Chereads / Literotica Lover / Chapter 49 - #04 A Surprise for Timmy

Chapter 49 - #04 A Surprise for Timmy


Ah, what a shitty day. I fucked up. At breakfast, Diana told me to give her a shoulder rub. I did, and Abbey stared at us the way she might stare at a man who was walking down the street in a suit jacket without pants and acting as if that everything was completely normal.

Diana asked her what she was staring at, calling Abbey "Abbs" when she did. (Diana's nickname for our sister--why am I writing that out? This is my journal; who else is going to read it but me? Diana's sex torture is driving me mad.)

Where was I? Abbey asked what I was doing. Diana told her that I was giving her a shoulder rub. Abbey asked, but why? Diana said, "Because it feels good. Want one?" Abbey widened her eyes as if this option had never occurred to her, but it was something worth exploring, like a free refill on a beer. Abbey said she didn't know, so Diana told me to rub Abbey's shoulders as well.

I hesitated. This was Abbey--boy-shy, taken from us for five years, Abbey--and Diana wanted me to touch her like I was trying to touch Diana? (Those instructional YouTube videos must have paid off because my older triplet sounded like she was in heaven.) Anyway, I hesitated

Diana told me to "Do it," and so I did, but the damage had been done. I didn't even notice how much Abbey enjoyed my fingers digging into the small, narrow muscles of her neck and shoulders. Diana's eyes were all that I was aware of, and they were not happy.

Diana ignored me for the rest of the day.

I shouldn't have hesitated.

Damn it.




Ignored again.


Ignored for most of the day.

Some stuff had happened on Tuesday and Wednesday, but nothing with my older fucking sister. I tried hinting at another massage for her legs by asking her, "I'm looking for a new lotion? What do you recommend to keep my legs smooth... like yours?"

She laughed--I think she found my attempt at seduction cute--and she told some names of some brands that I don't remember. I hope she doesn't ask me to repeat those names later. Oh, dear God, I hope she doesn't tell me to shave my legs so that they're as smooth as hers as some kind of punishment. I don't know if I could do that.

So, with Diana ignoring me, I wrestled with Abbey some more, and she was much more physical this time around, not that she isn't physical; the girl can throw down. This time though, she was handsy. Afterward, she asked me if I'd massage her shoulders again, so I threw her into the pool. I think that's because I almost said yes.

Diana had come out to "tan" the last hour before sunset while I wrestled with Abbey. She was wearing sunglasses; those big aviator glasses girls wear because it's cute (I guess), and they are cute on her, I won't lie. I think she was watching us--me--so I took off my shirt halfway through Abbey's training. I think Diana smiled and shook her head, but my spidery monkey little sister was all over me, so it was hard to know for sure.

Anyway, I went to bed without Diana telling me to come to her room. She did thank me for leaving bottles of water in her room like I'm supposed to, and that put a smile on my face. (I'm fucking pussy whipped, and I'm not even getting any pussy).

I'm not getting any pussy from my sister.

What am I becoming?

Sidenote: Mom hasn't gone out all week. She spent a little time watching Abbey and me from the sliding glass door that leads into the backyard from the dining room. She was drinking wine and smiling, but that was it.

Tomorrow is Friday, and my arms are covered in goosebumps when I think about touching my sister's dirty panties.

Friday, Day

Before we got out of the car after we reached school--Abbey had gone with her friends--Diana looked at me and said, "Remember to come and get my panties tonight at nine. I made a sticky mess in a lot of them this week. You didn't forget, did you?"

"I haven't forgotten," I said as my heartbeat hollowed out my chest.

"Be sure to grab only my dirty panties." Diana smiled. "Make sure to get all of them. Understand?"

I nodded. "Yes."

"Good," Diana said. "You may kiss me on the cheek."

I may kiss my sister on her cheek in our high school parking lot where anyone could see us. Fuck me, why'd she do these kinds of things, but I didn't hesitate. I moved forward, not caring--at the time--if the parking lanes hid my sister's car or not or if anyone was looking at us through her windshield. I kissed her on the cheek, happy to do so. It was a quick peck of my lips on her skin, which was warm and soft, and made my heart flutter and my legs shake. My cock jumped when I touched my lips to my older sister's face. And it was over as soon as it began. I searched the parking lot through her windows and windshield right after, but no one was looking at us. I don't think Diana cared one way or the other. We exited the car and went to our classes.

