Chereads / Moonlings: A Clash of Meteors and Mages / Chapter 23 - Chapter 23. The Difference: A Taste in Power

Chapter 23 - Chapter 23. The Difference: A Taste in Power

The atmosphere in the auditorium where the grand quiz bee is being held was so thick Raii Shin thought something was odd. She and Dawn took their seats and when she got a good glimpse of the participants in front, the serious air surrounding the place made sense.

If day one was a light celebration, day two was deadly. Partly because of the series of tournaments of the two schools pitting against each other but mostly because Arko Redanda and Minus Moraya were both participating in a quiz bee. 

The crowd's expressions made Raii Shin think that maybe JADE still remembers how Minus entered their school last week. They must have recognized Minus as well as his name because Arko said it out loud. And basing from the side of JEWELS, the news must have reached them as well. Social media is loud, as they say.

"Huh. To think that Arko would actually participate. What could he gain from this? It's just a friendly quiz bee without any trophy at stake," Dawn said.

"What interests me more is that Minus is JEWELS' representative," Raii Shin said.

"I heard he is well-known at his school. Given his brain and looks, it's not a surprise," Dawn said as she winked at Raii Shin and smiled playfully.

"What?" Raii Shin asked.

"Oh, come on, don't tell me you will deny again." Dawn laughed.

"I don't know what you are talking about," Raii Shin said but she felt heat on her cheeks. Thankfully, Dawn let her be but she had that sneery look.

What was that all about? Raii Shin thought.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we will now proceed. Let us give a round of applause to our two gentlemen who have taken the challenge to be our participants!"

Only a handful from the audience clapped and it immediately faded. The host cleared his throat like he was embarrassed that the crowd didn't respond as he thought they would though it was not his fault. Arko and Minus' staring and smirking contest was unnerving to watch. As Dawn had pointed out, this was just an introductory game to start the second day of the Friendship Festival, supposedly. But due to the spirit of competitiveness seeping out of the two, it was like it was a championship round or something.

"Gentlemen, hands on the buzzers, please," the host instructed as he dabbed a handkerchief to his forehead.

Minus and Arko fixed their seats. Earlier, they were facing each other but now, both of them had their arms resting on a long table in front of them. On top of the table were two screens, one for each of them. It was JADE's buzzer system, a research breakthrough from their technology department and it is widely used all throughout the world since Arko introduced it last year. The participants will have to swipe their hands on the screens. The system will automatically determine who swiped first depending on whose screen will glow in a green color.

"Question number one. What year was it when Jazel was officially titled as the City of Jubilee?"

Arko's screen lit up. "2002," he answered.

"Correct," the host said and the crowd, the part where JADE was, broke into a chorus of shouts, especially the girls, save for Raii Shin and Dawn. 

"Question number two. What is the archaic title of every Jazel citizens' favorite song about the—"

"--the moon," Minus cutted the host and immediately added, "Raos Munafi or Realm of the Angels."

The host nodded and said, "That is correct."

"Hold on. You were not even finished speaking when Minus answered," Arko said with a stone-cold tone. He was pressuring the host.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Redanda, but there is no such rule that prohibits the participants from answering immediately as long as they got the gist of the question," Minus said, saving the host.

"Yes, yes, I believe that is the case," the host affirmed. Poor thing. He kept looking back and forth at the two participants and his handkerchief must be tired from wiping his sweat-drenched face.

Arko said nothing anymore.

"Okay, let's go then to question number three. Who among the Five Martyrs of Jazel had a speech problem?"

"Sseri Pashur," Arko said as soon as his screen glowed.


The questions went on and on with the two only interchanging on who went first. It was obvious that Arko was more knowledgeable but Minus was the more confident one because he didn't have to finish the questions to answer. If only Minus knew all the answers, there would be no doubt that he was the winner. But based on the questions, it was favoring Arko. Arko was a resident of Jazel ever since he was born while Minus only came to Jazel two years ago so it was inevitable that Minus would be lacking in information especially if it only concerned Jazel.

"Gentlemen, as much as we want to commend both of you for your brilliance, there is only one award. At this point, you both have tied scores and so this next question will finally settle everything. Are you ready?"

It was the crowd that was excited. Meanwhile, Arko and Minus had this expression on their faces like they were unaffected by what was happening around them. Raii Shin found it funny how they were both good at burying their feelings. 

"Here comes the clincher question. What is the meaning of Laharta Odanus Vinteiri?"

Everyone saw that Minus was the first to move his hand. But it was Arko's screen that gave off the green color. Even Arko himself was surprised when he knew in himself that he had swiped a second late from Minus.

"Lake of the Vultures," Arko replied in a low voice like he still couldn't believe that it was him who was recognized.

"And that is correct!" The host exploded with glee. The crowd whooo-ed as they stood to clap for the winner. But Arko wasn't at all happy. Minus waved his hand at the crowd once and smiled. He stood and made his exit from the stage.

"Go and see him," Dawn said as she pushed Raii Shin from her seat. Raii Shin glared at her friend for she almost embarrassed herself by falling into the floor but Dawn just shooed her away.

Although even if Dawn didn't tell her to, Raii Shin would really go to see Minus. She was not concerned that he would feel defeated. Minus didn't need any comforting. What she was worried about was Arko's reaction when he went after Minus down the stage. Instead of just smiling proudly for winning the quiz, Arko looked like he wasn't satisfied with the result when it was him who won.

Raii Shin slipped at the sides where there was no light and walked past the curtains that covered the stage. She reached the stairs and continued down the narrow wooden hallway. It was there where she heard their voices.

"Our buzzer system is perfect and top-notch," Arko was talking. Raii Shin peeked. They were standing facing each other. "That was no technical issue. Why did you not swipe your hand fully?"

Minus laughed. He was deliberately trying to get into Arko's nerves.

"Because your face was so bent on winning that I took pity."

A bang to the wall beside them almost made Raii Shin shout in shock. Arko's fist was buried in the wood. Though it made no crack, it surely hurt but Arko was too pissed off to care. Meanwhile, Minus also changed his laughing expression to a serious one. He better not bring out the warrior inside of him.

"Are you making fun of me?" Arko asked, his eyes smoking.

"No one's making a joke here but you," Minus replied.

Arko attempted to swing his fist again, this time, aimed at Minus but Minus simply dodged it with a sway of his head to the left. Minus then walked past him.

"You can attack me whenever and wherever you want. Just don't lay a finger on Raii as you did last week." Raii Shin felt something when she heard her name. Was Minus serious? He was getting himself in trouble just for her?

"I see. So that's the girl's name, Dawn's best friend who stood for her," Arko leered. "And? What will you do if I harm her?"

Minus looked back at him.

"Nothing much. It's just that a bunch of meteors will crash."