Chereads / Literotica Lover / Chapter 65 - #20 Girls' Night Two

Chapter 65 - #20 Girls' Night Two

Entry #1 - Spin the Bottle

"What do you mean 'spin the bottle'?" I asked.

Lana and Diana laughed before Diana said, "For drinks, kinky girl."

My fucking sister, only she could make my cheeks heat up. Don't make fun of me, I wanted to say, but what I said was, "That's what I thought." Then, I stuck my tongue out.

Diana laughed.

And here I was, a little kid again, in the shadow of my more developed older sister, who all the boys melted over and all the girls envied.

"Pour me a drink," I said.

"First, we spin the bottle, sis," Diana said.

"Why are you calling me 'sis'?"

"Because I like the sound of it," Diana whispered to me in a way that gave me goosebumps.

Our game of spin the bottle, played on one half of the ping pong table, wasn't much of a game. After each spin, the girl who drank didn't play the next round, but the last girl had to drink twice. That ended up being me. On an empty stomach, the heat hit me quickly, as did the buzz. After another round, where I finished last again, we took a break.

"Hey, you feeling okay?" Lana asked me.

I narrowed my brows, set my lips, and gave her a nod that said: "Yeah, everything is fine."

"Lana, show me what you picked out for later," Diana said.

"We'll be right back," Lana said.

I watched them walk through the guesthouse toward the staircase leading up to the bedrooms. I looked at Vicki after the other girls were gone. I narrowed my eyes, and while I wouldn't say Vicki wilted, she did shrink a little, pulling her shoulders inward and lowering her head.

"What?" Vicki asked.

"What did you tell them?"

"Nothing," she said, "I swear."

"Tell me," I said, leaning forward. "Don't make me call my"--I squeezed my eyes shut--"you know who I'd call--the Man Upstairs."

"Why do you threaten me?" Vicki asked, her voice low. "You don't have to call him. I thought we were closer than that."

"I don't know what we are." I took a deep breath. "Sorry."

"Tell me the truth this time. Is he your lover?"

I shook my head. "All hell would break loose if I fucked him." I took a deep breath. Would he be in my life more if I did fuck him? (But he'd never try to do that to me, ever.) "What did you tell Lana?"

"Fine," Vicki said. "She knows I showed you the video of her and our uncle." Vicki cringed for a second. "By it made her really excited. I think she plans on showing some of them to us tonight. Diana's seen them, so there's no point keeping them a secret."

I sighed.

"Lana gets really turned on when she thinks of incest."

So do we.

"Have you and Lana ever...?" I asked as my nipples tightened.

Vicki shook her head, saying, "Not... yet."

"Fuck me," I said under my breath. "Does she know what I let you do to me?"

"No, maybe, I don't know," Vicki said, then added as my face darkened, "I promise I didn't tell her, but I don't know what she hears in my voice when I talk about you."

"Do you talk about me a lot?" I asked, tightening my insides against the warmth growing down there.

Vicki shrugged.

"What does that mean?" I asked, my voice low as I frowned at her, my eyes focusing on her mouth.

"I'm sorry."

As Vicki's lips moved, I felt myself leaning into her, but I'd never reach her with the corner of the table between us. I stopped myself. I needed some THC in my blood.

"I need some weed."

"Outside," Vicki said. "We should smoke out there."

Entry #2 - Skinny Dipping

I took a long hit from my black glass pipe, plugging the carb hole and watching the bowl glow deep orange in the dark blue night. Letting go of the hole, I took a deep pull, filling my lungs with weed before handing the pipe over to Vicki. With four shots of vodka already in me, I waved Vicki off when she tried to hand me the pipe again. As I released the smoke, I walked toward Lana's grotto-inspired pool, shaped like an ink stain with underwater lamps set with ever-changing colors. I sat at the edge of the pool, lowering my feet and shins into the warm water.

"Sorry we took so long," Diana said behind me.

I nodded.

"Can I have a hit, Abbey?" Lana asked.

I lifted my arm with all but my forefinger curled into a fist. She must have taken it for the yes it was meant to because I heard her hit the pipe before she thanked me.

"Is it skinny dipping time already?" Diana asked.

"Yeah!" Lana said.

Then my sister streaked by me, her nude body springing from the edge of the pool arced forward before her hands parted the water, and under she went. The lights beneath the pool were pink at that moment, and they played off her naked skin, her body shimmering and swaying as she swam away from me before breaking the water's surface. Diana shook her hair, treading water with her long, sculpted legs, then she turned to me, smiled, and laughed.

