Slowly walking to the exit of the shrine, I feel many emotions that reside in the air here like lust, probably for the shrine maidens, greed for the gold used in some of the places, sadness from losing loved ones, obsessions, and many other emotions.
Some emotions are strong while others are weak. As I pass by them, absorbing them, I feel pleasures I never dreamt of. So much so that I feel the urge to moan, but I stop myself. Seeing how this absorbing makes me feel, I believe I might get addicted to it.
Even though the increase in strength I gain is extremely small so small and insignificant that it is almost nothing but the feeling makes up for it. I don't know if other cursed spirits feel the same as I do when absorbing the negative emotions in the air, but I don't really care as long as it's not painful.
Anyway, when I reach the exit, I see a massive forest and a stone road leading down the mountain that the shrine is on. As I continue down the road, enjoying this feeling of pleasure, I begin to feel my cursed energy inside my body. The energy is calm and gentle, with a divine feeling that hides its deadly nature. While it is calm, I can't really command it.
It doesn't resist me, but for some reason, I can't manipulate it. The amount of cursed energy I have is like a glass full of water. While I don't have anyone to tell me if it's much or not, I believe that with time, it will increase.
As I reach the end of the road, what greets my sight are big structures with people going in and out, metal carriages, and many lights. There are also symbols I don't understand, so I look around curiously. Although it's not really that big of a deal, many people stare at me with hot gazes.
As I'm looking around, unexpectedly, a man comes up to me with eyes on my body, emitting emotions of lust. While I had seen many people look at me like that in my previous life, this time I feel disgust because his intentions are not hidden.
"Hello, miss, it seems you are lost. Maybe I could help you," he says, not even looking into my eyes but at my body. While I would like to kill him here and now, I need information about this place, so I don't do it for now.
"I'm indeed a little lost. Could you please tell me where I am?"
The guy smiles widely, showing his teeth, believing he has a chance since I didn't dismiss him immediately.
"You are in Tokyo right now, but if you want, I can show you around."
I look at him expressionlessly, while inside I think about how I should end his life. On the outside, I say, "It would be very nice of you to show me around, Mister...? Also, could you tell me today's date?"
Excited, he tells me his name and that today is February 2, 2005, while showing me around for some time. But as it was nighttime, he proposed letting me stay with him for the night.
When he led me to his house, I saw people staring at me lustfully or admiringly, while also looking at him with jealousy or anger, but I didn't care for them.
We arrived about 20 minutes later. He then locked the door and showed me around, proposing we drink a little. I didn't refuse, as tasting alcohol from this year interested me.
We started drinking. At first, everything was okay, until he started to get closer, trying to touch me. It was at that moment I decided to eliminate him while testing my cursed technique.
I grabbed the glass and finished what was left in it, proceeding to hit the table with it. As the glass shattered, he was startled for a moment, but before he could say anything, I stabbed him with what was left of the glass.
But I miscalculated my strength, and my hand went through him, leaving him cold almost instantly. As I took my hand out, what remained was a hole in his stomach that was as huge as my arm.
It seems I need to learn to control my strength so I won't kill people by mistake. I then looked at my hand, now red with his blood, which slowly disappears thanks to my cursed technique that ensures my appearance remains ageless and divine, cleansing me of all impurities and imperfections.
While his death was deserved, I felt that my feelings of remorse stopped existing for humans. While I was a knight, killing people was normal to me. I still felt something even relief or hatred but this time I didn't, as if I didn't care anymore for human lives.
The only thing I felt was the sensation of my hand going through him and the fear I absorbed. Now that he is no longer here, I finish the alcohol, which is good compared to my past life. While not as intense, the taste is better.
I search around his house for something useful but find nothing, so I go to his bedroom, where I find some wine next to his bed. Opening one, I start drinking it immediately.
The clothes, once stained with blood, now clean, lay on the floor as I stand nude next to a mirror, looking at my current body that is truly divine.
With violet hair that flows freely on my shoulders, touching my skin that is like the highest-quality silk. Deep amethyst eyes that are completely focused on my reflection. Soft skin that hides monstrous strength with perfect curves and light muscles that don't appear much but showcase a defined physique.
Delicate hands and fingers smooth to the touch, with lips speaking of beauty that is both timeless and unyielding. And my perfectly perky nipples on two round mountains showcasing great assets. A waist shaped like an hourglass with two perfectly shaped thighs and a bubbly ass.
Slowly moving my finger on my lips, showing a seductive smile to myself, I nod, satisfied with myself, after which I continue drinking the wine and finally go to bed to sleep.
A/N:I don't know locations so if theres no mountain or shrine near Tokyo sorry for that anyway tell me how you feel about the chapter.
Words 1084
Your bored author Yqm_