Chereads / Reborn As a Jiangshi / Chapter 11 - Massacre

Chapter 11 - Massacre

Opening the door I see something unexpected

'A lone pregnant women?'

'And by the looks of her she must have twins'

Thinking I came to a realization

'Ah she must be the wife of the sect leader'

'Why else would she be in the main building with her weak cultivation'

'I plan to kill the students while their awake anyways might as well go all out'

Walking over to her I see her slightly open her eyes

While she is still in a daze I cut open her stomach and the uterus

"AGHHH WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?"she shrieked


Grabbing the fetuses I dragged their ambilocal cord around the mother neck

I yanked and I could hear the choked cry's of the mother praying for her husband to save her

I yanked and yanked till her body went limp

'She may have not felt that much but I can't imagine how her husband will feel at this sight' I though laughing maniacally

Leaving the room I saw 5 kids entering the main room

"Oh my how kind of you brats to come to me so I don't have to find you myself" I grinned clearly covered in blood

"W-why are y-you here and who a-are you" the seemingly leader asked

"Good questions, why am I here? To ruin this sects future."

"And who am I?"

Using flash rend I appeared before one of them

"A devil come to drag you to hell!"

The brat tried to throw a punch as he didn't have a sword

Dodging to the left watched his arm fly by me

Taking a chunck out as it passed I heard a shriek

"My arm, why! Dad please hel-" I shut him up by kicking his face

The kid was laid flat on his back whimpering and crying

"Why are these bastards even training cowards like you"I pondered

"You will never be able to be a fighter with your mind"

Stepping on the kids leg and snapping it I looked towards the other 4

"Let's play a game of life and death" I said

"I'll leave one of you alive to tell your sect of what I have done, however how I will chose you might not like" I grinned

"Fight until your the last one standing" I said

"What we can't do that we're like brothers!" The leader of the group said


One of his juniors went for him and knocked him to the floor while the other two started their fight

Focusing on their fights I saw the one who sneak attack do anything to survive

Gouging out eyes, aiming for the balls

The kid won within seconds

Seeing him move his attention to the other two I wondered what he will do

I saw him look around and he found a broken piece of wood that was sharp

He then ran for the back of one and drove it into the kids lower back

The kid fell semi paralyzed

The last two kids stood feet apart one horrified the other determined

"P-please wait" the horrified one asked

Not listening the determined one went forwards


He stabbed his last opponent

"Bravo!" I said as I said that it looked like the kid snapped out of whatever daze he was in

Tying him up using the rope I found while they were fighting I left him at the wayside

Returning the the ones that lost I woke up the unconscious ones and had started eating their so called "brother" that I had beat at the start

Eating him alive have the kids a horrified look

Moving on to each and every one I ate them all live hearing them beg

The lone survivor had pissed his pants

Disgusted I dragged him by the shirt into the attic leaving the bones downstairs

"Now I want you to tell whoever come back all about what I did to you and the other dumb brats got it?"

"Yes sir" the kid said to scared to try and think of denying

"Perfect" I said leaving and waiting on the roof

Waiting for those who went to war return to nothing