Chereads / Man and Theory of Myths || / Chapter 35 - Chapter 34: A sudden attack. (The plan to eradicate the killer man?!)

Chapter 35 - Chapter 34: A sudden attack. (The plan to eradicate the killer man?!)

Sakolomé is outside, classes were over today so he had to go back.

But an immense rain prevented him from taking any steps.

The rain was so heavy that it made curtains of water.

Sakolomé thinks, should he still take the risk and get wet or should he wait a little longer.

Today was still a special day because Uncle Baham planned an outing tonight for the children, they should go have fun at the Gym and test their strength with dumbbells.

A lady appears behind Sakolomé, she had an umbrella in her hand, she looks at Sakolomé and says.

"Um... Sakolomé you haven't left yet?!"

Sakolomé turns around and looks at the lady.

Sakolomé: Mrs. Alia...yes I haven't left yet, with this huge rain that prevents me from doing so!

Mrs. Alia looks at Sakolomé then looks at her watch.

She then looks at him again and says.

Alia: I can accompany you if you want, with my car it will be easier!

Sakolomé: oh really, that's really generous of you ma'am, I thank you very much!!

Said Sakolomé while lowering his head as a sign of respect.

Mrs. Alia smiles.

Alia: It's perfectly normal to help a student, come join me under the umbrella we're going to head to my car!

Said and done.

Sakolomé and Mrs. Alia arrived in the car, Sakolomé is sitting in front with Mrs. on his left who was driving.

Alia: It's crazy, it's been raining so much lately, and it's so cold!

Sakolomé nods..

Mrs. Alia added.

Alia: Put on your seat belt please.

Sakolomé puts on the seat belt and Mrs. Alia starts to start the car.

As he started it, Sakolomé just looked outside through the window. The traffic was still going faster than usual.

Mrs. Alia looks at Sakolomé and says.

Alia: Sakolomé, do you remember one day when we were teaching about who stopped the killer man massacre, I said it was Mo-zus but you didn't seem to agree, can I know why?!

Sakolomé: it's not what you think!

Alia: Sakolomé!!!

Mrs. Alia's gaze was too full of curiosity, nervousness and at the same time sincerity, Sakolomé looks her in the eyes for a moment then declines his gaze.

Sakolomé: In fact, in our killer man family, the one who beat the killer man shooter was my father, but he did it in a masked way because he was a bit of his double too

Mrs. Alia looks away.

A moment of silence between the two in the car which begins to make the atmosphere awkward.

The rain had calmed down.

Mrs. Alia then answers after 5 minutes of silence.

Alia: We're going to get off here first!

Sakolomé looks and does not recognize himself in the surroundings.

Sakolomé: Where are we?

Alia: We're at my house!

Sakolomé: Uh...!!!

Mrs. Alia gets out of the car and says.

Alia: Sakolomé, what are you waiting for to follow me?!

Sakolomé opens the door and gets out of the car.

He follows Mrs. Alia and arrives in front of his teacher's door.

Mrs. Alia uses keys to open her house.

Sakolomé seems to be preoccupied with something else.

Sakolomé: Uh... madam, why don't you put your car in the garage?

Alia: Because we won't be long.

The door opens and she goes in first.

Alia: Join me Sakolomé!

Sakolomé also takes off his shoes and goes into the house.

He arrives in Mrs. Alia's small living room who asks him to sit down for a moment while she looks for something.

Sakolomé sits and waits in the living room.

Mrs. Alia comes back with a book and says.

Alia: This is the book I was looking for!

She opens the book and starts flipping through a few pages.

Alia: That's it!

She said with a smile.

Sakolomé looks at her, he wondered what she was talking about.

Mrs. Alia continues.

Alia: This part clearly states that you are telling the truth, it was indeed a masked killer man who had beaten the tir killer man, so that's who you were talking about?!

Mrs. Alia shows the book closer to Sakolomé.

Sakolomé could see the images of the tir killer man for the first time, although the quality was in black and white, he was a man with a sure look, and long and very dark hair.

But what struck Sakolomé the most was the fact that the tir killer man looked exactly like his father niyus killer man.

Sakolomé: Wow that's crazy!

Mrs. Alia turns the page and says.

Alia: Here is the masked killer man, the one who killed the tir killer man

Sakolomé looks and sees his father's silhouette through this image.

