وصل المساء وبدأت الشمس تغيب ليح الظالم ، لكن ال يمكن أن أتطفل على كيم أكثر من هكذا ، أخبرتها أنني بخير و
سأذهب للمنز ، إعترض لكنني كنت مصرا على الذهاب ، شكرتها على مساعدتي ، وتوجه إلى المنز ، وكل ما كان
يشغل ذهني هو ما حدث ، صوت الخطوات التي كنت أسمعها من بعيد ، و شعوري بالسعادة عندما رأيت الدم ، هل أصفه
بالسعادة أم بأنني كنت متعطش للدماء ، صوت داخل رأسي كان يلح علي بأن أتذوقه ، ورائحة الدم التي كانت تشبه رائحة
عطر فالوربوم ، ال أعلم ما الذي كان يحدث ولكنني مستعد ألدفع كل ما أملكه ألشم تلك الرائحة من جدي ، هل حقا أنا ياسر
؟ هل أنا بشري أم لم أعد كذل ؟ الكثير من التساؤال تشغل فكري ، لكن ليس هناك جواب يمكنه أن يريح خاطري .
أخذت جهاز التحكم ، لكن الساعة العاشرة ليا ليس هناك أي أفالم سواء ، برامج الطهي الرتيبة ، وسلسالت فكاهية ال تتصف
بأي شكل من أشكال الفكاهة .أسمع صوتا ينادين من المطبخ ، ضال تمر من أمامي بسرعة ، بدأت الهلوسة من جدي ال أعلم
ماذ علي أن أفعل ، ال أشعر بالخوف ، لكن ما يحدث معي يقلقن حقا .
أخذت معطفي و خرجت من المنز ، توجه إلى أحد المكتبا ،كانت تحتوي على الكتب و أيضا على الحواسيب ، كانت
المكتبة فارغة كليا ، أظن أنه لم يتبقى سوى القلي من الوقت لتغلق المكتبة ، توجه إلى إحدى الحواسيب وبدأت بالبحث ،
بحثت عن ما يحدث معي ....السمع لمسافات بعيدة ...التعطش للدماء....عدم الشعور بالسعادة أو الحزن....عدم القدرة على
النوم....، لكن كل األجوبة لم تكن مقنعة أو أنا الذي لم أكن مقتنع بما كنت أقرأه.
بعض المقاالت تقول بأنك شخص مريض نفسيا ، و البعض ينصح بزيارة طبي نفسي ، أما بعض المقاالت فتقول بأنني واحد
من أتباع دراكوال ، فإذا كنت تشعر بأنك شخص متعطش للدماء فهذا يدل على أنك واحد من األصناف المختارة لتحكم اللي و
تنام بالنهار ، قرأت بعض الكتب أيضا و وجدت أنه هناك مرض له أعراض تتشابه مع ما يقوم به مصاصو ،الدماء وه
مرض ،البورفيري وه مرض ،وراثى ولكنه نادر ،جدًا وينتج عن خل فى عمل إنزيم الخاصة بتحويل مادة هيموجلوبين إلى
مادة البورفيرين في الدم المسؤولة عن نقل األكسجين إلى مختلف أعضاء ،الجسم وينتج عن ذلك الخل في االنزيمات نقص
مادة ،الهيموجلوبين وتراكم مادة ،البورفيرين التي تؤدى إلى ،تقرحا وتآكل في ،الجلد إذا تعرض اإلنسا إلى ضوء الشمس،
وأيضًا تقلص في عضالت الفم ،والشفاه مما يؤد إلى ظهور األنياب بشكل أكبر من الطبيع.
بدأت أتمنى لو كنت مريضا ألزور طبيبا نفسي أو يكون األرق ، ألن فكرة مصاصي الدماء ما هي إال أسطورة ، ال أريد أن
أشغل بالي بهذ التفاهة ، لكن جانب مني يريد البحث و التعمق أكثر في هذا الجانب ، أخذت أكثر من عشرة كتب كلها عناوي
مشتقة من بعضها ...بداية مصاصي الدماء ... قصر دراكوال ...إعدام مصاصي الدماء...حفلة دماء....حرب مصاصي
الدماء و المستذئبين.....، أخذت كل الكتب و عدت إلى المنز.
