The story begins with a boy named Adam, a 15-year-old orphan who lives with a man named Alexander, who is in his early thirties. Alexander is a well-known writer and a professional martial artist and swordsman. They live in a fancy house in a modern neighborhood. Adam's biggest challenge is making friends due to his shy nature, but despite that, he managed to form a strong friendship with Joseph. Their bond is so strong that you might think they are brothers from the same mother. Days passed, and they are now high school students. On the promised day, Adam woke up at 6:50 AM, still tired from the late night he spent with Alexander.After a few moments, Adam got out of bed, went to the bathroom to wash up, and then headed downstairs, surprised not to find Alexander there. He thought to himself: "Where could that fool have gone? I was going to ask him to drive us to the institute." While Adam was pondering what to do, he found a note that read: "Dear Adam, I'll be back late because I have some work to do. I bought you a new gaming console, and if you want, you can invite your friends to play. But remember, entering my room is strictly forbidden."Shocked, Adam ran to the living room and found the console waiting to be used. Astonishment filled his face as he wondered, "How did this happen? We didn't even leave the house yesterday, and we stayed up till dawn. It's already almost seven o'clock, so when did he buy and set up the console?" Adam went back to the kitchen and started preparing breakfast. He had gotten used to being alone because Alexander often had to travel for work, leaving Adam alone or taking him along.After Adam finished preparing his breakfast, which looked like a work of art, he took a moment to admire it before deciding to snap a picture with his phone. Suddenly, he remembered his friend Joseph and said to himself, "I wish my friend was here to enjoy this omelet." An idea crossed his mind, so he decided to make a sandwich for his friend. Afterward, he changed his clothes, sprayed some cologne, and stared at himself in the mirror. Suddenly, strange emotions overwhelmed him, and he sighed, saying, "I wish my mom was here to see me, or even my brother."He looked at the clock and saw that it was 7:35 AM, so he put on his headphones, turned on some music, and went on his way. While engrossed in the melodies, he accidentally bumped into a girl, causing her phone to fall. Thanks to his quick reflexes, Adam caught the phone before it hit the ground. When he looked up to apologize, he saw the girl's face, and his heart began to race because of her stunning beauty—like an angel descended from a bright sky to a dark earth, with her gentle features, long brown hair, and captivating eyes. Before he could drown in her charm, he handed her the phone with a bright smile, scratching his head and saying, "Sorry, miss, I didn't mean to bump into you." She kindly replied, "No need to apologize, I didn't see you because I forgot my glasses." They each went their separate ways, but Adam kept thinking about the girl. Strange feelings started to take over, and he wondered to himself, "What's happening to me? What is this feeling? I guess it's just the extra dose of chili."A few minutes later, the boy arrived at his friend's house and knocked on the door. He checked his watch and found it was 7:47 AM. When the door opened, Joseph's mom greeted Adam with her usual smile and invited him in to wait for her son. When Adam found Joseph eating pancakes, their eyes met, and Joseph greeted his friend: "Hey, my friend and soulmate!" But he started coughing because he choked on his pancakes, so Adam quickly handed him some water, and he drank it. Adam laughed and said, "Oh man, please don't talk with your mouth full! Do you want your life to end with a 30% chance of choking to death?"While the two boys were laughing, Joseph's mom watched them, feeling happy that her son had befriended someone as kind as Adam. When she looked at the clock, she began to worry and said, "Come on, boys, hurry up, or you'll be late." Joseph quickly went to put on his shoes while Adam went to talk to Joseph's mom. When she looked at him, she immediately said, "Alright, alright, you can spend the day together."The boys left the house and started many conversations to make the walk shorter. An idea struck Joseph, and he asked, "Tell me, Adam, has that she-devil called you again?" Adam was confused and asked, "Who? Who are you talking about?" Joseph tried to jog Adam's memory, saying, "I mean Stephanie, the one who confessed to you but you rejected her." When Adam dug into his memory, he remembered her and said, "Oh, right, I remember. She hasn't called me back, and she's been ignoring me. To hell with her; she was the one who broke my heart."At that moment, they arrived at the institute, and Adam spotted the girl he had seen earlier that morning. Those feelings returned to him as he kept staring at her. Noticing Adam's distraction, Joseph tried to understand what was going on, handing him the sandwich and saying, "Here, take this and be quiet." Joseph took the sandwich, and the two boys entered the high school.