Chereads / Literotica Lover / Chapter 76 - Chapter 4: Movie

Chapter 76 - Chapter 4: Movie

The next morning passed mostly in a blur. Since it was the first day of the holidays and there was nothing I had to do, I'd ended up staying in bed for a lot longer than I normally would. Almost without exception, nearly every thought I'd had while lying there had been about my sister. Her boobs, in particular, had been at the forefront, unsurprisingly, but I also worried that my hasty departure last night might have sent the wrong message. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt her or make her think I wasn't interested.

Because I'd come to the definitive answer that I didn't give a flying fuck if Elayne was my sister.

She was right, we were just two, consenting adults, getting our rocks off. And there was nothing wrong with that. The taboo nature of being brother and sister only made the whole situation exponentially more erotic, which was a huge plus as far as I was concerned.

So, by the time I finally staggered out of bed shortly after noon--my dick already hard and excited--I didn't hesitate to throw open the bathroom door without bothering to make sure it was empty first. Unfortunately, it was, which in retrospect wasn't too much of a surprise given how late in the day it was. I even went so far as to poke my head into Elayne's room, but she wasn't there either.

Quickly cleaning myself up, I made my way downstairs to try and find my sister. The house was quiet in general, and as I entered the dining room--my stomach growling at me to eat something--I found my mom reading the newspaper.

"Ah, look who it is," she said, looking up at me. "I'd say good morning, but I guess it's good afternoon now."

"Hey, isn't that what vacation is for?" I asked defensively. "Besides, yesterday was quite the day."

She looked at me a little perplexed, and it took me a moment to realize how badly I'd just messed up. "Really? I thought you just had a few token classes. Anything I should know about?"

Oh, nothing big, Mom. I just gave Elayne two, huge orgasms, one of which was while she was completely naked and pinned under me. Just the thought of saying it nearly caused me to burst into laughter, forcing me to turn and face the kitchen so she couldn't see my face. "Oh. Uhh, I just meant cause it was the last day of my first college semester and all. It's a big milestone, right?"

"You're right, it is. Congratulations. There's some leftover pancakes in the fridge or you can make yourself a sandwich."

I had to bite my lip, hard, to continue to contain my laughter as I imagined her instead congratulating me for what I'd been thinking about. "Thanks. By the way, have you seen Elayne around?" I tried to sound as casual as possible while making my way over to the fridge, although I knew it was a little strange for me to ask given how we normally didn't interact all that much.

"Hmm? Oh, she's over at a friend's house until around dinner. Said that since her brother was being a lazy slug there wasn't much of a reason to hang out here. Were the two of you planning to do something?"

I bit back a curse. If only I'd gotten up earlier I could have been messing around with my sister right now. "Ah, we'd just talked about maybe starting up movie nights again. If she'll be back by then it's not a big deal." Of course, we hadn't, but after last night, I was more excited than ever to cuddle up next to my twin on the sofa. I imagined Elayne wouldn't be opposed to the idea either.

"That's nice to hear. I'm not sure if your father has any plans tonight, but maybe we'll join you for a bit."

That immediately tanked my mood. The last thing I wanted was our parents anywhere near our sexy times on the couch, but there wasn't a way I could say that without sounding like a complete asshole. "Oh. Uh, yeah, sure, I guess," I said as I pulled out some meat, cheese, and veggies to make a sandwich with.

"Don't worry," my mom replied with a laugh. "We know you don't want to spend a bunch of time hanging out with your lame parents. We'll do our best to respect that."

God. If only you knew, Mom. If only you knew. Lunch made, I wolfed it down and then had to figure out how best to pass the rest of the afternoon while I waited for Elayne to come back. I was partially tempted to text her to let her know that I was awake and available, but I honestly didn't expect her to just abandon her friend to come mess around with me. Instead, I ended up going back to my room and settled down at my desk to get some gaming in. Thanks to exams, it had been a while since I'd last logged into the MMO I was playing, and I had several hours to burn.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Dinner's ready!"

I nearly jumped out of my chair at my dad's call, surprised at both how much time had passed as well as how I'd gotten so engrossed in the game. The first thought that flashed into my head wasn't the "I wonder what's for dinner?" that it should have been, but rather "I wonder if my sister is home." If she was, then she either hadn't come upstairs, or I'd been so engrossed in my game I hadn't heard her footsteps. Quickly shutting down the game and turning my computer off, I hurried downstairs and nearly ran directly into Elayne as I entered the dining room.

"Oops, sorry bro," she said with a laugh. "Forgot something up in my room, I'll be right back."

