As Ryan was led toward the armored vehicle that would transport him to the headquarters of the Secret Agent, the icy air of the detention facility bit at his skin. His wrists hurt from the tight steel sleeves, a sign of his transgress. He was haunted by the dark cloud of his mission, the one in which he had fallen in love with Allison and nearly lost everything. He realized the law very well: any specialist found contriving with psychological militants or turning into a danger to the office would be executed on the spot. Ryan had always been a man with a plan, and this time was no exception, so the thought chilled him. He simply required time. Davis, his closest companion, had been suspended for acting thoughtlessly during the mission that disbanded Hyena. Fourteen days of suspension. It should have been two years. Those fourteen days implied Davis couldn't help Ryan when he really wanted him most. Even though Ryan's sentence was not yet death, he was aware that he was treading water. The organization associated him with disloyalty, and they weren't known for renewed opportunities. Inside his cell, Ryan had replayed the occasions again and again to him. His mind was working hard while his body was trapped. How is it that he could demonstrate his innocence? He was aware that Davis would be pacing his home's floors, desperate to act but unable to do so without putting his own life in danger. There was simply no time left. In the mean time, across town, Davis was doing combating his own internal evil presences. He was constantly reminded by the wall clock of how quickly time was passing. He was unable to shake the picture of Ryan being driven away, and he felt completely weak. As an on man activity, the weakness troubled him. His suspension wasn't simply a discipline — it was a restraint, restricting his hands while his dearest companion confronted unavoidable demise. As Davis sat, agonizing in his faintly lit condo, there was a thump at the entryway. He cautiously opened it, touching the gun that he had always kept hidden in his jacket. Shockingly, it was Allison, the last individual he at any point expected to see. Her face was shadowed by depletion and dread, yet underneath that, there was another element — something perilous. She was running, that at the very least was quite obvious. "Allison?" Davis moved to one side to immediately give her access, shutting the entryway behind her. "What on God's green earth would you say you are doing here?" In search of danger, Allison's eyes darted around the room. The one who once emanated certainty presently seemed delicate, as though her very presence was barely holding on. "I really want your assistance," she murmured, her voice scarcely perceptible. Davis laughed. "Can I help? After all that occurred? I never imagined that you would show up here. Allison's jaw grasped. I didn't want to be here when I came here. Ryan was the reason I came. He's in a tough situation, Davis. That is known to us both. Davis felt a glimmer of outrage flood through him. "Also, who owns that issue? In the absence of—" " — In the event that I hadn't what?" Allison exploded. "On the off chance that I hadn't experienced passionate feelings for him? In the event that I hadn't attempted to save my own life? Don't act like this is all my fault. You know damn well that Ryan settled on his own decisions." The words stung, however Davis realized she was correct. They were completely tangled in this web, and accusing her wouldn't change the way that Ryan was the one paying the piper. He let out a long breath, relaxing somewhat. "So what is it that you expect from me?" Allison faltered, her eyes gleaming with uncertainty. Ryan prevented you from killing me when you had the opportunity. He saved my life. It is now time for me to pay back that debt. Davis shook his head. "And exactly how do you intend to accomplish that?" Allison said, her voice becoming more steady, "I have a plan." "I can break him out of the station before they move him. Yet, I want your assistance." Davis scowled, shaking his head. "That is self destruction. If you even consider that Ryan would permit you—" "He doesn't have a decision," Allison intruded. We don't all. He is dead if we don't act right away. The assurance in her voice astonished him. He remembered the Allison who was always defensive and looking for the exit. Be that as it may, this Allison, the one remaining before him, was able to face a challenge she knew could end in her passing. Allison gathered a small group of criminals from her past that night. Despite not being Hyenas, they were dangerous enough to cause a stir. The arrangement was basic — storm the station, make confusion, and free Ryan before his exchange. However, things didn't work out as expected. As the pack went after the station, Ryan was at that point ready. A chance to clear his name had been waiting for him like this. Rather than running with the hoodlums, Ryan retaliated. He brought down a few of the gangsters, purposely making it look like he was saving the cops. To the undeveloped eye, it created the impression that Ryan had guarded the station from a Hyena assault. He was actually engaging in a much more complex game. During the confusion, Ryan tracked down Allison in the midst of the shadows. "What's happening with you?" she murmured, disarray and outrage fighting in her eyes. "We're here to save you." Ryan firmly grasped her arm. "I don't require saving, Allison. I really want you to convey this." He gave her a small note with a secret message. "Take it to Davis. He'll know exactly what to do." Allison's forehead wrinkled in disarray. "What's going on with this?" "Simply trust me," Ryan said, his eyes locking onto hers. "Go." Allison reluctantly left the scene and blended into the night as the police eliminated the remainder of the gang. Ryan's arrangement had worked. He was released by the police, who still suspended him for a month despite believing that Hyena orchestrated the attack. However, this was the least of his worries. His genuine goal was moving. Allison's secret message to Davis was a straightforward instruction to "track her." Ryan had an inclination Allison's past with Hyena wasn't as a long ways behind her as she trusted, and he realized she could hold the way to tracking down the jewel. Davis hired a specialized agent to closely monitor Allison while she was suspended. He couldn't act because everyone was watching his every move, but he could still make decisions behind the scenes. As the days passed, the specialist announced back to Davis: Allison was attempting to live all alone, away from Hyena's grip. In any case, the circumstance was developing more unstable continuously. Hyena wasn't quite so disbanded as everybody suspected. They were refocusing, and they were searching for her. In her last-ditch effort to start over, Allison had become a target. Davis murmured as he read the report. Ryan had known exactly what to expect. Allison was running, yet she was unable to surpass her past. Unless she died or they obtained the diamond, the hyena would never stop hunting her. Also, with the precious stone actually missing, the stakes were higher than at any other time. Ryan, still on suspension, paced his condo. Although he had been released, he was not truly free. Not yet. The agency's eyes were on him, waiting for him to make a mistake, and he could feel their weight. Be that as it may, as usual, Ryan had an arrangement. This time, it involved Allison, Davis, and the diamond, the final piece of the puzzle that could alter the balance of power throughout the nation.