Chereads / NM12 / Chapter 45 - Chapter 39 - Unity Against Arrogance P3

Chapter 45 - Chapter 39 - Unity Against Arrogance P3

A/N: The changes that occur in Volantis will be covered in the next chapter. I wanted to put them here, but I did not want to prolong this arc unnecessarily.

Thanks to FieryMatter for beta-ing, and to Tertius for discussions regarding Volantis and the R'hllorite cult.

Chapter XXXIX: Unity Against Arrogance, Part III

5 AC


Aegon Targaryen

With the war over and Volantis firmly under the heel of Westeros, an orgy of panic reigned supreme in the minds of the magisters.

To think that an entire City-State could fall so easily to foreigners in a matter of months, even with the famed Unsullied on the side of the defenders… granted, the invaders had the Targaryens' dragons, but the shocking speed at which the Westerosi conquered Volantis and surrounded the Black Walls defied even their most dismal estimates, and for Arin Rada's engineers to create the very tools that breached the Black Walls without relying on the power of dragons, it showed innovativeness and initiative among Dornia's engineers not seen since the reign of House Martell.

And now the Council of Braavos paid the price for their hubris as they faced the Targaryens in their own Council Chamber, forced to officially declare an alliance between their nation and the Iron Throne. Beside them were several commanders and politicians including Orys Baratheon, Brandyll Tarly… and none other than the Black Fox himself.

Sealord Ormallos Tarys resisted the urge to glare at Arin Rada for this diplomatic meeting, settling for imagining a hundred different ways to smash in his skull to satisfy his growing frustration.

"I must say our alliance has borne fruit, has it not?" Aegon started with a smirk, "It is truly a pity that we had to keep it a secret due to our… historical baggage, but now that Volantis has fallen, we can proudly declare to the world that we are committed to the fight against slavery!"

Many Councillors grew sickened at the bullshittery spewing out of Aegon's mouth, and Aegon's own party tried hard to stifle their smiles and laughs of amusement.

On orders from Aegon, Targaryen agents travelled to all corners of Westeros and Essos, spreading the word that Braavos was in an alliance with Westeros and that the latter came to the aid of the former upon request, to humble Volantis and put an end to its arrogant tyranny once and for all.

Though agents from Braavos tried to counter such rumours, it was an undeniable fact that the fleeing Braavosi ships made for Idosaea, knowing the Volantenes would have to fight their way through the Dornian Ducal Navy in order to further pursue the Braavosi, and the Dornians fought in response to being attacked.

The Targaryens themselves and many of their closest allies confirming the alliance only served to lend further credence. As a result, Braavos had no other choice but to officially confirm the rumours.

"Yes, it is a great victory over those who dare continue the abhorrent practice of slavery," Ormallos said diplomatically, feeling a coming headache, "Still, Volantis was just one of several slaver city-states, and with your conquest of the Daughter of Valyria, I doubt other slaver states like Astapor and Yunkai will take this lying down, nor will your nearby neighbours in the Disputed Lands."

"Let them bray all they want, it does not change a thing," Aegon shrugged, "In fact, I daresay our neighbours will think doubly twice about launching an invasion of our lands through Braavos's alliance with us, no?"

"I cannot deny the truth of your words, Your Grace," Said Ormallos.

"In fact, since your fleets were so badly damaged given your clashes with Volantis, they had to use Idosaea as a resting stop and were unable to retaliate against their pursuers," Visenya spoke to add fuel to the fire, "The Dornians bled to protect our Braavosi brothers and sisters, so might we ask several favours from you?"

The Council of Braavos fumed silently at the implication, but remained committed in their efforts to not argue back.

"What do you wish of us, Your Graces?" Asked Tycho Jokune warily.

"Simple, really: In exchange for entering into an alliance with us, we shall respect your territorial boundaries and rights to raise armies and navies. We will also be amenable to favourable trade deals and reduced tariffs, if you wish," Rhaenys listed down, "However, you will not raid slave convoys without our approval, and should you do so, you will not - never - drag our people into war at your expense. Do you understand us?"

There was no means by which Braavos could oppose the power of the dragons, or the Black Fox, if the Targaryens chose to let him loose on them instead.

"We accept, Your Graces," Ormallos said.

Casting a side glance at Arin Rada, the Sealord could see a triumphant look in his eyes despite his stoic facade, along with an implied warning: "I'm watching you."

Ormallos studiously ignored his glare and walked away with the other councilors, though that look would always remain in his memory.


Once the Iron Bank Concordat was signed and the alliance with Braavos confirmed, Arin met with the Targaryens in a private manse reserved for them in the city, where several of Aegon's inner council were gathered.

