Chapter 20: The three misfits.
"COME BACK HERE YOU DAMN KIDS AND REMOVE THIS SHIT STAIN ON THE WALL" An old man shouted as he shakes his walking stick vigorously.
One of the children turned back to the man and stuck her tongue out and continued running with the other two children she was none other than Layla. They eventually stopped running and sat down out of breath.
"I can't believe you actually did it Milo" Layla stated smiling as she regained back her energy.
"Of course I did it I never pass out on a dare giving to me." Milo answered smiling as he made some discounted power ranger signs.
Tess sat down on a rock and rested his head on his hand. "But still to hold poop on your bare hands and throw it on someone's house is something else"
Everyone's attention then turned to Milo's pooped stained left hand and then they all burst out laughing.
"Well I shouldn't be afraid of anything no matter how crazy it is because am going to be the bravest the strongest of our clan to ever exist then no one will disrespect us" Milo said proudly to which Layla just rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, as if we haven't heard that a thousand times and everyone knows you are going to be second after me." Layla replied.
Milo's eyebrow twitched. "Just you wait little sis when I become all powerful I ain't giving you nothing."
"Who you calling little am only a few months younger than you it doesn't matter." Layla replied with a pout.
"It does matter especially since where no really related" Milo replied which made Layla stop pouting as she looked at the floor tears begging to form in her eyes.
Tess sighed and stood up to comfort Layla but Milo was already there rubbing her head with a sigh he said. "You know I didn't mean it like that you are still my sister no matter what."
Layla cleaned her tears as Milo continued to rub her head. "Thanks Mil- wait a minute what's that smell"
"No, he wouldn't" Tess thought almost laughing at the idiotic action.
Milo smiled and removed his hand from her head and started to run away, Layla stood there dumbfounded but as she continued to smell the air the more she realized what he had done.
"MILO, YOU MOTHERFU**ER AM GOING TO KILL YOU IF I CATCH YOU" Layla shouted as he ran after her brother.
"You said a cuss word, you said a cuss word am going to tell mom." Milo said chuckling to himself.
They ran for a long while until they reached a small house with beautiful purple flowers. A woman with stunning beauty was sitting down near a man with a more than average physic.
"Did you just fart?" The woman asked the man as he held her nose.
The man held his nose and replied. "No, I was going to ask you the same thing."
"hmmmm" The woman looked at the man skeptically. "We both know there is no way a city class girl like me would fart."
"City class girl we both know you haven't been in the city" The man replied shaking his head side ways then snapping his fingers which made the woman laugh.
"Alright, alright but where is the smell co-
Before the woman could complete her sentence, the answer came busting through the door.
"Mom Layla said a cuss word" Milo said smiling as he came near his parents.
Layla came in and looked ready to pounce on Milo any second now. "That's because he rubbed poop on my hair"
Tess walked in and used all his might to close the door and started watching the show smiling.
Layla suddenly charged towards Milo, he managed to doge partially but her hand managed to hit him before he fell he grabbed onto something making his fall less painful he pulled it a few times and looked around to see a look of horror on everyone's face, he noticed his dad take a step back and when he looked up he too started to become afraid because he had just rubbed his poop stained hand on his mother's dress.
"oh shi-"Milo felt a fist hit on top of his head, the mom cracked her knuckles and started walking to Layla who started to shake then suddenly a fist hit her head.
Tess seeing this couldn't help but chuckle but suddenly felt a hit on his head to with tears in his eyes he asked. "Why was I punished to?"
"Simple because you're a family" The mom answered as she went to another room to change.
"If this what you get for being family then I don't want to be part of this family" Tess said to his dad with teary eyes as Layla and Milo rubbed their heads.
The dad smiled and sat knelt down on one knee near his son and rubbed his head. "Trust me son family is the most important thing out there; they always got your back and help you when you need it, even if they are not related by blood."
Tess cleaned his tears and went to Milo and Layla and gave them a hug as they all cried the mother looked through the door and smiled.
After they had calmed down, she came out and forced all of them to take a bath, the sun had slipped on a banana and fallen and the moon jumped on a trampoline and rose up.
They all shared a large bed and slept off, except Milo who was doing pushups even though his hands were constantly shaking. "Keep going I have to keep going."
Milo started to control his life energy but then started to choke as he sat down, he barely had grown up so not only was his ability weak but so was his life force.
Layla moved around on the bed to face the wall as a tear ran down her cheek. "Is it really my fault you push yourself so hard." Layla thought.
The whole night Milo stayed up training and everyone in the room pretended to sleep but carried a sense of guilt that they couldn't help him.