The tension only thickened as Harin continued to soak up the attention, while Mingwa sat quietly, letting the scene play out. The whispers grew louder, buzzing like flies around her. Some of the junior crew members stole glances at her before quickly looking away, while others openly gossiped as if she weren't even there.
"She's not even denying it properly," one of the makeup artists muttered under her breath.
"It's always the quiet ones," another assistant director whispered.
Sihua clenched her fists, ready to snap, but Mingwa placed a hand on her arm, silently telling her to hold back. Not yet. If she lost her temper now, it would only make things worse.
Harin, sensing that the murmurs were tilting in her favor, pressed on. "I mean, I really did think we were friends," she said, her voice full of mock hurt. "I even lent you some of my jewelry before, didn't I? And now this?"