Ryu opened his eyes and it was allready morning. There was again this flavorful smell in the air.
Zhu was sitting next to him and allready prepared a lot of food.
"Good morning, I hope you're hungry. I already prepared a bit while you were asleep.", Zhu said with a gentle smile on her face.
To his surprise this time she wasn't wearing the hood. In the sun light he could see her blue eyes clearly and her silver light blue hair.
She hasn't covered also her strange silvery gray animal ears on her head.
Ryu looked at Zhu a few moments before he started eating the delicious food. He can't get enough again this time. How did she prepare this so heavenly.
All this time Zhu just sat by his side and smiled. It wasn't a creepy smile. It was a happy and innocent smile without any bad intention.
Ryu wanted to ask her about the ears, but was this the right time? Maybe later will be a better opportunity to ask her.
After Zhu covered the traces about the campfire and their residence, they continued their way through the forest.
It was raining a bit from time to time. All the beasts around them were avoiding them in a big circle.
Sometimes even strong beast avoided their way, as if they feared to anger them with their presence. In Ryu's mind there was always the thought of fighting the stronger beasts. These weren't his true thoughts but at the same time they were. It was something within him, the same feelings he felt at the last fight yesterday against the huge ice snake.
Maybe something awakened within him from his dragon bloodline. Ryu wanted to ask Zhu, but before he could, he sensed five presences flying at high speed through the area.
Zhu suddenly told him to hide his presence and covered her head with the hood.
Ryu didn't know what to do. He never hid his presence before, so how should he do it now?
"I never did that, how can I hide my presence?", Ryu hastily replied.
Zhu didn't answer, she just nodded and sighed with an annoyed expression.
Was she angry?
Ryu tried his best to hide his presence in front of the five persons, but it did not happen and he sensed that they changed their direction and headed now towards them.
It was already to late to hide now. The only option was to negotiate or fight. Last time the humans just attacked him. Hopefully these are more friendly and not bloodthirsty.
In less than a minute the five humans reached them and flew down to them slowly.
"What are you doing with the giant lizard and to which sect do you belong?", one of them rudely asked Zhu.
"I don't belong to any sect and this is my prey which I hunted.", Zhu answered them.
"If you give us 80% of the giant lizard, you can keep the remaining parts. This is our sect's territory, so you should be happy that you can keep something.", the man said.
It was a stuck situation, what should he do. Will Zhu sacrifice him to escape this situation or will she fight all of them?
^Maybe I should run away. If Zhu really lets me down I have no other choice, but making now an unwise move will also be fatal.^
At the same time several water blades manifested in the air and compressed in five sturdy blades in under a second.
Before Ryu and the other five strangers noticed what was happening. The five humans fell beheaded from their flying swords and a huge river out of blood flowed on the ground.
Ryu was shocked what had happened, this was her way to settle such situations. Within a second she killed all five of them without them noticing it. It was so fast that there wasn't any time to react to this attack, a quick and deadly attack.
"I think we should hurry a bit before somebody finds them.", Zhu said in a friendly but commanding tone.
"I could burn them with my flames so nobody will ever find them.", Ryu replied. He didn't want to act rashly infront of Zhu so he first asked her for permission.
To his surprise Zhu answered this time more politely"Yes please do that quick, but be careful to just burn the corpses and not your sourroundings. That will maybe give us a few more hours."
It was theoretically an easy task to just burn them, but Ryu just used his flames a few times, so he used all his concentration to not let the flames break out of his control. It was done in a few seconds. The flames spreaded quick on the corpses and burned them.
Zhu and Ryu continued their way. This time Zhu walked a bit faster then the days before and took detours avoiding some territories.
It was as if they were hunted by someone Zhu knew, but he had no idea what it was.