Chereads / Literotica Lover / Chapter 10 - "Moms & Daughters": A Family Affair Part 2

Chapter 10 - "Moms & Daughters": A Family Affair Part 2


As she licked her sister's cunt, something she had done almost daily, sometimes more than once, for about a year now, she replayed the day it all started.

I returned home from prom, an escort for a senior student, even though I was only a junior, quite upset that my date had tried to force me to give him head. Although I was eighteen (we started school a year late because Mom and Dad worked overseas when we were to be in kindergarten...thus making Chloe and I always a year older than our classmates, sometimes even more), I was still a virgin. My focus had always been on my studies, not boys. Yet, Chloe convinced me to be an escort because, in her words, 'I needed a social life'.

I came home in tears and Mom comforted me.

Chloe came home a few minutes later and said, "Seriously, Amanda, you are the biggest prude."

I stammered, "H-h-he tried to shove his penis in my mouth."

Chloe sighed dramatically, something she should probably trademark she does it so well, "First it's a dick or a cock or a prick or a drill, not a penis, what are you, eight?"

"Mom!" I pleaded, shocked at Chloe's vulgar mouth. Talking disgusting wasn't new, talking disgusting in front of Mom was.

Mom surprised me by saying, "Actually, Amanda, your sister may be right. You need to loosen up a bit."

"A fucking lot, actually," Chloe added.

"Chloe May," Mom firmly said, the use of our middle name always implying we had gone too far.

"Sorry, Mommy," Chloe immediately said. I was surprised to hear Chloe say 'Mommy', although things had become different between the two of them the past couple of months. Mom and Chloe had been fighting non-stop since Chloe hit puberty, yet the past couple of months Chloe had changed completely, acting almost docile towards her. It had been a very strange turn of events, which I just concluded was Chloe finally growing up.

Mom continued, "Amanda, you are eighteen now and its time you start to understand there is more to life than just studying."

"That's why I agreed to go out tonight," I pointed out, even though I had no interest in the boy.

"Are you a lesbian?" Mom asked.

"P-p-pardon?" I stammered, shocked completely by the question, especially from my own mother.

"Do you like eating cunt?" Mom clarified, using the forbidden 'c' word.

"Mother!" I gasped, suddenly feeling like I was on a twisted version of candid camera.

"Kneel," Mom ordered, snapping her fingers and pointing to Chloe.

"Yes, Mistress Mommy," Chloe immediately obeyed, while smiling at me.

"You see Amanda, it's time you knew the family secret," Mom began, as she again snapped her fingers.

I watched in speechless awe as my stubborn, confident sister crawled to Mom.

Mom wordlessly opened her legs, and I stared as she revealed a completely shaved vagina.

"You see, Amanda, my mother taught me when I was about your age the power of lesbian sexuality," Mom revealed.

"What?" I said, apparently unable to say more than one word at a time.

"Your grandmother loves eating cunt, your mother loves eating cunt and," Mom said, as she grabbed Chloe's head and pulled her between her legs, "your sister loves eating cunt."

"That's incest," I pointed out the obvious.

"Oh honey, stop judging," Mom said, as if I was the one in the wrong here. "There's a saying 'the family that plays together, stays together'."

"I don't think this is what they were thinking," I pointed out, even though I was unable to take my eyes off of my sister pleasuring Mom.

"Sit down, Amanda," Mom ordered.

"No, thank you," I began, before Mom interrupted.

"Now, Amanda Lynn," she demanded firmly.

I obeyed, even as my head spun with shock.

"You see, my dear, your grandmother is very submissive, always willing to please, just like you," Mom continued.

"I'm not a lesbian," I pointed out.

"How do you know?" Mom asked. "Have you ever eaten cunt or sucked cock?"

"God, no," I said, disgusted by both.

"You're so adorable in your pretentious judgement," she chuckled softly, making me feel both insulted and slightly shameful; I hated being judged by my peers as a prude because I didn't drink, or get high or have sex, and yet I was apparently judging others because they did.

She continued, "You see I was eighteen, and had been seduced by my neighbour who was your grandmother's Mistress. I also learned there was a lesbian hierarchy in the neighborhood I lived in and as the newest addition I was low slut on the totem pole per se."

"Mom this is way past the TMI," I pointed out.

