Kael's next destination was the tower of Elden, a renowned seer who resided on the edge of Eldoria. Elden was known for his ability to sense and interpret magical disturbances, and Kael hoped that he could shed light on the whispers and shadows plaguing the outskirts.
Elden's tower was a place of deep, ancient magic. As Kael entered, he was greeted by the seer, a figure draped in flowing robes adorned with mystical symbols. Elden's eyes, glowing with a faint, otherworldly light, fixed on Kael with a penetrating gaze.
"I sense you have come seeking answers," Elden said. "The whispers in the shadows are not mere echoes. They are signs of a deeper, more insidious presence."
Kael explained the disturbances he had encountered and the dark magic he had sensed. Elden listened intently, his expression growing more serious.
"What you are sensing is the residue of an ancient and powerful magic," Elden finally said. "It is connected to an old prophecy that speaks of the Shadow Rebirth—a dark force that seeks to emerge from the depths of the world and reclaim its lost power."
Elden went on to explain that the prophecy foretold the return of an ancient entity imprisoned long ago by the first Arcanists. The dark sorcerer Kael had encountered was merely a harbinger, a pawn in a larger scheme to weaken the barriers that kept this entity at bay.
"To prevent the Shadow Rebirth," Elden said, "you must seek out the hidden seals that hold this ancient force in check. They are scattered across the land and guarded by powerful enchantments."