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In The Case Of: Ixoria Belmont

Normal doesn't quite describe the life of a young Ixoria Belmont. While she doesn't seek out attention or drama, her alluring personality and looks seem to be the magnet that attaches her to these scenarios. With hair that is reminiscent of Hatsune Miku, a semi-goth/emo style and towering at 6'0, she definitely would be recognizable in a crowd and In the Case Of Ixoria Belmont, these factors prove to be a blessing as much as they are a curse. Pronunciation: Iggs-or-ee-aa Bell-mont Authors note: while the cover art is made by AI, the character design, name and lore are all my own. This story is written by me without the use of AI. Any future books I make that have artwork will be credited or labeled as AI.

Chapter 1 - In The Case Of: Ixoria Belmont

"Hey boys~" a voice made it's way towards a group of boys in a sultry tone. Each turned to meet her passing gaze as confidence met her stride. Each of the boys in the circle eyed her up and down, a few of them weren't really caring of it as each person has their own type. A few overstayed their welcome in terms of staring however Ixoria Belmont welcomed all types of attention. Not because she really wanted to date any of them but knowing that even two or three of them found her so attractive boosted her ego higher than a NASA satellite. She continued her stride down the hall, looking back and noticing two of the boys leaning over attempting to gaze at her features longer. She smiled and winked at them as she turned the corner and into the courtyard, disappearing from their sight.

This was a common occurrence at the college she attended, either that or the occasional knight in shining armor coming up to her and oh so valiantly asking for her time of day or even her phone number. However she would be a vicious dragon, striking each of them down but not enough so that they would lose all hope. Try and try again they did and again and again they'd fail. She is a particular girl looking for a particular type. Maybe jocks? Maybe nerds? Maybe the wealthy? These questions circled among a few peers, she wasn't popular by any means but the combination of her bright blue hair, bright blue eyes and her slightly revealing semi-goth/emo style mostly consisting of black outfits and crop tops as well as her tall stature made her stick out in a crowd. This was all intentional of course however she did thoroughly enjoy how she looked. No, this wasn't just for publicity or trying to appear as not like the other girls. This was also for herself. A wealthy and strictly voice of her father would remind her why she wasn't allowed to dress in her own style. That was years ago, leaving her family behind caused a domino effect where she finally got a taste of what it means to have your own trademark. Her trademark was the blue hair. Some found it obnoxious and distracting but those remarks didn't deter her no matter the slur, it was hers and the attention was a byproduct of either good taste or jealously. At least that was the mindset she set herself on, perfect wasn't one of her traits you know. Although imperfections and red flags didn't doom attempts of sweeping her off her feet. Today was no exception.

 "Uhm- Hey Ixoria..." a voice called from behind her and it belonged to one of the boys in the group she originally passed. She turned, her hair leaving a neon streak in his vision and an expression of great interest. Overwhelmed, he turned his head towards the ground. She snaps her fingers in his face, "Eyes up here bro" her voice gave him a factory reset as he looked upright. "Oh! No no no I swear I wasn't looking there...It's just-" his voice trailed off. "Oh no I don't blame you. I know they are obvious and alluring but look respectfully dude" she giggles. He shakes his head, "No I swear I wasn't're just-" he trails off once more, "really pretty" he finished it. A smirk lit up her face as she pat his fluffy hair. "I know and everyone else knows I'm sure. I mean if they had good taste of course" she laughs. He slowly nods his head and smiles a little. "My names Makoto, I'm not sure if you knew that or not" he meekly laughs. "Oh I know who you are already and I know what you want" she bites her lip, her eyes narrowing. He cocks his head back in surprise, not expecting to get this far. "R-really? You do?". "Yes" she breathes "I know you wanna fuck around and find out, so to speak". "That's...not quite what I had in mind" he nervously scratched the back of his head, taking a slight step back. "Oh really? What's on that cute little mind of yours then~?" she asked with a curious gaze plastered, an eyebrow slightly raising. "Well I uh- kinda just wanna get to know you" his face searching. She made a cheeky reply, "Well good because that offer wasn't actually on the table. I just wanted to see how you'd react". He made another nervous laugh, scratching his face, "Haha well uh- do you wanna go someplace? I know a little coffee sho-" she cut through his offer with a snarky reply, "Sorry hun, I'm not really interested in all that right now. Try again in 3 to 5 business years". His hopeful expression withered as she strutted away, he turned and watched her vibrant blue hair bounce with each step. Her hair whipped around as she turned "it was a cute offer though!" she called through the breeze, her pace remaining. Pout was the term to describe his expression as

he turned his back to her, trudging away.

