Hyung looks at the sky and sees the moon inching ever closer. The earth underneath his feet shakes violently. He covers his head with a cloak and walks through the streets. All around him was the flesh of dead people. He crossed over their bodies. There was nothing in them to care about. He saw the monsters around him but he just walked on, ignoring them. The beasts instinctively avoided him and made way for his passage.
With each step he took, the moon came closer and the earth responded by shuddering harder. Hyung kept his head down and walked on. He walked to a location. He walked aimlessly to a location he knew not. The screams of people around him didn't faze him nor did the impending destruction of the earth. He looked up and saw he had reached the gates of the town where he met Mirai. He looked around his path and he saw a blazing road that followed him.