It's hard to explain.
An artificially made Azmin. How do you change a person's ethnicity and if you do is it truly artificial once it's done?
The artificial Azmin, as they were called at first, were created through processes that mixed alchemy and sorcery spell work.
The costs for the alchemical portions were exacted upon the creations and not the creator and for thus the costs were a bit higher than normal because loopholes were used to make it possible to do so.
In other words costs were either exacted on the one performing the ritual, or on both the asker and the result being sought. If the Alchemist redirects costs to be taken solely from the creation or result the price is increased one hundred fold.
You can never obtain something for free. There is always a cost to be born to the gifted.
When you ask for a perfect gift if you do not pay the cost for it your gift will not be anywhere as perfect as you would like.