Lana's semi-tanned body came next. She jumped from the edge at a full run, going feet first into the water, her big breasts looking bigger beneath the surface of the pool. Vicki walked over to me. She sat beside me, as naked as her cousin, and she dipped her legs into the pool almost to her knees.

"You're not getting naked?" Vicki asked.

I looked at Vicki, who was shorter than me, and even though her breasts were small, they were still bigger than mine. They also looked big on her smaller, shorter body. Like Lana and my sister, Vicki looked more womanly than me. I was too lean. Too wiry. Too titless. But looking at Vicki's body....

"Sure," I said, my voice sounding fuzzy and far away. I pulled off my little shirt, baring my small tits and their pink caps, then I rolled onto my back and pulled my shorts up my long legs. Water dripped down onto my stomach from my toes. I heard my sister give a cheerful yell as I tossed my shorts aside before sitting up again.

"I didn't think you'd get naked," Diana said.

Lana and my sister were standing in the shallow end, their left and right arms pressed together as they stood sideways to me. Their breasts glistened above the water, as did their shoulders and waists down to their hips before the rest of their bodies disappeared beneath the pool's aqua surface.

I shrugged.

"You looked fucked up," Diana said.

I shrugged again, saying, "I don't drink much."

The girls laughed, but Diana said, "Let me know if you need anything," as their laughter came to an end.

Vicki tried to squeeze my hand, but I pushed her away.

I stared at my sister and her friend. The weed had warmed me even more than the alcohol, and a fuzzy barrier surrounded my body. I watched Diana's sun-gold skin pressed into Lana's slightly paler tan, their tits slippery with liquid and squishing together as they wrapped their arms around each other's limber bodies. They leaned toward each other, mouth to mouth, their lips parting, then pressing together, then slipping against each other with a slow, natural glide that never seemed to end. I closed my eyes and slid my butt over the edge of the pool.

I kept my eyes shut as I submerged my body into the liquid. My nipples hurt, having tightened into hard, pink buds that wanted to constrict and expand without end. Behind my pussy, a warm throb had begun, turning my insides to honey that ran out of me and into the pool. I could feel my blood's heat rush into my cheeks, flushing my skin pink. This wasn't because of the weed and liquor, though weed always made me wet. No, the image of Diana kissing Lana wouldn't vanish from behind my eyes. Vicki's lips snuck in there, as did the feel of her hand briefly touching mine before I pushed it away. God, if only Timmy were here, I could wrestle him and work off some of the annoying adrenaline in my limbs. How long before everyone passed out and I could get Vicki alone?

Too long, the night had just begun.

I straightened my legs and stood, breaking the surface and wiping my face as I pulled in a long breath. How long had I been underwater? Diana was in front of me when I opened my eyes, looking at me with a tilted head and focused eyes.

"What the hell," Diana said. "I thought you passed out."

"Thanks for looking out," I said, my eyes falling to my sister's pink lips (the upper ones) so full, so soft, and looking much warmer than Vicki's.

Good for Lana, I thought, but Lana's lips weren't the only lips I had seen pressed against my sister's mouth.

"I need to lie down," I said.

As I pushed myself out of the pool, Vicki slid in. She had been staring at me while I was underwater. All she did was get wet; then she pushed herself out, her pale body shiny, her breasts tipped by her hard, pale pink nipples that were so pale they almost blended into her skin. I found myself staring at them. I had always let Vicki touch me, but what if I touched her?

"Hey," Lana said as she walked toward the edge of the pool. "Who wants to watch a movie?"

I looked at Vicki.

Vicki pressed her lips together and narrowed her eyes, her face taking on a somewhat squinty, apologetic cringe.

I sighed and said, "Sure, why not?"

Entry #3 - Lana's Home Movies

In the guesthouse's living room, Diana steered me to the big sofa across from Lana's huge Smart TV. As I lay down, Vicki sat at my feet, and Lana and Diana sat on the huge, fluffy white shag rug thrown over the hardwood flooring between the sofas and loveseats.

None of us had changed back into our clothes. Lana had run into the pool house, grabbed two small towels apiece, the kind boys would have given us to dry off with, and we had dried ourselves off. We threw the wet ones into a thatched hamper and wrapped the dry ones around our bodies. Lana, Vicki, and my sister wore their towels around their waists, but I wrapped mine around my small titties and let it hang, just barely past my hairless beaver. Had I had bigger tits, there's no way I could have covered my pussy while standing. Lying down as I was, the hem had risen, showing off the bottom half of my vanilla triangle as I lay with my legs extended.