"Right, now that the whole debacle with Braavos is out of the way, we need to discuss the matter of Volantis," Aegon began, "First things first however, it must be made known that it shall be integrated as a predominantly Valyrian-culture vassal state."

Arin nodded silently at this.

"Grand Duke Rada. Might I ask your opinion on how we should integrate our newest vassal?" Asked Aegon.

"Simply implement the same laws and measures with regards to immigration as you did in Paletillia, Your Grace," Arin answered, "However, our primary focus should be on integrating the slaves as loyal subjects, and dealing with the Cult of R'hllor."

"Do continue," Beckoned Visenya.

Arin nodded to Franklyn who spoke.

"As we all know, we conscripted a fair number of them to serve in our armies as soldiers and camp followers," Franklyn reported, "However, it might as well just be a drop in the bucket, and countless of them still lack the independent thought process and skills necessary to fend for themselves. Therefore, I propose that we invest in the creation of a semi-professional defence force for Volantis, using veteran Westerosi officers and soldiers to instruct them."

"We have the same idea, General Franklyn," Orys agreed, "Though given that these are freed slaves and not freemen we are training, we would like your honest opinion on exactly how to train them. We have concerns that subjecting them to hard training too quickly would be counterproductive, given how harsh their masters were."

Franklyn nodded in understanding, "We should never skimp on training proper soldiers, but it is better to be more lenient with their mistakes, so as to ease them into a soldier's life."

"As good a suggestion as any," Orys smiled.

"We can discuss the minutiae of the training regime later on," Aegon noted, "As for the workforce and the bureaucratic groundwork, we can easily handle that. Grand Duke, you said that the Cult of R'hllor is a concern?"

"Indeed, Your Grace," Arin nodded, "It is to be known that the populace follow the teachings of R'hllor, but from what my spies hear, the current leadership are in opposition to our vassalization of Volantis, and the Septons accompanying the Andalic armies have been known to clash with them on countless occasions."

"Normally this would be beneath our concern, but you speak as if they are up to something," Visenya noticed, "And your spies' reports match ours."

"Well, they are also whispering of the monster they feel must die, namely me," Arin reported, much to everyone's surprise save his own courtiers'.

"Why would they want you dead, though? From what we know, you never did anything antagonistic against them, or anyone else in Volantis for that matter," Rhaenys inquired, her brows furrowed deeply and her lips pursed.

"That is as much a mystery to me as it is to us all," Arin acknowledged, "What they commonly say is that I am a demon wearing Human skin, and that I must die before they and their God perish. I will not say all the Red Priests are opposed to us, but the current High Priest has some rather distasteful ideas about me."

"Having a hostile religious leadership is just terrible news," Orys remarked, "And the fact we have a Faith Militant equivalent on Volantis's doorstep sits ill with me. What are your plans for this, Grand Duke Rada?"

"Sainalia?" Said Arin.

"Yes, My Lord," Sainalia bowed as she stepped forward, "As of now, our plan is to allow them to gather their strength for a possible raid upon the Triarchy Palace [1], where we will ambush them and kill every last adherent of the Fiery Hand [2] we can find. This will give us just cause to forcibly crack down upon the cult and purge them, and thus diminish their influence in one stroke."

"And to ensure the ambush's success, I will be present there as bait," Arin suggested, much to the shock of the non-Dornians.

"So you're gambling your life on the line again, just as you did during the Battle of the Eyarha Plains?" Asked Orys, "I have to wonder if you ever tire of taking such huge risks."

"Hardly," Arin smiled.

Orys simply sighed in response.

"Short and simple, I like it," Aegon smiled, "Very well. I approve of the ambush."

"Thank you, Your Grace," Sainalia bowed and stepped back, "Though considering the unpredictability of religious fanatics, might I suggest we tighten patrols and place additional spies and agents to intercept any and all possible attacks, both on our people and the local populace?"

"Triston, see to it that security throughout the capital of Volantis is tightened," Aegon ordered.

"My ravens shall cover every shadow in the city, Your Grace," Triston smiled menacingly.

"Is there anything else you wish to suggest, Grand Duke Rada?" Asked Visenya.

"Actually, there is one thing I would like to request, if you would grant it," Arin put forth.

"Go on," Rhaenys beckoned.

"The ruined cities of Sarhoy and Sar Mell," Arin said, "I wish to have them rebuilt and recolonised by my people."

"I recall those cities were brutalised," Aegon said, "Sar Mell was burned during the First Turtle War, while Sar Mell was torched during the Second Spice War."

"Indeed, and I have both moral and political reasons for rebuilding them," Arin stated, "By rebuilding them and repopulating them with Rhoynish citizens, we can show the entire world that Rhoynar and Valyrian work hand-in-hand as brothers and sisters of the Seven Kingdoms, and that we have let bygones be bygones."