Sakolomé also notices that his father's hair was less dark than the tir killer man despite the quality of the images.

Sakolomé is suddenly questioned by something.

Sakolomé: Madam, why not teach the original story to your students? Why did you distort it?

Alia: Because that's how we are asked to teach it, this encyclopedia that you see there no longer exists in any library, I got it by chance in a black market

Sakolomé: but why do you want to spread false information?

Alia: I have no idea, and I don't know why you're throwing flowers at Mo-zus like that...

Sakolomé remains silent for a moment, he was thinking about something.

Sakolomé: this man, Mo-zus, he lives in Gu-HoiT City, right?

Mrs. Alia nods.

Alia: Would you like to go see him? Isn't it a bit dangerous? I heard he doesn't like to receive people

Sakolomé: No, I'm not really interested, but Mr. Mo-zus, he must know why the story was distorted

Alia: Exactly, Mo-zus is a superman, he's been around for a very long time and must have lived during the war against the killer men, which took place a long time ago.

Sakolomé: My father also existed at that time and besides he is still alive

Madame Alia is captivated by what Sakolomé had just said.

Alia: I wonder how they can live so long, your father must already be super wrinkled

Sakolomé: not even, he is still very fit

Mrs. Alia is surprised.

Alia: What? I would like to meet your father one day

Sakolomé: no problem madam, I think he would also be very happy to meet you, otherwise madam, I have to go now.

Alia: no problem, you can go wait for me in the car

Sakolomé nods and gets up from the living room.

A few minutes later, Sakolomé had taken the road again with Mrs. Alia in the car.

They were getting on very well, they exchanged funny and friendly words.

Then finally Sakolomé arrives at a street not far from his house, he lets Mrs. Alia know that he is going to get off, Mrs. Alia lets him get off and after a goodbye, Sakolomé heads straight home.

He goes through an alley and disappears from Mrs. Alia's sight who takes over the driving of her car to leave.

Sakolomé is pensive because he notices again how much the truth is hidden.

It was 8:30 p.m.

Sakolomé listens to a strange noise behind a building.

Sakolomé: What is it?!

He slowly walks to observe what is happening and there he sees a man wearing a hood holding a baby that he was trying to force to close his mouth.

Sakolomé wanted to know right away what is happening, who is this man and is this baby his?

Sakolomé: hey, mister?!

The man turns around and looks at Sakolomé, then without asking for more he starts running.

Sakolomé understands right away that this man was a bad guy, a child kidnapping would have happened before his eyes.

Sakolomé starts chasing the hooded man.

And strangely, this hooded man moves surprisingly fast.

Sakolomé understands that this man is dangerous, basically, no normal man runs as fast as Sakolomé.

Sakolomé was not at the end of his surprises, the man with the hood and the baby falls on a building with the speed and agility of a feline, Sakolomé is not that impressed, he also does the same and ends up on the roof of the building.

Sakolomé looks ahead and sees the hooded guy jumping from building to building like a ninja.

Sakolomé: Shit!!!

He starts running again and chases this man.

Sakolomé keeps wondering who this guy really is, how can he be so fast and agile?

After jumping from building to building, the two find themselves in a sort of dead end, with a huge skyscraper in front, to reach its total height and land on its roof, you have to have a superhuman jump.

The man with the hood and the baby stops and Sakolomé finally catches up with him.

The man with the hood turns around and sees Sakolomé.

Sakolomé looks at him and says.

Sakolomé: Hey, who are you? And where did you get this baby? Answer quickly, you can't run away now!

The man with the hood slowly backs away and then lets out a sarcastic laugh.


This laugh surprises Sakolomé.

The hooded man turns around and makes a sharp jump in front of the skyscraper, Sakolomé is in shock, he is convinced that this man is not someone simple, with a sharp jump and without gaining momentum, he had managed to reach the top of the skyscraper in front.

Sakolomé swallows and jumps in turn, he reaches the top of the skyscraper and is still forced to run after the hooded man who was now jumping from skyscraper to skyscraper.

Sakolomé accelerates, and almost catches up with the man, the man is panicked and also accelerates as best he can but it becomes difficult to escape Sakolomé despite the immense skyscrapers everywhere.