دخلت لغرفتي التي لم أنم بها حوالي الثالثة أشهر ، ألن التلفاز ليس بغرفتي و أنا أحب المشاهدة لذلك كان مكاني المفض هو
األريكة .أزلت بعض الكتب و األقالم التي كانت فوق المكتبة و شغلت المصباح الخافت ، الغبار يتطاير ليظهر بين أشعة
. المصباح
أخذت الكتب التي إقتنيتها من المكتبة ، و فتح أول كتاب الذي كان عنوانه " قصر دراكوال "للكاتب اإلنجليز برام ستوكر
،قرأت نصف الكتاب تقريبا ، فقد كان يحك قصة الكونت ،دراكوال مصا الدماء ،األسطوري الذي ينتقل إلى إنجلترا
بهدف نشر الرعب والفوضى ، هذا ما كنت أتوقع مجرد قصة مثلها مثل األفالم و المسلسالت ال غير .
أخذت كتاب ثاني و الذي كان يحمل عنوا " بداية مصاصي الدماء "، أخذت أقر صفحة تلو األخرى ، وماكان يحمله ذلك
الكتاب نوعا ما هو الذي أمر به ،في كل صفحة كنت أقرأها كنت أجد نفسي ، وكأن الكتاب يتحدث عني ، الكتاب كان يتحدث
عن تطور الإنسان ليصل للخلود و الخلود هنا يعني به أن يصبح الإنسان مصاص دماء. 3269/5000 CharactersEvening arrived and the sun began to set, poor thing, but I can't intrude on Kim more than this. I told her that I was fine and...
I will go home. They objected, but I was determined to go. I thanked them for their help and headed home, and that was all.
What occupies my mind is what happened, the sound of footsteps I heard from afar, and my feeling of happiness when I saw the blood. Should I describe it?
With happiness or because I was bloodthirsty, a voice inside my head was urging me to taste it, and the smell of blood was reminiscent of the scent...
The fragrance of Valorbum, I don't know what was happening, but I'm ready to pay everything I have to smell that scent from my grandfather. Am I really Yasser?
؟ Am I human or have I ceased to be so? Many questions occupy my mind, but there is no answer that can ease my heart.
I took the remote, but at ten o'clock there are no movies at all, just the same boring cooking shows and unremarkable comedy series.
In any form of humor.I hear a voice calling from the kitchen, a date passes by me quickly, and the hallucinations from my grandfather begin, I don't know.
What should I do? I don't feel scared, but what is happening to me is really concerning.
I took my coat and left the house, heading to one of the libraries, which had books and also computers. It was...
The library is completely empty; I think there's only a little time left before it closes. I headed to one of the computers and started searching.
I searched for what is happening with me...Hearing from long distances...The thirst for blood...Not feeling happiness or sadness...Inability to
Sleep... but none of the answers were convincing, or perhaps I was the one who wasn't convinced by what I was reading.
Some articles say that you are a mentally ill person, while others advise visiting a psychiatrist. However, some articles say that I am one.
I am a follower of Dracula, so if you feel like you are a bloodthirsty person, it indicates that you are one of the chosen types to rule the night.
You sleep during the day, I also read some books and found that there is a disease with symptoms similar to what vampires exhibit.
Porphyria is a genetic disease, but it is very rare, and it results from a defect in the enzyme responsible for converting hemoglobin.
The porphyrin substance in the blood is responsible for transporting oxygen to various organs in the body, and as a result, there is a deficiency in enzymes.
Substance, hemoglobin, and the accumulation of porphyrin, which lead to ulcers and erosion of the skin if a person is exposed to sunlight.
There is also a contraction in the mouth muscles and lips, which leads to the canines appearing larger than normal.
I started to wish I were sick to visit a psychiatrist or that I had insomnia, because the idea of vampires is nothing but a myth; I don't want to...