It was a tough day sitting through my classes, and I pushed myself extra hard during my pre-season wrestling workout, hoping to keep my mind occupied instead of focusing on my sister's panties. It didn't work. At home, I put Abbey through some drills, but nothing tough. I'm going to start some movement drills with her soon, calling out the footwork or technique I want her to go through and making her react as quickly as possible. The thing about Abbey is that she enjoys the wrestling more than she does the drills, but the drills are what make you better at wrestling. It's not like skateboarding, where skating is the drill.

Friday, Night

I knocked on my sister's door at nine sharp, already excited with thoughts of what she was wearing. I didn't have to wait long before she opened the door, and though her outfit was simple, it didn't disappoint.

Diana was wearing a white T-shirt that hugged her big breasts, their round curves prominent against the thin cotton, and her nipples poking hard enough against the fabric to make the shirt look painted onto her chest. The cotton sloped down her breasts to hug her flat stomach, but it was short enough to leave a line of skin showing and peach boyshorts below. The shorts were small, fitting the contours of her butt like a glove and hugging her crotch like an old man squeezing teenage pussy for the first time in decades. (I have no idea why I thought of it like that.)

I hurried into my sister's room. I had to suppress a groan when I saw the bottom of her tanned cheeks curving out from beneath her shorts when she walked past me to sit on her bed.

"My panties are in my closet," Diana said.

"Okay," I said, rushing to her walk-in. She was right. There they were. There weren't many, and they were little things: thongs and G-strings and T-strings and other strings stacked on top of each other. Picking up my sister's panties sent tingles through my arms, a force of fuzzy energy that dampened my palms and increased my heart rate. My cock swelled, my balls tightened as I rubbed the silky-cotton-nylon combinations that had once been pressed skin-tight to my sister's pussy lips. I wanted to smell them (Diana had turned me into a pervert), but I walked back into my sister's room instead.

"Are you sure you that's all of them?" Diana asked.

I looked back into her closet, then back at her. "Yes."

"If you've missed one, I'm going to be mad that I have to bring it to you."

"I picked up every pair that was in there," I said.

I didn't sigh, but I wanted to.

"Okay. Wash them. Now."

I nodded and left the room, balling my sister's panties in my fist and stuffing them in my pocket. The laundry room was outside; it was also a storage room, with a cold stone floor and uncovered sash windows that let in the moonlight. I went into the laundry room, not bothering with the lights because there was plenty of moonlight spilling in from outside.

I laid my sister's panties on the washer. There were six in total. My mouth watered as I picked up the first pair, uncaring of how perverted I may have looked. I held them up to the moonlight shining through the window in front of me. I was holding a crimson thong, and I could make out the white smears on the insides of the panties on the narrow strip of the cloth that would rest against her pussy.

My sister's pussy. Did I ever think I'd cherish that small, meaty piece of her as much as I did now? How did this happen? A few weeks ago, I was a typical teenager, and now I was... I was... what was I? In love with my sister? In lust with my sister? Falling for my sister? Eager to hear what she wanted so that I could do it? This was not how I pictured the progression of my dating life. Wait, was this dating? Was I dating my sister? Everything was so fucking weird.

I could have stood there and asked myself questions all night, but instead, I brought the panties down to my nose. I could smell their thick scent, not dirty or musty, but thick, a bit sweet, and the softness of the cotton blend sent a tingle through my fingertips. I breathed the scent of my sister's pussy in, filling my lungs as much as I could, and my racing heart sent blood straight into my cock. Moments later, my hard-on tented my basketball shorts.

"I didn't say you could do that," Diana said.

"Fuck!" I jumped, my heart spasming, threatening to blow my chest out.

"If I wanted you to smell them," Diana said, "I'd tell you to smell them where I could watch."

I wanted to say things. To be tough. To argue, but all said was, "I'm sorry."

Diana smiled.

"By the way, you forgot a pair," my sister told me as she stared at the panties in my hand.

I made a flat-lined face and cocked my head to the side. My sister stood in her white shirt and peach boyshorts, bathed in moonlight, and not caring that my erection pointed straight at her because I had taken a sniff of her panties.

