The Antrunie stood quietly, observing the situation before them seemingly passively. All of them except for Ambruce. She quietly moved to be with the Sima and when she did so the Sima felt that Rachel stood with them as well. This prompted their team lead to speak.
"Great Ones. We are young and we differed to the Alyanna who are our elders. We apologize for not trusting in you. We apologize for not seeking you first before we made such decisions."
As the first leader began to explain all of the Sima fell to the floor, prostrating themselves before Rachel and Ambruce.
Rachel felt Ambruce's anger and said nothing. How do you tell a mother to calm herself when her children are hurting right before her eyes.
"We believed that we needed to go to you with our information but we decided not to. It was fully our error. We can not blame any other."