The tale unfolds in the heart of winter with the birth of Kim Longwei, who bore a birthmark resembling a black dragon on his chest. However, it wasn't fully visible to all. Only a select few, such as his parents and older siblings, Kim Meiying and Kim Anwei , could discern it. This was due to their pure connection with Kana and the absence of any envy towards him.
As the celebration of his birth was about to commence, thunderstorms began to form in the sky. Unbeknownst to anyone, the day that marked the arrival of their newest member would also unleash the dormant energy within the heavens.
The crowd gathered, eyes fixed on the sky, as a shadow approached them. Astonishment spread as the sky shifted, with onlookers puzzled by the unfolding scene. Kim Longwei lay in his mother's lap, reaching out to the shadow with small hands. As the shadow neared Mrs. Kim, it seemed to take a liking to Longwei.
The Kim family, along with the crowd, couldn't discern who accompanied Longwei, for he alone could see the Shadow. After a while everything settled but for Longwei, he was tired after all he enjoy his time with shadow playing with it. The ceremony begins again, well- wishers, Neighbour, friend who was present at the time of his birth celebrated. Mr. Kim decide to organize a big party for his youngest child after 1 month.