I blinked in surprise, but she was halfway up the stairs before I could even open my mouth. Our parents were already seated at the table, and as I joined them I saw we were having tacos for dinner. It was one of my favorite meals that my mom made, and the delicious smell was already making me salivate. Just seconds after I'd taken my seat, Elayne's footsteps could be heard pounding down the stairs and a moment later she was dropping into her seat next to me.

"See? Told you it would be quick," she said.

Mom didn't look overly pleased, but she nodded her head. "Alright, let's eat then."

As she began to dish out the tacos, I noticed Elayne making a strange motion with her hand under the table, out of sight of our parents, and it took me a moment to realize she was miming using a remote. I immediately assumed it meant that she had the vibe inside her once again and that she wanted me to turn it on, which also explained why she'd just been up to her room. Of course, being the dumbass I was, I'd left the remote upstairs in mine.

"Oh, crap. I just realized I forgot to turn off my computer, I'll be right back!" I shouted, pushing my chair back and hopping to my feet.

"Seriously?" my mom asked, clearly exasperated. "Can't it wait until after dinner?"

"It'll help with the electricity bill!" It was such a horrible excuse, but it was the first thing that came to mind. I sprinted up the stairs, grabbed the remote from where it was sitting on top of my dresser, and hurried back to rejoin my family.

"Sorry," Elayne mouthed as I re-entered the room, but I quickly shook my head to let her know not to worry. And then I hit the power button. I was immediately thankful I'd waited until now to do it, as it allowed me to watch her eyes shoot open and her throat bob.

"What about you?" my mom demanded, turning to look at my dad. "Do you need to go run upstairs for something too?"

His eyes widened at somehow getting caught in the crossfire before he brought his hand up to her back and gave it a gentle rub. "I'm good, let's enjoy this wonderful meal now."

Everyone dug in, the sounds of happy munching filling the air.

"This is delicious, as always, Mom," Elayne said after finishing her first taco. "I hope you made a lot, though, because I need more than this."

I nearly missed the hint, but from the way she shot me a look out of the corner of her eye, I realized what she was asking for and obliged by hitting the plus button once.

"There's plenty more where that came from," my mom replied, completely oblivious to what was buzzing away inside her daughter at that moment, but now with a happy smile on her face. Despite not being the one using the vibe, I could totally see where Elayne was coming from about the thrill of doing this.

As I finished my second taco, I decided to have a bit of fun with my sister. "Hey sis, remember that conversation we had last night?"

She immediately coughed, a piece of taco flying out of her mouth and landing on her plate. Turning to glare at me, her eyes flickered over in the direction of our parents as she finished chewing. It was a massive struggle not to laugh at her "what the fuck do you think you're doing" expression.

"I do, yeah," she finally replied after taking a sip of water. "What part of it, exactly, did you have in mind?"

Recognizing how tightly wound she was, I held back from pushing any farther. "About how we'd talked about starting up movie nights again. I thought, maybe, tonight would be the perfect night to get back into it."

Relief flooded her eyes, and I realized she'd actually been slightly worried that I might spill the beans. "Oh. Of course. Movie night. Yeah, that sounds great, let's do it."

"Great, it's a date then." I winced as I realized exactly what I'd said, but my parents gave no reaction that I'd done anything inappropriate.

The rest of dinner passed quickly, with Elayne and I in particular eating a bit faster than normal. If our parents noticed, they didn't say anything, and it wasn't long before we'd both excused ourselves from the table and moved into the living room.

Our parents had recently upgraded to an eighty-inch television, and as I settled down onto the middle of the sofa, I realized that this was going to be the best home viewing experience we'd ever had. Not that I planned on paying much attention to whatever it was we ended up watching. Elayne joined me shortly after I'd taken my seat, having grabbed several blankets from where they were stored in a basket in the corner of the room. Not hesitating, she molded her body into mine, her boobs pressing into my side as we cuddled far closer than any previous movie night together. While I certainly enjoyed it, I also quickly grabbed the blankets and arranged them in a way to disguise just how inappropriate we were being--earning a soft laugh from my sister.

"Asshole," she hissed into my ear, but her light tone made it clear she wasn't truly upset. "I'm going to get you for that stunt at dinner."

I smirked back at her. If anything, I was excited to see exactly what she might do to get revenge.

"How about we watch Hamlet?" she asked, now speaking loud enough that our parents would be able to hear from the other room.

"Why Hamlet?" I asked not really caring, but still curious.

