Mahxim's Point Of View
"Mahx... you awake?" I heard Jehssope ask as he poked my cheek.
"Mhm... What's wrong?" I whispered softly, opening my eyes.
He didn't say anything, but he pointed towards the door, instead. I stretched out first, then rolled over to check on Wahrryn, before nodding and sliding out of bed.
Once we were out of Lyukhe's room, we made our way to our other room. It was pretty impressive how much they had put into this room, in less than 2 days. Most of the games we had no idea how to even play with them, because we could not read.
I plopped down face first into the bed that I chosen, physically exhausted. Lyukhe was only one man, but he had the stamina of about 10 men. And even though we had found a way to safely deal with our unhealthy constitutions, it was always intense as hell.