The first time Vicki looked at me, I turned on my side and pressed my little round butt against the sofa's backrest. I kept my legs closed, hiding the wet, pink line between my pouty folds.

"All right," Lana said, talking to everyone, but her eyes focused on me more than they did on Vicki. "I know everyone in this room has seen my home movies."

"Mm-hmm," Diana said.

"So, don't act surprised when I turned them on," Lana said, still looking at me. "Vicki did a naughty thing when she showed what I do with my uncle."

"Sorry," Vicki mumbled.

"Stop interrupting me!" Lana said, laughing as she raised her voice. "Listen, they're sexy fucking movies that I can't show just anyone. If you don't want to watch them, you don't have to, but I'm hoping for your continued secrecy." She looked at Vicki. "CON--TIN--UED!"

"I can keep a secret," I said as I looked at Lana. "Why do you show people these videos?"

Lana bit her lower lip, smiled, giggled, and turned back to the TV, hitting the PLAY button on her remote.

I can't say I liked her answer, but I wasn't going to press, especially since my buzz had the better half of my mind pushed down into the darkness of my subconscious. I watched the video run, hardly thinking as my body reacted to the visuals before me.

"Do a twirl for me," Uncle Steve said.

Other than knowing which relative Lana was fucking, I recognized his voice from the videos Vicki had shown me.

"Like this?" Lana asked, twirling for her uncle. The skirt of her light pink, cat-print mini sundress spun upward, revealing she wasn't wearing any panties as it flared above her waist. The skirt hung loose on her body, the middle hugged her flat stomach, and the cups only gripped half of her big tits, making them look as if they were about to fall out. Thin shoulder straps left her shoulders bare. Lana had her long black hair tied in a thick, braided ponytail.

They were in a park. By the light, it looked to be early in the morning. As Uncle Steven moved his camera around, I could see grass covered in dew, sunrays streaming through trees, workers picking up trash, and cars driving down neighborhood streets in the background.

"Lana, you're not wearing any panties," Uncle Steve said, sounding playful, a little creepy (because I didn't know him), and strangely sexy because Lana did, and she loved having his dick inside of her.

"Nope," Lana said, shaking her head and holding her hands behind her back.

"Squat down and show me that fat little pussy."

As I watched, the warmth behind my mound spread outward, heating my cunny. I squeezed my legs together, squishing my lips between my thighs. My honey dripped out of me, and for a moment, I thought I could smell my pussy, but it wasn't just my floral scent I had inhaled. I could smell every snatch in the room, as if a sudden burst of pink, misty pollen had flooded the air. A thick, mind-awakening pussy-scent filled my nostrils. My cheeks turned pink, and the wetness between my legs turned dewy, almost mushy, as it leaked out from between my lips. Lana and my sister had moved closer to each other. I didn't look at Vicki, but I could sense her at my feet.

Lana squatted for her uncle, balancing herself on her white, ankle-high sneakers. She spread her knees wide, opening her skirt and forming a lightly tanned V down to her hairless lips. A smile lit her face as she looked at the camera, then she licked the middle and index fingers of her right hand and lowered them between her thighs.

"You're so nasty," Diana said, sliding closer to Lana.

Lana's fingers pressed into her pussy; her skin was soft down there as her fingertips seemed to melt into her. She rolled her clitty in a circle, pushing the upper portion of her outer lips aside. As she played with her half-Asian pearl, her lower lips began to glisten, then open, and after a minute of playing while her breathing quickened, a thin string of crystalized dew fell from her juicy pink slit.

"Fuck me, Lana," Uncle Steve moaned. "That's so hot, baby. Let's go somewhere more private."

Uncle Steve rushed Lana to the nearest stone-walled, wooden-roofed restroom. They went inside, their voices echoing as Uncle Steve made sure they were alone. He sounded happy when he said the bathroom looked like it had just been cleaned. Next, he had Lana squat again, her back against a wall while he thumped her face with his big, white dick, slipping his organ into her mouth and looking like a slinky made of fat, springy dick flesh.

"Umm, umm, umm," Lana mumbled around her uncle's meat, making slobbery sounds as he moaned above her.