"Because it's a long. Fucking. Movie," Elayne whispered back, her lips close enough to my ear that I could feel the warmth of her breath. "Long enough that Mom and Dad will be fast asleep by the time it ends."

I swallowed, deeply, once again amazed at how fucking hard she could make me so quickly. "Oh," was all I managed to respond with, feeling like an idiot.

"I dunno, is there something else you'd rather watch instead?" she asked, and I was momentarily confused until I realized she was answering my question from earlier, only this time so our parents could once again hear if they were listening.

"Nope, Hamlet sounds great," I replied, possibly a little too eagerly given the amused smile on my sister's face.

Elayne leaned away briefly to grab the television remote and then, to my surprise, offered it to me. "You've had a lot of experience with remotes lately," she whispered. "Why don't you go ahead and start the movie for us?"

I nearly facepalmed, but instead grabbed the remote from her. Things only got worse as she let out a soft, gentle moan each time I pressed any of the buttons. It was utterly ridiculous, and yet that did nothing to stop my cock from getting harder each time she did it.

"Such a good brother," she said breathily as the movie started and I set the television remote off to the side. "I think you deserve a bit of a reward." Under the sheets, she grabbed my hand and brought it up to one of her boobs, which I all too happily began groping. "Regretfully, I think clothes should remain on, just in case we're asked to do anything." It was smart, but I was already wishing I had the freedom to feel her bare skin against mine.

Somewhat surprisingly, things remained fairly tame from there as we watched the movie together. Some guys found a ghost or something, and then Hamlet seemed to be going a little crazy. I was missing things, but to be fair, my sister's tit was in my hand and that proved to be pretty distracting.

Elayne also appeared to not be focused on the movie as she gently jostled me with her elbow before leaning to whisper in my ear. "Could you bump me up to the third setting, dear brother? My little pussy is craving attention."

I scrambled to obey, nearly dropping the remote in the process as I fumbled the plus button for her.

"Fuck yes," she hissed, one of her hands clamping down on my thigh as her head lolled back against the sofa. It exposed her neck in the most delicious way, and I began moving to kiss it when I realized our parents' voices were drawing closer.

"Parents," I hissed, and Elayne shifted her head so it was resting on my shoulder in response. With her hair so close to my face, I couldn't help but notice how it smelled faintly like strawberries.

"Aww, look how cute they're being," I heard our mom say.

Thanks to both the blankets and them being across the room behind us, there was a lot we could still safely get away with, but that didn't make the situation any less nerve-racking. All it would take was one, small mistake and we'd both be in a world of trouble. The worst-case scenario was one or both of them coming to join us on the sofa, but, thankfully, they seemed content to stay in the doorway.

Out of caution, I stopped groping Elayne's boobs with the hand that wasn't holding the remote, but she appeared too focused on containing her moans to care. Based on what she'd said last night, I could only imagine that their presence had just ramped everything up to a whole new level for her. Not wanting to risk stimulating her any further, I tried to focus back on the movie where a play seemed to be happening.

That didn't last for long when, to my horror, the faint but unmistakable sound of buzzing filled the air. Elayne had pulled out the vibe. Why? Had I pushed it too far? Why hadn't she asked me to tone it down or turn it off instead? Mom and Dad were still standing on the other side of the room and with the movie playing there was no possible way they'd be able to hear it, but even so, I smashed the power off button.

Elayne grabbed my now free hand and squeezed it gently, letting me know everything was okay I imagined, before pulling it back toward herself. Reaching her stomach, she giggled softly before bundling my fingers into a fist and then extending only my index and middle fingers. Somewhat understanding what was happening, but not fully processing it, I realized I was holding my breath as my sister pulled my fingers downwards and then, just like that, they were abruptly engulfed in in a tight, wet, space.

Her pussy.

I was fingering my sister's pussy.

With our parents on the other side of the fucking room.

Elayne moaned, not managing to clamp her hand over her mouth in time. It hadn't been overly loud and I desperately prayed that my parents hadn't been able to hear it over whatever the fuck Hamlet was going on about at the moment. We sat there, completely frozen, without either of us moving a muscle. Just as I was about to assume the all-clear, I felt Elayne flex herself around my fingers. It was completely unexpected, and so fucking hot. Unable to hold myself back, I curled my fingers inside of her and began searching for her G-spot.

