Tokita... Tokita...
β Oi, Tokita!
β W-Wait, me? What is it?
β Did you hear anything I just said?
β Uh... you were saying about that anime you started watching yesterday and...
β I said that more than 5 minutes ago! Stop drawing on your desk, goddamnit!
β Why? I'll erase it later.
β No, you won't. You're too proud of your artistic skills to not let your signature everywhere you sit.
β Hey, I'm not an artist...
β In my eyes you are an artist. Come on, it's recess already.
They both got up and left the classroom. Unmei Tokita was a normal high school student. He had brown straight hair and wore glasses, like a nerd. His friend was a guy. That's it, you can imagine the rest. Come on, it's not that difficult.
A girl followed them outside. She had brown hair too, and looked very similar to the nerd boy, except she didn't wear glasses.
They are always together... I wonder what Unmei-san will do today. I'll watch him from afar.
She started stalking them.
β Man, who is that character you were drawing this time? She's hot.
β T-Thank you, but it's nothing special... She's just a goddess.
β Really? Your story has a goddess now?
β It always had... She is the oldest being in that world.
β No, I don't mean her biological age. You've created her recently, haven't you? That's a different kind of age.
β Yeah, in the real world, she would be just a baby...
β I mean, she looks like a baby, or a kid, I don't know. Wait, how come THE goddess look like a girl?
β Isn't that normal? There are many mystical beings who appear childlike but are older than humanity.
β Most of them are from anime and manga, right? Does that mean you are a...
β Wait, don't say it! Not here!
β Lolicon! You like little girls!
β Hey, I have women in my world too!
β That doesn't stop you from liking little girls. They say flat is justice, medium is premium and... whoa, don't leave me here!
Tokita rushed to the bathroom, clearly embarassed.
The girl was still following him, memorizing his movement pattern.
The rest of the day was boring as usual. The girl never got the chance to confess to him. They were both introverted. They repelled each other unconsciously.
Tokita lay down on the bed, deep in thought.
β I'm tired of everything...
I may not be the most unfortunate living being, but I am not meant for this world...
β People expect me to get high grades, because I'm known for that...
If I fail a test, they will be disappointed in me. But I'm tired of being judged for every step I take...
β Being judged isn't cool. I just want to relax. Forever.
I hate this world. If I had one more chance... If I could choose the world I want to be born in...
He finally fell asleep. The lights were still on, as usual. For him, it was easier to sleep with light than without, for some reason.
He woke up.
Uh... I feel more tired now than before sleeping...
He tried to get up, but hit his head on something hard. It felt like a ceiling, but it was to close to be one. He fully opened his eyes, trying to see anything. It was impossible. Everything was pitch black.
I let my mom turn off the light again... I'm such a disappointment...
He tried to get out of bed, but now he understood that something was blocking his path, as if he was trapped inside a container. He felt his body starting to sweat, because it was very hot inside.
β Mom? Are you awake?
Huh?! My voice... Aside from being different, it's not reaching anything! It feels like it cannot travel outwards!
He started to panic. He stretched his arms and legs to feel his space. It was claustrophobic, since he couldn't even turn his body around or change his position. He was stuck inside a very narrow space. He poked the walls and ceiling to hear what it was made of. The sound and texture were reminiscent of an expensive type of wood, typically used in the manufacture of elite coffins.
You can't be serious... I was buried alive...?
He was in a panic, but he remembered an important step to escape from a coffin buried deep in the ground. Relax.
I wanted to relax forever, right? Take deep breaths, Tokita...
He touched the ceiling with his knees.
You've seen this video. You just need to apply pressure to the roof of the coffin and then swim back to the surface. It's not that hard...
He started forcing his way out. Surprisingly, it was way easier than he thought. Not only the coffin, but all the dirt above it flew upward aggressively. He felt like he had just triggered an explosive underground, but it was all his doing. His legs were shining bright, like the sun.
