Mike, a member of the Snow family and one of the very vampires who were called to perform an important mission. To bring their words to the noble vampires of the region. Everyone was excited about this mission, the Snow family is good at terrain reconnaissance, information transport and assassination; either with traps or with a dagger.
They informed the matriarch of the family, Robin. Who quickly assigned them a city to go to, so they would be organized.
They left very quickly, even the Matriarch of the family acted fast. Being an order of this level they understood its importance, they could not waste time on other things.
As they left Valery's pseudo domain they all felt a strange emptiness inside. It was as if they had left their home, their family and homeland; they felt as if they were in an unknown land where they were not welcome. They couldn't help but even miss being home, the taste of blood in the comfort of the couch in their quarters.