Another day, another slay were the words in Ixoria's mind. Although she was serious about her remark to Makoto's offer. But why decline? Again this girl is very particular about what she wants and Makoto didn't seem to offer it as cute as it was. The breeze hugged her hair as she entered the south side of campus. This was a very tidy and well kept campus, the middle of it was a spacious and comfortable courtyard outdoors with the campus surrounding it in a square shape. It wasn't the most modern thing in the world but it was above average. A few paces down the hall and into her next class she went, taking her seat. She began to set up her area, placing her laptop in front of her and pulling out her chemistry textbooks as well as a few pens and pencils. "Yutaka Miyagawa" is what the plaque read that presented itself at the end of the professors desk, it appeared to be very organized while the beautiful professor graded assignments. In the corner of Ixoria's vision, a yellow streak flashed by her vision. it belonged to Maeve Aramaya, a beautiful portuguese woman with bright blonde hair, decorated with beautiful artifacts of clothing colored in white. A slightly cropped white shirt, a white unzipped jacket, white jeans and assorted necklaces were the things she wore that made her shine in Ixoria's eyes. Yes this was the one she desired, she has a particular taste remember?

"Hey girlyyy~" Ixoria greeted her as she took her seat next to her, "Heyyyyy~!" Maeve geeted back. "Looking hella snatched today as usual like god damn!" compliments flooded out of Ixoria's mouth like the niagara falls, her eyes traveling all over Maeve, taking in every detail. "You perv!" Maeve giggled and slapped Ixoria's shoulder. Giggles were shared between the two, for a solid few months they've been friends but from the moment Ixoria directed her gaze upon her she wanted nothing more but to be with her. So the twist is that she's lesbian! Surely nobody saw that coming. "I can't wait for this shitty exam to be over" Maeve yawned. "Same girly, I like studied my ass off for this".They both looked at each other, a smirk growing on each of their faces. "Nice try Ixoria, I know damn well you didn't study" Maeve rolled her eyes as she spoke, "Welllll technically I did but I got bored and doom scrolled Tiktok" Ixoria leaned on the table, her arms crossing in front of her. "Tsk tsk tsk oh you…" Maeve smiled softly while playing with her hair, "You know that you're gonna fail if you keep that up". Ixoria groaned as she sat back up and stretched, slightly sliding down her chair, "But that's gaaaayyyy" she complained. Maeve snickered with a hand over her mouth before setting up her area too. Ixoria sighed, knowing that it was time to work. She opened her laptop as Ms. Miyagawa stood up and took her place at the front of the classroom to begin her lecture. Ixoria took another deep breath, locking in and focusing on trying to pass.

An hour or so passes until class finally wraps up for them, Ixoria yawns and packs her things into her backpack. "You've yawned a lot, didn't sleep much?" Maeve inquired. "Nah, I was binging anime. I would have slept better if you were next to me~" Ixoria kept eye contact on her while saying this. Maeve's eyes widened as she blushed "Oh don't test me~". "Maybe I wanna test you, better study up sweetheart~" Ixoria replied back, her eyes narrowing. Maeve giggled while her blushing increased, "I suppose I'll study my best, Ms sexy teacher~" she replied. Ixoria giggled, impressed at her flirting skills. "Hey, you gonna be free after school?" Ixoria inquired. "Later tonight I gotta study but I'm free for a little bit after school" Maeve made the reply. "Cool! You wanna hit up 7/11? Grab a few snacks and a few smoke sticks and probably walk around and chill?" Ixoria asked. "Yeah sure, I'm down!" Maeve replied excitedly. "Bet bet!" Ixoria got up, Maeve slowly doing the same once she finished gathering her stuff. They both made their exit, waving to each other as they departed. Ixoria gave herself a small fist pump, her plan was in motion.