He quickly stood up and felt very dizzy. After some seconds, his mind stabilized with his body. He jumped, trying to climb to the surface. He didn't calculate the strength used by his legs, so he was actually thrown upwards. He fell to the ground, but he didn't feel much pain.
After standing up again, someone hugged him from behind. They tried to strangle him, but he quickly slid his body between their arms and opened some distance.
β Who are you?! What are you doing in my house?
He finally looked around. He was not in his house. It was night, so the mysterious being couldn't be identified immediately. The moon was behind them, casting an ominous shadow in his direction. Behind them, there was also a huge castle.
A castle? Wait, I've seen it somewhere...
β Ara, young master, I was just trying to put you to sleep. Or should I say, impostor?
β Impostor? Young master? Who are you?! Say it, godamnit!
β I'm sorry, but I can't introduce myself to my master's dead body without his permition.
Suddenly, they threw a shovel at his head. He quickly turned around, avoiding it by very little. They ran towards him, trying to punch him in the stomach. He caught their hand just as it was centimeters from piercing his body.
They kicked him in the head, sending him flying to the side. The moonlight finally revealed half of their face. She looked like a woman. A tall and sinister woman, smiling all the time. She had disheveled white and black hair and wore black clothes. She grabbed the shovel from the ground.
β You are good at controlling his body, impostor.
She ran towards him again, swinging the shovel to the side and then upwards. He tried to approach her to punch her face, but she kicked him again. He blocked with both arms. His body was dragged along the ground for more than ten meters. Immediately, he felt imense pain in his arms. He looked at them. They were deteriorating with a black plague. Also, his arms were broken.
What the hell is this?! I know her and this place, but this can't be real! I must be dreaming...
β I'm sorry, young master, but I'll heal your body after this filthy impostor leaves you.
β I am not an impostor! Listen to me, I know your name, you're the Burier!
The woman stopped smiling. She stared at him for seconds that felt like minutes.
β I see... The enemy knows our identities too. I must eliminate them one by one. I will not tolerate any disrespect towards this family.
β Wait, please!
She started running towards him again, aiming for his head.
Tokita, do something, quick! If this is my story, who am I?
He looked down to see his clothes. They were medieval, something an adventurer or guild member would use. Small leather jacket, white shirt, brown pants and boots...
Just as I thought!
She was about to slice his head with the shovel, when he parried her attack with his leg. The impact was so strong that an explosion threw them several meters. The shovel was still intact, however.
My legs are my main source of power! That's why my arms are so weak compared to them!
She wiped the blood from her nose. Her vision and hearing were temporarily damaged due to the explosion. She quickly got up and ran to grab her shovel that was on the ground.
Tokita ran at full speed, reaching her in less than two seconds and kicking her stomach. Her body got dragged along for very meters, and her torso was incandescent from the impact.
He reached her in one second, throwing many kicks and punches, despite his arms being pratically useless now. She dodged them with mastery, like a professional fighter. After dozens of attacks, he started hitting her, faster and faster. Finally, he kicked her to the side with all his strength, sending her flying for at least a hundred meters.
He jumped along with her. He saw a very mystical scene: they were above the clouds.
This is my island, I can't believe my eyes! I must be dreaming...
They were fighting on top of a huge floating island. It had a castle and many other things on it. When he left the island, he looked down.
Oh my god, this is scary!
He pointed his hands and feet downwards. A flame began to push him in the opposite direction.
I can fly, just like him! I feel like that Iron Dude now!
He flew faster than her, stopping behind her. A purple magic circle appeared on her back.
Oh god, this is bad!
Dark wings started growing on her back. He quickly tried to kick her back, but she turned around and grabbed his feet.
The wings were a distraction?!
With no time to react, he punched her with his withered arm, releasing a huge explosion. She was sent back to the island and fell unconscious.
His arms hurt even more now. The infection was beginning to spread throughout the rest of his body. He flew to the island again, almost falling along the way. He also fell unconscious.