Chereads / Cold Emerald(Action-Romance/GL) / Chapter 12 - Glimpse of hope(Edited)

Chapter 12 - Glimpse of hope(Edited)

Detective Emily Jameson sat at her desk, sipping her lukewarm coffee, her mind still reeling from the gruesome crime scene.

The calculated brutality hinted at a sophisticated perpetrator, possibly motivated by more than just sadism.

"Ryan, what's the latest on the canvas?" Jameson asked, breaking the silence.

Nothing concrete yet, Emily," Ryan replied, shaking his head. "But I did find a witness who reported seeing a suspicious figure lurking around the hospital's east wing."

Jameson's eyes narrowed. "Description?"

''Tall, hoodie, sunglasses. The witness couldn't make out any distinguishing features." Martinez walked in, holding a stack of files.

"Security footage didn't yield much, but I found something interesting. Our victim's hospital records show a mysterious visitor the night before the drop."

Jameson's interest piqued. "Description?"

"Female, mid-20s, blonde hair. No ID, no records. Paid cash."''A hoodie with blonde hair? Can I see the footage?'' Jameson asked.

''Here.'' He showed a video on his phone; it was a video of a woman in a hoodie.

Watching over the ICU, the person wasn't able to approach the room, for it was guarded by police and media personnel. It proceeded to bill

''Interesting. Let's dig deeper into this mysterious visitor. I'll have the team look into her background and connections,'' Jameson said, handing back the phone.

The investigation was starting to take a new turn, with a potential lead to follow up on.

''Wait,'' Jameson said when she remembered seeing the face before.

She replayed the video, and her heart beat fast.

Meanwhile, in the supermarket, Emerald herself is watching Lindsay from afar.

She saw a man approaching Anderson. Lindsay Anderson was trying to reach the item on the top shelf.

Lindsay blushes. '' Thanks.''

The stranger handed her the box, lingering slightly. "You know, I'm Alex. I've seen you around here before."

''Oh? I'm just on holiday, myself. I'm not local. Are we neighbors, then?" Lindsay said, her voice a bit awkward as she tried to place the man's face.

"Where are you from? Your accent's cool, "Alex replied with a smile.''

"Born and raised, Cali style.

Maybe I can help around and give you a tour or something.'' Alex offered.

Lindsay's heart skipped a beat as she felt a strange mix of excitement and nervousness at the thought of finally having a local friend who could help her find what she came here for.

''I am from Essex, England. '' Lindsay said, returning Alex's smile. "I would appreciate a tour, thank you."''Oh, you came all that way from England alone? Or with a companion? '' Alex asked.

Lindsay nodded, feeling grateful for Alex's offer of help. "Yes, I'm here on my own; I came here for someone, and my boyfriend is coming before the holiday ends," she replied.''So you know someone here then? ''Alex clarifies.

''No, I -''

"You're a lifesaver! Emerald just came from nowhere and grabbed the box of cereal in Anderson's hand.

Emerald doesn't know why she did that but it's too late she is already here exposed to her stalking stand. Just because she seems to not like seeing the smile of Lindsay talking to the man.

'' What-?Blimey, Emerald! Can't a woman shop in peace? Stop following me; it's unsettling." Anderson exclaimed, feeling a mix of frustration and unease.

Emerald simply smirked and replied, "I just couldn't resist getting a closer look at that familiar face of yours. And I am happy you remember my name."


''Is this person bothering you?'' Alex asked with concern.'' No''


They answer in unison. 

Alex looked at them with a puzzled expression.

'She's my friend''

''She's a stalker.''

'' know each other then? '' Alex trails off, unsure of how to proceed in the awkward situation.

Emerald and Anderson exchange tense glances, leaving Alex feeling caught in the middle of their complicated dynamic.



''Okay..maybe I should go now..see you next time..'' Alex said to Lindsay before quickly excusing himself from the uncomfortable situation.'' Lindsay.''

''Lindsay. I'll remember that name,'' Alex said with a smile.

When Alex was finally gone, Lindsay looked at Emerald with an annoyed face.

"Seriously, what's wrong with you?"

''Calm down; I'm just trying to save you from a stranger we won't know he might be dangerous,'' Emerald said with a teasing smile and putting her hands up while holding the cereal as a sign of surrender.

''Here. As a peace offering, I am giving you back your cereal, she said, lending Anderson the box. Anderson, just stare at the cereal.

Lindsay's gaze lingered on the cereal box, then shifted back to Emerald's smirk.

"Save me. From who? Have you gone mental? You're the one stalking me."

Emerald chuckled, her eyes sparkling. "Protecting, then?"

Lindsay snatched the cereal. "Protecting? The last thing I know is you almost killed us. Thanks, but I can handle myself.

Emerald leaned in, voice lowering. "Maybe that guy seems harmless, but trust me, I've seen worse disguises. "

Lindsay raised an eyebrow. "What makes you think he's dangerous?"

Emerald shrugged. "Instinct. Besides, I've got experience with hidden agendas."

''Yeah, like trying to kidnap me and stalking me? You don't have to remind me, I know.'' Lindsay answered sarcastically.

''I already answered that with the police you brought to our building.'' Emerald.

Their eyes locked, the tension palpable. Lindsay sensed there was more to Emerald's motives than mere concern.

Lindsay couldn't but be drawn to this woman's beautiful pair of eyes she looked away first.

"Want to explain why you're following me?" Lindsay asked, her tone firm.

"I just happened to be at the same store as you. It was completely coincidental. Don't be so conceited," Emerald rebutted, a playful smirk playing on her lips.

She followed the woman anywhere she went but she was amazed Anderson had always noticed her but didn't show any sign of awareness maybe this woman was something else.

.But still needs to continue her act.

Lindsay's gaze narrowed. "Coincidence? Twice in one day? And I am not conceited; how dare you?"

Emerald chuckled. "Maybe you're just lucky to keep running into me."

''Urgh, I can't with you; you are making me crazy.'' Lindsay said, surrendering and leaving Emerald behind.

''Why are you so mad at me?'' Emerald asked, genuinely confused.

Lindsay exhaled sharply. "You know exactly why."

Emerald's smirk faded, replaced by sincerity. "Lindsay, I'm sorry. Truly. Our first meeting... wasn't ideal."

Lindsay raised an eyebrow. "Kidnapping me wasn't ideal?"

Emerald's eyes locked onto hers. "Let me explain over coffee. My treat."

Lindsay hesitated, then nodded. "Fine. But no more games."

Emerald smiled softly. "Promise."

''Okay.'' Emerald smiled it was all an act for her but Emerald couldn't explain the happiness this person brought just by a simple okay.