"It's time you understand your family history and learn your place," she replied, before adding, "now don't interrupt me again."

"Yes, Mom," I nodded, even though I was mortified by the whole ordeal I was witnessing, both hearing and seeing.

"Anyways, after school one day, after pleasing her sexually every day for two weeks, Mistress Appleton walked me over to my mother and said, 'Your daughter is now your pet'".

I couldn't believe Mom was telling me this; I couldn't believe this was true; I couldn't believe Chloe was licking Mom's vagina.

"Mom smiled, understanding immediately that I had been turned and trained. She said, shocking me at the time, 'I've been waiting for this moment for a long time'. Five minutes later, I was on my back, licking my Mom's cunt for the first time."

I wondered what the word 'turned' meant, but sure wasn't going to ask.

"Once I tasted Mom's cunt, I was addicted and it became a daily, often more than once a day, activity. Just like it is now for Chloe, isn't it, my pet?"

"Yes, Mistress, Mommy," Chloe nodded, while still having her face buried in-between Mom's legs.

"And my sweet daughter, it's almost time for you too to have your first taste of pussy, taboo pussy," Mom revealed.

"I can't Mom," I whispered.

"Is your virgin cunt wet, honey?" Mom asked.

"No," I answered quickly, but then realized that I was lying as I felt a dampness in my panties.

"Are you telling me the truth, honey?" Mom asked, always able to know when I was lying.

My face burned red with shame at being wet and guilt at lying. "Yes," I whispered.

"Why is your cunt wet?" Mom asked bluntly.

"I don't know," I answered, which was the truth.

"Do you want to replace your sister?" Mom asked.

"No," I answered, although I was suddenly very confused.

Mom continued, "After I ate out mother, I became the community pussy pleaser. It was expected, as part of the community initiation, that I please fourteen different women in fourteen days. So I ate out another neighbour, Mrs. Turtle, the next day, concluding without a doubt that I loved eating pussy."

Mom continued her vivid retelling of her lesbian sexual awakening, "Then the following day, I was used by Mrs. Turtle's cheerleading daughter in the locker room and then by another cheerleader who caught us in the act."

Mom asked Chloe, "Do you think your cheerleading teammates would have fun training your sister in the fine art of cunt munching?"

Chloe, looked back at me, her usual devious smug look on her face, "Oh, I imagine they would turn her into a full- time pussy pleasing mascot."

Mom pulled Chloe between her legs and continued, her eyes never breaking contact with mine, "So then, the following day, I learned the thrilling fulfillment of the strap-on cock when my best friend at the time, Cassandra, who apparently had been eating out my mom during overnight sleepovers for a few months after I went to sleep, called me over to study French. To my surprise, the French we were studying was French kissing, followed by a unique sixty-nine style of French kissing and concluded with sucking a strap-on before she took my virginity with her long plastic cock."

I asked, still in complete disbelief, "You lost your virginity to a girl?"

"Honey, I was just like you," she answered. "I was nerdy, cute and shy. But once this world of secret lesbianism was revealed it was like the handcuffs of society's expectations and pressure dissipated. Before I knew it I was more than just the nerdy girl who answered all the questions in class, and I was no longer just the teacher's pet, although in all fairness I physically did become the teacher's pet for Mrs. Blankton one day."

"You had sex with a teacher?" I asked, even though the answer was obvious.

"Yes, she was an English teacher who was both firm in the classroom and when she had me under her desk licking her while talking to a colleague, or when she had me on her desk teaching me the power of a vibrator before she fucked me with her strap-on."

Chloe added, out of the blue, "While Amanda is the teacher's pet, I have my own teacher's pet."

"What?" I asked, hearing her words but trying to see where she was going with her declaration.

"Mrs. Walker is a very eager cunt muncher," Chloe revealed.

I gasped. Mrs. Walker was my favourite teacher. Besides being my Advanced English teacher, she was my debate team coach, my role model and my teacher reference for all my scholarships. She was also married and had two young children. I said, not believing Chloe, "Bullshit."

"Can I show Amanda the pictures, Mistress Mommy?" Chloe asked.

"Yes, my pet," Mom nodded.

Chloe stood up, looked at me smug as hell, and walked towards the kitchen.

