Sarah goes home and met bill her father.
Good evening dad
Good evening Sarah,um he said Sarah I wanted us to talk about something
Sarah sat down mumbling inaudible words.hmm bill sighed,eh Sarah, you may be thinking I hate you but " NO' I do not hate you,I don't want you to land into trouble because you are our only girl child.just look at your brother harry, he's doing well in school ,he is loved by everyone
But you the school complain that you are saucy, arrogant,wild and harsh
And that you treat people like trash hmm but a day will come and you will learn your lesson.
But dad Sarah blurted I am living my life the way I chose
And you don't consider your future?
dad I have heard all this things a couple of times and it has not moved me, so are you through? Sarah asked
Bill was shocked through, but am not yet------------- shtwe good night rest dad