He breaks away from the race to the skyscraper and decides to jump from the top to reach the ground, he jumps with the baby from a skyscraper that should be at least 500 meters high,

Sakolomé looks at him nervously.

He also jumps from the top of the skyscraper but controls himself, he flies away with lightning speed and reaches the hooded man before he touches the ground.

Sakolomé wants to catch him but he dodges him in the air and also starts to fly.

Sakolomé: Shit but who is this guy?!

Sakolomé makes a detour and rushes towards this man, who rises again to the level of the top of the skyscraper.

He lands on the roof and Sakolomé too.

From this height he remains standing and says.

"You really don't give up anything"

Sakolomé: Where did you get this baby?!

The man looks at the baby in his arms and says.

"That baby? It's a fake, come on my friend, you got fooled like a beginner!"

Sakolomé: What?!

The hooded man throws the baby towards Sakolomé who intercepts it before it hits the ground.

Sakolomé looks more closely and sees that it is indeed a fake, a vulgar plastic toy.

Sakolomé: Why did you make fun of me?

The hooded man still responds with a sarcastic laugh.

"Hahahaha, you made fun of yourself my friend, although you are a bit of a victim because the one I'm trying to beat and who I was sent to beat is you!"

Sakolomé's eyes widen in astonishment.

Sakolomé: The one you were sent to beat?! So someone sent you?!

The hooded man advances towards Sakolomé.

"Don't be afraid, if you let him do it, it won't hurt!"

Sakolomé frowns and gets into a fighting stance.

Sakolomé: If you think it's going to be that easy, you're wrong!!!

The hooded man stops and looks at Sakolomé for a moment.

"Hmm... so we'll see about that"

Then he disappears and appears in front of Sakolomé in the air, he makes several acrobatic movements in the air and then responds with a powerful kick that seems to split the air.

Sakolomé is not impressed, he blocks this kick and catches this same foot, he turns the hooded man several times in the air before throwing him like a rag towards the void of the building.

The hooded man recovers very quickly and starts flying.

"Not bad, the killer man!!!"

He comes back but in the air this time with more power.

Sakolomé drops the plastic baby and manages to ward off the hooded man's attacks which are more and more violent in the air.

Sakolomé: Damn!!!

He starts flying too and the two exchange violent and powerful blows in the sky.

Neither wanted to be dominated by the other.

During this exchange of blows, Sakolomé finds an opening and hits the hooded man who falls violently from the sky to hit himself on the skyscraper.

Sakolomé comes back and lands on the skyscraper again.

Sakolomé: I must admit that earlier when you were running you surprised me a little, I thought you were as strong as me or almost but in fact no, you are no match!

The hooded man on the ground gets up and says.

"For a kid Killer man you are pretentious, yet you had a hard time giving me that blow, but because of a simple blow you are already putting on airs?! "

Sakolomé with a determined look slightly raises his arm and squeezes his fist as if he were about to keep a promise, he adds afterwards.

Sakolomé: It was to test you that I did that, to lower myself to your level, if you were yes or no capable of taking over but unfortunately, the one who sent you is going to be disappointed because from now on I'm going to show you the gap that separates you and me

The hooded man remains standing and says.

"Well then come and show me what you're really worth!"

Sakolomé: no problem!!

As soon as he said that, Sakolomé had directly appeared in front of the hooded man who was surprised by this lightning speed, he didn't know that Sakolomé could move so fast, without showing that he was affected by Sakolomé's movement speed, he still tries to strike first, he attacks with a punch from his right hand, Sakolomé dodges and hits the hooded man in the stomach with a punch.

The reaction that follows makes the hooded man vomit drool.

Sakolomé follows up with a right then a left on the face of the hooded man who finds himself threatened and losing control.

Sakolomé then strikes with a kick that propels the hooded man and makes him fall from the skyscraper.

The hooded man despite the pain recovers and flies again to the roof of the skyscraper where Sakolomé is.

He lands and looks at Sakolomé with an angry look.

"You're going to pay for this!!! "

He runs towards Sakolomé and attacks with a multitude of combined attacks, both punches and kicks, Sakolomé dodges and parries all the attacks of the hooded man who feels more and more frustrated and humiliated.

Sakolomé: When you attack angry, with anger you control yourself less and without realizing it your own attacks expose you!