The sun reached way past it's midpoint, Ixoria was posted at a street lamp outside the college like a soldier on a mission, her eyes scanning for her beloved Maeve. "At ease solider" a familiar voice approached her. "Took you long enough" Ixoria giggled, happy to finally see her arrive, "Shall we?" she motioned for Maeve to take her place beside her as they began walking. "Oh how chivalrous!" they both shared a laugh at Maeve's comment. "I'm so glad school is over for the day" Ixoria said. "Same, these fucking boys in my class are so annoying" Maeve complained. "Tristian and Angelo?" Ixoria inquired. "Oh my god yesss, they keep making these dumb jokes and annoying noises" Maeve replied. "Ugh I know, whenever I pass by them it's like I lose a few brain cells. I don't know how Gabby can be friends with those losers" Ixoria replied back. "I know right!? I'm glad I'm not in that crowd. Sometimes I wonder what I would have been like if I was friends with other people instead of you" Maeve pondered. "I think the same way, these few months has felt like years, it's felt like we've known each other since we were kids…time really does fly out of your hands" Ixoria sighed, looking up at the sky in nostalgia. "Exactly! But hey I ain't complaining! My life has been entertaining since I got to know you" Maeve turned to Ixoria and smiled. The autumn breeze was comforting, the sky was partly cloudy, the tone was right, Ixoria's mind was set. "I agree" she stopped for a second on the sidewalk, Maeve turned to her with a confused look. "Hey Maeve, I got something to tell you". Maeve's curiosity peaked as an eye brow raised, "Oh? Do tell". Ixoria's gaze was glued to her eyes as she spoke, "I've been wanting to tell you this for a long time now Maeve, I really see you more than just as a friend. I see you as more and I want you. I want you more than you can imagine. Will you-" the words were cut off, "Oh I saw this coming miles away hun, of course I want you the same way! I fucking love you girly" Maeve exclaimed in glee. Ixoria's heart raced a million miles a minute as she couldn't hold back her smile. Slowly they closed the distance between each other as their lips met. Every moment felt like magic between the two girls, all of Ixoria's energy was focused on her. Maeve wrapped her arms around her in a comforting embrace, feeling her soft heartbeat as she held her close. A few minutes which seemed like hours to them passed before they broke the kiss, looking at each other in a soft gaze. "Gay as hell" Ixoria commented before chuckling softly, Maeve joining her. "We should get to 7/11 before they close" Maeve said. Ixoria nodded, taking her hand softly as they made their way to 7/11. 

