Something new had started to smell in the calm and lively air of Bandel village. After the fair and the cultural program, a strange stir had taken place in the lives of Gobinda and Durga. There was an unknown pull in the hearts of both, which they were neither able to understand nor avoid. This pull was the seed of love, which was slowly growing and was ready to change the direction of both their lives.
Gobinda had now started thinking more about Durga. His days were now spent in the memories of that cultural program, where he had seen Durga dance for the first time. There was a sparkle in Durga's eyes, which had left a deep impression in Gobinda's heart. He was impressed by Durga's innocence and simplicity. His mind was now drawn towards her. He would often ask himself what this new feeling was? Is this the same love, which he had heard about only in stories?
On the other hand, Durga was also not the same as before. She too was impressed by Gobinda's simplicity and the depth hidden in his eyes. Durga sometimes felt that she saw something special for her in Gobinda's eyes, but she was hesitant to admit it to herself. This question kept coming up in her heart again and again, is this right? Is she going in the right direction?
Days passed, but the answers to these questions kept making a home in the hearts of both. Whenever the paths of both of them crossed on the village roads, there was a sparkle in their eyes and a light smile. This smile was an expression of the feelings hidden in their hearts, which they were not able to express in words.
Then one day, preparations for a religious event began in the village. This event was grand like every year and all the people of the village participated in it. This event included worship, music, and various cultural activities. Gobinda and Durga were also excited to participate in this event. This time Durga had decided to sing a bhajan at the event, and Gobinda promised to support her.
The day of the event arrived. The village temple was decorated with colourful flowers, and the air was filled with the fragrance of incense and agarbatti. The villagers were dressed in new clothes and heading towards the temple to attend the event. Gobinda also arrived there with his family. He knew that Durga was going to sing a bhajan today, and he was very eager to hear her.
As the time for the bhajan came, Durga reached the stage. Her simplicity and beauty caught everyone's attention. She stood on the stage with full confidence and started singing bhajans. There was a divine power in her voice, which mesmerized everyone. Durga's voice started resonating in Gobinda's heart. He was lost in her voice. Durga's bhajans touched Gobinda's heart even more.
After the bhajan, Gobinda became restless to meet Durga. He knew that this was the right time to express his feelings. But at the same time, he also had this fear in his heart that what would happen if Durga rejected his feelings? In this dilemma, he started waiting for Durga outside the temple.
When Durga saw Gobinda standing outside the temple, she felt some stir in her heart. She understood that Gobinda wanted to say something to her. She slowly moved towards him. Their eyes met again and once again the silence between them started saying a lot.
Gobinda said hesitantly, "Durga, your bhajan was very beautiful. You won the hearts of the whole village."
Durga replied with a light smile, "Thank you, Gobinda. This would not have been possible without your support."
Hearing this, Gobinda's heart got the courage to say something. He said softly, "Durga, I want to say something... but perhaps this is not the right time."
Durga looked into his eyes and said, "Gobinda, if you have something in your heart, say it. Maybe this is the right time."
Gobinda took a deep breath and said, "Durga, I am not able to understand how to say it, but for the last few days I am thinking only about you. Your simplicity, your smile, your voice... everything seems very special to me. I don't know what it is, but I want both of us to come closer."
Durga's heart started beating fast. She had never thought that Gobinda would express his feelings in front of her like this. She herself was attracted to Gobinda, but she had never accepted it. She said softly, "Gobinda, I also feel something like this about you. But we have to understand whether it is right or not. Our families, society... will they accept our relationship?"
Gobinda replied, "I don't know, Durga. But I know that I cannot live without you. If you feel the same, then we should choose this path. We will face every difficulty together."
Durga's eyes filled with tears. She knew that this path would not be easy, but she too decided to walk with Gobinda. Holding Gobinda's hand, she said, "If you are with me, I am not afraid of any difficulty. But we have to take this step thoughtfully. We have to make our family and society understand that our relationship is true."
This was the first time they had spoken their hearts out to each other. This gave a new dimension to their relationship. They decided to stay with each other, no matter how many difficulties they had to face.
In the next few days, Gobinda and Durga started meeting each other. They started meeting on the village streets, near the temple, or in the fields. Their meetings were sometimes long, sometimes short. But each time they started understanding each other more.
One day, when they were both sitting on the banks of a pond outside the village, Gobinda said, "Durga, we both should talk to our families. We should tell them about our relationship."
Durga said seriously, "I know, Gobinda. But I am afraid that our families will not accept it. Our caste, society rules... all this can go against us."
Holding her hand, Gobinda said, "Durga, if our love is true, we have to explain it to our families. We have to be patient and understanding. We will not leave each other under any circumstances."
Durga looked into Gobinda's eyes and assured him that she would stand by him in every difficulty. A new hope had now risen in their hearts. They knew that this journey would not be easy, but they both were ready to support each other.
In this way, the relationship of Gobinda and Durga moved in a new direction. Now it was not just a simple love story, but it was becoming a story of struggle, where they would have to face difficulties to get the acceptance of society and family.
At this point of the story, Gobinda and Durga had accepted their love, but it remained to be seen how far their journey would go. Will they be able to convince their family and society for their relationship? Will their love be successful in the true sense?