"What pair?" I finally asked.

"The pair I'm wearing," Diana whispered. The words trembled as they left her playful, smiling lips. "I've worn them all day long and"--her voice took on a pouty, little girl quality--"they got all messy because I was thinking about my little brother."

Fuck me, Diana, why were you doing this to me?

"Come and get my panties, Timothy."

Don't hesitate, I thought, even though I had no idea what I was supposed to do as I walked toward her. When I reached my sister, she took a step back. I had gone almost chest to breasts with her, and she looked up at me with a defiant hunger in her eyes. Was it because I was looming over her that she suddenly looked uncertain? I don't know, but I knew that I was willing to do anything that she wanted me to do so that I could touch her.

I lowered myself to my knees, guided by instinct. Diana didn't move. She didn't say a word as she stood there in front of me, breathing hard.

I lifted my hands and pinched the sides of her peach shorts with my fingers. I thought I could smell her warm sex in that cold laundry room. Was it her I was smelling, or the memories of her panties pressed against my nose moments before? I tugged the sides of her shorts down, not too fast, not too eager, slowly, sensing--hoping--that this was what my sister wanted. She wanted to watch me worshipping her, to see me enthralled by her beauty and sensual appeal. And fuck-damn, I was. Call it teenage stupidity, but in my world, at this moment, only my older sister, Diana, existed.

I pulled her shorts down to her knees, but my eyes never left the small pink panties that hugged her teenage twat. Pretty little goosebumps covered her firm thighs, and the cotton candy scent of her labia made me close my eyes and utter the sound, "Mmm," from deep within my throat.

"Can you see the mess I made in them because of you?" Diana asked. "All day long in my classes, I had to sit in my wet, messy panties because I couldn't stop remembering the sensation of your thumbs pushing against my outer pussy lips."

I opened my eyes, tracing the line of fabric digging into my sister's inner crease with my gaze. The wet panties pushed into her, creating a thick cameltoe of sexiness. My cock flexed, and my hips pulled back, pushing out a wad of pre-cum that left my knob sticky in my shorts.

"Go on, take them," Diana said. "Don't be a little boy."

Take them? How? I wanted to take them off with my mouth. I wanted to rip them off her hips and listen to her struggles as the elastic pressed into her skin before snapping, but my sister didn't say I could do that to her. I placed my fingers on her hips above the thin string of her panty's waistband, curling them against my sister's warm flesh beneath the elastic of her panties. We both shivered.

I pulled them downward slowly. My sister's hairless mound came into view, the skin soft and mouthwatering. Lower, I pulled them, licking my lips when her soft, clitoral hood came into view. I nearly moaned when I bared the cleft running down the center of her outer pussy lips. Her panties fell down her legs, but I had lost myself in a trance centered on my sister's muff. My sister, the golden goddess Diana, had the prettiest little pussy between her legs, and one day it would be mine.

But would it really?

More pre-cum flowed from my cock.

My sister couldn't deny me her silky treasure after all of this, could she? Would she?

I tore myself from my thoughts and concentrated on the inverted triangle of her mound as it ran into her soft, outer lips, which barely covered her swollen, inner lips. Her cunny looked so kissable and huggable and warm as if holding her folds in my hand would fill my entire body--my soul--with blissful heat.

"Go on," Diana whispered, her words trembling, "take them."

I hesitated before helping my sister step out of her little panties. I wanted to pick her up and slide my cock right into her, but her words, her voice, wouldn't let me. Whatever my sister desired, my sister deserved, no matter what it was.

I picked up her panties and placed them on the washer atop the rest of her thongs and strings. Before I could do anything else, Diana stepped up behind me.

"Put your hands on the washer," she said.

I did as she told me.

"You didn't listen to me." Diana yanked my basketball shorts down my hips. "I told you to make sure that you took all of my dirty panties with you when you left my room." Her voice sounded harsh, excited, intense. "And after I have to come down here and give them to you, I find you sniffing my cum-stained panties." She yanked my boxer briefs down my hips and thighs, and they fell to the feet atop my shorts. My cock stood straight up and out, aching beneath the cool touch of the laundry room's air. "Now, I'm going to punish you."