Autumn would pass. And so would winter and spring until the summer sun gazed upon the college dorm Ixoria lived in, peering its way through her blinds where she laid sleeping. And next to her was Maeve, her head resting softly in Ixoria's pillows. Ixoria's internal alarm clock woke her up at 9:47, she quickly took a breath in as her sleepy eyes peeled slightly, the sun stinging her eyes. She rose up whilst rubbing her eyes. When her eyes were able to adjust she looks down at her sleeping princess, softly patting her head. The sudden touch caused Maeve to wake, she slowly looked around until her eyes met with Ixoria's. "Oh, good morning babe" Maeve said sleepily. Ixoria giggled at her cute morning voice, "Good morning sweetie, rise and shine!". Maeve sighed, "I'm neither rising or shining". Ixoria softly giggled at her comment and laid back down, hugging her from behind, "Tired?" she asked. "Yeah...this whole week has been busy. I need to blow off some steam" Maeve replied. "I agree, school is tiring" Ixoria agreed while pulling out her phone, opening Snapchat. She swiped over to the stories page and aimlessly viewed everyone's snapchat story, until she landed on one from Dakota, which was a picture of multiple cans of beer along with various wines and spirits. The text read "Party at my dorm tonight! Bring anyone and everyone you can!" Ixoria's interest peaked as she replied to the story, asking if she could come with Maeve. After she hit send she turned to Maeve and asked, "Hey Maeve, your friend Dakota is throwing a party and it looks like he's got a shitton of alc. You wanna go?". Maeve's interest peaked once hearing Dakota's name and she nodded enthusiastically. Ixoria smiled "Bet!". This is the perfect thing for us Ixoria thought to herself. Both Maeve and Ixoria had been busy during some of winter and most of spring and haven't had the time to see each other until now. Before they went to sleep they binged Ixoria's favorite anime "The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." with some nice popcorn and snacks. Ixoria was worried she was starting to get boring for Maeve so a party opportunity was perfect it seemed. Ixoria got out of bed and walked towards the kitchen area to get some water to wash off the sleep. She began to ponder the past few month's she's been with Maeve. I mean it wasn't going terribly all things considered. Sure they were both busy for awhile but once in awhile they have time to themselves to hang out and chill and occasionally have some fun time. Maeve was not as busy as Ixoria was in terms of schoolwork since Maeve was more school smart. As Ixoria grabbed a box of cereal and milk she thought about what she was going to wear. She wanted something revealing but it wasn't for other boys to gawk at, she wanted Maeve to gawk at her. She remembered she had a short dark blue dress that showed off each side of her torso with thigh garter straps paired with black platform boots. The dress was low cut so it showed off the top of her cleavage and she could pair it with long black gloves. The outfit was picture perfect in her mind, she smiled to herself as she ate her cereal, the excitement growing the more she thought about the party. Maeve joined her in the kitchen, noticing her smile, "What's got you so happy?" Maeve inquired. Ixoria made the reply, "Oh nothing, it's a surprise. You'll see at the party". Maeve had a small smile, "I guess we will see then" she replied as she began packing her things. "Heading back to your dorm?" Ixoria asked. "Yeah, I got some things to do but I will see you at the party" Maeve replied, heading towards the door. "Okay! See ya love ya!" Ixoria called out. "Love ya too!" Maeve quickly replied, closing the door. Ixoria sighed as she finished her cereal. She had some time to kill before the party so she picked up the remote and flopped on the couch, opening Crunchyroll and selecting her favorite anime. The upcoming party would be a night to remember

