Chereads / Heaven Sick : A Tale of Destiny and Obsession / Chapter 8 - Did he had a badly demeanor?

Chapter 8 - Did he had a badly demeanor?

Rafa and Dewi talked talking to introduce each other, making Ajeng's tiny heart stuffy. she really wanted to vomit when she saw Rafa's ridiculous face when he laughing. hearing his voice made her better go to hell than having to listen to his unsavory babbling. So fed up, she decided to go outside his room

" yu, zal, i wanna go somewhere for looking food. do you want me to buy you something? i am so bored over here " her chirp while taking her money from her little purse

"i wanna something that you buy" Dewi's replied

" me too, i wanna eat something new" Sebastian concluded

"of course!"

After taking the money from his purse, he immediately came out swiftly. When in front of the door...

" are you forgot about me? can you buy me a whole pack of pizza. don't you worry, i will pay you " Rafa's expression looks tired

" you can buy yourself, you are so childish!!" with madness tone whilst leaving them

'what the f*ck with this girls attitude. she' s so aggressive and so rude '

the three of them then continued to arrange their belongings so that they could finish quickly and relax safely and comfortably


As she walked, she still felt a deep anger. for some reason, she didn't know what was happening to her brain. she was really crazy with his badly demeanor. se was really not strong with his craziness attitude towards her.

Feeling crazy because of thinking about this, Ajeng decided to buy ice cream first to lower the tension and heat that covering her whole body. " i wanna buy ice cream so bad, where is that?" while glancing in few place

She walking and walking, it had been 5 minutes of walking but she had not found where the canteen was.

As she walked, her vision faded, she looking and her vision getting blurry. the more she was forced to walk, the more dizzy she felt. suddenly she fell and her body could not moving. she stuck ovee there and can't do anything

"help...." with little voice out but can't make other people hear it.

Ajeng felt very helpless. all she could do was cry in pain. her breathing was very heavy, when she breath, what she felt was a terribly, tremendously painful pain like she felt like she going to die.

After few minutes she's been fell, Rafa who are looking for a canteen saw Ajeng lying on the floor as if trying to walk like drag herself along the ground

"jeng, what are you doing here...." while trying to stand up her lying body

" why are you crying? are you okey?" his continuing ask because he saw her eyes that were slightly swollen like after crying. he then tried to hug her to calm her down

While in his arms, Ajeng's consciousness disappeared. not having the heart, Rafa carried him and took him to the school doctor's place. he knew the place because on the way, he met and asked the doctor about the canteen

After reaching the health room, he then saw the doctor, then asking...

"sorry doc, i need your help" while giving him Ajeng's body which was very weak and pale

the doctor immediately checked Ajeng's health without further ado. previously, the doctor told him to wait outside until the check was complete.

After a few minutes of checking, the doctor came out...

"are she is good health doc?" he asked spontaneously

the doctor just wrote like a list of medicines in her little notebook. " this is the pill that she need to drink. don't you worry, she had good health but if she had much overthinking, feeling anxious, or something like that, it's makes her body felt pressure and she'll collapse after that, so please take care of her. don't make her anxiety relapse " the doctor explained in detail

Feeling relieved, he immediately ran to the pharmacy to buy the medicine that she needed


" ahhhh, finally..... " Sebastian's relieved after completing the arrangement

After finishing, the two of them slept on the bed while waiting for the food they ordered from Ajeng

" why kartika is so long. are she's oke or she's being get lost?" Dewi's anxiety towards Ajeng

Sebastian also thinks the same as Dewi, he thinks that she has been gone for more than 30 minutes and until now has not returned. Although worried, he didn't want Dewi to feel worried

" don't ya worry, she probably get lost or just looking something there. we should searching her if it's more than one hour, because It's almost night" he said

" you are right,..."

Because there is nothing they have to do, they just lay on him their bed, talking about school, friend, etc


After buying the medicine, Rafa returned to where Ajeng was. when he wanted to give medicine, Ajeng was seen sitting on hospital bed

" jeng, are you oke?" with approaching her

Seeing Rafa's arrival, she felt like... wrong. she was very wrong to think that the person who had just helped her was the most disgusting person. she was extremely sorry, greatly lament. cause of that, she suddenly cried in front of him

"hold on, hold on.... don't cry.... you are not baby" while hug and rubbing her head so that she can calmed

When hugging, Ajeng apologized to him in a gentle tone that Rafa had not done before, " sorry for being f*ucking to you and thinking bad about you"

Rafa just laughed at her, for some reason, he wanted to laugh, not an insulting laugh but a pleasant laugh.

After a while, Ajeng let go of his hug, wiping her eyes to wipe away the tears that came out a lot. she then said, "thank you."

" ahh, i forgot, i wanna buy food for them. surely ayu and rizal have finished arranging and they are must be so hungry"

"don't you worry, i already order it when i go to pharmacy and will be delivered here"

"i don't know if you like it, i bought nasi goreng, satay, and mie goreng. i bought it because just it that available"

Listening to his words, it made her little heart feel guilty

"I'm sorry for causing you a lot of trouble." by trying to stand

" don't you think that. i am very sincere in helping you and you don't cause trouble" whilst helping her stand up

A few moments later the food had arrived, Rafa told her to eat first before taking the medicine. she then ate it and took the medicine. after that, they go back to their room to deliver the food that Sebastian and Dewi ordered.

"can you walk properly? if don't, i can take you" his offers

"don't worry, i am good. don't think about me, just walk"

They then returned to their rooms.

Rafa open the door

"heh, kar, izul, you back. newly i and bas will going to look for you.. i think you getting lost or something"

"no, i am fine. yeah, i getting lost over there but rafa finds me out. earlier, I was really scared, fortunately there was a rafa...."

"yeah she is pass..." before finishing his speech, Rafa's hand was pinched hard by her and Ajeng interrupted his speech

"no...rafa means that i am passing the wrong dorm and i got shy because of it, hehehe" she explained by lying. she then looking into Rafa's eyes with a immensely sharp gaze, signaling not to tell her bestie that happens

" no wonder it's taking so long. let's eat together. bas and i also ordered snacks, you can add some side dishes. Come on!! it's getting night" Dewi invited them and drag them to the dining place

After getting dinner, they four continue watching yesterday's series that has not been finished. while watching, Sebastian, Rafa and Ajeng fell asleep in the floor. Because it's already midnight, Dewi then woke them up to go back to their beds, especially since school started tomorrow.