Zachariah's Point Of View
5 Days Prior To The Letters
"Listen, Zachariah. I don't presume to tell you how to run your Mafia Kings." Danhiel said.
"Good, because that would be ridiculously foolish on your part." I retorted.
"But C'mon, cut me some slack. My metaphorical front door has been kicked in, twice! What would you do?" He demanded.
"Be grateful I survived both encounters to complain about it?" I replied.
"TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!" He yelled, his face was turning red from embarrassment.
"Look Danhiel, out of respect for your father I'm going to let that outburst slide, but understand that there will be no next time. I assure you, I am taking this seriously. But, don't you understand?" I asked with a glare.