Chereads / The Illuminati System / Chapter 4 - CHAPTER 4:Nothing Special

Chapter 4 - CHAPTER 4:Nothing Special

CHAPTER 4: Nothing special


It may have not looked like it but was Logan was paying attention to everything they were saying. "This is bad" Logan thought to himself as he approached the track "I just got the hang of walking now there telling me to run? How do they even do it they make it look so easy?"

Logan had reached the track he placed himself in a wired position, with his legs spreading far pointing to the left and so was his face he later saw how they placed themselves and copied it. Logan could fell his heart beating fast and heard a ding in his mind which distracted him as the instructor said "Go!"

Milo ran fast even though he was swinging his hands like he was already tired, Tess was a little behind his brother even though he was running with good posture. As for Logan he was still behind he was running like someone invisible was holding unto him, Milo and Tess had already crossed the finished the line looking back at Logan struggling to run.

"Is it just me or his he lazier than me?" Milo stated

Tess looked at Logan for a while and turned back to Milo "I don't think he his lazy, I actually think he Is giving it his all"

Milo didn't say anything and continued to watch as Logan ran.

Logan kept running like his life depended on it, but he wasn't good he later tripped on his own feet and landed on his chin.

Logan stayed there on the floor for a few seconds "wahh wahhhh wahhhhhh" until he later started to cry. That was his first response to the situation he fell on his back as tears rolled on his back crying as he held his chin.

"What just happened" a student finally said as the rest were just looking a few seconds later the students started to burst out laughing which only caused Logan to cry more.

The instructor was holding his head frustrated "What were u thinking Finn? This boy is nothing special"

Milo was laughing but Tess stayed silent

"What's wrong Tess that was hilarious u usually laugh at thing like this" Milo said holding his stomach smiling

Tess just nodded.

"Okay everyone the show Is over twins go take crybaby to the nurse" The instructor stated annoyed

"Why do we have to?" Milo said annoyed but Tess ran to help carrying Logan as his tears dropped down on Tess shirt but he did not complain and carried him away as Milo soon followed.

"Looks like freaks follow freaks" The students laughed out loud making sure they could hear them

------- ---------

The way to the nurse was silent nobody talking as they reached what looked like a small hospital Tess dropped Logan down and instructed him to go inside and he would see a middle-aged woman. Logan nodded and went inside.

"what happened? Did u see any form of ability or pressure or aura I didn't notice was he pretending answer me" Milo bombarded his twin with questions

"I didn't see anything but it looked like that was his first time running, it looked like he was distracted, he looked like he gave it his all, he looked desperate, he looked like u always hard working until you stopped"

Milo didn't say anything even though he wanted to but he just waited with Tess.


--------------------- ----------------------

Logan had entered to see a middle-aged woman sitting down on a chair as she held her hair calculating something not even noticing someone had entered, she later looked up to see someone in front of her giving her a jump scare

"Jesus Christ say something next time" she said as she sat down "so what are u the new student?"

Logan just nodded as he cleaned mucous from

"sit down" she said tapping the chair. Logan did so.

"What's your name and what's wrong?"

"My n- na- name is Lo- Loga- "

"I wonder who beat him up so bad he can't talk I don't see any injuries is it where his chin is? Is that why he is covering it so much" She thought to herself as she slowly removed his hand from his chin only to see a small injury with blood spilling a little.

Her mouth twitched but she didn't say anything she raised her hand close to his face and a light started to shine and his injury had gone.

Logan slowly touched the place and noticed the injury was gone "Th- tha- thank you miss"

"it my job no need to thank me and you can just call me doctor" she said as she watched him go outside "Well that was strange" she said as she continued calculating

"Now how am I going to pay for everyone."

Logan had excited the building to see the twins waiting for him "Can I ask a question?"

"What is it?" the twins asked as they stood up from sitting.

"Where can I ask for a phone call"

"The instructor allows us to have a phone call but its only once" Milo stated

"okay, where can I find him?" 

"Just go to room 1"

Milo and Tess watched as Logan walked away.


--------- ---------------------- - ----

*knock* *knock*

"Who is there?" the instructor asked

"The night has come; the illuminati are the villain we are the hero's" A deep dark voice was heard from behind the door

Hearing this the instructor ran to open the door to see a man with bushy hair and shark teeth he was at least 7 feet tall as he bent down to enter the room.

"Sir what are you doing here?" The instructor asked as his legs began to shake.

The man sat down on a chair and looked like he was trying to remember.

"How dare this B*s*tard just come here to waste my time" the instructor thought to himself

"Why are you so angry" The man said smiling

The instructor legs started as he fell down on his knees "am sorry sir, please, forgive me."

"It's okay instructor and you can call me Jake" The mans face then became serious "in a few weeks' time or maybe even less we may be attacked by the vampires, a few days ago the illuminati seemed to have split up like their boss has seemingly died, and the first one to act where the vampires they attacked our base when we weren't there a strange coincidence right. The werewolves, zombies, witches, goddesses and demons haven't made a move... yet. So, we have to have a meeting soon, hope you are processing all this"

The instructor could only just nod.

"Also where is the student that my brother had brought him here" Jake said.

"SIR no need to bother about that person he isn't anything special"

Jake then turned towards him his eyes filled with a little anger "Do u doubt my brothers' judgement"


"No sir, it's just that I made him have a race with TWO OTHERS and he Failed MISRABLEY HE WAS-

Before he could finish talking Jake stretched his hand and held his neck, his hand had become a lot longer "I will have to see that for myself, what's his name?"


The man gasped for air as he said "Logan"


"Looks like I will go pay this Logan a vi-

As he was about to finish his sentence the walkie talkie cracked "Sir we need you at area 51."

"Looks like I will have to see this boy later."

Jake said as he walked off and closed the door.

"That bast*r*d just because he Is at a higher position and his brother is Finn he thinks he can make fun of me, I am strong soon, just soon I will become higher than you" He said as he levitated his desk and smashed it at the wall and papers scattered everywhere.

*Knock* *Knock* 


"Did that ba*st*rd forget something" he thought to himself "Come in" He said

The one who entered was Logan