Tempted to send more internal energy into her but he knew that it wouldn't help and might even make it worse.
"I love you! …I regret nothing!" Flonda said when he came to stand by herself and she stretched out her hand for him to grasp with tears in her eyes. "In another life, I'll still love you!" she promised and Voldrak said nothing as he simply squeezed her hand sending the smallest trail of energy into her body as he also felt hers.
"Even In another life, you'll be mine!" surprised to find that he truly meant it as he continued to watch her eyes slowly shut close.
A few minutes later with Maravi and Seravi by her side, the three of them watched Flonda take her last breath.
Voldrak showed no outward reaction but Maravi couldn't stop the tears that slowly slid down her face even as Seravi who had tear-filled eyes tried to comfort her. Voldrak on the other hand simply stood quietly by her side without making a sound.