"Oh, you sexy bitch," Uncle Steve said, stepping back and pulling Lana to her feet. He pushed her face-forward against the bathroom's stone wall, lifted her skirt, and slid his dick between her thighs. His cock head rubbed her, and he backed up so he could point his camera straight down. Lana's pussy folds spread apart, but she had to reach between her legs and guide his missile-shaped tip onto the gooey slit between her folds.

"Uh, yeah," she groaned as he stretched her open.

"Oh, baby, baby," Steve moaned, sliding his spit-soaked prick up his niece's tight Asian twat.

I watched Uncle Steve bang away, slapping his hips against Lana's round ass, making her cheeks ripple. He had the camera pointed straight down, and any time he pulled out of her, her cunny lips followed. Within a couple of strokes, his thick shaft lay covered in her pussy juices, which he piston-fucked into a white froth. Lana moaned and panted against the wall, breathing hard, and uttering sexy, whimpering sounds from her throat as though she were being ridden by a wild animal with more stamina than her.

"So hot," Diana whispered, leaning toward Lana. "He's fucking you so hard with his incest dick."

Lana wasn't watching the video. She was looking at my sister. Their lips met, their mouths opened, and I watched their wet tongues extend in slow motion. The tips touched, then slid against each other, moving around, and turning in a circle before Diana pushed forward. As Lana lay back, her towel came apart around her waist, and Diana pulled her own towel from her hips and tossed it to the side. When their titties squished into each other's, nipple to nipple, I felt a tingle race through me, making my pussy quiver.

Vicki made a soft sound.

I looked at her.

She was looking at me.

My cheeks filled with pink as the heat within my body shot skyward. Vicki's cheeks turned pink, then red. Her blonde hair hung around her face, her bangs nearly over her eyes. She stared at me as her breathing grew heavier. With a sigh, I turned onto my back and pulled my towel open. Vicki licked her lips as she accepted my invitation and crawled over my body.

Entry #4 - Clam Bumping

I felt Vicki's hot breath against my inner thigh before her lips touched my skin. My legs parted without my mind's say so, and they continued parting, giving Vicki room to lay between them. I stared upward, listening to the grunts of poor Lana getting her little pussy hammered by her big-dicked uncle and to the soft and slippery, liquid sounds of my triplet's lips sliding against Lana's.

"Mmm," I moaned in my quiet way as Vicki licked a vertical line through my slit. She grabbed a pillow, pushing it under my small ass and lifting my wet, cherry pie into the air. Her mouth had full access to my hot folds. I hooked my left leg over the sofa's backrest, and I planted my right foot on the floor with my knee swept outward, doing a strange-looking split that offered my muff up to my...friend's...mouth.

Another lick through my pussy brought a sigh from my lips. The weed and alcohol warmed me, but the heat within my muffin set me afire. I dropped a hand between my legs, pushing Vicki's face against my wet cunny, and she opened her mouth wide. The sexy bitch tried to swallow my pussy whole. For a minute, she tongue-fucked me while Lana's uncle fed her the cock on TV and my sister sucked her tits in real life, their slurpy sounds drawing my attention.

"Hmm, mmm, ohhhh," I moan-sighed, keeping my sounds low.

Vicki's mouth moved upward, her tongue pressing into my clit, and my asshole tightened as a new wetness poured from me. Vicki's fingers slid along my pussy lips, pushing my silky petals open enough for her to slip her middle finger into my hole.

"Uh-huh," I grunted, the sound quiet and coming from the back of my throat. As she fingered my snug kitty and licked my pleasure-filled gem, I turned my hips in a circle, grinding my fuck-muffin against her face.

I looked at my sister, who was turning her body so that her mouth was over the slope of Lana's pussy, and Lana's mouth was under the curve of her two crescent bulges. Their bodies pressed together, and their hands moved over each other's sides and butts, squeezing and groping, before moving between their thighs and playing with the soft sweetness they found there.

Vicki, the bitch, slipped a second finger into my pussyhole, making me groan as she stretched my tightness. Her fingers quickly slid through my pink canal, rubbing my pussy muscles before curling upward against my G-spot and giving me some tender love. Her tongue never stopped licking my swollen clit, and I trembled all the while.

As tingles of pleasure raced through my insides, I tried to picture Diana as a man, with Timmy, sharing a room where they brought girls home to fuck in their beds while giving each other high-fives. Would they pin their girls on their backs, forcing their legs up and over their shoulders while pounding their helpless, wide-open cunnies with big pieces of man meat? If they were brothers, would they fuck their girlfriends doggy style in front of each other, make them kiss, make them sixty-nine while they pounded their pussies hard?

