed that all of this was falling on Elayne's shoulders. It wasn't fair at all to her, but I knew that things would only get catastrophically worse if I revealed myself. So as much as it killed me to do so, I sat on the floor of the pantry and waited. And waited. By the time I heard my sister and my mom heading back upstairs, I had no idea how many hours had passed. To be extra cautious, I waited several more minutes before finally poking my head out of the pantry.

The clock on the microwave let me know that it was just past four in the morning, which helped explain at least part of why I was so tired. Overly conscious of my nakedness, I cautiously made my way to my room and slipped inside without incident. A part of me had been hoping Elayne might be there waiting for me, but the room was dark and empty. Cracking the bathroom door open enough to stick my head in, I couldn't see any light coming from my sister's room either. With how late it was, and what had happened, I imagined that she'd gone right to bed so I climbed into my bed and followed suit.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The next morning, after a dreamless night of not enough sleep that left me feeling exhausted, I threw on some new clothes, brushed my teeth, and made my way downstairs. Elayne was already seated at the dining room table, while our parents were in the middle of making and serving breakfast. Rather than the usual early morning chatter between them, the room was filled with an uncomfortable silence. Just looking at the table was enough to cause the events of last night to flash in my mind's eye, and I struggled to not reveal that I knew something was up as I took my seat next to my sister.

"Morning, all," I said in greeting.

Of course, I couldn't help but check my sister out. She was once again dressed in a skirt and a hoodie, although this time she'd left out the leggings, leaving her legs bare under the table. I had to swallow as I wondered if she was wearing anything other than those two pieces of clothing.

"Ah, Erik, good," my mother said as she set down a plate of steaming muffins. "Your sister has been grounded for the next month. We're assigning you as her caretaker, to keep an eye on her both around the house and if she decides to go out."

"Oh. Damn, sis. What did you do?" I asked, one corner of my mouth raising into a smirk my parents couldn't see.

"That's none of your concern," my mom hurried to answer, while Elayne stuck her tongue out at me. "All that matters is she's not allowed to go anywhere without your supervision, given that she's proven her decision-making to be... extremely questionable. We're counting on you to look out for her, okay?"

"You've got it, Mom," I said, smiling widely. "Don't worry, you can trust me to keep her in line."

Elayne rolled her eyes at me, also so our parents couldn't see, and then even went as far as to repeatedly poke her tongue into her cheek in the universal sign for a blowjob. My traitorous cock twitched at the sight. It wasn't fair at all how much control over it she had.

With the food now all on the table, our parents joined us as we all dug into the meal. Under the table, I gently bumped my leg into Elayne's, getting a bump from her back in response. Considering how reckless we'd been, the fact our secret was still safe from our parents felt like a huge victory, not to mention we now had an even better excuse to spend time together. Things were certainly looking up, although there was still one, huge step left for us to take our relationship together to the next level.