Fuck me, get to it!

I didn't care what my sister did, as long as she did it. She grabbed my hips and pulled me back a step, then widened my feet by using her right foot to push mine open. I had pictured doing this to many girls over the years, but I had never imagined any one of them doing this to me, let alone my fucking sister.

"What are we going to do with you?" Diana asked. She pressed herself into my back, her big tits squishing into my muscles hard enough to make me feel their bounciness. She circled her hands around my waist; her right hand grabbed a pair of panties from the top of the stack while her left fingers went to my cock.

"Uh," I moaned, shuddering.

Her fingers circled the base of my throbbing prick, raising my hairs into the air.

"Fuck," I gasped.

"Don't you fucking come yet," my sister said. "No brother of mine gets to be a two-pump chump. Understand?"

"Yes," I groaned, fighting back the light, tingling flooding my entire crotch.

My sister stroked me, her fingers infusing my cock with a sensation that sent tremors through my thighs. I don't know how I didn't come. Maybe it was her voice, her command, but I flexed my knob and did my best to close off my shaft to the torrential splashing of the cum welling up in my balls.

"I told you to take all of my dirty panties," Diana said, continuing to stroke my dick. "And you didn't. You didn't even ask if the ones I was wearing were dirty." Her teeth sunk into my shoulder blade. Not hard, but hard enough to feel good. So fucking good. "And then I find you sniffing my pussy juices from my panties. Did I say you could do that?"

"No," I whispered, my voice trembling as pleasure shot through my member.

Diana squeezed my cock harder, stroked me faster, then she cupped my knob with the panties in her right hand. The brush of the fabric against my tip raised goosebumps across my shoulders.

"That's it," Diana whispered. "Take it, bro. Take it."

"Mmm, uh, mmm," I gasped and panted as my sister jerked me off from behind.

"Keep it hard for me, little brother," Diana said. "Keep this big fucking dick hard for me." She started jerking me with the panties in her right hand as she slid her left down and over my balls.

"Shit," I panted as my dick shot a wad of thick, liquidity precum out of my tip.

"That's right, little brother," Diana said. She started humping her hips against me. "Fight how badly your sister's fingers make you want to come."

I turned my head, eyes half opened, and I caught our reflection in a mirror hanging on the far wall. God, it was hot. We both stood there naked from the waist down, our athletic bodies moving to my sister's dancer-like fucking motions, our hips and legs and ass cheeks naked and semi-seen, hinting at the nudity beyond the mirror's reach.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," I chanted as my sister humped her naked hips into my ass, pushing my cock through her prick-pumping fist.

"You're dripping cum, little brother," Diana whispered. "Hot, sticky pre-cum that's making my fingers and panties all messy again."

"Jesus," I moaned.

"Jesus has nothing to do with this." Diana bit me again. She let go of my balls and slapped my ass cheek hard. "Your sister is doing this to you. Your big, naughty sister."

"Diana," I moaned. "Fuck, Diana, fuck."

"That's right, baby brother, say my name." She licked my shoulder and jerked me harder. "If you behave for me, then maybe one day you'll be making me say your name."

I kept moaning as she reached around my waist and cupped my balls again. That was it. Her words, her palm holding my nuts, and her fingers squeezing my glans caused me to come. I came, hard, surging forward and pushing my thighs right against the washer's metallic surface.

"Fuck, Diana," I grunted, and my sister used her panties to catch my teen cream. Wad after wad of jizz erupted through my shaft, saturating her thongs and G-strings, making them wet and sticky all over again. I closed my eyes as colors exploded in front of my eyes. This was the greatest moment of my young life.

I was going to go to bed a happy young man.

But Diana had other plans. What followed was another thing that I had never expected to happen. Diana held my softening cock, cradling it in her right palm, and she stroked my hardness back to life. It didn't take long. She purred to me as she held me prick, saying, "That wasn't your punishment. That was for me. But, I need to know how many times my little brother can come before I decide how to put this dick to good use. Understand?"

From there, she stroked me again, and she pulled her left hand across my hip down to my ass and ran her fingers through my crack. I tensed when she reached my asshole, but she went lower and cupped my balls from behind.