"OH SHIT!" Ixoria exclaimed as she looked at the time. It was 15 minutes after the party was supposed to start and she was still running around the dorm getting ready. She had her lowcut dress on but was searching for her thigh garters until she finally found them under her bed. She brushed the dust off and put them on along with her platforms and gloves. She admired herself in the mirror, posing to herself and thinking Damn I'm sexy as hell!. Her boots clicked against the hard floor as she made her way out, walking as fast as she could. A few boys passed her by and whistled at her, she glared at them and made it known, "I'm taken assholes". The boys just laughed and continued on their way. Ixoria did the same, she made her way across the dorm grounds, a trail of drunk young adults near the dorm which signified that she was close. She found the right dorm and entered, the door being wide open and inviting. There were several students she recognized in there as she entered, lights blaring and music pumping. The room was darkened and on the couch were multiple couples making out and even a tri-make out session was visible on one of the couches. Don't ask how that one works. The kitchen was a mess with jungle juice on one of the counters along with a million red solo cups paired with more chips and snacks than a party would need. Ixoria scanned the room, looking for Maeve until she found her dancing next to Dakota. She walked up to Maeve, taking in the beautiful tight white dress she was wearing. "HEYYYY!!!!" she exclaimed as she hugged Maeve. Dakota noticed them and slowly slithered away. Neither Ixoria or Maeve noticed. "HEYYYYY!!" Maeve exclaimed back as she hugged her. "You look fucking sexy!" Ixoria said to her in which she replied, "Thank youuu!! You look sexy as hell too! Love the outfit!". "Thank you!!!" Ixoria replied, her next mission being to get alcohol into her system. She found a clean solo cup and poured herself some jungle juice, finishing it within a few sips. She danced and laughed with Maeve, her smile unfading. It didn't take long for the jungle juice to hit, Ixoria's vision was blurry, the room spinning and her thoughts silly. She flopped on the ground in front of Maeve and clung to her legs, "I lobbbvee youioui!!" Ixoria exclaimed. Maeve looked down at her as a soft frown drew on her face. She picked her up and brought her towards the door, "Ixoria, I gotta tell you something. I'm in love with Dakota, I don't love you anymore." Ixoria looked at her in confusion, the alcohol messing with her judgement. "WHAAAUUAAAUAA!!??" she exclaimed. "I'm so sorry Ixoria, it's best you leave the party now. You're too drunk anyways. Everything will make sense in the morning." Maeve replied whilst shaking her head. "BUT WHUUAAYYYY!! I LOBVE YOUIOU SAOO MOOCH!" Ixoria exclaimed again in her drunken state. Maeve shook her head, "You aren't ever around anymore! And all we do is fuck or watch anime. Dakota takes me on adventures, I feel so much freedom when I'm with him. I'm sorry Ixoria". But she couldn't understand, there was too much alcohol in her system. Ixoria stumbled out the door and looked around, tears were starting to form which stained her makeup on her face. People looked at her in bewilderment as she struggled to walk down the hallway. She ran into a few people before she made it outside. She looked around, her mind racing and her thoughts confused. Why? was the question that repeated in her mind. She was slowly losing herself as the heartbreak and alcohol mixed to make a dark poison in her heart. Her eyes darted around the courtyard as if she was searching for something, answers maybe? Answers as to why Maeve would do this to her, it almost seemed intentional. She tripped over herself a few times before she found herself climbing into a dumpster, she felt like trash so she figured she'd make the dumpster her new home. She sat in there, ignoring the smell, her heart racing, her vision blurring and swirling. None of it made sense. She tried her best to be there for Maeve even when she was busy but it seemed those efforts went unrecognized. She remained with the trash for a few hours before climbing out, falling and scratching her knee while doing so. Her phone was vibrating but she didn't care who was calling her. She stumbled her way to Maeve's apartment, she had her drunken mind made up. She pulled out the spare key to her apartment and with a few tries she finally managed to land the key inside and twisted. The door creaked open. She stumbled inside with violence in mind. She pulled out Maeve's wine collection and went to the sink, placing the water stopper in the drain. She poured until the sink was halfway full of wine. She pulled out two plates and placed them on Maeve's side table, pouring wine in each. She spiked the empty glass at the ground, shattering it. She stumbled over to the picture's Maeve had of them together, she ripped a few of them. On one of the picture's of them together, she drew pen over her own face until you could barely recognize it. She walked over to Maeve's bathroom, pulling out lipstick from her sink and drew an X on the mirror with it. It was finished. Everything she wanted and loved was gone. She stumbled out of the apartment and closed the door, her anger swelling. A few more stumbled steps and before she realized it, she was back in her own apartment. The alcohol wasn't as in full swing as it was before but it was still in her system. She flopped on the couch, dirty and in tears. She cried until she sobbed, she sobbed until she screamed, she screamed until she fell asleep. Her slumber made her seem peaceful on the outside when there was a raging hurricane in her mind. 

Weeks had passed since the incident that night. Maeve obviously found out and was pissed at Ixoria. Maeve had attempted to defend herself by claiming she didn't know how to break up with her so she did it while she was drunk, thinking Ixoria wouldn't hurt as bad if she was drunk. Obviously it was ridiculous logic that came off as manipulation. Maeve blocked her before she woke up the following night Ixoria trashed her apartment. Ixoria wasn't fully alright after everything and who can blame her? Her heart was torn from the love of her life betraying her. She would definitely need time to heal before she did anything romantic again. Ixoria closed herself off to her friends and others for the time being, not knowing how to deal with the pain. She was mad at herself and Maeve and wasn't sure what to do with all this anger. So she simply tried to move on, she focused herself on schoolwork and didn't really wear anything revealing for awhile. She wanted to not draw as much attention to herself for the time being, a hoodie and sweats would do for now. She grew to be addicted to wine, drinking herself to sleep almost every night and having nightmares about Maeve. She missed her and nothing she could say or do could change what happened. A few months would pass before Ixoria finally got her life mostly on track. She began to wear her usual outfits, eat her usual meals and talk to others the same way she did. But she never forgot Maeve. She would see her walking in the halls with a new group of friends and of course Dakota was with her. She never gave her eye contact but she could feel Maeve gaze at her every time they passed by. But Ixoria didn't care what kind of gaze it was, hatred, pity, sorrow, it didn't matter. Boys continued to flirt with her especially when she started to wear her usual outfits again and as usual she'd strike them down like the dragon she was except this time, she did it with honesty. She knew full well what it felt like to be struck down, Maeve was her dragon and Ixoria was the knight in shining armor.