"Out of curiosity, do my clothes make me look that poor?" Black asked, wondering why such a man would dare to get on his bad side.
"Do you know how many people died yesterday? Clan leaders and family heads, people higher than us don't care. You can kill me, but I will never respect you!" he barked, spit splattering out with the force of his words.
"Hmmm! So you don't care if I kill you?"
"More will take my place!" he boldly responded, his ego swelling as more eyes focused on them, fueling his courage even more.
Black found the entire thing extremely amusing—laughable, as he sat in front of him, turning his gaze to the door.
"Did you know that I caused that crater in the center of your clan? I almost killed your clan leader too—in fact, I just finished fucking her!" he said, enunciating each word as the tavern was rendered into absolute silence.
"Li-lies!" The bar owner backed up, though traces of fear lingered around the edges of his eyes.