Instructor Wren didn't linger too long on the issue and went on with the others.
After the first two students who were the First and Second ranked first years respectively were called, there wasn't as much hype or tension with any other.
Just because we had the first two top rankers in the same class, didn't mean all of the top 30 or 50 were present.
In fact, aside from Ceres and Deandra, and a few others, the ranks quick dropped to just far below 50.
"Rank 625, Nicodemus Kodrey.
"Rank 635', Aiden Nightshade
Rank 787, Alexander Crossfield...
And, Rank 1499... Victor Bright."
I coughed.
"... Present."
There was a slight moment of hesitation in Instructor Wren's gaze when it got to my turn. Her cold eyes were glazed over but the look was quickly recomposed.
'What was that all about?'