Girlfriends? I thought, lifting my hips as I tried to fuck my cooze harder onto Vicki's fingers. Lana and Vicki weren't our girlfriends, were they?

And try as I might, I couldn't imagine myself as a boy. I liked being a woman. I liked the feeling of a big, strong, muscular man pinning me down while I struggled against him. I liked a man's body rubbing against mine, making me warm and wet and tingly all over. I liked how small I felt when I had a man between my legs, grinding against me as we wrestled...oh, fuck me. The only man I had ever had between my legs was my brother, and if he was between my legs, it was because our technical wrestling had turned into horsing around when I got tired of him beating me.

What was wrong with me?

I looked at my sister. What was wrong with Diana? What the fuck was wrong with Timmy?

Diana rolled Lana onto her side, then they sat up, moved back, spread their legs, and intertwined them, scissoring each other. They scooted forward, bracing their weight on their hands as they pressed their pussies together in a sexy, smooth, teenage-pussy kiss.

A loud moan left my lips.

Diana looked at me, her cheeks reddening, but she smiled wide and winked at me before turning back to Lana and leaning in for a kiss. I watched my sister turn her hips to her right as Lana turned her hips in the opposite direction. They stared into each other's eyes, breathing hard, their movements intense as a light sheen of sweat appeared on their bodies. Almost as one, they lifted their left hands and slid them down their fronts, diddling their own clits, then each other's, as they ground their hairless cunnies together.

"Oh, fuck," I whispered, pushing myself upward and pulling my leg off the back of the sofa.

I looked at Vicki, who had to sit up as I sat up. She saw what I wanted, spread her legs, and with a little fumbling, we slid one leg over and under each other's and scooted forward. With the alcohol in me, everything swooned. I was there, but not there. I was doing this but watching from a distance. When Vicki's wet pussy--soaking wet, completely drenched, little pink pussy--touched my own honey-dripping cunny, an electric shock zipped through my labia, zapping my clitty and sending ecstasy throughout my trembling body.

"Fuck yeah," Vicki whimpered, grinding her hips up and down against me.

I reached forward, grabbed her firm ass in both my hands and squeezed her butt hard as I pulled her against me. She reached between us with her right hand, taking turns with our clits while she held onto my shoulder with her left hand. Our breathing sped up. Combined with Lana's and my sister's panting breaths, it sounded like the four of us had been fucking for hours.

"Oh, fuck," Lana whimpered. "I'm gonna come, baby."

"Do it," my sister panted, sounding like she was on the verge of coming. "Make a mess on my pussy."

"Oh, god," I whined as my clitty swelled and the heat within my love-nub spread outward. I throbbed deep inside, and I tingled all over. I couldn't help myself; I leaned forward and pressed my lips against Vicki's. Her fingers went crazy between our twats, rubbing back and forth, getting both our clitties, and she came, wrapping her left arm around my neck, pulling me hard against her, and mashing our little titties together.

Lana came, whining like a little girl, and then she came on the TV, moaning like a whore as her uncle's cock pummeled her pussy into submission. I broke my kiss with Vicki, who pressed her mouth against my neck as she whimpered in pleasure. I was close, so damn close to coming I was gasping for breath. Diana turned her head, looking at me as she slid her finger through her own buttery softness. When our eyes met, we both came, cringing as the first bursts of pleasure exploded through us, and then we both opened our mouths, coming together as we stared into each other's eyes.

My body tingled the entire time, and the wetness that dripped out of me made me think I had pissed myself for a moment. I had never been so wet or slippery between my legs before. Diana smiled at me when her orgasm ended, then she fell back, as did Lana, both big-titted bitches glistening in the afterglow of their orgasms, bodies slick with sweat while Diana shined like some Greek goddess.

What a beautiful body, I thought as I looked at my sister, then I grunted as Vicki shoved two fingers up my snatch, pushed me back, and piston-fingered my soft clam until I came again, shaking and trembling with my legs wide open. The horny little cunt drank up every last drop that squirted out of me as Lana and my sister watched.

God, what had I let happen?

Entry #5 - Diana's Question

I slept by myself that night. I think I hurt Vicki's feelings, but what's a girl to do? I slept naked under my covers, and sometime after midnight, Diana came into the room with an ice-cold bottle of water for me. She was naked. I could make out her nude silhouette as she stood in the doorway, backlit by the dim hallway light, the curve of her pussy thick between the gap between her thighs.