"An excellent idea, Grand Duke Rada," Visenya nodded with satisfaction, "It will also allow us to make use of their strategic positions as trade hubs, and given time, will prove the foundation for the rise of Volantis as an economic power loyal to us. Do understand that they must still play host to Valyrian smallfolk as well."

"Perfectly understandable, Your Grace," Arin bowed, "Other than that, I have nothing else."

"Then this council is adjourned," Said Aegon.


Temple of the Lord of Light

Joricho Vhassymion

Volantis had fallen, and the Black Fox instrumental in the conquering of the Black Walls.

That monster, that demon clad in Human skin, he must be destroyed, the Lord of Light said so himself when he gazed into the flames. As High Priest of Volantis, he had enormous responsibility towards the flock of R'hllor, to ensure they were all cared for and that their spiritual needs were fulfilled.

And now the Grand Duke was to arrive in the Triarchy Palace, to settle the last steps of transition of Volantis from a former independent city-state into a vassal state under the Iron Throne.

He saw it in the flames [3]; he saw a fox, its fur black as night, its maws dripping with blood and amber eyes shining with madness and ambition, an inferno burning wherever its paws tread.

Gathered before him were all the adherents of the Fiery Hand, the R'hllorite equivalent of the Faith Militant, all armed with steel and faith.

"My brothers and sisters, today is the day we take down the monster known as Arin Rada, the one they call the Black Fox!" Joricho chanted, his eyes gleaming with fervour and his lips twisting into a mesmerised smile, "As of now, he is at the Triarchy Palace, and there is no better time to strike him down! Gird yourselves for battle, brothers and sisters! Today, we fight in the name of R'hllor, and slay a demon come to pervert all that is righteous!"

"In the name of the Lord of Light!" His army chorused.

Joricho smiled, comforted by the knowledge that they were doing the right thing.


As planned, when the Targaryens were out on patrol atop their dragons, the Fiery Hand first conducted a series of terror attacks, several of their members imploding in flames that caused housing blocks to catch fire. Guards had to be diverted from the Triarchy Palace and Black Walls to deal with the ongoing crisis, leaving a weakened security detail to guard Arin Rada and the provisional government of Volantis.

With this opportunity before them, the Fiery Hand led by High Priest Joricho gathered before the Black Walls, eager to wet their blades with blood.

Raising his sword up high, Joricho shouted, "Charge! For the Lord of Light!"

At once the Fiery Hand's swords burned brightly with fire, and they gleefully leapt into battle, slaughtering the weakened city guard before them, before making a straight beeline for the Triarchy Palace. The remaining guards quickly formed a shieldwall, and shards and waves of water quickly downed several Fiery Hand soldiers as Hydromancers lent their aid to the defense. Though weakened as they were, they stood no chance against a numerically superior and fanatical enemy, and the guards were forced to inch backwards, losing men by the minute.

"Onwards, men! There are not many of them left!" Shouted Joricho, his eyes gleaming with mad fervour, "The great foe's destruction is at hand!"

Yet they were all blinded by the prospect of victory, and once all of Joricho's warband were past the gates, they were quickly shut tight, and archers loosed bolts on their rear, turning dozens of soldiers into Human porcupines. At the same time, the dragons returned and flew over the Fiery Hand, burning them to a crisp as they realised too late that they had fallen into a trap. Joricho himself was cut down, his head severed and all his troops joining him in death.

As the Targaryens landed, they saw Arin march out of the Triarchy Palace with several troops in tow, Dawn remaining in its scabbard.

"Your trick worked, Grand Duke," Aegon smiled, "Our troops are clearing out the last of the R'hllorite rioters and extinguishing the fires. Some stragglers fled to the Temple, but they are being slaughtered as we speak."

"And that's the end of that," Arin shared Aegon's smile.

With Volantis conquered, they could now focus on consolidating their gains, and given the sheer cost of integrating the City-state, it would be at least a decade before Volantis could make good returns on its investment.

[1] Triarchy Palace - The seat of government of the defunct Volantene Triarchy, now that of the Archon of Volantis.

[2] Fiery Hand - The brotherhood of soldiers in service to the Red Priests of R'hllor.

[3] All Red Priests are trained from a young age to see images in the flames, and such training takes years to master. They are known to misinterpret certain signs, however, and given their fanaticism, they could easily become problematic enemies if not dealt with.

A/N: I originally planned to do more with the Cult of R'hllor, but after discussion with Tertius, we both agreed there was really no need to do any unnecessary work with an unrelated cult for any significant plot. Some might have a bad image primarily due to Melisandre, but I figure that without fanatics like her, the R'hllorite cult can be more moderate and tolerant. Thoros of Myr is a rather good character, and one of the good Red Priests