I occupy my mind with this triviality, but a part of me wants to explore and delve deeper into this aspect. I have taken more than ten books, all of them titles.
Derived from one another...The beginning of the vampires... The Palace of Drakwal...Execution of vampires...Blood party...Vampire War
Blood and werewolves... I took all the books and returned home.
I entered my room where I hadn't slept for about three months. The TV isn't in my room, and I love watching, so that was my favorite spot.
The sofa.I removed some books and the pens that were on the shelf and turned on the dim light; the dust floated, revealing itself between the rays.
. The lamp
I took the books I acquired from the library and opened the first book, which was titled "Dracula's Castle" by the English writer Bram Stoker.
I read about half of the book, as it tells the story of Count Dracula, the bloodsucker, the legendary figure who moves to England.
In order to spread fear and chaos, this is what I expected—just a story like those in movies and series, nothing more.
I picked up a second book titled "The Beginning of Vampires." I started reading page after page, and what it contained...
The book is somewhat what I ordered; on every page I read, I found myself, as if the book was speaking about me. The book was talking.
About the evolution of humans to achieve immortality, and here immortality refers to becoming a vampire.
With the herd that follows him, if you are chosen, you will face two paths: the first is to follow the leader, whether he is a bloodthirsty one or one who controls instinct, and the second is to disobey his orders, where you will have to face the consequences.
"When you become a vampire, you will have senses stronger than those of humans, such as hearing, smell, and strength as well."
These lines were written in large font; I think they mean something. The big black text indicates the importance of these lines. I continued browsing until I reached almost page fifty, and here my pupils dilated from what I read.
"When the moon is full, the chosen ones will find it difficult to sleep, but it's not just difficulty; it's the end of sleep for them because vampires do not sleep. Day by day, you will feel that you do not desire sunlight but only want to live through the night. And day by day, your features will change slightly; your face will become pale white, and your fangs will protrude more than usual. However, on the tenth day after the night of the full moon, you will have reached immortality—no sleep, no food, no ability to endure the scorching sunlight, and no mercy, only your thirst for blood."
The terror began to invade my mind. Am I really the chosen one? Are there really vampires? How do I know if I am a vampire? What is a dominant leader? Am I the dominant leader or just one of the herd? Many questions are swirling in my mind, but there are no answers to them.
I picked up another book titled "How to Control My Instinct: Part Two of the Vampire Beginnings." I started flipping through the pages, and every line contained the words "vampire," until I reached lines that I believe were what I was looking for.
"There is no way to be sure that you are a vampire except for one method, which is somewhat suicidal. To confirm that you are a vampire, you must kill yourself by delivering a direct blow to the heart with a knife, because a vampire does not die from a stab or a bullet. Vampires die either by being torn apart and burned, by eating garlic, by a stake of wood through the heart, or if exposed to the sun for too long. And don't forget, if you want to stab yourself with a knife, you must have reached the stage of immortality, which is the tenth day after the full moon."
I really don't know what to do. I browsed my phone to look for the night of the full moon, and I wish I hadn't searched. The night of the full moon was on the tenth of February, and today is the eighteenth of February. As far as I remember, I haven't slept since the tenth of the month, which means I only have two days left before I become a vampire.
Thoughts and questions began to occupy my mind; I can no longer bear the idea that I am a vampire, as I still cannot convince myself of this notion. To me, the idea of vampires is merely a myth invented by the English to scare their children, nothing more. However, just thinking about what is happening to me and what occurred when my hands were stained with blood and I began to smell the sweet scent of blood makes me reconsider what is written in those books.
I went to the bathroom and headed straight to the mirror; my fangs have really emerged, and my face looks pale. It has changed since the last time I saw my face in the mirror.
I looked at the clock; it was almost midnight. I don't want to watch movies because I'm not in the mood for that, and I don't want to eat. I don't know why, and I don't understand how I'm not feeling hungry. My last meal was yesterday morning, and I haven't eaten well, just enough to get by.