"You have a big, cum-filled sack," Diana whispered, massaging me, tugging me. "How much do you have left in there for me?"

I answered with grunts and groans. She spanked my ass several times, then, in the mirror, I watched her reach around her ass and pet her pussy from behind. I almost came again, but then she pulled her hand from between her legs and lifted her fingers to my mouth. She slipped her digits between my lips, saying, "Suck them; they're covered with my pussy juices."

And, oh my fucking god, they were. The sweet, honey-like flavor of her teen pussy liquefied in my mouth, sparking my taste buds to life before they ran down my throat. Her fingers left my mouth and moved back down to my ass, through my crack, stopping at my asshole.

"Oh fuck," I said when I felt her middle finger push against my anal ring.

"That's right," Diana whispered. "Take it for me, Timmy. Take it for your big sister."

And I did. God, oh fuck, I did. Her fingers aren't big, thank God, and she pushed and slid and eased her middle finger into my asshole, stretching and pushing my muscles in ways that I never knew could feel so good. Was it because my sister was doing it to me? I don't know, but I knew that I would never, ever, let anyone else do this to me--never ever.

As I moaned, my sister jerked my cock and fingered my ass, massaging me deep and in places that forced me to stand on my toes with pleasure. I shook, I shuddered, I grunted and groaned. I loved it.

"That's it, baby," Diana teased. "This is part of your punishment: finding out that a finger in your ass can feel so good. Do you like it when I touch your naught prostate gland?" She bit me again and ran her hand over my knob several times as if she were polishing a bowling ball, but when she massaged me inside, I nearly lost my second load of the night. "I want you to imagine me, one day standing in front of you, with my hands on the washer, and instead of your finger up my butt, you'll be making me struggle to take this"--she waved my cock up and down, flinging pre-cum onto the washer and dryer--"big fucking dick in my ass."

"Diana," I grunted loud and uncaring of who in the night could have heard us. I came, hard, struggling to stand as my nut-filled my shaft and poured from my prick. Diana laughed and let me fill her palm with my seed.

Trembling, I thought things were over, but Diana said, "Uh-uh, little brother, oh no. Your punishment only ends when you're begging me to stop, and maybe not even then."

Holy shit....

I spent a long, wonderful night in the laundry room with my older sister milking my cock, and I'll never forget it.


Diana ignored me today.

I guess it was further punishment from Friday night... or maybe it was for her. She smiled at me, often, and--I think--when she caught herself smiling at me too much; she walked away to her room. I guess it wouldn't fit her dominance game if she were staring at me like a schoolgirl after her very first kiss. Oh, yeah, I read some articles about Doms and Subs on the internet before going to bed yesterday night.

I know that she had dated Roy, my wrestling teammate before all of this began, but as far as I know, nothing ever happened between them except some kissing. A guy like Roy would have bragged to me about fucking my sister. He's that kind of a douchebag. Wondering if that night in the laundry room was my sister's first real sexual experience put me in a good mood. So good that being ignored by her throughout Saturday didn't bother me... that much.


Nothing much happened. Abbey asked me if I had ever kissed a girl before. I had, never with any passion, and I told my sister this. Abbey confessed that she had never kissed a boy, and I told her: good. Afterward, she wanted to wrestle, so we practiced, grunting and sweating for an hour before calling it quits. I wonder if this wrestling was Abbey's way of working off any boy energy she may have had growing in her system. I work off my extra energy when I need to get thoughts of Diana out of my head, so who knows.

On my way to my bedroom to write things down, I saw Diana step out of my mom's room. She was wearing pajama pants and a loose, white shirt. It was late, and she paused when she saw me looking at her. She didn't look happy, but if it was because of me or because of what she had talked to Mom about, I didn't know, and I didn't ask. If my sister wanted me to know, she'd tell me.

Diana walked up to me as I stared at her and said, "Tomorrow morning, five-thirty, don't bother knocking." She opened her door. "If I'm asleep, then find a way to wake me up that shows me how much you appreciate me. Understand?"

I nodded, saying, "Yes," as my sister went into her room.

Did I understand? I don't know, but I spent an hour before bed watching sleep-sex videos, and I prayed that my sister wouldn't be awake come tomorrow morning. I didn't want my research to go to waste.

Timmy out.

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