Mom continued, "A couple days later, one of the cheerleaders, I can't even remember her name anymore, took my anal virginity."

"You took something up your bum?" I asked, wave after wave of shocking revelations hitting me like the never ending waves on an ocean shore.

"God, yes," Mom moaned to herself. "There is nothing like giving your entire body to the forbidden taboos that society pretends are sinful."

"Sodomy is a sin," I pointed out.

Chloe returned mocking me, "Sodomy is a sin. Christs sake, Amanda, the Lord gave you three holes for a reason."

Mom nodded, as if Chloe was saying something profound and undeniable, "Yes, Amanda, sex is a natural part of existence and giving and receiving pleasure is one of the most natural things in the world."

"Between a man and a woman," I countered.

"Sex is sex, regardless of gender. Homosexuality between men has been going on for centuries," Mom continued.

Chloe added, "Your hero Shakespeare was a flaming faggot."

"You can't even read Shakespeare," I shot back. A weak retaliation, but one nevertheless.

"Maybe, but I know his love sonnets are about men," she retorted, as she brought her phone towards me.

I had read that the sonnets may be about men, but had always decided, being the romantic I was, that it was inconclusive at best and I would continue to read them as odes of love to another woman.

"Enough," Mom said, her legs still wide open and her pussy seemingly staring at me.

"Here's the proof that Mrs. Walker is my personal pussy pleaser," Chloe said, clearly revelling in whatever was on her phone.

I stared at the photo of what was definitely a naked Mrs. Walker making out with an equally naked Chloe. I was speechless...again.

Chloe explained, "That was at her house, while her husband took the kids swimming."

Mom added, "You see Amanda, very little in life is as black and white as academia makes it. Heroes in literature are never as good in real life; science creates war; history only tells of the winners. But, of course, there are two sides to every story and every person has a plethora of intriguing secrets and desires that are bubbling just below the surface."

"And once I scratched Mrs. Walker's surface, I awoke a sleeping sexual libido that I don't think will ever even want to take a nap," Chloe continued, clearly enjoying tarnishing the image of my favourite teacher, my role model.

"I can't believe you went after Mrs. Walker," I said, angry at her.

Mom added, "Honey, Chloe did Jasmine a favour. She undid the chains of societal expectations that had held her back from finding true pleasure."

"That's ridiculous," I said, still coming to grips with not only all the revelations, but the undeniable burning in my vagina.

"Here is Mrs. Walker putting on a show in her classroom for Bree and me," Chloe added, showing me a second picture.

I stared at the second photo and wondered how Mrs. Walker got tricked into doing this. "You blackmailed her," I accused.

Chloe shock her head, "No, I didn't have to, I offered her a bite of the apple and she ate it whole."

"You're a bitch," I said, standing up.

Mom intervened, "Both of you, sit down."

We both obeyed, even as we glared at each other. Pissing me off even more was the smug look on her face.

"Mrs. Walker is like almost every woman, Amanda. Given the chance to unleash their hidden sexual desires they will. For me, once the opportunity was given to me, even though I had no idea what I was missing, the flood gates opened wide and I have never looked back since."

"What about Dad?" I asked.

"He knows that I have lesbian encounters and has known that since we started dating and he caught me in a rather compromising situation," Mom answered, before adding, "although he doesn't know about Chloe and I."

"Was that the first lesbian threesome you had, Mommy?" Chloe asked.

Mom laughed, as if reminiscing about some great time, "Yes, I was being fucked with a hot sauce bottle by Beverly, another cheerleader, they really did like passing me around, when her older sister caught us. Eventually, she joined us and I ate one sister while the other one fucked me with a bottle and then eventually fisted me."

"Fisted?" I asked, another term, like 'turned', I had never heard of before.

"You really are clueless," Chloe said, shaking her head, "That is when a fist goes inside your cunt."

"The whole fist?" I questioned, unable to fathom how that was possible.

"Yep," Chloe nodded.

Mom ordered, "Chloe, check if your sister is wet."

"Yes, Mistress Mommy," Chloe nodded.

I could have stopped her, yet I was so shocked again by Mom's words I just allowed my sister to molest me. To make matters worse, I moaned loudly the moment Chloe's fingers touched my wet panties.

"She's fucking soaked," Chloe declared.