Sakolomé dodges an attack from the hooded man and hits him several times on the stomach with a burst of punches.

Then he follows up with a kick under the man's chin which makes him do several backflips in the air and then makes him fall violently on the roof of the skyscraper.

Sakolomé, standing, looks at the hooded man lying on the ground.

Sakolomé: You should give up you are no match for me, tell me who sent you instead and I will leave you alive, it will be easy for me because you are a human so I have to be lenient!

The hooded man, still on the ground, starts laughing again with his sarcastic laugh


He slowly stands up holding his stomach which was hurting him.

"You don't know it yet but even if you survive against me now, what awaits you later is even worse my dear friend"

The hooded man then removes his hood.

He was a man with spiky purple hair and green eyes full of hatred.

His smile was Machiavellian, despite the traces of blood he had on his mouth following the bleeding caused by Sakolomé's attacks.

He continues his speech.

"My name is Gaius, and I can reassure you that you are not able to know who sent me to you, but he is a strong man who manages a project called *the plan to eradicate the killer man* the fact that you were able to beat me today or even if it turns out that you take my life will not save you because this project has been launched since, there are quite a few killer men in the south of the country about 25 or even 30 who have already been killed for this project, all of them were almost or as strong as you, your resistance is useless...Hum..."

Without understanding why, Gaius feels weak, he loses his balance and collapses on the ground.


He coughs hard and spits more and more blood.

Gaius: What...what's happening to me?! I suddenly feel weak to the point of not being able to stand, as if I had no more balance!

Sakolomé: I hit you with sneaky Killer punches which are attacks with a delayed effect, I hit parts of your body that will cause a constant weakness of your body, a loss of balance and a strange fatigue that nails you to the ground, now that I understand you well, In fact you are dangerous, you do not deserve to live!

Gaïus smiles and says.

Gaïus: Go ahead kill me killer man, it will not change anything about the fate that awaits you and your whole family, the killer men are not numerous, completely extinguishing you should not be difficult!

Sakolomé approaches Gaïus on the ground, lowers himself, knees bent and looks at Gaïus.

Sakolomé: in truth I don't know what to do with you, if the fact that I can kill you guarantees me a death later like the fact that if I can't kill you always guarantees me a death then I might as well leave you alive, my family and I are waiting for you and your famous project, you don't scare us anyway!

Gaïus on the ground laughs nervously.

Gaïus: In any case I'm only a pawn in this affair, whether I'm alive or not doesn't change anything in the future situation!

Sakolomé: Exactly, even if I would like to get information from you!

Gaius: hahahaha... I don't know anything except the fact that certain death awaits you, as I said I'm just a pawn and like all pawns there is information that doesn't concern me and this information is always the most important, pawns don't benefit from information because we always expect them to be captured and tortured to confess everything!

Sakolomé: Doesn't it bother you to be a pawn? Looking at you it's like you were born for this and die for this!

Gaius: haha... as long as killer men die I'm ready to serve even the devil, even if I know that for that I have to sell my soul!!!

Sakolomé looks at Gaius with a look full of sadness.

Gaius sees Sakolomé's look and gets angry.

Gaius: Why... why are you looking at me with so much sadness, do you want to take pity on me? You have made the people suffer for so long and caused countless deaths, in your clan even the children are monsters, just see what you did to me, I am not even able to get up to walk anymore, I am completely paralyzed, only my mouth can move.

Sakolomé (sighing): I know, we are used to receiving hatred, for the killer man members that you have already killed, I ask them to rest well with our ancestors, it is not the killer men who will make you pay for your actions, you have taken so much anger and hatred that over time you have decided to make the killer who are not responsible live in hell, the Satsujin Otoko who must pay for mistakes or acts that some of their ancestors have caused, all this gratuitous hatred, this anger to the point where you have even built projects throughout your life just to kill humans like you has ended up turning into a monster without you even realizing it.

Sakolomé gets up and turns his back on Gaïus.

Sakolomé: Gaius, if it turns out that you can move tomorrow or whatever because you won't stay like this for long, try, try anyway to see things differently, try to really understand what this obsession has made of you, goodbye!

Sakolomé leaves under the gaze of Gaius who watches the latter jump from skyscraper to skyscraper before disappearing into the darkness of the night.