Chereads / Avatar: Mage of All Elements / Chapter 73 - Chapter 73

Chapter 73 - Chapter 73

I was not the last person on the island, and even though the village mayor was in charge, he reported to me. I didn't like it, because I don't like politicians myself, but I couldn't do anything about it.

But I wasn't invited to the fucking summit as a ruler, I was invited as one of the Avatar team. Well, and at the bottom, in small letters, were the words «Postscript», that and being the strongest mage in the land. Very nice of them. Connections are everything, aren't they?

And to live up to my status, I had to spend a whole week on a ship. And it was a direct flight, almost nonstop. One week! I had a bullshit. It would probably take me fourteen hours to get there, and even less if I pushed myself.

Man, the speed made me degenerate. But the torture was over, and we made it to the place. The ship was scheduled to arrive just in time for the summit. And instead of a tour, they took us to the conference room. And everyone was there. Zuko and Mei, Aang and Katara, Soka and an unknown girl who looked like she was from a southern tribe. A political marriage? And Toph. Just Toph. What a humble me, with my wife.

«Hello», I mumbled and walked into the hall.

«Hello», Toph answered in the same style. I sat down next to her.

«What were you calling about?» I asked anyway. It was only now that I noticed her shocked expression. « What? You didn't expect me not to be handicapped?» Why do you hide your eyes? Let's do a test run. «You're going to tell me that Aang Ozai beat me», that's right. «Okay, let's not drag this out. Why did you call me?»

«I would like to propose a motion to restore harmony», Aang said. Majestically.

«Well, I'm in», Zuko said. Soka reached for him. Toph held back. I remained silent.

«Can you elaborate?» I asked.

«In short, to return all conquered territories to the land and to dissolve the colonies», Soka muttered.

«The goal is certainly a good one», I scratched my chin, «But let me guess, Aang suggested it?»

«Yes», Katara nodded, beating Aang to the punch.

«Uh-huh, okay», I nodded, openly amused, «Then let me ask you two questions. The first is: do you know WHY the war started?»

«Because Sozin wanted power», Aang answered textbook. Zuko, on the other hand, knew and clenched his fists.

«Eh you», I shook my head, «No, Aang, you're wrong. The whole Fire Nation is on islands, that's understandable. But the thing is, all those islands were once volcanoes. And even though many years have passed, half of the land is barren. And Sozin started the war because his people were starving», I looked at the confused Avatar. Heh, it's going to happen again, «In a hundred years, the situation has improved a bit, as many people died, fertile lands were conquered, technology developed, and the economy stabilized. And now you want it all back», I leaned back in my chair, «And we're getting to the second question: did you ask the people if they wanted it? And I don't mean the greedy bureaucrats, no. I mean the ordinary working people who live in these colonies. Did you ask them?»

«No», he replied quietly, lowering his head.

«I don't remember who, but a great man said. The country is not about the rulers. The country is about the people», I supported my head with my hand, «Do you know what Zuko's situation is right now? You don't have to answer, you don't know anyway. His country is in decline. There are no businesses, no factories, money is running out. His country is degenerating. Yes, it's more my fault because I did my part by destroying the factories. But Aang, what did you do to help them? Not Zuko, but the ordinary people», I scratched my chin. Maybe grow a beard? I looked at Azula. Nah, she'd burn it off the same day, «You want to know what you can do in two years if you want to? Visit my island. Right now it's one of the richest cities in the world. And I did it myself, in a couple of years. I worked my ass off. You want me to help Zuko? I'll rebuild his economy, feed his people, rebuild his factories. I can do that. Except then what's the point of having you?»

After I said this, there was silence. Everyone had something to think about. Zuko was no longer tense and nodded discreetly at me. I just smiled. Aang, on the other hand, was clenching his fists in anger. Or some other strong emotion.

«What do you suggest?» asked Soka, «This is still the territory of the Earth of Lands»

«And where is he?» I thought, «Why isn't he with us?»

«He's traveling», Toph said with a smile, frankly enjoying this performance, «With a bear.»

«Really?» I smiled, «One of the most important issues is being decided right now. It's the outcome of this war. And he's not here because he's traveling?»

«He does it to see how people live», Aang's voice came up again. There was nothing here that life had taught him.

«Then let him stop at Yu Dao», I shrugged.

«We don't know where he is», Katara muttered.

«Then what is the question, I don't understand», I rolled my eyes. I can't. The idiocy of « How many colonies does the Fire Nation have on Earth of Land right now?»

«Nineteen», Mei replied.

«That sounds like a lot, but it's actually not even a hundredth of ONE percent of the entire country», I rubbed my temples and thought, «Anyway, I made my point. You take the colonies away from the Fire Nation and I'll rebuild his land», I pointed at Zuko, «Not because I want to hurt anyone. No. Because I destroyed it.»

Anyway, that was the end of the meeting and we dispersed to our assigned rooms. After today's deliberations, everyone will speak tomorrow and a decision will be made based on the facts. For now, Azula and I walked around the North Pole taking in the sights. Towards evening, Zuko approached us. Nothing in particular.

He just wanted to talk after this meeting was over. I agreed. No problem. Zuko left and Azula took Mei on the trailer and went for a walk. I was left alone. After thinking for a while, I went to Toph. We had a lot to talk about. It wasn't hard to find her room. I knocked and was soon opened.