"Why are you so wet, Amanda?" Mom asked again.

I gave the same answer. "I don't know."

"I think you do, honey," Mom said softly, before continuing, "Your mind is still in protest, but your body is already giving in to the pleasure being offered to you. Even though you don't know it yet, your mind and body are negotiating and your soaked panties proves your body is winning."

"Try it once, sweetheart," Mom said. "Would I ever lie to you or make you do something that wasn't good for you?"

The answer before tonight would have been a clear no, yet now I was bewildered and indecisive.

"Would I?" she repeated, when I didn't answer.

"I guess not," I finally said, tentatively.

"Crawl to Mommy, my dear," Mom ordered, patting her vagina.

I don't know why. Maybe because I was so horny; maybe because I was curious; maybe it was wanting to not look like a prude in front of my sister; maybe it was the natural desire to trust and obey my mother; whatever the case, I felt myself drop to my knees and crawl to Mom's spread legs.

"Good girl," Mom purred, as I made my way to her.

Once there, I hesitated. I stared at her wet, glistening pussy lips.

Mom softly encouraged, "Go ahead, Amanda. There is nothing more natural than returning to where you started eighteen years ago."

Although the rationale was ridiculous in retrospect, at the moment, the theory seemed completely logical. I wordlessly leaned forward, extended my tongue and tasted my mother.

"That's it, my pet," Mommy moaned as I began tentatively licking.

Being called a 'pet' created mixed emotions. I have always been a people pleaser and loyal, traits of a good pet; yet the name clearly established a power hierarchy and I was at the bottom. I immediately recalled Mom saying she was at the bottom of her community lesbian hierarchy and wondered if that was what she expected here too. Conversely, those thoughts quickly faded from significance as the unique flavour of Mom's pussy reached my taste buds. All the lingering doubts bouncing around in my head were silenced as my brain shut off and my body took full control. The intoxicating scent, the succulent taste and the strange natural sensation all overwhelmed me as I licked Mom's vagina.

Mom moaned, after a couple of minutes of my exploring, "That's it, baby, do you like tasting Mommy's cunt?"

"Yes," I whispered, as I didn't stop licking, wanting more of her wetness.

"Yes, what?" she asked.

I was confused at the question and looked up.

"What am I now to be called, pet Amanda?" she asked.

So consumed with lust and the desire to please, I answered as Chloe already had, "Yes, Mistress Mommy." I couldn't believe how easily the words flowed off my tongue.

"And what does my pet girl want?" Mommy asked, as her finger parted her vagina lips right in front of my eyes.

"To lick you," I admitted, wanting to resume licking.

"To lick my what?" Mom asked.

I thought the questions strange, the answer was obvious wasn't it? I mean I sure as heck didn't plan on licking her elbow. Yet, I played along. "Your vagina."

Chloe scoffed behind me. "You're eighteen Amanda, use adult words."

Mom more patiently explained, "Your sister is right, my pet. Mommy, like all women, have a pussy or a cunt."

I hated both those words, I felt they were derogatory and objectified women.

Mom sensing my trepidation, continued talking softly, "My pet, they are just words and used in the right context are sensual and meaningful."

Mom's finger playing with her vagina distracted me greatly. I wanted to taste her again. Reluctantly, I said the words that had never left my lips, "Mistress Mommy, I want to lick your pussy."

"Good girl," she purred, as she grabbed my head and led me back to her sweet delicacy.

When I resumed licking, I shifted from slow exploration to eagerness. I probed her pussy lips, trying to shove my tongue inside her tight hole.

"That's it, my pet, tongue fuck Mommy's cunt," Mom moaned, which sent a chill up my spine. I wanted to be the best pussy pleaser, I wanted to be better than Chloe. I wanted to be Mom's best pet.

"Oh yes, God, that's it," Mom moaned loudly. After a few more moments, Mom demanded, "My clit, my pet, suck on Mommy's clit."

I moved my head up slightly and took her hard clit in my mouth.

"Yesssssss," Mom screamed instantly as she grabbed my head and seconds later my face was coated with wetness. If the subtle taste of her pussy was appetizing before she came, the full flood of her nectar was like heaven to the taste buds. I hungrily lapped up Mommy's juices, never wanting this to end.

Unfortunately, like all good things in life, it did.

