Kaleb's Point Of View
"Master Kaleb?" Anita's voice pulled my attention away from watching Kaihsie color.
"What is it?"
"Gaibe asked if you could meet him in his study." She replied, nervously.
"Did he say why?"
"No. Only that if you could, to do so immediately." She replied with a bow.
I looked back down at Kaihsie, who was now looking up at me, eyes full of curiosity. She had grown up so much in the past few years, and there was a constant unknown pang I'm my chest whenever I noticed her growth.
"You can go, big brother. I'll just stay here and color. Maybe even play some video games with Ahnita." She smiled softly.
I was helpless against that smile. She had long since surpassed any mundane definitions of 'Weakness' , and had plunged into potentially becoming the complete and utter ruination of my soul.