«Why are all these people smiling?» she murmured, not knowing how to express her feelings.
«Because they believe in me», I shrugged, «They're not worried about what's going to happen tomorrow. They're not afraid that things could change. Everyone on this island can be happy», she eyed me suspiciously, «You don't get it, do you? I can see in your eyes that you don't», I said looking into her eyes,
«Imagine a place where everyone is equal. Skin color, religion, presence of magic, gender, none of that matters. I personally raised this island from the bottom of the sea. I built most of the buildings here. I have created the strongest economy in the world. I gave the people jobs, housing, and education. I became their wall behind which they could be and fear nothing. I gave them the knowledge of how to develop magic. I taught them how to use it for good, to help people, not cripple them», I nodded at the hospital, «This is a hospital. You can go to any room, whether it's the most common pantry or the director's office.»
«Will they let me in?» she asked doubtfully.
«If you will be with me», I nodded.
And we went in. We walked around for an hour, going almost everywhere, but what's the point if there are almost no people here? We stopped in the operating room and watched the operation from the next room, behind glass instead of a wall.
They do several operations a day. And usually not on the inhabitants of our island. I went to the edge of the glass and picked up a card.
«Min Lin. Inhabitant of the Land of Earth. Skull trauma. The usual healers couldn't cure it, but we could.»
«A resident of another land?» she wondered.
«We have almost no sick people», I shrugged, «All diseases are treated in childhood. Only once a year does everyone get a checkup so they don't get sick», I smiled, «And surgeries on other people are done for several reasons. The first is so they don't lose their abilities. The second is so that if something happens to an islander, the medics know what to do. And third, because we can do it.»
The tour was not limited to one day. Korra looked at everything she could get her hands on. She was looking for a catch. She couldn't believe that such a place could exist. Couldn't understand it. She asked many people. But there was such a place. Bolin, Mako and Asami had only confirmed it.
«How can it be?» she asked sadly.
«Security», I shrugged, «Magic and honest officials. Well, and a powerful launch organized by me. And it's only one island. The Fire Nation has shown what a whole country can do. They're ahead of us in almost everything.»
«But why don't the other countries do the same?» she pushed her legs up and hugged them.
«Because they're afraid», I muttered, «It could be any kind of fear. Fear of death, fear of loss, fear of humiliation. It doesn't matter, the end result is the same», I still crouched next to Korra, «You know, Republic City was supposed to be just like my island. Except Aang got cold feet and didn't take control. You saw the result», I had an interesting idea, «Would you like to try a little experiment?
«What do you mean?» she asked.
«How about leading people into revolution or doing what Amon did?»
«No», she said confidently.
«Eh», I sighed, «Do you know what the result would be?» she looked at me with interest, «You would be ignored. Anyone here can say whatever they want. The main thing is not to disturb anyone. Then the Kyoshi warriors would come. I could ask them not to touch you, but then you'd get a beating from the villagers themselves.»
«Why?» she asked, not understanding.
«Everyone here values freedom of choice. Both their own and that of others. And violating that can be quite painful», I shrugged, «If the guards don't intervene, the people will. That's what I was trying to show you.»
«I see», she muttered and stood up. I stood as well, «I've made my decision.»
Slowly she raised her hands and placed one on my forehead, the other on my chest. A moment and knowledge flowed into me. Surprisingly, there was a lot of it. A lot. Not just how to block magic and bring it back, but so much more. I had to sort through it to remember it all, so I took Korra back to the hotel and went to meditate.