Alicarde and the trio of pervert pioneers left Malefica's office in silence, their footsteps echoing through the deserted hallway.
As they emerged outside into the warm sunlight, the tension that had gripped them inside the office began to loosen. They stood together, the sunlight casting their long shadows on the ground, each of them deep in thought.
The four of them stared up at the clear sky, the sun beaming down as if mocking their recent ordeal. They stood there, the weight of their encounter with Malefica still fresh in their minds. Finally, they all broke the silence with the same, unanimous words.
"Damn, those were huge."
Alicarde turned to them, his heavy heart lightening just a bit as he realized they had all said the same thing. He allowed himself a small smile.
"Guess boys will be boys."
The trio nodded, accepting his words without hesitation, a bond forged by their shared experience.