John Peter, a 24-year-old construction worker and high school dropout, has led a life filled with hardship and misery. Since losing his parents and siblings in a tragic accident, he has struggled to find purpose. His days are a series of endless toil, marked by financial instability, bullying, and a lack of confidence. John feels utterly hopeless, believing that nothing will ever change for the better.
One fateful day, John makes a selfless act, saving a little girl from being hit by a speeding car. Tragically, he dies from his injuries upon arrival at the hospital. However, death is not the end for John Peter.
He awakens in the mystical world of Avelon, a place filled with magic, mythical creatures, and epic battles. But unlike most who find themselves reincarnated into such worlds, John's new life is not one of immediate glory and power. He finds himself in the dark depths of an unknown dungeon, armed only with a rusty sword, clad in worn-out armor, and facing a daunting reality: he possesses no mana, the source of all power in Avelon.
To make matters worse, John is confronted by a statue that grants him the curse of infinite respawn. Each time he dies, he is resurrected, forced to relive his failures over and over again. Yet, this curse may also be his greatest opportunity.