Chapter 9 - Chapter 9- Her Wishes:

After My Lengthy Talk With The Headteacher, I Was Made To Move Some Boxes With Mr Nicholas. Of Course It Wasn't As Grueling As I First Imagined Mainly Due To The Fact Nicholas Wasn't A Pest Of A Teacher And Was Relatable At Times.

"Ugh, I Think That's The Last" I Moved Another Box On The Shelf As Mr Nicholas Clasped His Hands Together. "Perfect, Now At Least You Won't Have To Sit In Detention For The Fifteenth Time" He Chuckled Patting Me On The Shoulder. 

"Anyway Since Were Done Here I Guess I'll Leave You Coming To?" Mr Nicholas Asked With A Tilt Of His Head As I Layed Back Against The Wall. "Uh No, I'll Stay Here And Take A Breather Moving These Things Drained Me" I Chuckled Heavily, Coughing A Little Too.

"Suit Yourself, Matthew" He Walked Off Parasol In Hand As I Stretched Backwards Taking In The Peaceful Quietness. "Next Time I'm Searching Charlie's Bag For What He's Carrying, Damn Idiot" I Sighed Rubbing My Head In Annoyance.

"Hmm, It's 3pm? Already? Guess I Gotta Head Out, They'll Be Locking Up Soon" I Stood Up With One Last Stretch Taking A Gentle Stride Towards The Door. However, A Familiar Figure Leaned Itself On The Opened Door...

"You?... But I Thought..." I Gulped A Sea Of Old Horrific Memories Flooded In As I Tried To Stomach It All. 

"Yeah, It's Me Did You Really Think I'd Just Let You Go?" Mia Chuckled With A Sadistic Laughter, She Was The One Who Was Responsible For My Hatred Against Girls, The One Who Scarred Me. "I Thought We Were Through With This" I Yelled With Moderate Anger. 

She Then Walked Up To Me With A Smirk, "You Can't Ever Change The Past, I'll Haunt You The Rest Of Your Fucking Life" She Whispered Into My Ear Before Skipping Away. "I'll Always Be There In Your Head" She Walked Off With A Giggle As I Fell To Me Knees Defeated.

I Let Her Get Away... Why Couldn't I Fight? I'm So Pathetic...

"Master? Huh?" Kurumi Then Walked Into The Room With A Worried Expression. "What Happened?" She Crouched Down With A Saddened Voice, As I Forced A Smile. "Nothing" I Mumbled, As She Shook Her Head Annoyingly.

"Please Tell Me The Truth" She Spoke Softly Cupping My Cheek. I Teared Up Momentarily, "Mia Came.. She Came Back To Remind Me Of The Nightmares I Tried To Escape" I Sniffled After Each Word.

"That Stuck Up Bitch... Kana Told Me About Her" She Spoke In A Pissed Off Tone But Then Switched Back To Her Soft Voice. "No Matter What Happened In The Past Master... You're Stronger Now You've Got Us" She Smiled Wrapping Her Arms Around Me.

"Thanks" I Smiled As She Wiped My Tears Away Like An Angel. She Then Stood Up, Quickly Unfastening Her Skirt And Shirt As My Heart Raced... And My Face Sweaty. 

"Can You... Can You Hear My One Wish Matthew?" She Spoke Quietly, As I Nodded In A Fast Motion. "My Wish Is That I Wanna Do It With You..." She Announced As My Face Looked Shocked However It Soon Turned To An Understanding Look.

"Sure, After Everything You've Done For Me... You Deserve Something Back From Me" I Answered Taking In Her Underwear And Bra, They Were Matching Purple. They Looked Mature And Had Love Heart Like Patterns On Them, Perfect For Seduction...

She Then Slowly Unzipped My Trousers, Her Technique Was Different To Kana's, The Latter Did It Fast However Kurumi Did Slower Possibly To Make Me More Horny Before She Actually Began "The Process".

She Then Crouched Down Examining My Rod Through My Pants, "Hehehe~ Hard Already Are We?" She Whispered Seductively With A Lick Of Her Lips.

She Wasn't Wrong My Rod Throbbed Like Crazy At This Point, She Then Pulled Down My Underwear Revealing My Rod Properly Her Face Instantly Switched. Her Face Was Now More Seductive Than Ever, Her Eyes Were Pure Love Hearts At This Point.

Kurumi Inserted My Rod Into Her Insides Almost Instantly As A Warm Sensation Spread Through My Entire Body. "Seriously... Cowgirl?" I Chuckled With A Stutter As Kurumis Slender Hips Bounce Up And Down With Hunger.

"Of Course Master! Nnggh~" She Moaned In Ecstasy, I Could Feel Her Body Running With Sweat As She Kept Bouncing Every Second. My Rod Embraced Her Womb Everytime With Love And Passion.

I Guess This Is What Kurumi Always Wanted...

"You Wanted This All This Time? Passionate Sex... Haha" I Chuckled As Kurumi Smiled Back At Me. "Yes... Yesss! Harder!" She Moaned Loudly Increasing Her Pace As I Moaned In Response, She Drained Me Faster Than Kana.

"Ugh.. Give Me More... I'm Gonna Go Insane" She Grimaced Lustfully As Burning Sensation Was Seared Through My Body. Her Gaze Only Making Me Harder And Hornier...

As She Carried On Riding My Rod, I Sat Up And My Hands Latched Onto Her Petite Breasts, As She Cried With Pure Ecstasy. "Ah!" Kurumi Rolled Her Head Back Gasping For Air, As I Fondled Her Breasts Slowly, Examining Them Almost.

"Inside Me... I Beg You Master" She Spoke Breathlessly As I Nodded Firmly And Started Thrusting Her Like Mad. Before Long, Kurumi Was At Her Peak, Her Wishes Fulfilled Forever...

"Ah.. Finish Inside Me... Finish... Pwease" She Moaned With A Stutter Her Voice Barely Audible, As My Load Flooded Inside, The Latter Falling Onto Me With A Smile Holding My Hand Romantically.

"I Love You Matthew"...