Chapter 64 - Spending Time In Court II

(Baelon's POV)

"So....." I said to Daeron, "Lady Alysanne Hightower, hm?" 

We were sitting at a table, eating breakfast in Mother's chambers. Daeron had joined us as my other brothers chose not to attend, much to Mother's annoyance. 

"Yes..." Daeron said, "I suppose we are all getting married soon." 

"As it should be." Mother said, "Alysanne is a beautiful and kind girl, fitting for my youngest son." 

"Well...I did speak to her a bit....back in Oldtown." Daeron said

"Good." Mother said, "So you are already acquainted." 

I nodded, "Yes, I suppose that is true." 

Helaena reached for my hand, "I am happy for you, Daeron. I hope you will treat her as well as Baelon treats me." She said with a gentle tone, "You will be a magnificent husband." 

"Thanks." Daeron said, "Brother, can we spar today?" 

"Sure." I said with a nod, "I told Aemond we can do some rounds after I come back from my flight." 

"Flight?" Mother said, "Where are you going?" 

"Just going for a few laps." I told her, "Nothing to be worried about." 

"Hm." She said as she looked at me with a serious face, "How long are you two staying? I would love to keep you for a few more weeks." 

"We do not know, Mother." Helaena said, "It is up to Baelon." 

"As long as Helaena wants to." I said with a shrug, "I don't mind." 

Daeron stood up and wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, "If you excuse me, I have to go and do something." He said

"Do what, young man?" Mother asked

"I uh....something....." He said, "Aegon wanted my help with something...." 

He scurried away as I looked at him, a confused look no my face. 

"Huh. That was strange." I said, "Is he usually like this?" 

"Not necessarily but when it comes to doing something with Aegon, it is usually some mischief. He may have matured but there are some silly instances with him." Mother said, "But it is harmless fun." 

"Well, as long as they get along." Helaena said

"You two." Mother said suddenly, "I need to speak to you seriously." 

I frowned, "What is it?" 

"Baelon, I heard of what you did at the feast your father held." She said as she leaned closer on the table

I rolled my eyes, "Not this..." 

"Listen to me." She said sternly

"Baelon..." Helaena squeezed my hand, "Just hear her out." 

"Baelon, you need to watch how you act sometimes. I understand that your reactions are warranted but even Lords may find that very offensive." She said

"I don't care if they don't like it." I said, "They speak ill of my wife, I will have something to say about it. And it is not like I threatened them with death, Mother. I challenged them to a one-sided beating, that is all. I do not intend to let any insults be thrown at my Helaena." 

"I am glad that you feel that way but a Prince, especially the Heir, should comport himself with dignity and composure." She said, "Have I not raised you that way?" 

I looked away, "You did...." 

"Then, you should calm down." Mother said

"You weren't calm two years ago." I muttered

"Baelon." Helaena said

"You are my son, Baelon." Mother said, "You may not have come from my womb, but I raised you, I loved you, I was the mother that you needed. If anyone, and I mean anyone, even dared take you away from me, from Helaena.....well, I apologize if I overreacted. No son of mine is harmed without me wanting blood for it." 

"Hm." I said

"When Aemond lost his eye, I did not act that way because the vengeance was already enacted." She said, "You burned Skagos down, they still are recovering from that. What more could I want from that? But when someone tried to poison you on your wedding day, I wanted justice." 

"As do I...." I said

"C-Can we please not speak of this?" Helaena said, "Please....?" 

"Fine." I said

"Very well." Mother said

I raised Helaena's hand and kissed it, "I am sorry." I told her

She gave me a slight smile, "Thank you." She whispered

Mother sighed, "You cannot understand how badly I want a grandchild from you two." She said, "Do you know how happy that would make me? To see you two happy with your own children?" 

I looked down, "Mother..." I said

"No, let me speak my piece..." she said, "I know it won't happen soon but when it does, know that I will be incredibly happy for the two of you. I am proud of the two of you, so" 

"Mother..." Helaena said softly, "Thank you..." 

"Baelon does right, protecting your honor, Helaena." Mother told her, "But Baelon should tone it down sometimes." 

"I won't." I said, "A warning was given. I won't go back on it." 

"I know." She said, "Just....take it easy, okay?" 

I nodded, "Sure." 

"Good." She said softly, "You two are young still, enjoy your lives as much as you can. With or without children. I only want the best for you." 


"It is..." I heard Helaena say as I held her waist, "Surreal..." 

"Ain't it?" I chuckled as I kissed her on the cheek

We were atop Balerion, flying in the skies. Helaena was sitting in front of me, and I held her firmly from her waist with one hand, holding the reins with another. The wind was hitting us in the faces and I could feel her hair on my cheek. 

"This is how you feel every time you ride him?" Helaena asked, " makes you feel above everything." 

I knew exactly what she meant; to ride atop Balerion, a dragon so massive that not even Vhagar is the same size as him, it feels powerful. He is so large that he casts shadows on the ground with ease, alarming anyone that is below. He may not be the fastest but the speed he can go is imposing. 

I hugged her even tighter, "Yes." I said, "Hey, Helaena." 

"Yes?" She asked

"I love you so much." I said as I kissed her on the cheek, "How about a kiss? Atop the Black Dread?" 

"Oh?" She said with a smile, 