"Hey," I said as Diana walked into the room. She climbed into bed with me, staying above the covers as she pressed her naked body against me from behind. We were nearly the same height, but spooning me as she was, I could feel how much bigger than me she was. If I was a nymph, then she was a Valkyrie.

"For you," Diana said, sliding her left hand around my body and placing the water bottle next to me on the cover.

"Thanks," I said. "I'm not much of a drinker."

Diana gave me a hug.

We lay there for a little bit before I asked, "What if I hadn' know...."

"Been into what we did tonight?" Diana finished for me.


"We would have stopped," Diana said. "But, Lana didn't say you freaked out when Vicki first showed you the videos. She's a bad girl, that Vicki."

"Lana tells you everything?"


"What else did Vicki tell Lana?"

"That you were into it." Diana gave me another hug. "I'm guessing that wasn't everything Vicki could have told Lana, is it?"

I said nothing.

Diana hugged me, holding me close.

"I'm not a lesbian," I said.

"Neither am I." Diana laughed quietly against the back of my head. "I think you're like me: Sexually adventurous, but if you're going to be with someone, it's going to be a man." She kissed the back of my head. "Women are fun. Men are forever."

I said nothing.

"Speaking of men, smart girl," Diana whispered, "Have you ever kissed a man?"

"No," I said, my voice low.

"Do you want to?"


"Tomorrow morning," Diana said, her voice flowing into my lobe, swirling around my ear, then descending into my mind, "I'm going to kiss Timmy. I want you to watch us. If you want to kiss our brother the way I do, let me know."

I said nothing, and Diana and I went to bed, the pair of us naked, with me under the covers and her atop them.

Entry #6 - Siblings Kiss

We left Lana's house early the next morning. My head fucking killed. Someone was tossing sticks of dynamite into the center of my brain, and the explosions ringed outward while mushrooming upward--I was not happy. Diana kissed Lana goodbye, but I only nodded at Vicki, who frowned, but she didn't try to kiss me. We drove home, mostly in silence, with Diana patting my knee and telling me I'd feel better after breakfast.

"You didn't drink that much," she had said. "I called Timmy. He's already in the kitchen."

Once home, we found out that Mom was staying home from work. She was exhausted, Timmy told us, after we had showered and changed into the clothes we would wear to school. I still felt like shit, but I took some Aspirin and prayed that it would kick in the moment it landed in my stomach.

As I sat at the breakfast table, eating a hot sauce drenched, sausage, cheese, and fried egg sandwich Timmy had made us, Diana got up and walked over to our brother, who stood by the kitchen island, watching us eat. My sister took my brother's cheeks in her hands and pulled him down to her as she leaned her sleek body into his so far that she had to get onto her toes as he leaned backward.

Their lips touched, their mouths opened, and their tongues danced as they stood with their profiles to me. Sunlight from the kitchen window shined over them in golden rays, bathing them in a nimbus of light. As I watched them, my sister seemed to merge with my brother, and Timmy let it happen. He looked so big and strong with his arms wrapped around her small waist, and she looked so sleek and beautiful next to him in her ultra-short white shorts and a small, blue and white striped shirt. I wanted to cry. I'd never look that amazing next to anyone.

Watching their lips slide together, I saw that my brother was hesitant at first, but his passion grew as Diana forced him to her rhythm. They both looked love.

I watched my siblings in silence as my heartbeat rose, pushing heat through my body, turning my cheeks pink. Timmy looked at me when the kiss ended, and the pink in my cheeks grew to a blazing red. I could feel my heartbeat hammering throughout my entire body. Below my waist, I was so fucking warm....

"I got to go," I said, getting up from the table. "See you guys at school."

"Hey, we'll talk later," Diana said as I left the kitchen.

I didn't get that far, though. My head hurt too much. I rode in the backseat of Diana's car on our way to school. As I left the car that morning, I looked my brother in the eyes, though I didn't know what I was trying to say to him. Kissing Diana in the way he had...? I guess I could understand how a man, almost any man, would have trouble denying her whatever it was she desired.

What did I desire?

Entry #7 - Before Bed

Before I went to sleep that night, while Timmy was in the shower, I walked into Diana's room and said, "Yes, I want to kiss him."

"Kiss who?"

"Our brother."

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