Mom looked down at me and said, "Welcome to the club, honey."

"Thanks," I said, unsure what the words really meant.

"Is it my turn, Mommy Mistress?" Chloe asked.

Mom nodded as she said to me, "You are low pet on the totem pole, my dear."

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Chloe is your Mistress," Mom revealed.

"Get over here, sister slut," Chloe ordered, a polar opposite to the tenderness of Mom.

"Obey, Amanda," Mom nodded.

I gave her a pleading look, before I crawled over to my sister, who was completely naked now.

"I've looked forward to this forever," Chloe said, as I reached her legs.

Her pussy looked equally inviting as Mommy's did and I, without being told, leaned forward and began tasting my sister's pussy.

"That's it, my sister slut," Chloe moaned, "eat my cunt."

Her terms were so much nastier than Mom's and yet, inexplicably, it turned me on. My panties were completely soaked and I desperately wanted to touch myself.

I lapped hungrily, Chloe's taste equally exotic, yet slightly different than Mom's. "You're such a natural cunt muncher," Chloe moaned.

I hated that I was being submissive to Chloe, yet I also loved the feeling of pleasing.

"It's so nice to see my two girls finally getting along," Mom said from behind us.

Chloe added, "We will be getting along a lot more now, won't we, my sister slut?"

"I don't know," I replied, her tone making me nervous.

She pushed my head away and said, "If you want to ever lick my cunt again, big sister, you will obey like a good submissive."

I froze. I wanted to resume tasting her, yet I didn't like the idea of being under her control.

Mom added, "Amanda, you are a natural people pleaser. You were born to make people happy."

I turned to Mom and asked, "What does being low slut on the totem pole entail?"

"Complete obedience to all above you," Mom replied.

"Always?" I asked, even though the answer seemed obvious.

"Without hesitation," Mom nodded. "Only through complete obedience will come complete satisfaction."

The words seemed silly, yet the pleasure I was feeling by giving pleasure was undeniable.

"Beg to eat my cunt, Amanda," Chloe ordered.

I turned back to my sister, looked up at her and begged, getting drawn completely into the submissive I seemed to be, "Please, let your sister lick your pussy."

"You mean my cunt?" Chloe corrected.

I sighed softly, but agreed, somehow needing to please her, to impress her, "Yes, Chloe, can I please resume licking your delicious cunt."

"Mistress Chloe," she corrected again.

I understood she was clarifying the hierarchy, making it clear who was in charge, yet my desire to please overrode the consequences of being her submissive and I nodded, "Yes, Mistress Chloe."

She pulled me in and I returned to licking. She moaned, "That's it, my sister slut, you will be doing this every day."

The words should have mortified me, yet instead they excited me. As Mom had said, once the floodgates were opened the rush was impossible to stop. I was addicted, like I was to Starbucks, and I couldn't imagine not doing this again.

After a couple of minutes, Mom ordered, "Look at me, my pet."

I stopped licking and turned around.

Mom smiled, "This is for the scrapbook."

I was surprised that Mom was taking pictures but didn't protest as I somehow trusted Mom, regardless of the crazy evening it had been.

"Get back to pleasing me, my sister slut," Chloe ordered, grabbing my head.

I hungrily lapped my sister, wanting to get her off.

"Oh yes, my sister slut, you love my cunt don't you?" she asked.

"God, yes," I moaned, indeed loving the taste of her cunt.

"And you will lick me whenever and wherever I demand?" she questioned.

Although I feared the where part, I nodded, "Yes, Mistress, I'm your submissive."

"God, yessss,' Chloe moaned, grabbing my head and grinding her cunt on my face.

In seconds my face was coated for a second time.

As she recovered, Chloe played on her phone. While she made me massage her feet, she queried, "Hey, Mom, did you know that today is Nude Day?"

Mom shook her head, "No, but I think we will make sure to always celebrate Nude Day like this."

I asked, "What are we going to do next year, add Grandma?"

"Mmmmmmmm," Mom smiled, "I think we have created a deviant little pet."

Chloe seemed ready to go again when she heard her father come in the house. "Damn it," she sighed. "We will have to finish this later."

"Yes, Mistress," Amanda nodded, disappointed herself to not get one more full flood of the nectar she had already become addicted to.