Since her skirt was still on and she'd only pulled her panties to the side in order to slip out the vibe and give my fingers access, it was hard for me to get the kind of motion I would have liked. Even so, my sister was clearly over the moon as she struggled to stay quiet. This was so insanely dangerous, and yet it apparently wasn't enough as one of Elayne's hands made a beeline for my pants. Since I was wearing sweats, it was a simple matter for her to slip her hands inside both them and my boxers, and just like that, my sister's hand was firmly wrapped around my throbbing cock.

Now it was my turn to desperately try to not make any noises that might give what we were doing away. And holy fuck was that hard. Our seated position, combined with my pants still being on made it equally hard for her to get a wide range of motion, but that didn't stop her from focusing on the extremely sensitive section just below the tip of my dick.

The movie was the last thing on my mind as I focused my entire attention on fingering my sister's pussy while simultaneously doing everything in my power to hold back the rising pressure in my balls. I couldn't tell if we were trying to see who could get the other to cum first without giving everything away, or what. All I knew was that this mutual masturbation session was the hottest fucking thing I'd ever experienced and that I didn't want it to end.

We were both so into it, in fact, that we nearly didn't notice the sound of approaching footsteps until it was almost too late. Our hands froze at the exact same time, and only a moment later our dad stepped into view, holding a metal bowl filled to the brim with popcorn.

"Sorry to interrupt," he whispered, thankfully not seeming to notice anything amiss. "I made some popcorn for you to enjoy with the rest of the movie. Your mom and I are going to bed, we'll see you tomorrow."

Ever so carefully--so as not to cause the blankets to accidentally shift and reveal anything--Elayne and I each reached out with our hand that wasn't occupied, taking the offered bowl and setting it down between us.

"Thanks, Dad," Elayne replied, sounding a little too breathy in my mind, but apparently not enough to raise any questions.

He gave us a small smile before walking back out of view. We remained completely silent and motionless as we listened to their footsteps retreating--each of us breathing a heavy sigh of relief when they reached the top of the stairs.

"Holy fuck that was close," Elayne said with a laugh, grabbing a few pieces of popcorn. She brought them to her mouth, then hesitated for a second before shifting to instead offer it to me.

"What, you're feeding me now?"

She nodded. "Just like you're going to feed me."

Chuckling, I ate the popcorn in her fingers before reaching into the bowl and grabbing some as well. If this was what she wanted then I was willing. Elayne ate the popcorn I lifted to her lips, but then she didn't stop there, catching one of my fingers in her mouth as she met my eyes. Ever so slowly, she swirled her tongue around it before sucking it into her mouth, while at the same time, her hand that was still resting on my cock began stroking it again. The only thing I could think of at that moment was how fucking badly I wanted my sister to be sucking my cock and not my finger.

We continued feeding each other popcorn until I couldn't take it anymore. "You know, as good as this popcorn is, I'd rather be eating you." I wiggled my fingers that were still inside her while trying to grind her clit as best as I could with my palm.

Elayne's eyes widened and her hand noticeably tightened around my dick. "Oh you would, would you? Just to be clear, are you talking about ravaging my nipples again, or does my brother want a taste of his sister's yummy pussy?"

"Oh, I can already have that." And with that, I pulled my fingers out of her, brought them up to my mouth, and without any hesitation sucked them clean. I wasn't entirely sure what to expect, but I immediately fell in love with her tangy sweetness.

"Pretty fucking hot, bro. I have to admit, I'm pretty curious to see if you taste better than I do."

"I'm not going to stop you."

She smirked. "I'm sure you won't. As much as I'd love to suck you off while you eat me out on the sofa, we should probably be a bit more careful than that."

I pouted, but I knew she was right. It was all too easy to imagine us getting so caught up in it we wouldn't hear our parents coming back downstairs. "So... what? We just finish up the movie while masturbating? Not that I don't want to!" I hurried to finish.

Elayne slowly shook her head, causing my heart to immediately drop to the floor. "Nah. The movie has served its purpose. Time to call it a night, I think."

"Wait... what? Are you serious?" I couldn't believe where she was coming from. After all that build-up, letting me finger her pussy, and then just stopping before either of us got off? It didn't make any sense.

"Totally serious. But you know, before we go to sleep and all, we both definitely need a shower."

A shower. As in singular. Showering together. Naked. With my sister. "What, together?" I asked, only realizing after saying it that after having just masturbated together, taking a shower with her would be tame in comparison.

Elayne quirked an eyebrow at me in amusement. "Of course? Unless you'd rather not..."

"Nope! I'm down! Let's go," I said in the fastest backpedal of all time.

She laughed, grabbed my hand, and pulled me upstairs to where our bathroom and the shower inside awaited us.

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