Breaking the Chain
With a final twist of the clock's gears, Haider shattered its core. The dreamscape convulsed, the shadows dissolving into light. The shadowy figure let out a piercing scream before vanishing into the void.
The team barely escaped as the dreamscape collapsed, their minds snapping back to reality.
Victory and Consequences
Back in the Gamescape office, Elias woke with a gasp, his eyes wide with relief.
"It's over," Ayan told him. "You're free."
Elias nodded, tears streaming down his face. "Thank you. I don't know how to repay you."
"Just be careful," Vlada warned. "Seo's influence is pervasive. Stay vigilant."
As Elias left, the team regrouped in the briefing room. The victory was bittersweet; they had saved one man, but Seo's network remained intact.
"This was just one battle," Ayan said, his voice heavy. "The war is far from over."